Montreal Escorts

Travelling with an SP : logistics question


May 20, 2011
I'd like your advice / experience on this one.
I've been able to build a great connection with an agency SP.
She even accepted to go on a short vacation getaway in Vancouver with me.
However, since she's not indy, she doesn't have a website with guidelines and logistics.
And it's the first time she would be travelling with a client.

I can work out the details with her about the donation, hotel, etc., but there's a point that's more hard to figure out : the airplane ticket.
Ideally, i would book the ticket for her. I know she could cancel at anytime, but at least i'm not giving her money that she could runaway with. And since she's not indy, it wouldn't change much on her reputation if i decided to blast her publicly.
However, it would mean that she'll have to give me some personnal information (passport or real name). I think we have established enough trust, so it shouldn't be a problem. But there's always a chance that she would refuse to divulge that info.

Have you ever had this opportunity / problem with a non-indy?

I'd like to have your input on this one, so that I can be better prepared for our incoming discussion. Thanks!


aka SweetLabrador
Aug 5, 2015
If you can't trust her or her agency with the Montreal - Vancouver plane ticket, isn't it a bit pre-mature to go on a trip (even it is a short trip) together?

For me, it depends on the companions. Some don't mind give me the personal information. Some prefer booking themselves. If you two are really going to a trip together, it is just a matter of time to know each other's real name...


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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There are some mighty fine SP's in Vancouver and they would cost you far less . A connection is fine but a vacation and the cost and hassels attached to this, not worth it. MHO


Sep 4, 2006
I've traveled extensively with SPs, but when I used an agency I paid them and they took care of her logistics. It sounds to me though that you are going with her on a trip and her agency is not involved. This is not an ideal situation. If you are worried about giving her the money for a ticket, you should not be travelling with her.


Active Member
Apr 27, 2016
Exactly, if you don't trust each other. It's not worth it to travel together. Specially, in case you would bring the girl outside the country. I only travel with my regulars and we know each other at least 1 year.


Sep 14, 2015
Traveling is much easier/cheaper with a sugar baby instead of a SP, plenty of girls that are happy to travel with you for the free trip without being paid anything for their time, but I guess it depends on what you're looking for, if you want someone to have sex with every day on the beach then maybe not


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Boston, MA USA
The OP is not asking if it is a good idea to travel with agency girl or not - he has already asked a particular girl and she has already agreed. He is asking for advice on how to work out the logistics.

My opinion is that you need to have this discussion directly with her. You say she agreed to go on a trip, but it sounds like you never talked anything more. If you have a session with her coming up, you need to set aside a few minutes (at the end preferably) to ask her specifically about logistics. You need her to tell you whether she prefers that you work through the agency or directly with her. It could be that although she is comfortable enough to travel with you she still wants that last bit of security that comes through having the agency as a middle man. On the other hand, it could be that she does not want the agency to know about the trip.

If she tells you to not involve the agency, then you need to ask her how she wants to handle the plane tickets. The only way you can fly together is if you book together and that involves you knowing her real name. If she prefers to keep her real name out of your relationship, then she will have to book her own ticket and you wont be able to fly together. Keep in mind that she will likely want you to pay her up front for the ticket and you have the risk that she will pocket the money and skip the trip. This is a very real possibility, but only you can tell how likely it is based on your connection with her. If she wants to go that route, you are just going to have to decide whether you are willing to take the risk. If she has worked at an agency for a while, has a good reputation on this board and knows you are an active MERB member, then it the risk is relatively low because you would report the ripoff both to the agency and MERB.

The bottom line is that you need to have a frank conversation with her. It is possible that she said "yes" in a more hypothetical way like "yes, someday that could be fun" but isn't quite ready for that level of trust. On the other hand, if she is totally fine with traveling to Vancouver with you, then you need to put everything on the table and let her dictate the terms. It is up to her to set the boundaries, but you should know exactly what those boundaries are before anything starts and then decide whether or not you are comfortable with them. If you dont have this conversation now, you run the risk of one or both of you being upset by a miscommunication in the middle of the trip. Talk it out.
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Sep 14, 2015
My mistake, did not read properly :p

You say it would be her first time, how well do you know her? How long have you been seeing her? Logistics aside, there's a big difference between spending an hour with someone and an entire weekend. She may be able to put on an act for a short time, but for an entire trip you two better actually get along as friends or she needs to be *really* good at her job, or else it's just going to be a lot of awkward sitting while she's bored out of her mind.

That said, I've had the opportunity with a couple agency girls, but it's hard to get a judge of their organizational skills when the agency takes care of all of that for them, but for example, does she cancel her calls a lot? With one agency girl, although logistically there wouldn't be any problems, I already knew her real name as she gave me her details (switching agencies etc). We even saw each other outside of work occasionally just to hang out, but in real life I found her to be flaky and unreliable. It's one thing to cancel a dinner reservation, doesn't cost me anything, but plane tickets and hotel rooms aren't so easy or free. And I told her this, when she asked me if I wanted to go on a trip, I said while I believe you that you want to go, if you can't even reliably show up on time or at all for plans you make with me, how do I know you're going to make it to the airport on time? I expected her to say that it would be different for something big like that, but she agreed like yeah I guess I'm kinda flaky, and that was that. Moral of the story being, talk about it


May 20, 2011
Thanks for the advice guys.
I does confirm my thoughts about the situation.
Totally agree on the direct talk.
Now I just need to find a way to book her despite my pre-Christmas hell of a schedule:Cry:


Active Member
Dec 20, 2015
just out of curiosity. I can see people, for what ever reason, to hire a SP for an hours or two but to hire them for other then sex it really bpgals my mind.
i m not judging anyone buy why would some of you pay someone juste so you can do activity with her. Just a question

I am responding for myself. I don't have many woman friends and I'm not good at flirting or getting to know new ones. And at the same time I do appreciate when a woman is giving her time and is interested in me.


Active Member
Apr 27, 2016
just out of curiosity. I can see people, for what ever reason, to hire a SP for an hours or two but to hire them for other then sex it really bpgals my mind.
i m not judging anyone buy why would some of you pay someone juste so you can do activity with her. Just a question

It's a good point ! i find myself like a loser sometimes but
I always combine sex and other activities like diner , skiing , spa ... together in an encounter. It give myself a break or a small vacation to release pressure and stress..!


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
First let me say that no one should be judging others if they choose to have social time or vacations with providers. We all have our personal desires and I have had many travel dates.

Now, please don’t take offense, but there is a possibility that she may not be willing to share her personal information. I once had a client threaten to expose me to my employer and family when our relationship did not go they way he wanted it to. The danger is real, no matter how well you think you know someone.
Be prepared to give her the cash to book her own flight. If you are concerned that she might run with the money then I would agree with others’ opinions that perhaps you should not be traveling together. If you really believe she may steal from you will you be comfortable leaving her alone in a room with your wallet for example?
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Active Member
Apr 27, 2016
usually men who are seeking for 1h date or shorter, they are sex addicted and they are looking for meaningless sex. They do not care with who, where, how, what kind of services etc... everything is fun for them and it's not bad at all :)

Some men , they are looking for connection and just pure sex doesn't satisfy them, they are looking for meaningful sex, true friendship, they are looking for romance and since men are 500 years at least behind women in art of the relationship and intimacy, they think with spending more time with their partner, they will connect to her. These men are my best couches in my life and i have a very special respect for them. They teach me generosity, simplicity and how to enjoy every minutes of my life with men.

The best compliments for men i never heard..! Very touching

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
usually men who are seeking for 1h date or shorter, they are sex addicted and they are looking for meaningless sex. They do not care with who, where, how, what kind of services etc... everything is fun for them and it's not bad at all :)

Bahahaha. No..... We do care about with who and the quality, it is just that we do not need to pay for the extra companionship and just want sex. I have taken SP's out for dinner dates just because I am away from home and do not eat in restaurants alone and then make s night of it. Of course SP's prefer men who pay for multiple hours, easy money to sit snd talk, throw in a $250 dinner and even better. I would also have special respect for someone who paid me $600 instead of $200, most people would.


Active Member
Apr 27, 2016
I don't mind someone tell me I am a sex addicted.. I think we are all sex addicted here ... otherwise we won't be in this hoppy...! I do have 1h session and even 3/days …!


Sep 14, 2015
I think we're getting off topic here lol, but I'm willing to give Flirticia the benefit of the doubt, maybe she attracts a certain kind of client and that colors her view

But I'd point out that if guys didn't care about having a connection, we could collectively save a lot of money by just buying a realdoll instead, but we don't because we care that we're spending time with a person ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

And the way she lovingly refers to the guys who spend time and talk and have a connection, I think a lot of women are into that. In fact some of them are willing to pay for it, I remember seeing an ad for a male escort on here, he charged good money for that :p So of course the demand for that from paying clients is going to be lower, because not as many people need to pay for it. If women never wanted to talk to me, I would probably be one, but luckily they still like me so I don't need to pay for that just yet :)

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
And the way she lovingly refers to the guys who spend time and talk and have a connection, I think a lot of women are into that :)

Lovingly, sure. Lets compare escorts to labor work as there is physical activity, can not say it would compare to working behind a desk. If I was a laborer and was paid $50 for a hours work and some decide to pay me $150 for the same work but have to talk to them or maybe have a nice meal...... I would act lovingly towards them also.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I have never asked an SP to join me on a vacation. I usually go to a hobby locality anyway so for me it would be like taking meat out of the freezer along with me when I go to the butcher shop.

However, If the day ever comes where I decide to take a lucky girl on vacation with me than I am going to know her true identity. Lucky me or lucky her... I don't care how you look at it, the relationship has progressed beyond normal 1-hour/month escort-client and there has to be a bit more trust by both parties. I want to know her true identity and I should be able to share mine at this point.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
There are some mighty fine SP's in Vancouver and they would cost you far less .

Plan B -- if she does not show up then the OP, who said he's super duper busy, then he can enjoy the local talents. Give the lady the money she needs to fly to Vancouver (how much can it be; it can't be more than C$600 each way). If she shows up then give her money for the return flight. This will let you know if you really have a connection with her and that she's trustworthy.

If you respect the agency system in Montreal, I'd go through the agency. You'll get lots of respect from the agency especially in your future bookings. This is especially true if you want to continue to hobby in Montreal -- inevitability, word will get back to the agency.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Really, Shyman?

I think you just gave the Canadian government its first winnable c-36 case, or at least a sex trafficking case,

She says he wouldn’t give her the money to return home unless she had satisfactory sex with him. Plus airline tickets are a lot less expensive for round trips booked in advance on the old-style Canadian carriers.
Take it easy there, Senior Patron. Who said anything close to what you are asserting. My point is that if she does not show up in Vancouver then why would she need money for a return flight. And who said the OP was taking the lady to Vancouver for sex (besides sex among consenting adults is never illegal). They are two adults traveling to Vancouver for a VACATION. Did you really meant to say what you said. If the LE and the Crown followed your (flawed) logic to its conclusion, every escort agency would be shut down. Like I said, ease up. (Thankfully, the Canadian legal justice system has not become like that of the US especially when it comes to vice prosecutions.)

Your comments used to be very insightful, wise and reasonable. For you to jump to conclusion is unbecoming of the former Patron I used to respect. What happened to you, Sir.

The OP wants to minimize his financial risk and to respect the lady's privacy. If she is in fact willing to travel to Vancouver with the OP for vacation then her privacy is protected and the OP's financial risks are minimized. Once she's in Vancouver with the OP then he can help her financially with the return flight expenses.

As many have said on this forum, we go to Montreal (and TO and even Vancouver) for a plethora of activities and reasons. No human being can engage in sex 24/7, Senior Patron. True life goes on in Montreal (and Vancouver). If you stay in Montreal long enough, you realize that the sex industry is but a minuscule part of the daily life. My God man, 99.999999999% toil for a living like they do elsewhere.

Vancouver offers plenty of legal activities for people of all ages: e.g., skiing, hiking, the restaurants there are fabulous, river cruises and rafting, etc. And yes, people do engage in sexual relations, like they do everywhere.

Indeed, pre-booking for anything can save one some money, including flights. But one can buy heavily discounted flight tickets on various sites like Expedia, etc. It's normally often cheaper to book plane tickets on Expedia with 24 hours to 48 hours advance planning.
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