Montreal Escorts

Married or not?


  • Single

    Votes: 46 39.0%
  • With a girlfriend/boyfriend/blow-up doll...

    Votes: 20 16.9%
  • Married

    Votes: 52 44.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Feb 24, 2005
hornyanglo66 said:
The fact you are engaging in high-risk sexual activity isn't her business as she gets in bed with you every night? Get real...

A typical selfish way of thinking.

cant talk for others but I'm not into GFE so I don't think its a 'high-risk' sexual activity if I protect myself properly.

Assuming is a typical attitude of frustrated people...


Mar 3, 2006
porn2bwild said:
Like the old blues standard popularized by the Blues Brothers says... It's cheaper to keep her! :p

"Who's makin' love to your old lady while you were out makin' love."

...just another wise line from those popular blues men. ;)


Jul 26, 2006
hornyanglo66 said:
I truly wonder what the reaction of all these 'involved' people would be if their wives/girlfriends confessed that either:

- they've been fucking other men for free to get the satisfaction their bf/husband cannot give them (but they love their significant other and don't want to seperate - easier to pay the bills)


- they're fucking other men for money

Just how sanctimonious would they all be then? :rolleyes:

Oh yeah. Without a doubt it would be whackkk if my gf told me she was cheating on me. I'd be hurt and devastated. Just like how I don't tell her how I cheat on her. But like the old saying goes, "what they don't know, don't hurt them". As I mentioned earlier, if my gf treats me good and spoils me and loves me and gives me no reason to believe she's cheating on me, why would it matter? What matters most in life? To be happy and with someone that makes you happy? Or always being politically correct and always doing the "right" thing? Please, if everyone in this world was 100% honest and faithful a lot of lawyers would be out of a job and not to mention how many other jobs that relate to keeping a marriage happy.

It doesn't matter what I do without her knowing. It only matters what I do that she knows that keeps her happy and my relationship happy. If I can make my gf go to bed everynight happy and smiling, but at the same time keeping myself happy and enjoying life, what am i doing wrong in life? If you ask me, i think i'm doing pretty damn good for my life even if i may be immoral. I have a happy gf, i'm in a happy relationship, i own nice car, i own nice house, i've got a great job, get to go out to fine dine, party with gf and friends, get to go out and have sex with hot blonds/brunettes whatever, and go to sleep at home cuddling with my gf. This is what you call getting to have your cake and eat it too my friend. ;)


Jul 26, 2006
One quick point.

If you think married men or men with gf cheat is so immoral. Don't you think paying a woman for sex is just as immoral? You think you can say ppl who are in relationships shouldn't call SPs but ppl who are single can? Buddy please.... if you want to be a moral person. Don't get any SPs. Don't come on this board looking for hot girls that give more action and better deals. What do you think you guys are doing on this board? Looking for a hot chick that will suit your needs at your price. If not, you wouldn't be here.

You are the of person that is saying... "what you do is bad... but me... it's not that bad because i'm single so its okay". How would you like it if people start coming on this board and start bashing ANYONE that gets SPs saying that we are ALL immoral bastards? This board is not about putting down others or saying they are immoral and bad ppl because of what they do, but a board where they share information and have a few good laughs here and there just talk about anything.

This thread started off as interesting because I was curious just for curiousity sake. But went downhill once you started talking shit about those that hobby even though they got a gf/wife. I can easily turn this around and say... "WHAT? You're single and you can go out wherever you want whenever you want and have no one to explain to when you get home? WHAT THE HELLLL are you doing calling for SPs? Shouldn't you losers be going out and macking all the chicks and picking them up from the clubs instead of paying for them? Wow, you guys are real pathetic to be paying for sex when you can just pick them up. Or maybe you guys are too pathetic to be able to pick up a girl." But I don't.

My point. Please, don't bash others and look down on others just because they do not fit your "ideal" of a moralistic person. Not everyone is like you, and not everyone believes in the same things you believe. If you think what we're doing is immoral. Don't bother coming on this site and reading us immoral ppl's messages and go chill at the church on friday nights. :)
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Luap said:
... In those contries where they have more than one women they never talk about fidelity !!! All depends on how you look at the situation. ...

Yeah, right. As long as you're a man. But when the woman commits adultery they take her out and stone her to death in the public square, unless her family gets to her first and just cuts her throat.:cool:

Everyone has their own reasons for why they partake in this hobby and they are of no one else's business unless they decide to make them so. I don't think anyone here has any right to judge anyone else for what they do, married or not. Whatever happens between adults is their own business.


2-2 in bans... loser...
MontrealAsian said:
One quick point.

If you think married men or men with gf cheat is so immoral. Don't you think paying a woman for sex is just as immoral? You think you can say ppl who are in relationships shouldn't call SPs but ppl who are single can? Buddy please.... if you want to be a moral person. Don't get any SPs. Don't come on this board looking for hot girls that give more action and better deals. What do you think you guys are doing on this board? Looking for a hot chick that will suit your needs at your price. If not, you wouldn't be here.

You are the of person that is saying... "what you do is bad... but me... it's not that bad because i'm single so its okay". How would you like it if people start coming on this board and start bashing ANYONE that gets SPs saying that we are ALL immoral bastards? This board is not about putting down others or saying they are immoral and bad ppl because of what they do, but a board where they share information and have a few good laughs here and there just talk about anything.

This thread started off as interesting because I was curious just for curiousity sake. But went downhill once you started talking shit about those that hobby even though they got a gf/wife. I can easily turn this around and say... "WHAT? You're single and you can go out wherever you want whenever you want and have no one to explain to when you get home? WHAT THE HELLLL are you doing calling for SPs? Shouldn't you losers be going out and macking all the chicks and picking them up from the clubs instead of paying for them? Wow, you guys are real pathetic to be paying for sex when you can just pick them up. Or maybe you guys are too pathetic to be able to pick up a girl." But I don't.

My point. Please, don't bash others and look down on others just because they do not fit your "ideal" of a moralistic person. Not everyone is like you, and not everyone believes in the same things you believe. If you think what we're doing is immoral. Don't bother coming on this site and reading us immoral ppl's messages and go chill at the church on friday nights. :)

In general I suppose we are all fucked up people because we are using the oldest profession in the world, engaging in the risks associated with them. At least for my risks it affects me and me alone. Before entering any other relationship I will get tested and ensure there are no risks.

Not sure where the hell I stated "what you do is bad... but me... it's not that bad because i'm single so its okay" so please show that to me... People really need to stop reading between the lines in an attempt to justify what they are doing.


Feb 24, 2005
hornyanglo66 said:
Not sure where the hell I stated "what you do is bad... but me... it's not that bad because i'm single so its okay"

hornyanglo66 said:
Real healthy relationship there... cheating on your other, refusing to admit to it or discuss it... Yup, you got yourself a winner there.

Flame away... :rolleyes:

you didn't use those exact words as "bad" but you clearly are saying he's not a winner... :)

An BTW engaged guys here don't to justify anything to people (especially you)... I just hate one's judging each other here...
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Mar 3, 2006
I beg to differ.

This could, very well, set off a fusilade of angry responses from both extremes.

I see entries here that are based on the more old-fashioned outlook that women who are taken care of in a relationship should not care or worry about what their men do outside the house.

And I see the more modern 'pimp daddy' approach that, 'I can have lots of women so they should be lucky to s*ck my d*ck'.

Yeah, yeah.

So who am I?

Yes, I'm single. And I choose to be until I feel I'm doing the right thing.

Hopeless romantic? I don't think so because I don't think romance is necessarily hopeless.

You might say that if you're smart you will learn from your mistakes.
But, if you're wise, you will learn from others mistakes. That's how I arrive at my conclusion of what makes a relationship work.

Some friends I could see would always be together; others we would joke at the reception about how short it would last.

And for the most part it's been true. There are some things in life you don't really want to brag about but, sadly, it is accurate.

So, that being said, if you think she doesn't know ... she knows.

If she gives you permission ... then you have to know that she's also giving herself permission, right?

The point is ... why do something half-way?!?!

If you're not in it for real ... why bother?

... here we go - "Release the hounds!!!"

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Dee said:
Wouldn't this suggest that you should cease hobbying and thereby obviate the chance of her discovering that you do and suffering the attendant angst that can be expected?


I know I am taking a chance of getting caught but I am also not stupid about it. I have to say that the risk of her finding out weighs a lot more on my mind than contracting any STD in the hobby.

It is so easy to sit on the outside and say I would never cheat on my wife. Hell, I use to say it and look down on those that engaged in this activity. But when you are in a sexless marriage with no intimacy but lots of love, it is very painful to walk away. Very painful.

I know why I chose my wife to be my mate. She has all the attributes I love in a woman. She is beautiful, warm, caring, intelligent and she had been there for me when the chips were down.

No matter which SP I am with, there is nothing like snuggling up with my wife or waking up to see her every morning. When I kiss her, I feel love for her. She is an amazing woman. Are we meant for one another? Who knows? All I know is that we deeply care for each other.

In life, we should always aim for the moral high ground. But we all veer off because to sin is to be human, to accept that you have flaws. Nobody related to this hobby can claim the moral high ground. I believe there is shame in all of us, SPs, clients, agency owners, no matter what our marrital status.

We are all guilty of commoditizing a very beautiful, natural act between a man and a woman. We are putting a price on pleasure, intimacy, and companionship. It's absurd but that is exactly what we are doing.

In the end, everyone leaves the hobby for one reason or another. I firmly believe it gets to each and everyone of us but for different reasons. The SP gets sick of being reduced to an object for sexual gratification, the client realizes that he is not really fulfilled by transient pleasure because he yearns for something more meaningful in his life that is not based on exchanging money for sex.

But until you reach that tipping point, there is nothing wrong with partaking in this hobby as long as you accept the inherent limits of hobbying. You will not find true love here. You will find escapism, temporary relief and pleasure. And if you are very lucky, you will cross paths with some incredible ladies.;)

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I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
  • Why is there relatively so many new posters who mostly stirr shit in any thread they contribute?
  • Why do peoples who "already know the answer because of the integrity of this board" ask questions anyway?
  • Why do peoples who think hobbyist are so bad are still surfing on an ESCORT REVIEW BOARD?
  • If the hat fit, just wear it, no need to comment. This is why the "ignore" function is for.

This is an ESCORT REVIEW BOARD, not a church discussion board, not a christian group, not a "red neck" forum, AN ESCORT REVIEW BOARD! Those who want to criticize other people's morality should go to a different board. You should associate only with peoples who think the same as you or you're bound to get reaction you won't like. Some find it's bad morality seeing SP when married but think it's ok to beat a girl who is stone/drunk because she robbed them. What's worst?

We muust be invaded by some newborn christian group...

I'm married (common law) since 20 years. I love my wife and we get along together better than I ever connected with anybody. But... But she is boring in bed: never want to try anything, missionnaire as much as possible, no matter how much I tell her when she hit the spot, she won't remember the next time...
If we had multiple wifes, the problem would't occur. All we're doing with SP is to get whatever is missing to get the perfect woman.
True, whoever say it's bad and immoral and a lack of integrity to see SP has never been in a long term relationship (>7-10 years) with a woman. The option is to drop her and get somebody who can join the 2 things we're looking for? Why? The risk in dropping current wife will be to loose what we have so, why not complement? No problems there on my side.

It's fun to have peoples on ignore. I can easily imagine what they're saying on this subject but I don't have to read it! GREAT!! Thanks to VBulletin's conceptors!
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I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Techman said:
Yeah, right. As long as you're a man. But when the woman commits adultery they take her out and stone her to death in the public square, unless her family gets to her first and just cuts her throat.:cool:
Mormons. Techman, think about Utah Mormons... :D


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
metoo4 said:
Mormons. Techman, think about Utah Mormons... :D

Damn, I forgot about them. They're boring booze, no drugs...what do they do for fun?


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Techman said:
Damn, I forgot about them. They're boring booze, no drugs...what do they do for fun?
Many wifes... And you still ask what they do for fun? Hopefully they don't all get PMS at same time... :D


Sep 18, 2005
I'm married, and am in an open relationship. My wife does see other men from times to times, and I see other women as well. The only condition is that there must be no emotional connections with sexual partners.

I find it easier to fill this condition with an SP as it is clear from the start: it is a service.

As for cheating, as my wife knows about my hobbying, it is not an issue.


Fat Happy Buddha

Mired in the red dust.
Apr 27, 2005
MontrealAsian said:
One quick point.

If you think married men or men with gf cheat is so immoral. ...... Don't bother coming on this site and reading us immoral ppl's messages and go chill at the church on friday nights. :)

MontrealAsian, you expressed clearly what I and probably a lot of other people were thinking. Thanks.

I can only add one point. Sometimes I have felt that visiting SPs is a kind of 'pressure release valve' that keeps me from snapping and doing something I would regret later. For the last few years, I've only visited SPs three times and have more or less stuck to SCs and MPs. But even my rather limited activity has enabled me to avoid something I really don't want to do; that is, fall in love with another woman. The little bit of controlled 'badboyishness' that I experience when I go to a SC, MP or SP keeps my mind clear so that I don't get hooked by the ladies out there that seek to take my lady's man away from her. Believe me, they're out there, even among your wife's friends, trying to lure you in. Then, when you're caught.....ring....ring.... hello, Mrs. Fat Buddha, I think you should know that I'm having an affair with your husband. THAT's when shit hits the fan.

Nobody needs to pity my wife. She's like a skilled fisherman. When she feels the line going taunt, she gives the line some slack, lets me swim around for a while and then she pulls me back in. I consider her to be very smart in this respect.


Mar 3, 2006
hornyanglo66 said:
I truly wonder what the reaction of all these 'involved' people would be if their wives/girlfriends confessed that either:

- they've been fucking other men for free to get the satisfaction their bf/husband cannot give them (but they love their significant other and don't want to seperate - easier to pay the bills)


- they're fucking other men for money

Just how sanctimonious would they all be then? :rolleyes:


The truth hurts - don't it!

Karma, karma karma.

What goes around, comes around.


Mar 3, 2006
Here's a thought ...

... shouldn't we have a sub-poll in this thread to identify which responders have girlfriends versus blow-up dolls ???

Big Daddy Cool

Emperor of Earth
Jul 20, 2005
69 Hard-On Ave
More than half the guys in the hobby according to the poll are with a girlfriend or wife. Disgusting, absolutely disgusting and than they don't understand why some single guys are frustrated with the stupidity of women picking guys who cheat on them. I know some have the ok from their wife or girlfriend and so that's their business, but I'm sure they are in the minority. Man some of these woman can sure pick them. O well I don’t feel sorry for you, next time give a decent guy a chance.

Fat Happy Buddha

Mired in the red dust.
Apr 27, 2005
hornyanglo66 said:
I truly wonder what the reaction of all these 'involved' people would be if their wives/girlfriends confessed that either:

- they've been fucking other men for free to get the satisfaction their bf/husband cannot give them (but they love their significant other and don't want to seperate - easier to pay the bills)


- they're fucking other men for money

Just how sanctimonious would they all be then?

incognito_NYC said:

The truth hurts - don't it!

Karma, karma karma.

What goes around, comes around.

Let's put it this way. If I "hobbied" for twenty years into my marriage and then found out my wife was doing the same thing, I think I could be philosophical about it. (That is, if I wasn't already applying the same standards to my wife that I apply to myself......I hate hypocrisy!)

If, on the other hand, I fought off the urge to hobby for twenty years and then found out my wife had been having a good time all along, then I would feel that I'd been a naive idiot.

If the first is karma, the second is just plain ol' getting screwed over. I'll take karma any day.
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