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Elite Player's Guide to getting laid

Lone Rider

Thrill seeker
Jul 24, 2003
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Hello all,

I have been surfing the net on a body building site. I am getting back in shape but only to loose excess flab, not become another Arnold S.

Anyways, I came accross this website that I found interesting:

What I found interesting in the sales pitch of this program is that sometimes, our social skills to attract women is highly variable from one individual to the next. I for one, although I am roughly an average educated gentleman, do not have the best skills to pick up women and getting laid the same night. I am assuming that most of us are like this.

However, I am inclined to believe that some guys have mastered this skill and see more action than most of us.

My question: Has anybody tried this program? Does it work? Does it seem to be a scam to make $$$$ or this is the real deal.

I do not believe that all of the things we see on the internet is a scam. For one, I have tried the fat loss program at this website:

Guess what, I paid $40.00 US for this book and it really works. If you look at the testamonials on the site, I have one similar to it.

Impressions? Thoughts?? Scam or real deal???

Lone Rider


Wine, women, & song ...
Jul 6, 2004
Banlieues de Métropolis
Lone Rider,

I am not sure about the first book, but can you comment on the Burn the Fat book? I may get it, and would like an idea of what the book talks about.



Lone Rider

Thrill seeker
Jul 24, 2003
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I will comment on the book sold on but I need to write a disclaimer. I have absolutely no financial interest in this product. I am a fellow hobbyest like you that has taken the risk to buy this book. I do not want to promote the product, but give you hard facts on the results of the program.

Now, on with the answer: the book talks about the best strategies to loose fat without touching muscle mass. Over 90% of the book is all about psychology, proper nutrition habits, food consumption, food composition, calories, supplements and timing of meals.

Only 10% relate to training programs such as cardio and weight training. If you follow this book, you will need to change your nutrition habits. You will probably eat as much as you use to but the timing is crucial.

Look, if you are serious about loosing fat, not muscle, buy it. I have lost 20 pounds of fat in approx 20 weeks, without touching my lean muscle composition.

I hope that this is useful.

Lone Rider


Wine, women, & song ...
Jul 6, 2004
Banlieues de Métropolis
Lone Rider,

That was exactly the type of information I was looking for. Thanks! I also got a hold of a copy from a colleague who already had it too!



Membre émérite.
Feb 10, 2006
Self proclamed guru!

This book would be the perfect gag gift. Its a shame the author actually gets money from its sales...


Wine, women, & song ...
Jul 6, 2004
Banlieues de Métropolis
Thanks for the advice Oliver.

I have already been doing a lot of what you have recommended for the last couple of months and have seen amazing results. So hell, I must be doing something right. :D

And yes, I too believe that doing all these things help with the fountain of youth.

CK (remembering that he must buy Oliver a drink at Cleo's on next trip)

Lone Rider

Thrill seeker
Jul 24, 2003
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Some replys here

Hi guys,

although that I have not been getting the answer to the questions that I originally posted, this topic is becoming very interesting. I hope that somebody with knowledge regarding the Elite Player's Guide will be posted here in this thread.

First off, Oliver, you look awesome. My goal now is to look like you when you were 47, with the 6 pack. I might then try to build muscle after but I am not sure. I figure that there is time and nutrition commitments so, $$$ commitments as well to keep up this size. I guess that the good looks certainly helps when picking up chicks.

Docprostate, the ebook is the real deal. I have been getting amazing results from it, the fat is simply melting off my body. Like Oliver said, I am now eating 5-6 times a day, exercising 4-5 times a week and drinking huge amounts of water. This recipie works!!!!! If you go on the testamonials page, I would have one similar to the people that are there. I am keeping this way of life for good. This should be common knowledge...

Thanks guys,

Lone Rider

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
It's all in the brains stupid!


With all that blood flowing to your muscles, I am surprised that there is enough to flow to your main vein and, more importantly, to your brain... LOL! Seriously, you're in excellent shape but in my opinion, a little excessive/obsessive with the way you look.

I remember my peak years were 18-20 years old. The body, as you all know, changes considerably once you enter your thirties. It is hard to maintain it without a proper diet and some exercise. I think diet is by far the most important thing. We eat like crap and live sedentary lives - it is no wonder that diabetes is the next epidemic facing our youth. I prefer eating lean meats and fish with lots of salads and fruits. I agree with Olie that we need to drink a lot of water. Where I sort of disagree is in the intensity of training. If you train too hard, then you risk raising the inflammatory cytokines in your body as well as your cortisol levels, all of which increases your stress, causing you to gain weight.

The key word in everything you do is moderation. Dont' go wacko because you think it is good for you. More importantly, this thread is about picking up women. I think a lot of men lack self confidence not in the way they look but in the way they speak. They simply cannot carry on a conversation. The hot women that I know couldn't care less about how you look but they sure like it when you can carry on a great conversation. As one hotty once told me: "First fuck my mind and then I will let you fuck me!":D

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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
oliver kloseoff said: if youve known a woman for months or years--dont expect a switch to go off in her head and she magically wants to have you sexually as it probably wont happen--most guys have trouble being honest with themselves

I agree - most guys (and gals) are afraid to be honest with themselves.

Sorry about your friend - I have seen the dark side of steroids and it isn't pretty.

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Membre émérite.
Feb 10, 2006

Lone Rider said:
Hi guys,

although that I have not been getting the answer to the questions that I originally posted, this topic is becoming very interesting. I hope that somebody with knowledge regarding the Elite Player's Guide will be posted here in this thread.

First off, Oliver, you look awesome. My goal now is to look like you when you were 47, with the 6 pack. I might then try to build muscle after but I am not sure. I figure that there is time and nutrition commitments so, $$$ commitments as well to keep up this size. I guess that the good looks certainly helps when picking up chicks.

Docprostate, the ebook is the real deal. I have been getting amazing results from it, the fat is simply melting off my body. Like Oliver said, I am now eating 5-6 times a day, exercising 4-5 times a week and drinking huge amounts of water. This recipie works!!!!! If you go on the testamonials page, I would have one similar to the people that are there. I am keeping this way of life for good. This should be common knowledge...

Thanks guys,

Lone Rider

Lone Rider, I read the book today, I was wrong. This is a great book and it is physiologically sound.
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