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Cutting The Cord on Cable TV and Going With Streaming Service?


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
. ...I am all set to cut the cord, NOW. Only one problem. I have a package of Cable and internet with Frontier. Obviously, I need to cut the Cable but keep the Internet. The funny thing is, on my bill, the Internet service charge is not itemized, it's bundled with the Cable, so I don't know exactly what component of the $185 monthly bill is Cable and what component is Internet. I am not exactly sure why this is the case but I am going to call and ask them to send me a bill that itemizes the charges. I am guessing it's like $110 cable/$75 internet- approximately. .

Eager, I wouldn't agonize too much about this. I think your guesstimate of the relative charges is about right--it's similar to what I was paying. Once you are satisfied with Youtube TV, just disconnect the cable box and bring it to the nearest cable office. They can tell you the new amount for internet only. Lots of people are doing this these days and so the cable companies are used to it and it should be a routine transaction. Glad to know it's working out for you.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Hey EB, how did everything work out? Considering doing the same.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
EB I got bell fiber internet speed is 350 up 350 down unlimited for $76.98 great for streaming no lag.
Netflix -A family members get 4 profiles and i have 1 of them for free.
Most netflix movies are garbage>many of the series are very good.
I built a HDTV antenna which gives me more channels than any antenna i ever bought.
i get all the basic channels with this as well most of the PBS channels.
Unlike old signal where you got snow to good picture.Hdtv digital you either get the signal or you don't
is a true signal as videotron used to compress their signals.It is legal to pick up over air signal.
Even the technical guys for both bell and videotron took pictures and specs of my antenna.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Hey EB, how did everything work out? Considering doing the same.

Great Waloo and CB Brown,

Everything worked out well. I cut the cord on cable and the bottom line is I saved $70 a month. My cable bill plus internet was $185 a month. Now I pay $65 a month for internet and $50 for streaming service through YouTube TV. $115 total per month for internet and streaming service. The most important thing with You Tube TV is that it preserved my ability to watch both YES (Yankees baseball) and SNY (Mets baseball and UConn basketball).

When I called my cable provider I did find out that the only way I could get internet for $34.99 was as a new customer and I could not cancel and resubscribe for 30 days. I considered going to another internet provider, but I figured $65 wasn't bad for monthly internet for non-new customers based on the local competition. They did offer me a deal at $60 a month if I signed a 1 year contract, but I refused. I still might hunt a better deal with another internet provider.

What pleases me most about You Tube TV is that the 45 mbps internet speed has proven more than sufficient for live sports programming. I have watched live basketball on ESPN and SNY, live football on the networks and the reception is MINT, just like cable. What was an even bigger surprise was that I took a recent trip to Florida and I was able to watch UConn basketball on SNY on my laptop in my hotel room in Florida, just by accessing my YouTube account and logging into the hotel WiFi. I don't even know if SNY is offered on YouTube TV in Florida streaming packages, as the programming is 100% designed for the New York City area sports fan, so I am assuming it's not available. But I could nevertheless get it by logging onto my YouTube TV account.

I am very pleased with how the cutting of the cord worked out and my only regret is that I did not do it sooner.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Everything worked out well....I am very pleased with how the cutting of the cord worked out and my only regret is that I did not do it sooner.

You're welcome, EB. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I bet none are in the same boat as me.

I have a Bell package, Internet, home phone, Bell Fibe $207 a month. None of which I personally need except for internet which I could easily get much cheaper and better speed.
I also have a streaming service $20 month where I can catch all of the channels that I have with Bell plus I have not counted over 2000 other channels.

You may ask am I nuts maintaining both, well not really, I take care of an elderly relative, who needs the landline to call relatives in Europe and it took her a while to get used to using the remote to be able to watch tv with the Bell system and I do not want to go through trying to teach her how to use the streaming service or a cell phone.

Yes it is a pain in the ass to deal with Bell, the worst company I have ever dealt with but it is a small price to pay to keep someone happy that I care for.
She really doesn’t have any other form of entertainment as she has out lived all her friends.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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You're welcome, EB. :smile:

CR thanks. To be honest I had the plan that I ultimately executed before I started this thread, but you did affirm it was a good idea. The seed had been planted by a fan on one of the UConn message boards who suggested that YouTube TV was the ideal way to go for the sports loving fan looking for a streaming package.


Active Member
Sep 26, 2018
I ve cut cable a 15months ago
I do use an Amazon Firestick and a 12$ monthly suscription pirated TVZONE 3000+ channel , it s not perfect, but i love the fact that i can go anywhere with my stick and thus bring my subscription with me.
Great to watch all NHL1 2 3...NHL network(Nfl, Mlb..,) The main francophone nhl providers in october and november where blacked out on some HABS game night but december as been great. You have to be ready to pack and take your ass to the nearest sportsbar
or switch to other broadcasting channel
I will see if i have better options but i find it fair enough...


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
CR thanks. To be honest I had the plan that I ultimately executed before I started this thread, but you did affirm it was a good idea...

Glad it worked out. It's always a good idea to get more than one opinion...on anything.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It's always a good idea to get more than one opinion...on anything.

Exactly why I started this thread. I do not pretend to know much about technology, especially in matters of cable and streaming, and figured the more opinions I could get, the better. Your strategy on YouTube TV was most in line with my thinking, but I was wondering if perhaps I was missing a better option as a sports fan who mostly watches a lot of live sports programming on TV.

I have been surprised by the number of posts in this thread advocating quasi legal methods or outright piracy as a means of accessing streaming services. I have a friend who falls into this group and when he described to me the uses to which he was putting his Amazon firestick, I questioned whether it was legal. His argument to me was, "if it's illegal, then how come the Chinese can sell it to me? Why isn't the equipment banned?" And I explained to him that if he was ever criminally charged, that would not constitute a valid legal defense.

I prefer to stick to completely legal methods of accessing a streaming service which are not costing me a whole lot of money. I have too much to lose and have no need to save $50 a month by being a pirate. Eventually there will be methods by which to track down and charge the pirates, and I have no desire to test whether or not I will be in the first wave that is charged. I am pretty sure the copyright holders are doing something to protect their profits, and it's a matter of time before we find out what it is.

Hagood Hardy

New Member
Jan 27, 2012
There are signs that people are leaving cable and satellite TV in droves. I have a friend that called up to cancel her satellite dish service and they freaked and gave her nearly a 50% discount to stay. She also got a discount on internet services.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2014
Hey EB -News recently reported that YoutubeTV is cutting YES (which carries Yankee and Nets games) and FoxSports networks. Usually when cable threatens to cut sports networks they work out a deal before the start of the season. But Sling TV cut YES last year and it is still gone. Has your mind changed at all on how good YouTubeTV is?

I was tempted to cut the cord but worried they would start cutting sportsnetworks like SlingTV. And they never carried MSG which has the Knicks, Rangers and Sabres.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Hey EB -News recently reported that YoutubeTV is cutting YES (which carries Yankee and Nets games) and FoxSports networks.

According to this they are working out an agreement:

My Mind has not changed on YouTube TV, their sports package is amazing. I have been watching a lot of SNY and MLB Network on YouTube TV. I also get NESN, CBSSN and FS1 and FS2. During the "Astros Scandal" the MLB Network coverage of the scandal was non-stop and excellent, featuring many of the reporters from the Athletic who broke the story and including among others Ken Rosenthal, Tom Verducci and Peter Gammons, although Gammons now has a serious problem with his voice and they will need to take him off the air soon if they didn't already.

As far as YES, I am still getting it and looking forward to the Yankees game in Bradenton next Saturday which will be televised on YES. I have been to the stadiums in Tampa, Bradenton and Sarasota and the one in Bradenton is by far the nicest to see a game at. The Braves also just opened a new stadium in Northport which is also in that area. The Pirates play in Bradenton, the Orioles in Sarasota and the Yankees in Tampa. The Blue Jays play in Dunedin which my limousine driver told me is a great place to visit and lots to do there. The Tigers play in Lakeland so the Yankees play all these teams in spring training. The Red Sox and Twins are both in Fort Myers which is 1.5 hours south of the Sarasota/Bradenton area.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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Several of my friends have cut the cable service and purchased antennas at a cost of about $100. and get all the channels they want coupled with the streaming service . One of my friends has cut his monthly cost from $200/mo to $60./mo


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I cut mine from $185 to $115 although I live in CT where cost of living is VERY high. But $70 per month saved is $70 per month saved regardless!


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
Several of my friends have cut the cable service and purchased antennas at a cost of about $100. and get all the channels they want coupled with the streaming service . One of my friends has cut his monthly cost from $200/mo to $60./mo

Yeah, you can not all depending totally on the antenna, sometimes the reception is excellent, sometimes can not catch some channels at all ! either the image freezes or the sound is missing ! so when the weather is bad, I watch streaming.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2016
Hi when you guys talk about streaming which system are you all talking about?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Believe- not sure I understand your question- you only need internet service to stream. I can watch streaming programming on my phone, computer or smart TV. You do need certain minimum speeds for live events - I think 45 mbps is sufficient.


Active Member
Mar 10, 2018
For Standard definition streaming 4-7 mbps is sufficient
For 1080 streaming : 13- 25 mbps
for 4k (highly unusual) : 25 and up and a wired connection is recommended
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