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A hairy woman: Does it bother you? Does it turn you on or off?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
The new "body hair" hip thing.. what you think about it?

First it was in porn, i started to see the more and more girls with "bush" and really it looked weird to me, pretty little girls like Riley Reid, very cute, look super young, and downstair a tropical jungle... :confused:

I am ok with a small stripe for exemple but i know i would not be able to enjoy seeing an escort with generous pubic hair, it would really turn me off. As a man i trim the most i can because i feel its better and more clean. So to preserve the feminine side i need it shaved downstair.

But seem like now the new tendancie is arm pit hairs? Personally its insta turn off for me, even if the girl is super hot for the rest, seeing this make me thing "man" inside of me and its just... nop, can't proceed.

So my question is, could we see this happening in the escort business or this is a business where the girls have to stay feminine and this would never pass in that line of work?

I really hope to NOT see this, but if it would ever happen, i would simply turn back the girl, i would loose the boner so impossible to continue. Maybe its because in today's society we are conditioned to be like that, and maybe its a wrong mentality but thats how i am...

It seem things come and go, hope it will pass fast. Another thing that bug me and i already voiced my opinion on this, head side shave... especially one side only. Never got the reasoning being this. I get that not all girls love long hair, and if you want short hair then fine, but side shaving? It just look awkward. I would not see myself shaving half my beard... it would look stupid right? Anyway i guest its a debate for a different time, but today's haircut really make me miss the 80s cindy loper cut or the mullet... well ok maybe not the mullet... lol


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

So my question is, could we see this happening in the escort business or this is a business where the girls have to stay feminine and this would never pass in that line of work?

The sex video industry is entirely voyeuristic, it will be a matter of tastes. Personally a completely shaved Y is fantastic, but there's a natural eroticism to having some hair when I'm viewing videos and frankly I miss it in videos. The hair in older videos of the 80s and 90s adds to arousal factor and while I love seeing a lady completely shaved I've always felt more there should be a far more balanced choice. As for arm pits or anywhere else below the no no no no no, it's a big turn off.

I doubt we will see much if any change in the escort industry. Indulging in intimate contact makes a difference. Many clients might be fine with the "landing strip" but more than that can be distasteful and I don't believe the ladies will want to risk having any issues with clients that might make them reluctant to call or call again.

Another thing that bug me and i already voiced my opinion on this, head side shave... especially one side only. Never got the reasoning being this. I get that not all girls love long hair, and if you want short hair then fine, but side shaving? It just look awkward.

From experience my reservations about ladies with tattoos, piercings, and other more exotic choices has changed and been greatly reduced. I've discovered a great attraction/arousal factor for such physical stylings I previously found distasteful looking. I've met ladies with short hair shaved on one side and given the same naturally attractive lady I now find most of those elements that once pushed me away very exciting. In fact the more avant garde often the more arousing.

Halloween Mike, if you ever run into Christy Mack or her like and you don't like her because of her style then you just contact me and I'll shoot over there as fast as I can. Reasonable finders fee all good. Vrrrrrrroooooooooooommm! :D :thumb:

YEAH, I'm sooooo there.




Active Member
Jul 31, 2011
I like a small strip or something creative, but modest, down below. Am surprised that more escorts don't do this. I agree that a full bush isn't too appealing, though I don't think it would turn me off completely if the girl had lots of other things going for her. Arm-pit hairs?--I don't think that this will fly in the business. Head side shave?: could be cool if your escort has a terrific body.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
I don't know exactly how old you are, HM, but you're in your twenties, right? That makes you 15 to 20 years younger than me. I have to tell you, I really have no problem with the head shaving thing. This was never done when I was young, but I kind of like it. There's a porn actress named Lily Lebeau and I think the hottest video I've seen her in, her head was completely shaved. Sometimes it works. Underarm hair, I agree with you on. Please let this not become a trend. I'll also tell you this, I once completely shaved my junk to see what it would look like and it looked ridiculous. I would be embarrassed for a woman to see me like that. For women, at the very minimum, please give it a trim and kind of shape it around the edges. Anywhere between that and fully shaved is pretty awesome.

I also love the tattoo thing and some of the piercings that girls are doing these days. 25 or so years ago, girls weren't doing this. Maybe to a small extent, but nothing like now. I find that shit pretty hot.

P.S.: here's a link to that video, if I'm allowed to post it:


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

There's a porn actress named Lily Lebeau and I think the hottest video I've seen her in, her head was completely shaved.

I've gotten pretty open about a lot of looks though I'm not saying I'm wide open to anything. I've never been with anyone totally bald like Lily in the video, and I'm not sure if I'm good with that or that big spikey punk look for another example, but there are times depending on the lady in the video when even that has felt very hot. I think the first time I was aroused a little by the bald look was when I was still pretty darn conservative. I remember seeing Persis Khambatta ((a tiny bit of very short hair would have been better) in "Star Trek The Motion Picture" 1979. The look was fairly uncomfortable but my friend and I had to admit there was a twinge of arousal.

It has been fun discovering more turn ons (looks) over time. Here's to more beautiful surprises. :thumb:


I personally shave everywhere but my little landing strip (and head ofcourse! Lol). That being said I have a little confession to make :blush:
I find armpit hair on women extremely sexy! If I go to a bar and see a girl with armpit hair I'm plotting a way to take her home! Mabye its the tough look it adds or mabye the general confidence it takes to just go for that look? Idk. Regardless I love it!

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Well Christie Mack i saw one or 2 scene with "normal" hair and she was great, but not a fan of her fancy mohawks and stuff like that. The tats are a distraction, but i guess i could live with it. But i wish tatoos all over the place don't become a trend, well it kinda is starting sadly but i hope it won't stay too long.

Yes i am not old, im 30 now. Maybe this affects my view on body hair, i dunno, but for me body hair on a women is a no no.

As for haircuts and head shave or such, that is a bit different, maybe i shouldn't had brough this as much as i wanted to keep the thread on body hair, but for ME, i love my ladies with long beautifull flowing hairs on each side, or to the shoulder at least. Sometimes i saw women with shorter hair and it looked good, depends on the person, but a bald head i wouldn't be able to get a boner lol.

The problem is i think mostly that what im conditioned to recognize on a man, i don't want to see it on a woman... I myself have a similar (but shorter) Christy Mack haircut, side shaved on both side, but thats a cut you see for male since forever.

Maybe its just that im use to something and thats what i like... can't say.

But im really surprised one person so far think armpit hair is sexy... :confused: lol.


Active Member
Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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Yes i am not old, im 30 now. Maybe this affects my view on body hair, i dunno, but for me body hair on a women is a no no.


Probably. I grew up (no pun intended) sexually speaking in the 1970's and for me it is perfectly normal that a "pussy" should be hairy. Back then a shaved pussy was perceived as a sign that the person had a lice infestation before (shaving was part of a treatment to eradicate them).

I prefer a hairy pussy to a shaved one. I don't like the little girl look that it confers.

La pillosité du sexe de la femme était une chose tellement normale dans les années 1970 qu'il y a même eu une époque - peu reluisante, avouons-le - où les jeunes gars désignaient de manière métonymique à l'aide d'une synecdoque le tout à partir d'une partie. Au lieu de dire "J'ai une nouvelle blonde" les gens disaient "J'ai une nouvelle touffe". Heureusement on entend plus cette expression de nos jours. Les hommes matures comme moi s'en souviennent probablement (le terme a disparu vers 1974/75 si je me souviens bien).

Visuellement, en ce qui me concerne, un sexe poilu est plus érotique (belle découpe d'un triangle inversé sur le bas ventre d'une femme). L'effet est encore plus saisissant si les poils du pubis sont de couleur ébène et que le teint de la femme est opalin.
Si je suis honnête, il y a au moins un inconvénient avec les sexes féminin à la pillosité trop abondante: le risque qu'un poil se glisse entre la verge et l'entrée du vagin...croyez-moi ça fait mal et ça coupe!

Poil en dessous des bras ou sur les jambes. Hummmm, je kiffe pas. C'est peut-être une question culturelle après tout.

Les cheveux rasés: peu importe le style ou la coupe de cheveux de la femme: en autant que son visage me plaît, je n'ai pas de turn off.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
I personally shave everywhere but my little landing strip (and head ofcourse! Lol). That being said I have a little confession to make :blush:
I find armpit hair on women extremely sexy! If I go to a bar and see a girl with armpit hair I'm plotting a way to take her home! Mabye its the tough look it adds or mabye the general confidence it takes to just go for that look? Idk. Regardless I love it!

Whenever I think of armpit hair on a woman, I think of a hippie who smells like patchouli and doesn't shave her legs, either. But your post has also gotten me thinking of you and a duo. Hmm. :smile: Honestly, it really doesn't take much to get me to daydream about stuff like this...


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
I've seen an SP who forgot to shave her legs... It was a turn off but it wasn't that bad cuz I couldn't physically see the hair.
Pubic hair is fine as long as it's groomed and not jungle fever.
I know for a fact that if I ever meet a girl with armpit hair, I'm gonna absolutely freak the fuck out. I cannot handle it, dunno why but I can't. I think I'd be turned off for a while. The thought of my hand feeling that hair makes me squeamish.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
i dont like body hair wether it is at the y or armpit area or legs or hands or any where else.

in my many years hobyist, i seen allmost everything. first time i scene asian lady from oversees doing incall in montreal, she had hair underarmpits and a hairy y. it was a turn off for me.

i allso dont like hary legs or stubbels. some ladys i no will hide it with nee hi sox wich i dont mind. 2 ladys i scene i am sure do this since they allways keep nee sox or the garter sox watever it is called on. shaving/waxing/creme is dificult on legs repeetly. i shave my face and i dont do it everyday so i no it is dificult. these ladys genraly work at leest once every 2 days and i can see easily get nicks/cuts from blades, chemicle skin burns from cremes, etc.

mite be genralization but i find asians to be or have hairy y but not allot of hair elsewhere (legs, back, arms; exept mabe armpits). if u watch japonese porn, u no wat i mean. mediteranians (greeks/italians/middel-east), i find hairy hands/arms. it is notice b/c they have dark hair.

scene porn with riley reid both with hair and without hair on y and i perfer her with hairless y or mabe landing strip.

Adam black

Mar 4, 2012
I'm quite intrigued by this thread.
Obviously the porn industry has influenced the younger members while older members night remember with fondness the style of larger bush that was omnipresent in the 70s.
Personally I don't have much of a preference. A nice landing strip, a larger V, a lightning bolt (I've actually seen that) or completely shaven. My only issue is if there is so much hair that it's not pleasant to eat ;p
Cuz I do enjoy a good Daty.
And honestly that's one of the advantages I find in hobbying then picking up
In a bar: people seem to be more aware of their naughty bits.
I make sure I'm trimmed and shaved in the appropriate areas.
And as fresh and clean as can be!
Not the same if you're picking up a gal in a bar: hey want to hit the shower and say, how about a quick shave before we shag...not the best precoitus lines....
And I can honestly say I stopped seeing a fuckfriend cuz her bush was out of this world...I think she had more hair then me !! :eek:

Oh and I almost forgot, armpit hair is strangly a sorta turn on for me. I'm on the same page as Jade for that. Mind you hairy legs are a total boner killer. Strange how the sexuality of the brain works ;)
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