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Premature Ejaculation


New Member
Aug 6, 2013
This is my first post here on this forum. Sorry not a big hobbist for seeing SP that why I have no post. Looking for some advice how to solve premature ejaculation.

1) I don't watch porn and even don't masturbate.
2) I need to see any urologist or sexologue.
3) I should perform some kind of therapy, what they do really and how it works.
4) I use this product call promecent and I was not too satisfy.
5) Any ideas if this legit or a scam. Is that product can work to solve my problem.

Any ideas or advice is greatly welcome. Thank to you all for participating.

Mod if I have post it to the wrong section please move it to the right place.



Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Hmmmm....they have condoms coated with something so you last longer. I know Durex has a version, and I think Trojan does too. I've tried Durex at least, and it seems to help.

Also, how hard are you when you're doing your thing? The harder you are, usually the longer you last. If you're semi-flaccid, you'll come way faster. If that's the case, you might want to look into something like Viagra as well.


New Member
Aug 6, 2013

I have no problem to get a hard erection and even I can stay hard very long time during foreplay or oral sex. I think Viagra is for people who have erection problem. I don't want to use Viagra.


New Member
Jul 31, 2012
Tu es jeune?

Se masturber le plus souvent possible.

Dr. Rose lol

La masturbation chez l'homme n'aide en rien avec l'éjaculation prématuré bien au contraire. C'est la pire des solutions. Les sensations d'une main n'a rien à voir avec les sensations par la pénétration. Se masturber ne va que l'entrainer à être plus résistant qu'à la masturbation. La meilleure solution est l'entrainement à la pénétration (si ton problème est sur ce point) et pour ça tu dois avoir une partenaire très receptive à tes besoins et qui comprend ton problème. C'est à force de cerner son point de non retour que l'on s'améliore. Si c'est après 30 secondes, ta partenaire doit comprendre que tu dois prendre une pause après 30 secondes (c'est un peu poche pour elle mais c'est la réalité). Le jour suivant sera peut-être 1 minute et ainsi de suite. Ce problème ne se règle pas en 30 secondes malheureusement mais avec beaucoup d'entraînement.

Tu peux souffrir d'hypersensibilité du pénis et utilisé des condoms plus épais comme mentionner ci-haut ou avec des crèmes (par exemple des crêmes pour le mal des gencives contenant de la benzocaine, lidocaine et des crêmes que les tatoueur appliques sur la peau avant de faire un tatoo) mais il ne font que masquer le problème et non le résoudre. L'alcool aussi (sans problème d'érection)... Qui n'a jamais durer plus longtemps lorsqu'il est saoul «gelé»! Mais ce n'est que des solutions temporaires.

Bref l'entrainement et une partenaire qui est prête à savoir que tu ne vas la «rider» comme un taureau dès les premiers soir est la meilleure solution définitive. Et certaines positions sexuelles moins «hard» peuvent t'aider à apprendre tes sensations (le missionnaire étant une des pires pour l'homme).

Mais bon dans un cas désespérer avec les benzocaine, lidocaine ou promecent (qui est du lidocaine) l'appliquer sur une peau moite après un bain (chaud idéalement) ou juste après la douche améliore nettement l'efficacité car le produit pénétra beaucoup mieux la peau. Tu vas réaliser que ça te «gel» nettement plus le gland que lorsque que tu l'applique sur un peau sèche.


La masturbation chez l'homme n'aide en rien avec l'éjaculation prématuré bien au contraire. C'est la pire des solutions. Les sensations d'une main n'a rien à voir avec les sensations par la pénétration. Se masturber ne va que l'entrainer à être plus résistant qu'à la masturbation.

Possible. Chacun son remède.


Passionate Hetaera
Jan 8, 2015
Premature ejaculation and premature orgasms seem to get confused quite a bit.

Premature ejaculation (ejaculation without experiencing an actual orgasm) is due to a variety of factors but is generally stress related and can't be fixed just by masturbating a few times. It is better to talk to a doctor about. Or even you SP - you never know having it out in the open might destress you just enough ;)

Premature orgasms though, masturbating until you reach the edge and then stopping & waiting, and repeating this cycle a few times may help train your body be patient.


Aug 6, 2011
If you can reject any medical reasons for your pe, then it's stress related. I would avoid gels, creams .... The best way, imho, is to focus on your breathing from the time you enter the pussy until the end. Try to sync it with your in-out movement. For example, breath out during 5 in/out and breath in during 4. You need to find the rythme with which you are comfortable without becoming short of breath. Consulting meditation articles/books would be a good start if you are not familiar with the subject.
Don't get discouraged if it doesn't work at the beginning. It takes some time and practice until you become comfortable with the method and control your ejaculation.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
Premature orgasms though, masturbating until you reach the edge and then stopping & waiting, and repeating this cycle a few times may help train your body be patient.

I agree with Ms Wolfe here, be patient and train your body. You'll be surprised with what you can achieve.

In the meantime, If there's some positions that you last longer than others, then enjoy them and just end off with the one you know you will finish the fastest with.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Not that i would suggest this to anyone, but i used to destroy my body after i heard about a trick from a porn industry insider..
They all take a speed and a viagra.
The speed delays orgasm to a maximum and keeps the individual extremely horny while the viagra keeps him erect for hours.
Of course this is an awful way to increase sexual pleasure, and in the end who cares how long it takes you to orgasm as long as you can recoup and do it multiple times ;)

P.s, people who take anti depressants, the main side effect in many of them is extreme difficulty to achieve orgasm, and delayed orgasm.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Try this method. If you feel like you are about to cum have the SP shove an ice cube up your ass ( have a bowl ready beside the bed ) the results are amazing.


New Member
Aug 6, 2013
To Patron,

I can cum 2 times in one hour. Secondly after my first cum I can be hard again after 4 or 5 minutes by hand job or forplay. My first penetration can last 3 or 4 minutes and second one can go up to 4 or 5 minutes.

No problem to get a rock hard erection that why I still want to avoid Viagra.


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
Hey, Skyrocket, would you be willing to say how old you are? It might make a difference in the advice that people are giving you.

I think that my experience with a woman has a lot to do with factors that you might not think about: how much sleep have I had recently? Have I been working out? Have I been eating properly? Have I been drinking too much lately? Sometimes the sensation is there and sometimes it ain't, for whatever reason. Sometimes you roll on a condom and start going at it and right away you're thinking, "Holy shit, this is going to take forever!" Honestly, it's better to cum early and then try for seconds than to bang away for 45 minutes and finally crumple in exhaustion.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
Possible. Chacun son remède.

I support Dr. Rose's suggestion.

If you're not used to any contact then the least amount of contact will get you off. Also OP should specify if he's having trouble when he's using a condom or not. Also age makes a difference I think, I think most people have had this problem at a younger age. It's possible that it's not age but experience...

Also, I guess I'm the type to even avoid taking Tylenol so I wouldn't consider any kind of chemicals or medications.


New Member
Jun 2, 2010
I never had the problem, but I knew a guy when I was a teenager and we use to sneak into the 18+over porn movies. He had it so bad that he come out of the porn theater with a puddle in his crotch.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
I want to share something about a potential treatment for premature ejaculation (PE). First, PE is quite common : about 1 out of 3 men suffer from it. You can read about it here. "The main symptom of premature ejaculation is the inability to delay ejaculation for more than one minute after penetration." That was me a few years ago (a bit longer on the second SOG…). There are physical and psychological factors in play. To make a long story short, one day I drank a cup coffee before visiting a MP. I noticed that I lasted longer on that day (a few minutes)... I did some research and I found this study about the effect of caffeine on premature ejaculation! Disclaimer: I did not read the full study ($), I only have access to the abstract (summary).

Anyway you can see that caffeine (100 mg, 2 hours before sex) had a significant impact on the mean time before ejaculation (from about 2 to 5 min). For someone with PE, that's very significant! (For the specialists in the room it's a double-blind placebo controlled study, but with only 40 patients) The good news is that caffeine pills are cheap and avaialble at the pharmacy! Taking one at the appropriate time is part of my hobbying routine now. Feel free to experiment with it! It may or may not work due to the limitations in the study. If you do not suffer from PE, it probably won't have a noticeable impact.

P.S: I did not find any reference to this study on mainstream websites, except for one Reddit post. Consider this a MERB exclusive ;)
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