Classy Angel
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yeah, I'm going there... Again!


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
guys... and I mean everyone, veterans, rookie hobbyists, long-time lurkers on this and other boards... share your escort reviews good, bad, ugly.

i continue to read posts from different merbites questioning the validity of sharing their encounter.

some veteran merbites claim that sharing into is just advertising for the agencies and girls. there's nothing in it for them.
to that faction, i say... yeah, kind of but the merbite brotherhood (including the lurkers from other boards) appreciate the effort and it improves hobbying for all.
keeping experiences to yourselves is (to me, at least) a selfish act especially if you are an active member.

i'm not here you call out people or flame members but there are definitely members i respect for their hobbying insight and knowledge that don't want to share - to you, i say it's a shame because it improves the hobby when the veterans coach the rookies. it's no different than other sport.

to the guys who think that posting yet another review for a well reviewed girl, what's the point... i say, the more posts we have, the more of the puzzle we piece together to determine who's a great / good / ok / so-so / terrible provider. everyone's got some point of view to share, even if it's to validate with a 1-liner you had the same great experience, that's cool.

to the guys who continue to hold back on negative comments about girls, agencies, bookers, you are hurting everyone... and helping bad providers and shitty agencies rip off other guys. dont be that prick that with-holds info... you know it pays back to share negative encounters because it forces provides and agencies to improve their standards or troll the lower end of the client spectrum for cash.

maybe you don't want to hurt the girls feelings... uhm, ok but do you want to let someone who has no business working continue to collect cash of other guys like you?

perhaps you're a new merbite and don't want you 1st post to be a negative encounter... well, if the experience/girl was bad, call it what it is and others will surely validate or correct you with time.

some people like back channeling info. i personally think it should be out in the open. everything gets out into the open at some point. might as well take the highroad and just post to share with others.

i understand the desire to protect your "gem" from all the low-lifes, dirty women haters and hoards or guys looking to line up and book your gem of girl. but you know what, there's usually another gem around the corner. whether you post or not, the gem gets discovered one way or another.


that's all.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
great post i agree, yup the pimps, the girls, us and whoever owns merb all benefit from reviews, thats a good thing when everyone in the community benefits from something

repetitive reviews show that the same level of service is still being delivered, if theres 10 great posts about a girl from last year that certainly doesnt mean shes at the same level now!

the worst is people that will not post a negative review! total bullshit! there are many on here like that and they dont hide it, the usual excuse from them is "oh i dont wanna stop her from making a living" thats shit and they know it, there not making a living from being bad escorts, thier ripping your fellow hobbyists off!!!!, your not stopping her from making a living, there is a million different careers out there, ur just ensuring it wont be in this field!


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
Visit site
Nothing more discouraging than veteran posters acting like forum gods saying who's thread is good or not and which posters are worthy of posting.

Oh this thread is so stupid that's why I refrained from posting all this time as I remember one veteran poster mentioning. Well the thread did just fine and didn't need a veteran poster to post their hate messages to justify the thread.

Oh this question has already been asked and as a MERB member since 2004 you should know better. Well nobody likes reading outdated information from 2 years ago and why are veteran posters keep on spreading their hate messages as the be all and end all.

People don't hate on stupid Maple Laughs threads, go home Yankees threads, annoying Bo Sox threads, and why are you writing in french because we're in Quebec mofo.

I'm not hating on anyone I'm just venting.......and I got no post to make since I'm on my summer break from SPing


....and to all a good night....


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
guys... and I mean everyone, veterans, rookie hobbyists, long-time lurkers on this and other boards... share your escort reviews good, bad, ugly.


that's all.

Hello ET,


Regarding the agencies making money, it doesn't matter if veterans are posting reviews or sharing backdoor information. Either way they are promoting the ladies and the agency because business is still being directed any time information is shared.


Repetitive reviews, negative or positive, give confirmation and a clearer reinforced insight into what can be expected for anyone interested in the same lady. By doing that members are continuing to maintain and build a reliable flow of information as each new member returns the good faith he has received. The confirmation of repetitive reviews also adds to the credibility of members as well as the trust between them.


I understand the unwillingness of some members to avoid negative reviews. I can't help feeling some attachment to the ladies I've met in a way of having sympathy for their feelings. It's not easy to be negative about them. Then again, no positive review is gentlemanly anyway. Spilling intimate details of a sexual performance isn't the act of a real gentleman. We are sex hobbyists. We can treat the ladies as gentlemanly as possible, but we are paying for sex in the end. Negative or positive changes nothing.

On negative reviews, withholding negative information makes it more likely the next member will be unsatisfied, wasting his money, and failing to hold these ladies and their agencies accountable so that next may be you who wasted time and money.


This is the worst possibility. Keeping back channel information allows members to withhold information for leverage purposes, to maneuver/coerce deals for discounts, freebies, or backdoor shilling for possible kickbacks of one form or another, while asking a member for more detail privately based on information already posted is just confirmation that cannot be used as leverage since the review has already been made.


This is the most ironic. Some members try to hide gems while the agencies are doing everything they can to promote them. Yet as soon as those hiding tell anyone the game is over. Everyone has another friend they want to tell, which multiples very fast.

In some cases, I know some members who try to hide gems because of personal feelings of attachment and become jealous that anyone else might meet her. Boys, she is an escort providing sex for money. She may be wonderful, but she really is NOT yours to keep to yourself...and doesn't want to be your secret.

Here's something extra Mr. Eville:
Those who act on emotional impulse attacking reviewers to deny or hide the truth about their favorites for self-enrichment or favors. Instead of offering valid viewpoints from experience to refute a post they attack the reviewing member personally. The result has been causing some of the most reliable reviewers ever on this board to leave and stop contributing despite still being active. I personally know one of the most respected reviewers ever refuse to post any more largely because of this. This type also scares away new potential contributors, causing loss for all of us.

Good luck,



Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
i'm in agreement with you gents.

full disclosure, i posted this topic (not the 1st nor the last time it'll be posted on merb or any other likeminded board) to get hobbyists thinking and sharing.

i'll be the first to say, for selfish purposes... i want as much info to help me hobby better.
also, this is fun stuff to read.
let's face it, even when we take our break(s) from hobbying, we all checkout the board to see what's new and interesting (sometimes it's a new girl, new gem, veteran with super improved service that draws us back into the hobby).

more importantly, by getting the standard of the hobby to continually improve (weed out the bad escorts and agencies) ...
Montreal becomes the best place to hobby which just draws more new talent to this city (ok, it's not FKK but it's a great place for standard SP even MP hobbying).
fewer tourist traps, fewer girls trying to charge the standard GFE rate when they have no business in this industry and are probably best served behind the counter at a coffee shop or McDo's!


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
...the worst is people that will not post a negative review! total bullshit! there are many on here like that and they dont hide it, the usual excuse from them is "oh i dont wanna stop her from making a living" thats shit and they know it, there not making a living from being bad escorts, thier ripping your fellow hobbyists off!!!!, your not stopping her from making a living, there is a million different careers out there, ur just ensuring it wont be in this field!

so true!
whether hobbyists pay 120$ or 500$ per hour, if the girl or service isn't up to a certain basic standard, post it and warn other guys from making the same mistake or help them know what they're getting into and if a guy still wants to go there, so be it.

but yeah, guys shouldn't feel bad about posting their negative experience as long as they/we all learn from it. we've all had bad encounters, no shame in that, shit happens!


Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
I wholeheartedly agree with everything posted in this thread.

It seems to me, the number of reviews are down from last year and I don't see how that is good for anybody. Anything is helpful, even just a few lines and a quick thumbs up or down. You don't have to feel the need to write a novel. The incall and massage sections are pretty decent. The outcall section is too low for the number of people who see these girls and use the board. I am not sure what the reason is.

I just think if people are going to frequent MERB and ask questions, read reviews on new girls (if available) and do their general research, they at least owe the more regular contributors and community at large a few lines describing their experiences. Even if they are similar to the existing reviews, it's still very helpful for people to know the girl is consistent with a wide range of clients and not YMMV.

This is a free and open site unlike some other ones. To keep it thriving we need everyone to contribute, even if it is just a token comment or quick reveiw here and there.
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