Never underestimate the power of a desperate politician. Politicians are people lower than pieces of amphibian shit at the bottom of the ocean. They need to create the perception of a problem in the publics mind so that they can solve it. You can not fix real problems because this requires time, effort, and the ability to implement good policy, etc. Instead, you create the perception of a problem that doesn't really exist. Then you can fix something that wasn't broken in the first place. But who would know? Just create a back page sting and bust johns and suddenly you are taking a bite out of crime and you are fighting trafficking, under aged prostitution etc... After all, no woman in her right mind would ever sell her body to a man unless she was forced to do so by another man, correct?
Trafficking is a local favorite where I live. We have several politicos that have brought trafficking to the forefront and have vowed to stop it....until they are reelected. There is one problem: There is no one being traficked here!!!! I wish they would pick global warming, GMOs, running out of land fill space due to Jewel boxes for DVDs and other bogus problems that do not exist. At least these don't interfere with my hobby.