Montreal Escorts

Trafficking crackdown initiative


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
From the quoted article:

"People who purchase sexual services should know that most of the women who engage in prostitution are under the control of pimps."

Statements like this make me angry. Where do they get this "most women" from? Certainly there are many women working for agencies in Montreal, however, the agency owners and employees I know are not "controlling pimps". There are also many independents working of their own free will. I just wish for once the media would be fair and truthful about this industry instead of distorting the truth to push their own agendas.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
tiannas, it is very rare that we see an official press release signed by the SPVM stating such bullshit. They know better than that. They kind of dropped the ball here.
Jun 25, 2009
I saw something in the news about an initiative to stamp out selling of sex during the Grand Prix. I do not think there is more going on during GP than at any other time. It is the cause du jour. To many of these look at me do gooders want their 15 minutes of fame.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Never underestimate the power of a desperate politician. Politicians are people lower than pieces of amphibian shit at the bottom of the ocean. They need to create the perception of a problem in the publics mind so that they can solve it. You can not fix real problems because this requires time, effort, and the ability to implement good policy, etc. Instead, you create the perception of a problem that doesn't really exist. Then you can fix something that wasn't broken in the first place. But who would know? Just create a back page sting and bust johns and suddenly you are taking a bite out of crime and you are fighting trafficking, under aged prostitution etc... After all, no woman in her right mind would ever sell her body to a man unless she was forced to do so by another man, correct?

Trafficking is a local favorite where I live. We have several politicos that have brought trafficking to the forefront and have vowed to stop it....until they are reelected. There is one problem: There is no one being traficked here!!!! I wish they would pick global warming, GMOs, running out of land fill space due to Jewel boxes for DVDs and other bogus problems that do not exist. At least these don't interfere with my hobby.


Oct 24, 2011
Hi, I wanted to ask is hobbying relatively safe this week? I just read that site and to be honest that photo scares the *** out of this only going to go on for this week? maybe it would be better to lay low until this thing passes?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I may be wrong about this, but I strongly suspect that buyers and sellers of sex are a more cynical lot than those who do not partake on a regular basis. Cynical people are just not as succeptible to advertising than non-cynical people.

Nope, your not wrong. You got me pegged. I agree with all of the above and oh yes, I hate the fucking media as well.

Who really opposes it? Deeply religious people and those who like a lot of structure in society. I know this is offensive, but if I am doing an advertisement for a product, I can more easily convince someone to buy something who thinks that two of everything sailed around in that Ark than I can convince someone to buy something who spends his time comparing and contrasting two hot escorts based on reading merb reviews.

When you say who really opposes prostitution are you not forgetting one notable group? What about the hair-clipped, wire glasses wearing, plain-jane, man-hating, militant feminist? You know the type. The pathetic middle aged woman that no one ever wanted to fuck. They are all over the cable news stations and on NPR. She takes to the air-wave spouting psycho-bable about the exploitation of young women and how the feminists are going to save these women by stopping the demand. The real reason the average feminist is so surly is because no one ever asked her to prom or homecoming. She sat home every school dance. Since no one ever wanted to fuck her she is here to make sure that no one gets laid. They want us all as miserable as they are. Hell hath no fury like a scorned woman. And oh yes, that is what most male-hating feminists are: Scorned women.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
You are correct. It is really disturbing to read the blogs regarding what they call radical feminism. They relate it to witchcraft. They truly want all men to disappear and they hate any woman that significantly interacts with men, which would obviously include sex workers.

Funny to read you guys... Of course these groups probably view us here as depraved pervert. To which I would reply, "only once in a while, if the chemestry is there" ;)



New Member
Jun 2, 2010
I think this is the beginning of a long period of crack downs. This mayor of ours was talking about cracking down on massage parlors even before he was elected. He is uses political correctness to advance his political career. He wants to make the people believe that he is making Montreal a a modern metropolis that will attract flocks of tourist and there will be economic prosperity. Yet he is the one trampling on the livelihood of many businesses with his grandiose schemes. The Grand Prix is just the beginning. He will be cracking down on the adult industry again and again between his pet projects. He knows that most of the population ( including hobbyist ) will agree with him in public about his move to clean the city up. In this politically correct world the posers and pretenders will not go against him. You can expect that after the Grand Prix the mayor will slowly but surely close up all the visible adult entertainment places. This will stretch to next summer and beyond the 375 th. anniversary of Montreal.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
I think this is the beginning of a long period of crack downs.

Any crack down yet? If any, you can expect it to be in the Chinese owned mp businesses since the CBSA is involved in the campaign. It's a bit unfortunate because we have rarely seen any clear cases of exploitation in these mp's.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Any crack down yet? If any, you can expect it to be in the Chinese owned mp businesses since the CBSA is involved in the campaign. It's a bit unfortunate because we have rarely seen any clear cases of exploitation in these mp's.

I agree that those would be the easiest places to bust. The Asian spas and the girls who work there are also the easiest to stick with the "trafficking" label. Some of the girls are probably in the country illegally and it's easy for law enforcement to intimidate them and get them to agree to whatever the authorities want them to say or do. It plays according to a script. The media and the feminists will pat themselves on the back and the public will be bamboozled yet again.



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Any crack down yet? It's a bit unfortunate because we have rarely seen any clear cases of exploitation in these mp's.

I read one of Reverdy's posts in the C-36 thread. One of the Abolitionists (Legault-Roy) was quoted as saying that the average age a sex worker starts working is 14. If that is the average age then many start younger than that. I have met a few 18 year old does this mean that for every 18 year old there is a 10 year old entering the business? I don't think so. Looking for a 14 year old sex worker is like looking for a 4-leaf clover.

Than why do the abolitionist say this and why does the media quote this and put something like this in print? Because the public wants to read and believe that the average sex worker starts out at 14. This furthers the narrative that all the heterosexual men that purchase services from a sex worker are evil. This is something else that the public wants to gobble up.

There is no way that the woman of Quebec or North America (our daughters) would willingly enter the sex trade at their own free will. For to admit this would mean that we all failed as parents and as a society. That is why John Q. Public wants to read about Underaged, trafficked, girls that are forced or coerced into the sex trade using drugs and the threat of violence.

If you ever watched drivel like "Taken" and actually liked it and recommended it to another than you are part of the blame.

If I hear anyone propagate the bullshit narratives of the abolitionists I would vehemently object and I don't care if it is at Christmas Mass.

I only wish I could afford a car like the car that one of my favorite Montreal SP drives. When I come to Montreal I take the bus to my hotel room to wait in line to see her for $200+ a pop!


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Much ado about nothing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Thank you Patron. That was a good read. You should put this in the other cities escort section - Prostitution in the USA thread.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
The stats some of these bodies present on human trafficking may be skewed due to what/who they are including and or arguably other specific manipulation of data, but so fucking what. human trafficking is very real regardless. There are still surely hundreds of children being victimized, and burying your head in the sand because you want to believe God knows what doesn't change that...

So it is ok to lie if you are trying to help traficked youths? It is ok to say that the average age that a sex worker enters the industry is 14 years old which would mean that ther are several that start as young as 9 and 10? What bullshit.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
"So fucking what?" is just an other way to say "I'm not committed to truth".

You have to take into account the consequences whatever you believes are. Not being committed to truth, in this case, is hurting sex workers across the board, even those in dire conditions. Hitting in calls and clients have consequences. Attacking the market have consequences: it hurts the living of sex workers.


Jan 11, 2012
Is it co-incidence? I heard of two places visited by LE to check permits in the last few weeks.
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