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Modern Whore

Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
Just came across this website by a ex escort from Toronto.: Modern Whore..

There's a book, a documentary and other writings.

You can find the doc on a single video on the website btw..

Pretty interesting..

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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
I'm amazed and puzzled up to see CBC airing such self promotional, paid advertisement video on a show named DOCS! Although I never really watched it, I always thought the shows name was referring to "documentary". I am glad to see our hard earned tax money is well spent! :rolleyes:


Active Member
Jul 20, 2010
Wow! Very interesting video. Showing us both side of the encounter. The guy that supposedly had a really good time and was only thinking about the review he was going to write. The part where the girl is treated like a doll was very harsh. The best part was the last video, she's seeing her favorite client. The nice guy who treats her like a superstar and this guy is super normal haha!

Indeed I liked this videos, the girl is pretty too!
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Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
I'm amazed and puzzled up to see CBC airing such self promotional, paid advertisement video on a show named DOCS! Although I never really watched it, I always thought the shows name was referring to "documentary". I am glad to see our hard earned tax money is well spent! :rolleyes:
I don't understand what you mean. Advertisement?

CBC SHORT DOCS is a series of original short documentaries produced by emerging Canadian independent documentary filmmakers for release across CBC’s digital platforms, offering emerging filmmakers an entrypoint to working with CBC Docs and a platform to reach Canadian and international audiences. These documentaries are a mainstay of CBC’s digital programming and the go-to destination for audiences looking for engaging, character-driven, short (under 30 minutes) documentary content.

In the two years since its launch, CBC SHORT DOCS has released more than 60 short documentaries and worked with dozens of emerging independent documentary filmmakers on all aspects of production, from initial concept through to digital rollout. Diversity of filmmaker voices is a priority - more than 60% of the docs released feature characters from visible minorities, more than 30% are produced by Indigenous filmmakers, and more than 50% are produced and directed by women.

Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
Je trouves que ça fait plus infopub que documentaire
Mais infopub pour quoi, c'est ça que je comprends pas pas. Il y a tellement de styles de documentaires différents. Mais bon, je respecte ton opinion même si je ne comprends pas vraiment. C'est le style cinématographique que tu n'aimes pas?
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Active Member
Jul 20, 2010
Je comprends pas non plus, en quoi ça ressemble à une infopub ?
Pour ta réplique je te donne 1 étoiles hahaha
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
C'est en effet principalement dû au style, cinématographique mais aussi le script et le ton de la narration, cheesy à souhait (à la Sex in the city?). C'est peut-être le style volontairement choisi mais au final tout ce que je retiens c'est qu'elle vends certains services au travers sa compagnie H.A.M. et qu'elle a aussi un livre à vendre. Donc pour moi c'est de la pub déguisée, et par extension vu la longueur du truc j'ai opté pour infopub comme référence.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Sorry but I found these videos to be somewhat similar to what I read on Twitter a lot.
I find it kind of deplorable that a lot of escorts continually bash their clients every chance they get.
If you find it so horrible and the clients are so disgusting, the door is wide open, do something else.
There are many of us that are decent human beings and like SP don’t like body shaming we do not like the monica of scumbag either just because we choose to see you. Like you have many reasons for turning to escorting for your livelihood or just as a second income so do we and there are just as many nice or not so nice people in both groups.
You want to have kindness and respect, we all do and it goes both ways.
I have been lucky and have no complaints about the ladies I have seen, but I am really getting a bit fed up with the ones that so hate what they are doing and blame everybody but themselves for their troubles.

Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
Sorry but I found these videos to be somewhat similar to what I read on Twitter a lot.
I find it kind of deplorable that a lot of escorts continually bash their clients every chance they get.
If you find it so horrible and the clients are so disgusting, the door is wide open, do something else.
There are many of us that are decent human beings and like SP don’t like body shaming we do not like the monica of scumbag either just because we choose to see you. Like you have many reasons for turning to escorting for your livelihood or just as a second income so do we and there are just as many nice or not so nice people in both groups.
You want to have kindness and respect, we all do and it goes both ways.
I have been lucky and have no complaints about the ladies I have seen, but I am really getting a bit fed up with the ones that so hate what they are doing and blame everybody but themselves for their troubles.
I think you misunderstood it. The fact that she does describe the favourite client and even says it makes her feel like she is where she belongs contradicts the assumption that she (we) hate all clients.

In any kind of industry where you deal with people, there are certain clients no one likes to have. I had them when I was working in restaurants, I had them when I was working in a call centre (pure hell) and I also had the same feelings towards co-workers or superiors working in an office.

It's only normal that some people you deal with are just simply not going to be pleasant. I went home and complained about those types of people in all of the work settings I just mentioned. Why would escorting be any different?

The situations she is talking about in a negative way are situations any other person would. Unless you write reviews that are pure fiction, or you are aggressive and frightening as a client, then you are not the type of client she is talking about in the first two stories.

Yes there are escorts who truly hate what they do and hate their clients but someone who feels that way and remains a SW is slowly killing their soul and they are by no means representative of SW in general.

I was worried it would be interpreted the way you are. I thought the fact that she did also include the story about her favorite client and that he was not a young hot 25 year old (as young hot 25 years old guys are convinced is what impresses us lol) and the client she goes on walks with would show that it's not clients she hates, it's certain behaviours of some clients.

Same as any other job.
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Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006

I am a little bit skeptical of this.

She conveniently omits the fact that she got paid, other than complaining about student loans.

And most sex workers take control of the condom. If there is any teasing of uncondomed penis near the vagina it is controlled by the lady and she is on top.

Most sex workers put the condom on customers and they don’t stay underneath him and ask him to put the condom on.

Is this really an actual escort detailing experiences , or a non-escort imagining and creating scenarios?

What It’s Like to Tell the World You’re a Sex Worker
‘Modern Whore’ author Andrea Werhun on parents, client connection, and the nature of shame.

Last November Andrea Werhun was a part of the CBC documentary Sugar Sisters talking about her time spent as an escort. While Werhun had been out as a former sex worker to close friends and family members for years, the documentary was the first occasion where she addressed it publicly. Since then, Werhun has been using the attention gained from Sugar Sisters to advocate for the decriminalization of sex work and has documented her experiences in the upcoming memoir Modern Whore. The book a series of stories and photographs in collaboration with filmmaker Nicole Bazuin and highlights the highs and lows of having sex for money. Recently I had the chance to chat with Werhun about the different types of connection, johns, and the nature of shame. You can read our interview below.

VICE: How did you decide that you wanted to be a sex worker?
Andrea Werhun: I was taking a creative writing class at the University of Toronto, and when I look at my writing at the time, I noticed all my female protagonists were exchanging sex or sexuality for money. They were all really happy about it, too. And it just sort of hit me that I wanted to be a whore all along. I realized that I wanted to be paid for my gifts. My gifts are being able to relate to people, being able to connect with people, making people laugh, bringing pleasure… there is something almost spiritual about it. Being young and pretty helps, as does also being a horndog.

You say you wanted to be a whore all along? What do you mean by that?
It's just something that I deeply wanted for myself. As a woman I'm expected to offer my time and attention to men for free. To demand something in return is liberating. The vast majority of men in my sessions were looking for connection and the chance to express themselves sexually without the fear of being judged. With a whore they can be honest. I think that's love.

Did any of your clients fall in love with you?
No, but there was real connection. For instance, one of my most regular clients was a paraplegic. He had no feeling below the waist so he couldn't use his dick, but what we did was indicative of all the other things whores can do for clients. We would bathe together, wash and touch each other. After we dried off we would make our way to the bedroom where he'd eat my pussy for an hour or so. When we were finished he would saunter up to the top of the bed and we would talk and hold each other. It was sexually fulfilling in an entirely different way.

How much were you paid for your time?
The total was $260 an hour. I got $160 of that. Escorting affords a certain level of anonymity.

Why did you make the decision to go public about your former job?
I don't do shame or secrecy well. It hurts too much. Six months in I told my parents. We'd always been close and I'd like to live in a world where we can be open about these things. My dad was supportive and my mom was heartbroken, but they love me the most in this world, and I knew if they accepted me then I'd have a chance at convincing others to accept me, too. They continued to love me, which is a huge privilege. While I could be real with my parents, for a long time after I left the industry I was afraid of what people would say if they found out.

You were fine with your parents knowing about your sex work, but you were afraid of what acquaintances would say?
For a long time. Yes. That's the nature of shame. It comes from society, and so many of those negative opinions about whores get internalized. You don't have to be a sex worker to know what it's like to feel excluded from society. I couldn't be myself. I couldn't share the stories about these hilarious clients I had. I couldn't share the stories about the shitty clients. Most people weren't in a place where they could deal with my sex work. Granted nowadays I tell people I'm a former sex worker, and they see that I'm comfortable with it, so they are too.

Tell me about your transition out of the sex industry.
When I stopped escorting, I was working behind a front desk and while the job itself and the people I met were great, it was still the most depressed I'd ever been. I was making far less money, wasn't able to set my own schedule, and I no longer had free time to pursue my interests. It was heartbreaking because it was the first time I had hit that real world wall… and because I was also hiding this huge secret, I didn't feel like I could really be myself. That shame was eating away at me so much that I actually ended up leaving Toronto to work on an organic farm.

Wait, you left sex work to work on an organic farm?
Sort of. An opportunity presented itself, and weighing the pros and cons, I decided it was a good time to leave the city and learn about myself through some healing, hard-ass labour. It was physically demanding, but meditative in many ways. There is something special about working the land and…hoeing. Besides there aren't a lot things you can do with a BA in English, especially when you're a former prostitute who is out on the Internet.

I can understand that. Would you ever consider a return to escorting?
I want to be myself without fear. When I got into escorting, it was because I felt it as a call to adventure. I needed that experience for myself. I'm worried that if I returned now it would be solely for the money. Society wants to see whores in one way, and I want to help show everyone that I'm—that all of us sex workers, current or former—are so much more than just that."

Also this

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I think you misunderstood it. The fact that she does describe the favourite client and even says it makes her feel like she is where she belongs contradicts the assumption that she (we) hate all clients.

In any kind of industry where you deal with people, there are certain clients no one likes to have. I had them when I was working in restaurants, I had them when I was working in a call centre (pure hell) and I also had the same feelings towards co-workers or superiors working in an office.

It's only normal that some people you deal with are just simply not going to be pleasant. I went home and complained about those types of people in all of the work settings I just mentioned. Why would escorting be any different?

The situations she is talking about in a negative way are situations any other person would. Unless you write reviews that are pure fiction, or you are aggressive and frightening as a client, then you are not the type of client she is talking about in the first two stories.

Yes there are escorts who truly hate what they do and hate their clients but someone who feels that way and remains a SW is slowly killing their soul and they are by no means representative of SW in general.

I was worried it would be interpreted the way you are. I thought the fact that she did also include the story about her favorite client and that he was not a young hot 25 year old (as young hot 25 years old guys are convinced is what impresses us lol) and the client she goes on walks with would show that it's not clients she hates, it's certain behaviours of some clients.

Same as any other job.
I pretty much agree with everything you are saying.
Guess I have been reading too much Twitter lately and really got irked at the continued begging for everything under the sun from pet operations to moving expenses to Gucci bags and then the same ones further down the line just continually bad mouthing their clients.
Just makes me shake my head and wonder how or who in their right mind would book these ladies or send anything to them.
What they don’t get is just like you ladies read reviews to screen we can also read.
I so wish that these ladies were like the ones I see because they are fabulous to be with and have really made a difference in my life.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

I am a little bit skeptical of this.

She conveniently omits the fact that she got paid, other than complaining about student loans.

And most sex workers take control of the condom. If there is any teasing of uncondomed penis near the vagina it is controlled by the lady and she is on top.

Most sex workers put the condom on customers and they don’t stay underneath him and ask him to put the condom on.

Is this really an actual escort detailing experiences , or a non-escort imagining and creating scenarios?
You are right, I kind of lost it after the first two videos where it was the usual crap about how horrible hobbyists are.
The only part I found funny was when the guy suddenly turned from a young guy into an old man.
This kind of reminded me when I was 14 and my dad convinced me to work a summer in my brothers hair dressing salon.
I thought it would be great washing the hair of all these gorgeous women like the ones in the fashion magazines I saw in my brothers salon.
Well it turned out that 90% were 50-80 year old grannies that came to get their hair done, my first workplace disappointment.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
So was I Patron, and to me it sounded like the usual crap from a disgruntled SP who actually hates what she is doing and doesn’t care for any of the clients she is seeing, just another ATM machine.
After you had pointed out a few things It may not even be an actual SP but the media again sensationalizing what they believe is happening in this profession. For me maybe some of the media is on par with politicians and are leading contenders for scumbag awards.
I get that there are creeps involved in this profession on both sides but Iike SP get pissed at clients who don’t treat them with respect and kindness I feel the same way when the tables are turned.

Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
I am confused by the take away from this.

So she likes sex work when she can perform and when the customer says nice things about her and does not do things that disturb her. She doesn’t like reviews, or at least doesn’t like reviews that provide much detail.

But look at her actions. She pokes fun at customers who are older and have erectile dysfunction.

It is in fact the detailed reviews, even if exaggerated, that provide the most benefit to customers.

I am not sure what the points are in the documentary, or what it is trying to accomplish.
I don't think she really said much bad about reviews in general, just that it is surreal - which it is, to read explicitly detailed reviews.

She's not poking fun at erectile dysfunction. She's just recounting how ridiculous it is that a person who could not actually have sex wrote this incredibly detailed fantasy version of an appointment with her. That's not exactly a useful review for anyone involved. And it is weird. Especially if you were present for the appointment that is being reviewed this way.

A reviewer such as this man is not doing anyone (but himself) any favours. I'm not sure how you can believe they are of any value.

It's based on her memoire, that's the only point and there's nothing she's trying to accomplish. She actually thinks positively of her time as a escort and 99% of the clients.

I posted on perb as well and the reaction has been quite different. A couple of members have said they read the book and quite enjoyed it.

Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006

Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
I just found that part cringeworthy. I had an ATF twenty to twenty-five years ago who told me about the trauma she had from having an abortion after an encounter with a really, really good-looking guy. This provider was stunningly beautiful, and she thought the baby would have grown up to be one of the world’s best looking people.

Guess what? Some dumb shit put that story in a review. This was the earliest days of review boards in the U.S., and hopefully she never saw it before the mods took it out.

There are some things you just don’t say, especially when it is attached to a handle. Abortions and erectile dysfunction are at the top of the list. Why did the documentary folks need to give the guy’s handle? He paid money mostly to have oral sex with her. He would have done her a disservice by writing a review saying he did not get an erection. Most guys just skimming a review might cross her off the list. So the end result is that this guy is less likely to participate in message boards, which is not something any of us want.

And since it might have been clear from the session that she provides multiple positions and aimed to please, he was providing useful information. Take anal sex, for example. I don’t think I am the only one this happened to, by the way. Sometimes a guy will be with a provider who accepts anal play on her and anal sex. It isn’t always the easiest thing in the world to get a covered penis into an anus, particularly in doggie style, if that is the position the guy wants. And most of us are aware that a person needs to switch condoms when going from anal to vaginal.

So let’s say that a guy does anal play with her, she says that anal sex is fine, but he decides that he likely isn’t quite hard enough to have a successful anal sex experience, so they do covered vaginal sex. Most girls who like anal play and anal sex have a better orgasm either during the vaginal sex or via oral sex with some more anal play afterward. He got relatively more excited by getting to do anal play as foreplay. Everyone was happy.

So does the guy have to write that level of detail? If he just says they did anal sex, he is not telling the literal truth, but is anyone harmed in that situation? She gets more customers who are interested in anal sex. If he says she offers anal sex but he didn’t fully engage in the experience, one wonders why. She doesn’t want future customers thinking she wasn’t “clean” or something.

When they made the documentary, they clearly did shortcuts and illustrations. Is there really any difference between that and what the reviewer did? It would be a bigger deal if she didn’t offer multiple positions. Same with multiple cums. A lot of guys, especially younger ones, find it very important to cum twice in an hour. A lot of older guys have longer refractory periods. If the provider is clearly willing to do twice, does the older guy have to say that? He does everyone the same benefit if he says they did two, particularly if he got the second erection but time ran out before he came. But does he have to say that?

To me and to others, the documentary came out anti-customer. I am not sure if she was like that as a provider. I suspect it was as a result of the editing by producers
I don't think that was the guy's actually handle btw.

I find it odd that you would say that a fictitious review is helpful. So why should Sp's not post reviews of themselves if it's going to be helpful to know what is offered? Pimps?

When you hear her speak and just the preface to her book it's clear she is definitely not anti client.

Anna Bijou

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
I don't think that was the guy's actually handle.

You have to keep in mind that all we have to go by are those three clips. It is good to know that the book is better.

The clips are the type of propaganda most of us have gotten very tired of. She escorted due to Student Loans. There is nothing wrong with escorting for any reason, and a lot of people, especially male college students, do not escort. Why was that the introduction?

The guy with erectile disfunction was transformed in the video from a young guy to an old guy. I didn’t understand that part. Many providers take pride in serving customers of all ages and disabilities. Of course the guy accused of being a potential rapist was a young guy, so I guess the producers didn’t do age discrimination.

When they get to the guy she really liked, they don’t show much of him. Just her riding him cowgirl style. Maybe some symbolism?

If I recall correctly, they imply that the guys write reviews to brag about sexual performance. I don’t think that is the case. I think it is to get more business for providers they like and to help other guys (with the assumption that those other guys will reciprocate). I would guess that the guy with erectile dysfunction was making an educated guess about how the session would have gone if he didn’t have a disability. I think that justifies his actions and is far different than a pimp writing a fake review.

Providers can request a no review policy and have discussions with customers about what is put in a review. Did she ask the guy with erectile dysfunction about whether he wanted to be in a documentary? If Mr. CEO wasn’t his real handle, was that the username of someone else?

Other than that, I think we'll have to agree to disagree on certain points but I understand where you are coming from.
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