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...Fears of becoming addicted!

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...

I understand you to have fears. Totally normal.

Let's say that you are living a kind of "lune de miel", "honey moon" presently because you are new to this, and yes, that can look magical from certain perspectives.

I am asking you something: please, always keep this jovial attitude in your heart. Some become delusional and bitter after a while because they have believed things they constructed in their minds that appeared to not be the "real reality".

Take those encounters as temporary pleasure bubbles of entertaining that you are creating with the ladies you choose to meet. And everything should be fine for that part.

The other part about to become very active sexually and could look as an addiction : Yes, it could totally bring your body to want to continue to have the same pace.
But, that's exactly the same path of constructing the habit to be highly sexual, than less sexual eventually after.
The body is adapting to what you will make it live, with probably a little period of adaptation, but that's not the end of the world. :smile:

Like others have mentioned, you could be more of a "good" candidate if you were having already a general profile of addiction. That's what I think too.
But hey, I'm not a specialist, just old enough and experienced. :pound:


Nov 21, 2010
Well well, this thread is still going! Awesome insight guys (and gal! Thanks Maria for the woman's perpective! And I shall certainly try to keep my jovial attitude about this field! :) )
Great suggestions/comments!
...I like that idea of a creating an account just for hobbying!

The other part about to become very active sexually and could look as an addiction : Yes, it could totally bring your body to want to continue to have the same pace.
But, that's exactly the same path of constructing the habit to be highly sexual, than less sexual eventually after.
The body is adapting to what you will make it live, with probably a little period of adaptation, but that's not the end of the world. :smile:

Seems like a reasonable explanation has to what is happening to me: my body is just getting used to be more sexual (dopamine rush!), and therefore, wants to keep the same pace (this after a looong period of inactivity!).
And I being a person that is not exactly close to his feelings or his body usually (I'm more of rational person than an emotional one: my body and mind often confront each other!), I guess... I just don't know exactly how to react to this situation!
Damn body scrambling my brains again!
Guess...I'll...go cycling some more to change my mind! Let's have control over this Pandora's Box! :)

...Maybe I should buy a Real Doll and try to trick my brain into thinking that I just had sex with a beautiful woman! (and not a bunch of creepy lifeless latex!) ;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
I've gotten addicted for a bit. Has set me back a couple years from me buying my first condo. I smartened up... all good now.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Well well, this thread is still going! Awesome insight guys (and gal! Thanks Maria for the woman's perpective! And I shall certainly try to keep my jovial attitude about this field! :) )
Great suggestions/comments!
...I like that idea of a creating an account just for hobbying!

Seems like a reasonable explanation has to what is happening to me: my body is just getting used to be more sexual (dopamine rush!), and therefore, wants to keep the same pace (this after a looong period of inactivity!).
And I being a person that is not exactly close to his feelings or his body usually (I'm more of rational person than an emotional one: my body and mind often confront each other!), I guess... I just don't know exactly how to react to this situation!
Damn body scrambling my brains again!
Guess...I'll...go cycling some more to change my mind! Let's have control over this Pandora's Box! :)

...Maybe I should buy a Real Doll and try to trick my brain into thinking that I just had sex with a beautiful woman! (and not a bunch of creepy lifeless latex!) ;)

I like your attitude. As I have wrote above I went throught the period where I saw way to many girls and spent way to much money, near addiction really. I tired out because I had too many session that were not interesting at all, even some at good agency... I now carefully plan my meeting, reading carefully about the girl on this site and yes as mention in this thread using only money budgeted aside. How do I cope with the urge of having sex more often? Just like you mention, I took back my mountain bike to hit the trails 4-5 times a week. I lost about 10 pound in the last few mouth and I feel great!

Many mention here on this thread that they prefer to spend money on girls than on buying fancy stuff, fancy cars, etc... Cannot agree more. I myself sold my bmw and bought a basic shitty car that still drives me where I want to go. Giving me a good amount of extra money to spend. But the turning point for me was 5 years ago when I witness a men die of a heart attack while on vacation in mexico. There was many of us to help him but we failed to revive him. This was the turning point for me where I realize that we live only once. One week later on a business trip out west I saw my first SP :)



Nov 21, 2010
Just like you mention, I took back my mountain bike to hit the trails 4-5 times a week. I lost about 10 pound in the last few mouth and I feel great!

Agreed! Cycling is great! I lost a bunch of weight in the last few months AND my leg muscles are so hard now I think I could crack nuts between them! ;)
I just wish I could tell my younger self to move more a bit, instead of playing Playstation to no end!

But the turning point for me was 5 years ago when I witness a men die of a heart attack while on vacation in mexico. There was many of us to help him but we failed to revive him. This was the turning point for me where I realize that we live only once. One week later on a business trip out west I saw my first SP :)

Jesus! That'll certainly put a new perspective on things!
My road to hobbying was way more boring: I discovered MERB years ago, saying to my anxiety-riddled self: "I'd like to that one day!", then years went by, until I found the right SP for me, then I just said to myself "Screw it! Let's do this now!" :)


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Agreed! Cycling is great! I lost a bunch of weight in the last few months AND my leg muscles are so hard now I think I could crack nuts between them! ;)
I just wish I could tell my younger self to move more a bit, instead of playing Playstation to no end!

Jesus! That'll certainly put a new perspective on things!
My road to hobbying was way more boring: I discovered MERB years ago, saying to my anxiety-riddled self: "I'd like to that one day!", then years went by, until I found the right SP for me, then I just said to myself "Screw it! Let's do this now!" :)

Stupid me... I went to opposite way, I did about 4 years of hubby without using this board. Beside the nice encounters I had in many trips to Europe or other american cities I could write a book about the strange, horrible, bizarre and sometime scary encounters I had over here ;)



Nov 21, 2010
Beside the nice encounters I had in many trips to Europe or other american cities I could write a book about the strange, horrible, bizarre and sometime scary encounters I had over here ;)

I just found an existing thread about "Horror Stories"!
You could post them there! :)


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Careful, I think a misspelled word might have changed your meaning. I played the hubby for a few years and it was like the opposite of addiction. After a short while I wanted to stop doing it

Haha good one, so true. The problem is this board!!!



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
. But the turning point for me was 5 years ago when I witness a men die of a heart attack while on vacation in mexico. There was many of us to help him but we failed to revive him. This was the turning point for me where I realize that we live only once. One week later on a business trip out west I saw my first SP :)


This is why I tried to book the French Doll Eva. I didn't care if it was 400$/hour. I could be dead tomorrow.


Active Member
Nov 3, 2013
This is why I started doing this, pushed by the boredom of life's routine. Life is short and unpredictable, and anything could happen any minute, and what is life other than beautiful moments to enjoy and remember. I've spent good money on hobbying which I wouldn't have spent if I was more experienced as I'm now, but I don't regret it. I considered it as my vacation that I've never taken.

Yep, you only live once. Enjoy the girls you can, but make sure you are not compromising your money for your monthly bills. I have spent quite some in the last couple of months, but I don't regret it. I did not hobby much in 3 years, so it is worth it now that I found girls that I really like and others I am curious about. However, I know there is an allocated budget for it or I have to find other sources of income if I want to spend more


Nov 21, 2010
I've spent good money on hobbying which I wouldn't have spent if I had had more experience, but I don't regret it. I considered it as my vacation.

Well I think I made my budgetary choice: I won't be having a vacation this year! :(
On the other hand... more SPs!! :)


New Member
May 14, 2016
what is life other than beautiful moments to enjoy and remember.

I think it's a lot more than that, but beautiful moments of all kinds are the best.

Once you allow yourself to step into the escort hobby you feel so close to fulfilling those burning desires for beauty, lust, fantasy, temporarily, your human desire can trick you into believing all you wanted of this can happen. After all isn't the place we all hope to end up for eternity supposed to be the place where everything is a fantasy fulfilled. No wonder its hard to keep your head straight when a few blissful hours can make it seem like you're there already.

sweet dreams


New Member
May 14, 2016
I didn't mean moments in hobbying only.

Okay, thanks for clarifying your meaning. To be clear myself, I didn't think you meant hobbying only. I was inferring only we have to go through a lot more than positives in everything.
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Roy Bean

New Member
Jun 9, 2010
There is a device in your pocket that can keep you from being addicted, it is called a wallet. You will only hobby what you can afford. Do you do booze or dope excessively? Do you over eat? If you do not have a obsessive personality you will not over hobby.


Nov 21, 2010
There is a device in your pocket that can keep you from being addicted, it is called a wallet. You will only hobby what you can afford. Do you do booze or dope excessively? Do you over eat? If you do not have a obsessive personality you will not over hobby.

... No, I guess I don't indulge in things in excess usually (or if I do, I scale back when I go too far: e.g. boozing!)... Kinda helps me alleviate my fears! Thanks man!


Nov 21, 2010
In fact...I should thank everybody who chipped in with their 2 cents on this thread!

My general attitude these last days has grown from "omg-what-the-fuck-is-happening-to-me??!!" to
"Heyyyy (think The Fonze!), it's gonna be ok! This is gonna be a great addition to my life!"


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
In fact...I should thank everybody who chipped in with their 2 cents on this thread!

My general attitude these last days has grown from "omg-what-the-fuck-is-happening-to-me??!!" to
"Heyyyy (think The Fonze!), it's gonna be ok! This is gonna be a great addition to my life!"

You bet! Done wisely it will be a great addition. You will end up with a fucking smile on your face. People will ask you why do you have this fucking grinding smile on your face and all you will be able to say is "ha dont know, just happy". Like hungry posted earlier, you wont be able to tell that not only you saw that perfect dream girl in yoga pants but that you were actually able to pull down those yoga pants and play with....

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