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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Asking for your it something that you find boring.....??? suis un peu de cette nature .....i guess when you are in the twenties not a problem....BUT being over the thirties would you b more reluctant to say.......just asking.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Asking for your it something that you find boring.....??? suis un peu de cette nature .....i guess when you are in the twenties not a problem....BUT being over the thirties would you b more reluctant to say.......just asking.

Asking for your it something that you find boring.....??? Non pas ennuyeux mais pas très original non plus. Je répond toujours en privé par contre.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
I wonder if there are less busy periods through out the year. Maybe during not nut November?

I wonder if there are less busy periods through out the year. Maybe during not nut November? December - January because of Christmas and New Years. People need to spend their money on gifts and travelling to see their family.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
I have a question, What is the strangest kink or request you have received? it need not be strange in general. or you can answer, this which request had highest shock value when you were asked?

I will go copy and past the request I received just yesterday that fits this question...

"hello my dear I'm a 38 year old guy and I'm really into it. I've had some pretty Mongolian trips while traveling and I've been missing it lately. Personally, I have no limits as long as everything happens with consent and respect. I'm looking for piss and shit swallowing with deepthroat puke leaning against. Hoping it’s up your alley! :)"

Oh and I had to google what Mongolian trips might be referring to. o_O

not giving names or what site this request was sent to me from.. You wanted shock value... it took some tact in declining this offer. I tend to respond as courteously as I can to everyone who writes to me...
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Asking for your it something that you find boring.....??? suis un peu de cette nature .....i guess when you are in the twenties not a problem....BUT being over the thirties would you b more reluctant to say.......just asking.
So not so much boring, as I find it rude... If someone is asking my age, it means they haven't read my profile.. and every ad that is out there has the age pretty much front and center. If age is being asked then I'm already bothered by their lack of paying attention to who they are asking for... I'm 40 BTW and have always seen it as rude to ask a lady what their age is, especially when it has already been provided before even contacting me.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
dude born as wrong species lol!
LOL people have their kinks and desires... I myself have my own unconventional kinks that would make some people cringe (doing this job is one of them).. but that's only for my master to know and enjoy... I come from the mindset " judge not lest ye be judged ".
besides I've brought out of people sides of themselves they themselves didn't even know they had... society tends to make most people feel ashamed for liking the things they like, and that's more damaging to ones mental health than learning to accept your desires and finding like minded people.

even doing this job, or the people who call us fall under the same stigma, why else do you look for anonymity when participating.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
LOL. He said that with confidence too
It's all part of a bdsm world... I have chosen my master and have chosen to submit to him (he is my bf, my lover, my sanity, literally) and be his slave... (the only correct way to be a slave, my choice if, and who to). and in our type of lifestyle.. I will do whatever he asks of me.. (only for him though). Even doing this, we see ourselves as a monogamous couple. (me doing this for work is one of his own turnons.) but was a decision suggested by me. long story behind that..

Kinkster recognizes kinkser... nothing wrong with asking to see if I was willing to partake in his kink.. He knew it was a better shot asking me than someone who doesn't demonstrate the same open-mindedness. The worst thing i can say is no, and i guess post it here lol.. but shock value was too tempting not to share it when asked :p

Sorry if it is TMI, I tend to have not much of a filter. But before this lifestyle change I was suicidally depressed and suffered anxiety with multiple panic attacks daily. Everyone has their story, and not everyone is suited to a regular lifestyle.

I'm a little paranoid I might get in trouble for expressing these views, I don't mean to make people uncomfortable. Just trying to express where his confidence in requesting this type of desire to me and likely not someone else.
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Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
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Sep 8, 2020
Providers: Has a celebrity ever booked you?


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Providers: Has a celebrity ever booked you?
my personal distaste for the Toronto maple leafs
when I was 19 (21 years ago) they called for 2 girls to a hotel room they wanted a team gangbang and only pay the 2 of us as a single person each... they expected us to graciously accept the opportunity to be with them. I told them it wasn't happening unless they paid us for each player who would participate.. they declined and we walked away..
If it had happened.. I never would have retold the story... clients privacy is critical especially celebrities...


Be nerd. I dare you.
Mar 24, 2018
I don't want to inquire too much, but I wonder if you would have a TDL yourself. I wonder if you would be curious to meet people of certain backgrounds or having a peculiar personality.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
I will go copy and past the request I received just yesterday that fits this question...

"hello my dear I'm a 38 year old guy and I'm really into it. I've had some pretty Mongolian trips while traveling and I've been missing it lately. Personally, I have no limits as long as everything happens with consent and respect. I'm looking for piss and shit swallowing with deepthroat puke leaning against. Hoping it’s up your alley! :)"

Oh and I had to google what Mongolian trips might be referring to. o_O

not giving names or what site this request was sent to me from.. You wanted shock value... it took some tact in declining this offer. I tend to respond as courteously as I can to everyone who writes to me...
Each on their own, but I do not get the reference of "Mongolian Trips"? What does it mean?


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Each on their own, but I do not get the reference of "Mongolian Trips"? What does it mean?
I'm still not entirely sure.. but looks like a lot of the slang terms tend to be scat related... I just read the different things that came up when I searched mongolian trip urban dictionary.. heres the link it all started with.


Urban Dictionary › define › term=[mo...

and once I clicked the link one after another the sex terms are pretty graphic.. started flipping backwards in pages.

I can only assume in context he just means a compilation of the different definitions I have come to see as I scrolled and saw the many different sexual acts that start with the name mongolian..

I'm now feeling bad for the culture to have been associated with these terms.. I tend to be pro any and every culture. but slang makes it's own rules. and rarely nicely.
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Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
I don't want to inquire too much, but I wonder if you would have a TDL yourself. I wonder if you would be curious to meet people of certain backgrounds or having a peculiar personality.

I don't want to inquire too much, but I wonder if you would have a TDL yourself. I wonder if you would be curious to meet people of certain backgrounds or having a peculiar personality. No I don’t have a TDL, I don’t like setting myself up for disappointment. Sometimes when you want to try something, you idealize it and if it doesn’t go like what you expected, you get disappointed. I just take whatever comes at me and then I get to say “wow that was fun, I’m glad I got to try that, I would have never thought of doing that”
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