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Agencies that keep your phone# and name in their records...


Active Member
Dec 30, 2013
The adoption of Bill C-36 which criminalizes the purchase of sexual services will surely lead to police action at some point.

This has got me wondering about agencies that keep clients' names and phone numbers in their records.

Does this worry you?

Off the top of my head, the following agencies know who I am just from the call display:

Sexy Nadya's

Good Girls


XXXception Girls...

I suppose that any agency booker who was busted, could easily avoid charges, by exchanging his client list (in his cellphone records) for his freedom....


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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If an agency asks questions I don't wish to answer, I ask them if they want my business.

For hobbying, I reserve a cheap phone and pay for the usage cash without giving anybody my name. Such a phone costs a fraction of an hourly charge for an escort. I am seriously considering getting a credit card in someone else's name for hotel room stays.


New Member
Sep 12, 2012
The Laurentians
Have you considered looking at apps such as Text me? Allows you a second phone number on your device. When you sign up, you dont need to give your real phone number and setup a random gmail account for their records. When or if you get uncomfortable with this number, delete your account on Text Me and start the process over again, and boom a new phone#.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2003
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For iphone get:



Active Member
Apr 17, 2013
Agree with Anon_vlad, the only true safegard and solution for hobbying is a pre-paid phone purchased cash and usage credit paid cash. Texting apps dowloaded to your smartphone can/will gain access to your phone credentials, giving private info to the app supplier who in turn may do who knows what with it since most have very loose, vague or simply non-existant privacy policies......
With the texting number, you can be traced back to the app supplier who may have a business model involving the sale of customer information to 3rd parties or be forced to give info to LE
Better safe than sorry


Active Member
Apr 17, 2012
Gotta love Montreal
Just be cautious about what you right/ask. Like an SP said to me, as long as you dont text things like "does she do anal for 50$?", even if the cops get your phone, they cant prove anything if you just asked to see a woman and talked about the hourly rate. Its the same thing with drug pushers, clients rarely get in any kind of troubles...


Nov 11, 2012
Agree with Anon_vlad, the only true safegard and solution for hobbying is a pre-paid phone purchased cash and usage credit paid cash. Texting apps dowloaded to your smartphone can/will gain access to your phone credentials, giving private info to the app supplier who in turn may do who knows what with it since most have very loose, vague or simply non-existant privacy policies......
With the texting number, you can be traced back to the app supplier who may have a business model involving the sale of customer information to 3rd parties or be forced to give info to LE
Better safe than sorry
Exactly. A separate hobby phone is the best bet and the only foolproof means of ensuring privacy (anonymous, pay-as-you-go type).

Mike's Mansion

New Member
Mar 22, 2010
We personally won't take any rdvz without a valid phone number to reach you back at. You can't expect for a busy agency to simply "take your word" that you will show up or be serious. There have been people who call from private numbers, online services, apps etc who exist for the sole purpose of busting balls and wasting time. I understand there is a need to feel secure and private but this shouldn't be an issue with a respected and established agency/indy. As for keeping records my phone is clear of any numbers/texts. If i ever lost it or had it confiscated i would be embarassed to have left a trail of bread crumbs for anyone. I do however remember phone numbers and/or addresses of regular clients by heart simply due to regular business. I'm bound to remember someone if they call 3-4 times a month ;)


Active Member
Dec 30, 2013
As for keeping records my phone is clear of any numbers/texts. If i ever lost it or had it confiscated i would be embarassed to have left a trail of bread crumbs for anyone.

That is the key... and it is one of the reasons I like dealing with you guys (both this sounds like shilling! I'll have to say something bad about you...).

Nobody gives a damn if a booker remember stuff in his head....but agencies like Sexy Nadyas, Good Girls and Asservissante that keep detailed client lists in their cell phone records are a threat to all hobbyists.

If LE ever wanted to launch a sting....anyone of those cell phones would jam up the courts for months....


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Nobody gives a damn if a booker remember stuff in his head....but agencies like Sexy Nadyas, Good Girls and Asservissante that keep detailed client lists in their cell phone records are a threat to all hobbyists...
What if they have our telephone numbers ?
How is it going to jam up the courts ?
If LE ever wanted to launch a sting....anyone of those cell phones would jam up the courts for months....




Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
I have apps, I rarely use them but it happens as a backup.
But, like Anon_Vlad, I use an anonymous payphone and always pay cash.

Im sure there are agencies that don't keep any clients records but I don't want to make business ONLY with those.

And since I do a lot of business with Ann123, AnnonceIntime, Backpage ads, I cannot rely that these are not keeping my infos.
Actually, I have seen indys that keep the historical of our SMS convos. They can then remember who we are.
They also put some comments in our contact info like Bob - Good or Bob - Avoid. I think this is the right way to act.

I actually like that a SP or agency keep my info.
And since this is an anonymous hobby phone, I do like when Indies tell me when they are available. Or just text to chill...


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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That is the key... and it is one of the reasons I like dealing with you guys (both this sounds like shilling! I'll have to say something bad about you...).

Nobody gives a damn if a booker remember stuff in his head....but agencies like Sexy Nadyas, Good Girls and Asservissante that keep detailed client lists in their cell phone records are a threat to all hobbyists.

If LE ever wanted to launch a sting....anyone of those cell phones would jam up the courts for months....

Now, as I am one of the more cautious members here because of C-36, I cannot agree with your statement.

If LE had all of the phone numbers called to an agency, what does that prove? Nothing. You could have called the phone in error. You could have called in curiosity many times and been too nervous to actually make an appointment and buy sex. The C-36 law makes it illegal to buy sex, not ask questions about buying sex.

So how in the world would an agency having your phone number prove that you actually bought sex from that agency? The burden of proof is on the government to prove you actually paid someone to have sex, not that you called an escort agency. I don't understand your logic.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Remember the whole point of C-36 is to target clients....a good three or four busts, in major cities around election time is just what a "law and order" party would try to encourage....

And could you please tell us how this would work? The SPVM receiving a call from the PM's office? You fantasize quite lot about the workings of LE in Canada. Also around election time? Seriously? The latest poll show that Canadians oppose C-36 in a very large majority. Police forces know very well that sting operations would yield terrible effects. They tend to base their operation not on ideology but on analysis of criminality.

Rusty Staub

6x All-Star selection
Jul 10, 2008
Do agencies typically store our numbers and text messages?

I have no reason to ask this question other than curiosity.

But if I text Agency X say four times per year and book with them say once a year, is every time I text them a question the first time?

I am sure for certain regulars / VIP's they get stored with a nickname. But for a low volume guy, do they save my texts and/or store my name as say "Booked Chloe 6/14".

Anyone happen to know?
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