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98.5 Isabelle Marechal in french on Sex Industry


Sep 3, 2009
I am personnally very annoyed that most interviews are with girls condoning the SP world, most with horror stories, negative experience and childhood traumas. I know many girls, including myself, who have positive experiences and view this occupation is a whole different light. Why are these girls never heard?
I think if more positive experiences and ``companionship``/hobbyism advices were shared, there would be a lot of girls (AND hobbyists) that would not end up with such bad experiences.

One example of something that makes me mad :

Calling sex workers troubled victims, agency and strip club owners horrible abusers and hobbyists old perverts contributes to shame, misinformation, abuse and overall bad experiences. I don`t think condonning people helps them at all... However I do think that this is prejudice, just like racism, or any discrimination.

Since I started in the business, most people I have met were seeking companionship and living a fantasy. My experiences were 99% good and I had the chance to receive the help of more experienced SPs and hobbyists. I met really great people as well. I did my homeworks, I read the boards, I looked at other girl`s photos and websites, worked on my presentation and offer. I always felt no problem being a companion on my terms and never was forced into anything. If people stopped judging this world like some bad movie, I think girls and hobbyists would have a much better experience.

Lola xox


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
Elle mentionne MERB à la 33e minute!
Extrait savoureux effectivement !
"ya un site là ... .. je l`ai en plein dans la figure là ... et ya 30 annonces à la seconde !"
Même pas eu le courage d`écouter le reste, vu le niveau déjà de cet extrait...

ahahahahahahahah !!! ça se peux-tu ! esti quelle blondasse non professionnelle !
En tout cas chapeau bas Fred pour avoir autant d`annonceurs ! :amen:

Ça c`est clairement du journalisme objectif et du beau travail totalement subjectif...
Moi aussi je suis tanné d`entendre les mêmes conneries sur l`age d`entrée evidemment très jeune.
Bien sur je condamne totalement lorsque C`EST LE CAS et cela fermement et sans restrictions !
Mais tabarnak quand est-ce, que comme le dit très bien Lola :thumb:, on va enfin laisser la parole à des filles pour qui l`expérience de cette job est globalement positive ???
En deux ans et demi de hobbyisme, j`ai rencontré pas mal plus de filles qui sont très bien, loin d`être abusée, pimpée et tout le ramassis mardeux habituel qu`on nous rabache sans cesse !
Mais non ! non ! non ! ça ne se fait pas voyons ... allons donc ! Vous n`y pensez pas !
C`est tellement plus simple de se focuser sur les 10-20% ou c`est un problème qu`il faut régler !
Et la clandestinité plus les lois actuelles ne permettent pas du tout cela. Ce que le jugement Hamel en Ontario À CLAIREMENT démontré !

Bref cette émission radio = une belle foutaise (anyway on en attend pas moins de 98.5Fm lol).

Il ne faut pas oublier qu`ici au Québec, il y a moins de 40-50 ans le bas clergé et tous les prêtres catho régentaient la vie sociale et les moeurs!
Cela a effectivement beaucoup progressé et il y a encore du chemin à parcourir !
Mouais il y a encore de la job avant de légaliser ... mais bon restons positif globalement je trouve que cela évolue ! :cool:


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
(Isabelle Maréchal, Julie Miville-Dechêne, Christine St-Pierre) ont de la suite dans les idées
Yep ... la fameuse et typique Solidarité féminine !!!
Pathétique dans ce cas surtout quand on ne sait pas de quoi on parle !
Ce qui pour des journalistes de plus est carrément une faute professionnelle !


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I am personnally very annoyed that most interviews are with girls condoning the SP world, most with horror stories, negative experience and childhood traumas. I know many girls, including myself, who have positive experiences and view this occupation is a whole different light. Why are these girls never heard?

Lola xox

Hello Lola,

I have to agree that there's a gross imbalance with the image of women in this industry. Why doesn't the media present the other side of those women who have had generally good experiences? Probably both because the media is too cowardly to go against what the very vocal and very politically active Conservatives want to hear and have published about the industry, and because the ugly side seems more sensational and is therefor more profitable. The irony is that given the overwhelmingly predominant negative image, stories that would give the positive side would be the more sensational and profitable...for at least a short time if not longer.

But the other problem is women doing well don't need help. Those being abused are probably often being abused brutally. There should be balance to show both sides, but it's the negative side that needs exposure because the negative side seems to be getting worse.

Good luck,



"Condoning" means to accept, maybe go along with. I take it that you probably meant...condemning or being very negative.


Sep 3, 2009
Hi Merlot,

I have ideas on what would be useful and positive for SPs in Montreal... Alexandra and I have some very interesting ideas on our minds.... Stay tuned! hihi!

The medias are hypocrits. They twist and turn information in a speach then studied by a team of relationists.... They are about scandal and sensationnalisme and it makes them feel better to talk about how people can suffer and make mistakes.
Take a guy like Guy A. Lepage, who had this girl who was a top companion for NY Confidential on his show, who was a companion to incredibly intelligent and powerful men, and all he thinks of asking her is completely irrelevant questions like is there some clients that were ugly, did you have to wear schoolgirl outfits and talk about how she didn`t save any money. Who cares if she wasn`t always attracted to everybody or if she spend all her money on Fifth Avenue! Is that what matters to people?

Anyways, it`s the oldest job in the world. companions have been around the greatest kings since the beginning of time, and it will always be too scandalous for people that a women can feel empowered and comfortable in being a fantasy, a confidente and a friend. Why would anyone not feel amazing having that role? And no girl ever laid in a powerful man`s bed with nothing to say and needle marks on her arms.

Lola xox

Condoing Oh my God shamefull.... And I google it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im super good in French though!
Last edited:


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hi Merlot,

``Anyways, it`s the oldest job in the world. companions have been around the greatest kings since the beginning of time, and it will always be too scandalous for people that a women can feel empowered and comfortable in being a fantasy, a confidente and a friend. Why would anyone not feel amazing having that role? And no girl ever laid in a powerful man`s bed with nothing to say and needle marks on her arms.``

Lola xox


Good point! The most famous and powerful companion, Theodora, saved an empire for her husband Justinian I at the last moment by being an example of great courage to change his mind from fleeing the Nika Revolt. While not a true companion, Josephine de Beauharnais worked her way through a number of affairs with very powerful government leaders and was said to have been influential with her husband Napoleon.

The media tend to have a great appetite for tragedy as terrible as they can find it because of the profitability. Sex crimes, sex slavery, reckless child exploitation. Look at Nelly Arcan. She gained fame for her writing, yes, but also because of the sympathy she developed from a very tough emotionally charged negative experience as an escort, just the type of image the media and the public expect...and want to find. Sensationalism seems to be what most reliably pays off for the media. It`s practically a moral taboo or crime to even think of portraying an escort as a happy and successful business woman.

Without forgetting that tragedy is very real and common in this industry, the portrayals of the industry are definitely heavily one-sided. But to be fairer to the media, I also think it`s a public desire problem. Many don`t want to hear about the stable successful escort. I think they fear that reality, and certainly the hyper moralists will do everything they can to deny it exists....and it`s absolutely not just the feminists either.



BTW...Je ne parle pas bien le français, mais, je tente.


New Member
Jul 12, 2009
I am personnally very annoyed that most interviews are with girls condoning the SP world, most with horror stories, negative experience and childhood traumas. I know many girls, including myself, who have positive experiences and view this occupation is a whole different light. Why are these girls never heard?
I think if more positive experiences and ``companionship``/hobbyism advices were shared, there would be a lot of girls (AND hobbyists) that would not end up with such bad experiences.

Lola xox

condoning in that case would mean they are supporting it.


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
Un commentaire gratuit...
Si ca se trouve il est possible qu'elle couche avec les bonnes personnes pour avoir une job:eyebrows:
C'est même plus que certain ... :D
Dans le showbizness... c'est comme ça que ça fonctionne !
Pas gratuit pantoute ton commentaire ! :thumb:
Tout simplement réaliste; Faites ce que je dis (et que vous voulez entendre) mais siouplait ne regardez surtout pas ce que je fait !


Sep 3, 2009
Look at Nelly Arcan. She gained fame for her writing, yes, but also because of the sympathy she developed from a very tough emotionally charged negative experience as an escort, just the type of image the media and the public expect...and want to find. Sensationalism seems to be what most reliably pays off for the media. It's practically a moral taboo or crime to even think of portraying an escort as a happy and successful business woman.

This is the perfect example of the point I was trying to make in the other thread about the recommendations of conseil du statut de la femme. All that we here is Nelly Arcand lived horrors through prostitution, bla bla bla.... Nelly Arcand, in the first place, is a girl that was sick, disturbed, and extremely dark. I don't think Nelly Arcand was a person capable of holding a regular job and a well balanced life. Therefore, she ended up making choices that are dangerous and exposing herself to abusers, etc. She would not have been capable of being a successfull companion more than a successfull lawyer, because success takes commitment, health, balance and time.

In my eyes, the occupation is not the problem, and I am tired of hearing politcians and journalists point the finger at sex workers and agency owners to hide the fact that not enough is done in society to help the millions of young girls who are broken and alone. Its easy, and to me, that is gross. Not sex, weither its compensated or not.


Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Mon Dieu, oui, si le monde savait... savait réellement...

Je me demande si à la fin, ce serait vraiment ce qui serait le meilleur pour nous tous, sur le long terme.

Car, si on se rappelle bien des épisodes (tel que la légalisation de l'alcool), dès que le gouvernement veut s'immiscer dans un secteur, ce n'est que pour en tirer un bon profit, et pas nécessairement pour fournir d'avantages de services et de protection aux citoyens......

Beaucoup d'escortes et d'autres "travailleurs du sexe" réclament des droits supplémentaires et la légalisation sur bien des aspects qui ne le sont pas présentement, mais au bout de la ligne,

que pensez-vous qui pourrait arriver réellement?

Enfin, pardonnez-moi mon pessimisme à l'égard du gouvernement et de certaines institutions, mais je ne fais certainement pas confiance à personne d'autre mieux que moi-même pour bien prendre soin de moi-même, c'est clair.


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
Wouldn't make sense to come on this board as a sex worker and say how much you hate doing this work but do it for the money.
True say ! BUT.... also sooo very true about a lot of people hating their work and doing it only for ?
Oh ... maybe it's only for money ? :lol:

I never really met a sex worker who (behind closed doors) had many positive things to say about this type of work. The vast majority were in fact screwed up.
too bad for you ... I did and not only once.. and I met them many times so... your experience is that but no generalization ! nah ...
yup some people working in sex industry are ... fucked up.. as you said it... but you can say that about a lot of guy that go seeing them ! oh yeah !


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
but do it for the money? What about to earn a living ?
... one needs to dream.
Oh un professeur de la vie doublé d'un psychologue... plus new member... Hmmm not that new I guess ! :thumb:
Everybody needs to dream ... smile... love ... Our lives are sooooooooooo beautiful including yours isn't it ? :D


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Yes, a lot of people hate their job, but do it for the money? What about to earn a living ?
Say whaa??? Can you explain the difference between doing something for money and doing it to earn a living?


Jan 22, 2012
everyone work for a living meaning to earn money to maintain life and do or have what you need and or want.I suppose the best way to put it is"If I don't earn anything for doing what I do,will I still do it?"
Most humans would not go to "work" if it wasn't for money...
So everyone works for money...and most are looking for the highest paying job.No different in Sex trade,some would prefer being an escort for a few hundreds a day than serving in a resto or working in a factory for much less...And some others would'nt because usually of cultural upbringing.
We have escort owners that are muslims others are catholics and all,aren't they working against their culture for money???


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
I never really met a sex worker who (behind closed doors) had many positive things to say about this type of work. The vast majority were in fact screwed up.

When you say the vast majority... what are we talking about ?

Or is it you don't go for sensible, down to earth and well balanced girls ?
Funny, all the ones I've met at MGF were of this type !
Specially Lola !

As opposed to a lot of women I met in my life which aren't SPs yet have all kinds of issues that comes down to not taking care of themselves and having their own sexuality all screwed-up !

Just sayin' !


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
...comme la cryance p voulant que les client viennet nous voir afin d'éviter de violer des filles ou encore que vous etes tous des gros mononcle cochon et pervers laid et pédants... Mon dieu si le monde savait

Yes it's like from our own point of view as a man !
I'll give you an exemple.

Sps. vs Real girlfriends and 1 wife.

I met a couple of SPs that were probably on coke.
One I even offered a Pepsi (no kidding) and popcorn to watch the Habs with her. I wasn't high on having sex with her.
I met a couple ones which didn't click with me. Didn't insist. It happens.
But most of them, I had such a great time, enjoying sex, laughing and even giggling !
Met some that were not only fun to be with, but very smart and more intelligent than me, as well as being very beautiful and taking care of themselves.
Met many that knew how to make me feel good !
My best memories of incredible nights on the town comes from them.
Specially a couple of them which were before I met them, fantasies I had in meeting the exact kinda look that I'm fond of.

I had a couple of girlfriends that were often on Prozac or some sort of other pills. One was even addicted to the bottle.
One who was (not kidding) addicted to coke or pepsi and took 20pounds in one year with this sh!t.
Had a handful of them who really were taking care of themselves and only one athletic.
Some of them with whom I could only talk about Occupation Double, Star Academie or Desperate housewives.
A couple of them made me feel good while annoying me the morning after until we split.
Some of my Girlfriends were kinda dumb when it came to sex like 'asking existencial questions when I was about to cum'.
My worst memories comes from some of those Girlfriends..

While with the Sps, I only had one MDS once which lasted about a week.
I got several ones with girlfriends including the 'I don't know where I got it'...answer !

As for the total financial costs ?
SPs = around 40K so far
Girlfriends and wife = over 150K
...and I'm not even talking about the emotional cost !

One thing I can tell you is that I'm laughing hard now when I meet with my buddys around a cold one and they talk the kinda sh!t I went through ! So far, only one of them really has a healthy relationship and looks like his girlfriend was made for her.
All the other ones are BS. A couple ones even married more than once !

So... Like Miss Lizzy said... Mon dieu si le monde savait !
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