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Recent content by Maxima

  1. M

    The question of shills...

    Posting history is a reference nothing more nothing less. Nadya's posting history showed that she was not a lili-white "virgin" when it came to shilling...Some of her other "names" came to mind: General Lee, Kingpin and Gene Simmons. Now, this doesn't mean that she still uses this practice. A...
  2. M

    How long should a banning last?

    One lonely voice reproaching the majority of posters in this thread to be "anarchy". Never mind how long, how many times a person has to be banned for many of the members to warn that his action has been destructive for the harmony of the board?
  3. M

    How long should a banning last?

    Mods, a typical example. Here's his confrontational reply to a request not to hijack from another member. Now, I'm just complaining about the "hijack" and confrontational nature of his replies. I was not attacking him as a person.
  4. M

    How long should a banning last?

    It sounds quite fair. But does "learned a lesson" include the usage of duplicate handles? In this case, Mod 5 was lifting a ban while replying to a duplicate handle of the banned member. :eek:
  5. M

    How long should a banning last?

    I know...but it is well known that one specific poster claimed that, unless reinstated, his permanent ban would be the trigger for the downfall of Merb. His "reality" may be completely out of whack, but IMHO, the harmony of Merb will depend on how he perceives (not how Mods see it) his role in...
  6. M

    How long should a banning last?

    Please learn how to use your PM. Do not hijack this thread again. Stay on the subject.
  7. M

    How long should a banning last?

    In terms of censure it's practically the same thing. One may be harsher than the other but both are different forms of censure aimed at preventing people from expressing their opinions. And you ask Mods to close this thread down while claiming to be a proponent of freedom of expression. Odd indeed.
  8. M

    How long should a banning last?

    Missing one option in your poll Dee, To be more representative of the quote below, you should add another choice as follows: "Less than the stated length when the "suspendee" is expected to come back as a savior to Merb"
  9. M

    How long should a banning last?

    But you want Mods to remove this thread....Very contradicting, indeed.
  10. M

    How long should a banning last?

    Sarcastic? Dee, Were you being sarcastic when you describe your third option? "Less then length stated if:attacks Board,unreformed,suspended b4,and will disrupt Board harmony"
  11. M

    How long should a banning last?

    GG, Don't try to hijack this thread. :mad: Please stay within the subject of this thread the title of which is: How long should a banning last?
  12. M

    How long should a banning last?

    If a permanently banned member is overly obsessed with coming back there is no way Mods can do anything effectively other than wasting their time deleting the multide duplicate handles days in and days out. Too much hasle for a volunteer work. A permanent ban is a permanent ban unless the Mods...
  13. M

    How long should a banning last?

    OMG! Shiver down my spine. :eek: :eek: :eek: If you want to brown-nosing her you should go to the blue board instead of trying to hijack this thread.
  14. M

    How about those moderators?

    OMG! A shiver down my spine...:eek: :eek: :eek:
  15. M

    A Language Question..If you not mind.

    This is too kinky for me. There is already a thread on golden shower and watersport in the Fetish section. Team play and courtesy demand that you post in the right place. :D
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