Montreal Escorts

Hot Take, Giving money to fellow Clients.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I don't see what satisfaction a richer guy would have to help a fellow john to get layed... It's really not the same context as giving money/gifts (often in public) to someone you're sexually attracted to.

First let me say that I am by no means rich, and while I only see Indys that tend to be a bit pricier than agency girls, I do that because I don’t like dealing with middlemen and prefer to talk to the SP directly,

I am guilty of buying them gifts, nothing extravagant, but something to let them know that they are appreciated and that I think they are gorgeous and special, because that is why I chose to be with them and not someone else.
Do I have a crush on any, I guess you can call it that, I have a couple of favourites and then there is one that is way more than a crush, if I was 30 years younger I would never let this lady go, she is that amazing and gorgeous and the way she has treated me from the first time I met her, a few gifts will in no way ever compensate for her kindness.
I don’t do it to impress anyone, I don’t give a shit what other people think of how I act with the women in my life, but I do care how they see me and I would rather not see any if I can’t be myself with them.

As far as paying anyone to see escorts, WTF is that about, get a job, get an education, work three jobs if you need to or jerk off.
If I want to donate money I will do it and it will go to the children’s hospital, or some other worthy cause not to a guy who is horny but without funds.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
There was a hobbiest years back many met.
he reminded me of a younger version of myself and i was old enought to be his father
he like any hobbiests i me was very generous.1 night we went to a dinner at a resturnat on rene leveque
prior he gave me a money clip with $300 i said i cant accept that he told me dont insult me so hey i took it
then at the resturant he paid for his date who was a indy escort from here .there was other escorts and menbers think about 20 of us
well he paid her dinner and mine?We all went to cleos i paid the entrance for the 3 of us and the first round and he told me keep the money you don.t pay anymore
he pulled out a wad had to be like 10k made a fan out of it and said gee its hot all the strippers joined us
this hobbiest paid drinks for everyone all night long all 20 + the dansers and even paid danses for some people.
i have personally met in my life many many generous people like this
there was endless members from out of town who would come in

i night same friend 1 even called endless escorts at a hotel on demaisoneuve
my 1st escort was from devilish and 2nd was a indapendant he had a freezer full of money and he laughted cold hard cash

ask me to take them on the sthubert walking tour and pay drinks and dinners after.

the famous may lee erortic massage lady a number of years back volumptious but hated he figure
she became like a woman bodybuilder after she was enfatuated with me
we never did anything sexual i considerd he a friend but she always paid for me dinners lunches drinks
and normally with woman its me who pays

another loyal friend and hobiest who was generous with everyone was who no longer posts
i remember a dinner with famous agency owner 'owner and her girls and some hobbiests
we went to a cora if i remember and dee picked up the tab.he has always been like this
saw him a few months back he took me for lunch in chinatown he is 1 of many loyal generous friends i met on the boards
back when i was popular in around 2005 on both boards under my original handle
met most of the escort agency owners at a gt and o was offered a free girl escort from many
but i word was taken as solid on both boards and i felt i could not get a free bee and post a honest review which brings me to my point

ther was a lawyer and his buddie who owned a baseball team from usa they alwsy looked me up when in town an took me to expensvie resturants and i gave them endless tips in their area of interest


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I would have a problem turning down a free girl. I review books too. I see book review where the reviewer states somewhere in his review that the book was a freebie with the promise I would write a review. As long as that is disclosed than it's not a big deal. Hell, I don't think you even have to do that even. Just try to be honest and fair and all criticism should be constructive. It should be anyway.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Had a feeling that you were drunk while posting this Mike.... ;)

Speaking of careers, you do know there are jobs in the video game field, right? You could be a manual tester, to detect bugs in upcoming video games. So basically, you'd be doing something that you already love (ie. playing videogames, and getting paid).

Being a video game tester is not what it seem to be. Its a very boring and harsh job. Had a friend who did it for a while and you know what he told me? Never do this job if you like video games, the last thing you will wanna do is play games when you get home, you will be sick of them. You play the same levels over and over again, trying every sort of things to detect the bugs. Considering my way of playing and how i do not like to redo the same task over and over again (for instance not a fan of playing on hard mode vs an AI and dying repeateadly and having to redo the same part over and over again). As for developer, nah. Its not because someone drive that he can be a mecanic... same here for me. I enjoy playing them, i wouldn't want to spend countless hours in front of a computer programing them.

It's probably unlikely that HM would actually use the money on something productive like paying bills or using it for tuition, but I see it more likely that someone would give him money for nothing ONLY tor productive activities rather than chasing escorts, or gambling, or booze/drugs.

As far as Mike starting this thread while drunk, drinking and posting should be a Custom Infraction, and Mike should get a Custom Infraction for his admission of starting a serious or at least semi-serious thread debate while drunk.

LOL are you serious dude? This ain't driving. Infractions should be given when someone break a rule. This thread break none and as i specified even if to my knowledge it broke no rule, if the mods were uncomfortable with its subject matter (wich may seem a bit controversial for some as described here), they could erase/lock it at their wishes. That i had drink when posting it is irrelevant of the thread itself. Honestly im glad i posted it because it started a big conversation, and like i said i enjoyed seeing opinions on subjects even if they are not the same as mine. Not a fan of the "borderline" personal attacks tough but i guess its bound to lean a bit there.

I find it funny tough how you seem so judgy of me while barely knowing me. You met me once or twice in parties and read my post on a board. :/

I would have a problem turning down a free girl. I review books too. I see book review where the reviewer states somewhere in his review that the book was a freebie with the promise I would write a review. .

Most reviewers (professional that is) have the products given for free. Be it tech for instance. Movies have press screenings, video games code are delivered for free to youtubers for review purpose etc. Sometimes its sponsored (paid to do the review) on top of that. That being said its a different thing that when reviewing an escort obviously, can't compare humans to objects and not the same context at all.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Eb you kill me.

Eb i had a coffee while i posted...and it was not decaf........


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
I was joking. I posted a few threads while I was drunk. I also created a fake Facebook account while drunk.

I don’t think there is a rule against posting drunk but the Mods did ban someone who went on a bender on New Years Eve around 5-6 years ago and started posting very nasty things about escorts. He was banned for making nasty posts and not for doing so while drunk, but it was all on New Years Eve and was clear that he was drunk.

I mentioned this because of the thread on Custom Infractions. I do think a rule needs to be violated in some way, at least in a borderline way, to get the Custom Infractions, although that is not really clear to me.

Lastly, regarding posts being “judgy”, serious or not: every post in the thread makes some judgment. The thread itself asks for people to pass judgment on a particular course of action. So this word is kind of improperly used here.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Yeah but i don't think being drunk can be an excuse to use if you post nasty stuff, especially toward providers. As you said the reason of the ban is because of what he said(write) not the condition he was in. Otherwise everybody that get banned would use that excuse.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Being drunk can never be an excuse for anything but the following: If you are a female and you gave your consent to a male to have sex with you - that consent is not valid because you were drunk.

BTW - this thread has been hilarious. Thanks Mike!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Being drunk or high is not a reason to be banned.
Neither is not spelling half the words correctly or not knowing that punctuation marks exist.

It is what the person writes that counts.
There was nothing in HM post that is offensive.
I don’t find giving money to someone for anything offensive, I just find giving money to another John you don’t know to spend time with an escort ridiculous or hilarious take your pick.


Nov 28, 2019
New York City, New York
Picking up three strands of this thread:

1. Generosity and camraderie
2. Buying a drink for a fellow merbist
3. Getting drunk oneself

I have enjoyed participating in the discussion here over the last few weeks, and I'm looking forward to my first naughty visit to Montreal, in a few weeks.

One thing that seems to be missing from merb, common to other location-specific review sites, are planned in-person meetups of johns. Perhaps there is no interest among the merbists.

For my part, I think such meetups are fun. Meeting like-minded (and different-minded) people is an ordinary part of touring in any foreign country. John meetups help destigmatize us and perhaps build community.

Why should the girls have all the fun with their SW-only parties?!

In hopes of fostering such a meetup, or at least sampling some good craft beer, I will be at Brutopia from 11:00 pm - ? on Tuesday night, February 11. Please join me and PM to let me know! First round on me (first two for Halloween Mike, lol)

Sorry if timing is inconvenient but I've got quite a few, ahem, business meetings scheduled!

Naturally, anyone registered on the site regardless of gender is invited.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Brutopia tends to have live entertainment and I would check to see if someone is performing that night because if you are there and live music is being played it’s not really conducive to meaningful conversation. You will not hear others talking. I would suggest you plan an earlier dinner meet up at Weinstein and Gavinos (or somewhere else in that neighborhood for dinner conversation) and leave it up to everyone whether they want to get food or not, and then head over to Brutopia for drinks and music later on.

HM, at least you got some free beers out of this thread so it was not all for naught. LOL.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I agree Weinstein and Gavinos is better and or even better is bar at The Keg restaurant or my favortive the Bier Market.

I regularly meet other merb people. It does happens a lot.


Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
We used to have parties and pre-parties for a few of us. Then outside of that i met a few merbiste on a couple ocasion, Jalimon being one of them.

Stephen, i was actually thinking of going to Montreal in Febuary on a tuesday (was supose to be January but my sleep schedule was awfull and i just didn't felt to go to the city), so depending if the girl i want to see work that day i may actually take on that invitation. Ill let you know.

Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
Yes, I see. Plenty of other places, will leave the invitation open as a placeholder. Will advice those who PM me (if any) of actual venue on night of.

Brutopia is actually a fun place to hang. I actually met a fellow Merbite there this summer. I think they make their own beer. Yes there is live music but you can sit far enough away from the stage where it won't be overpowering. I remember it being a fun night...then again maybe I was just on a high after seeing Heaven lol.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
I agree Weinstein and Gavinos is better and or even better is bar at The Keg restaurant or my favortive the Bier Market.

I regularly meet other merb people. It does happens a lot.


Thats where i first met a few Senior members


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I was a bit shocked indeed.
How did you conclude I was looking for "deals"? I NEVER negociate prices. I just see SP that fits in my budget and also I prefer the thrill of "hunting" on local ad sites...

haha I am in the same boat as you UB. I am not looking for "deals" at all. I just balance my budget in order to see as much girl as possible. Indy's I am able to find are just as good as any agency girl. The proof is often they end up joining such agencies ;) And I like to repeat a lot even if it means booking 15 min. Some call it a wham bam thank you mam... Which it is but if you've seen the girl 10 times let me tell you she's as much happy as you that your are there, booking often and having a lot a sex with a girl that you dig ;) In this context I can be called cheap I will still have that fucking smile on my face ;)

I don't see what satisfaction a richer guy would have to help a fellow john to get layed... It's really not the same context as giving money/gifts (often in public) to someone you're sexually attracted to.

Unless you are kind of voyeur and want to see the action? I am just a normal guy and honestly it's a big turn on to watch a girl have sex live!


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Unless you are kind of voyeur and want to see the action? I am just a normal guy and honestly it's a big turn on to watch a girl have sex live!
Alright Jalimon
I’ll take the hit
You can pay my next session and watch. Can’t garantee i will enjoy myself. But I will do it for you buddy. ;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
I have to say that I have met a lot of you since the VIP days.
I was fortunate to be invited to these inner circles, by paying my dues. Posted a lot of reviews.

so far all of you who I've had the pleasure of having a conversation with, you've all been super nice and generous. It may be because I was the new kid on the block and some of you wanted to show me how to roll with the big boys. Shoutouts to the veterans! you know who you are. (I feel like naming you guys, but not sure if I should?)
From inviting me to ice cream, to a very fancy restaurant, home bbq, or straight up paying for a booking. You guys are all great.

The reason the brotherhood is apparent is because, most of us are hiding our hobbying and it is a very secretative side of ourselves. Fellow merbites are the only ones who have a chance of knowing you to 100%.

I heard of a story of a client who went on a trip to Hawaii with a fellow hobbiest, and 2 other SPs. 1 of the guys bailed due to an emergency. The other guy couldn't afford to pay for the whole trip, so the one who bailed paid for everything because he felt bad. I heard it added up to $20,000.

we should get MERB T-shirts lmao
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