Montreal Escorts

Would checking for high gas prices help you pay less for gasoline?

J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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I have a widget on my new computer that tells me the gas prices in and around the Montreal area. Monday the prices ranged from $1.07 to $1.15 per liter. On Tuesday afternoon I was driving around near Decarie and Van Horne and saw that the price of gas had shot up to $1.20. Sure enough when I got home I checked my widget and the prices were moving higher all over the island. When one place raises their prices the others will one by one raise their prices as well. I think it would be helpfull if we made this the place to report gas price spikes. This way we will have ample warning when parasitic gas price raises are coming our way. The experts are warning the the gas prices this summer could be .20 cents more per liter this summer. Are you ready to pay $1.40 per liter for gas? I for one will not go without a fight.

J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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How does it do you good to give the oil companies you money.

I am resentful of the fact that we are hostages to the whims of the oil companies. The bottom line is if you give you money away week after week you end up the looser. As proof of this the oil companies make record profits year after year.
Just a quick story of when I was a youngster, there was a franch guy that lived next door to me on one side and a greek guy that lived next door on the other side. The french guy bought a new car every few years and went on trips every Chistmas and summer vacation, where as the greek guy had several restaurants and worked years and years without as day off. He bought reasonably priced cars and kept them for 8 or 10 years, before buying a new one. Fast foward to last year. I met the son of the greek guy and he tells me his father has retired to Greece and lives a very comfortble life on his private olive grove estate, that he bought many years ago with his earnings. The french guy is now divorced (for the third time, the double alimony hurt him bad ) and lives on welfare in a run down appartment building in the seedy part of town, having spent all his money in the early days.
It is nessesary to spend you money responsibly whether you are hobbying or buying gas.
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HG Hunter

May 24, 2005
Could you please tell me what the widget is that you are using.
It sounds like a helpful little tool.

HG Hunter

J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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I have a new 4 chip HP computer with Vista Premium. The widgets are on the right hand side of the screen. You can get 200 widgets, some are very helpful. I stick to about 10 widgets that give me the stock market info, weather, time, computer storage capacity left. area gas prices...ect. ect.
I think the gas price info is available on some web sites, maybe another member can tell us where we can find this info.

J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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So far so good, except for a few glitches. Sometimes it just stops working when I work it hard. They tell me that ther is a service patch due out soon. The 4 chip computers are amazing, you could do 4 things at the same time. Yesterday I burned music, listened to music, used the internet all at the same time. You could also use it as a television if you buy the model with the TV tuner built in.
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Jul 4, 2003
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I'm not being argumentative Mr Peterman, just curious. You stated that you would not go "without a fight". In all sincerity, how do you plan to fight? Prices by geographic area are still determined by the oil companies. Short of car-pooling, I can't really figure out how to fight them. Suggestions?

J. Peterman

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Feb 26, 2004
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Mr. Mtwallet,

I believe the customer is king, but the oil companies will have us believe that they are doing us a big favor and that we are at their mercy. If we all pulled together we could make a difference in the price of gas. Yes, the oil companies are stong. I will remind you of a situation a few years ago where a gas station owner took a stand and protested gas prices. He put up a good fight, but in the end IMHO he was bought out by the oil gods. He ended up giving up and running for member of parliment. I suspect that someone put ideas into his swelled head. That being the case, It does not mean that we can not do things to cause prices to go lower. What can we do? Buy as little gas as possible when it goes over $1.15 This will stop up their supply and when they have tankers steaming down the St. Laurence towards the refineries in the east end of Montreal. They will have to lower prices to clear inventory.


not going there anymore
Jan 17, 2004
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J. Peterman said:
Mr. Mtwallet, I believe the customer is king, but the oil companies will have us believe that they are doing us a big favor and that we are at their mercy.

If my memory is correct, I believe is was in the TRAP from adam curtis that the question of our freedom arised in our society. Was it real or just manipulated first by politicians and then by corporations.

John nash, portrayed in the movie A Beautiful Mind, was in a reality a schizophrenia and inveted the game "FUCK YOU BUDDY" where no one can trust no one.

J. Peterman

New Member
Feb 26, 2004
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Over simplification of the situation.

AllOverHer said:
If my memory is correct, I believe is was in the TRAP from adam curtis that the question of our freedom arised in our society. Was it real or just manipulated first by politicians and then by corporations.

John nash, portrayed in the movie A Beautiful Mind, was in a reality a schizophrenia and inveted the game "FUCK YOU BUDDY" where no one can trust no one.

Yes, we are being manipulated by the politicians, remember how the politicians made the english and french fight each other in this province for their own selfish benefiet? Yes, the big corperations are manipulating us to buy their product and try to make us think it is the best we can get at the lowest price. When in fact their main goal is to maximize profits.
On the matter of the John Nash story, is the story you heard or is the story I heard about the man true? We will never know the absolute truth, as we were both not there. I can only guess that the closest to the truth we will get is that he was an amazingly brilliant mind that at one point went bad. he was reduced to stumbling around on the university campus where he taught.
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