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Why does it seem that religion and sexual liberalism are diametrically opposed?


Apr 4, 2021
Hey guys,

I have noticed the following. Again, I am not saying this is the case but rather that it might be:

Religious people: I initially thought religion was about providing beliefs for a potential afterlife as well as a code of honor to abide by. For instance, "don't cheat or don't steal" like a form of "civic education." While it does seem like it deals with these areas of life. It also seems that religion has a strong concern for sexuality. For instance, I was studying Francisco Franco's Spain and I've notice that when he ruled the country they wanted to get rid of pornography, sexuality, sex outside of marriage, prostitution..etc.

Sexual Liberal People: It seems that when Franco ended his rule Spanish society became accepting of all sorts of sexual liberalism.

I could go on and on. However, it seems to me that these two individuals are "natural rivals."


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Franco was a Fascist I don`t believe he was religious except when it suited him politically.
When I was in Spain in the mid-sixties , kissing in public was illegal and punishable by prison. I didn`t hear anything about fucking in public so I fucked a Spanish woman on a train.
The bible is in some parts sexist so those who follow the bible literally are anti-sexual freedom and male dominant.

Conservative members of of western and mid-eastern religions are for the most part restrictive to sex outside of marriage.
Liberal members of a religion (secular) are more open to not following every line in the bible or Koran.
You can`t get much more open minded than in Catholic Quebec.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
The common denominator is control and power. Those who have it will deny enjoyment to those who don’t have control and power. Be wary of giving control and power to anyone.
There is no problem during kinky sex with control ,especially if the girl is a switch hitter.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
religions are about strict collectivism at the expense of individualism for the potential reward of a better afterlife. A fullfilling sex life with multiple partners (individualistic pursuit) does not fit in well with strict collectivism.


Apr 4, 2021
religions are about strict collectivism at the expense of individualism for the potential reward of a better afterlife. A fullfilling sex life with multiple partners (individualistic pursuit) does not fit in well with strict collectivism.
I have noticed this as well. It seems that denial of pleasure since the assumption is the reward later. However, it seems people who are agnostic or atheistic would be less inclined to deny themselves pleasure. I wonder if Capitalism plays a role. For instance, in most capitalist countries, people will be all about "live to work" since, at least to some, there's the expectation that they will be rewards later. I wonder if people in an atheistic country would demand more from their government, which seems to be the case.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2017
From a more sociological perspective, a big reason explaining the sanctity of marriage is property and inheritance.

The combination of that no longer being a big issue and easily accessible contraception is a big reason as to why sexuality is no longer as restrictive.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
I have noticed this as well. It seems that denial of pleasure since the assumption is the reward later. However, it seems people who are agnostic or atheistic would be less inclined to deny themselves pleasure. I wonder if Capitalism plays a role. For instance, in most capitalist countries, people will be all about "live to work" since, at least to some, there's the expectation that they will be rewards later. I wonder if people in an atheistic country would demand more from their government, which seems to be the case.
Agnostics and atheists are less likely to deny themselves pleasure because the concept of sin is strictly a religious put-upon. If you doubt or strongly believe there is no god, you don't owe him anything and you're going to enjoy the only life you know you have. (No sin still means morality exists because morality is your interaction with someone else that obviously exists).

It so happens that even the proselytizers don't follow their own moralizing. Jerry Falwell Jr. was recently ousted from his own evangelical university. If it wasn't the suggestive pic he posted with a woman who was NOT his wife, it was the allegation that the very odd relationship he had with a pool boy he & his wife met included the pool boy dicking down his wife as he watched. Or maybe we can talk about preacher Jimmy Swaggart's prostitution scandal. Or maybe we can talk about evangelical preacher Ted Haggard who was hiring male sex workers and smoking crystal meth with them. Or maybe we can talk the Catholic Church's near-global scandal of sexually abusing young men. I could go on. Human sexuality is irrepressible because there is a physiological basis for it. It's easier to live a hypocritical life than to cast doubt on Christianity as a whole by being honest about the human condition.

Atheists are intelligent and refuse to believe in the skewed system of organized religion. Politics and government is the only con game bigger than organized religion. Why would atheists believe in government, or the belief that government can efficiently provide anything? Especially the American one that insists on putting In God We Trust on its inflated currency?
This is a fantastical conflation of religious beliefs and belief in government. By this reasoning, you wouldn't be able to find an atheist in Congress, right? Well Krysten Sinema and Jared Huffman are not religiously affiliated, and ex-Congressman Pete Stark was an atheist too. Plenty of people in secular societies like France are also in government. Religious beliefs and belief in effectiveness of government have nothing to do with each other. The real reason very few in government declare themselves as atheists in the US is because of the voters-- nothing more, no less. Only 60% of people polled by Gallup in 2019 would vote for an atheist. That percentage was the 2nd lowest of all options and only ahead of "socialist" at 47%.



New Member
Feb 2, 2022
It is very unpleasant for me to look at the lack of education of the people who wrote above, who compared religion with fascism, communism, sexism, etc.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
It is very unpleasant for me to look at the lack of education of the people who wrote above, who compared religion with fascism, communism, sexism, etc.

Actually an education would show you how similar many religions and fascism, etc... can be. The truth can be unpleasant though, yes, I agree.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
All religions are man-made and most are polluted with man made rules. The concept of god, or gods comes out of fear of the unknown and trying to explain the unknowable. If a higher power exists then it`s busy expanding the visible universe at 3 times the speed of light. God does not interact with saints and sinners . He leaves the evolution of our solar system (including life on Earth) in the hands of nature.
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