Montreal Escorts

Why do we reject certain people over txt or the phone. Its all about feeling safe!


Sarah Starlight
Jun 8, 2018
Laval - Montreal
Why do we reject certain people over txt or the phone.

We don't reject people for who they are. We reject people to protect ourselves.If someone rejects you its not necessarily against you, but more for his or her own sentiment of well being.Therefore, one can question himself to seek what exactly in his actions may result in that a person feel need to protect themselves by rejecting them.Yet whatever the answer is people have the right reject having intimacy with certain types of people if it makes them feel safe.The key to easily accept being rejected is to keep in mind that; what one is rejecting is not necessary you, but really their own personal perception they have of and about you.
If one needs to reject a certain type of person to feel safe then there should never be a problem*with*that.
Insulting someone for the reason they*don't*feel safe to be with you only confirms the person who rejected you made the right choice.
It also confirms there is a huge gap between two different value systems and or preferences.
Ones personal value or worth will never be diminished because of the*inability of someone to recognise it.
Be well


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Why do we reject certain people over txt or the phone*

I'm guessing you rejected someone and they were upset? Sorry, I'm not really getting the point of this thread.


Sarah Starlight
Jun 8, 2018
Laval - Montreal
I would never have a problem if an SP did not want to see me without ever meeting me.
On any given night there are hundreds of escorts advertising their charms, why on earth would you want to be with someone that rejects you or feels uncomfortable to be with you.

So far I have never had that problem, my issue is the exact opposite, I havn’t seen many and the ones I have seen I can’t seem to let go of, so far I have been seeing all of them.
They are all absolutely gorgeous and unique in their own way, and they have been so kind and fabulous with me that I actually kind of feel guilty if I don’t see them.
They all seem happy to see me also , I am sure it is not because of my bedroom talents, but what I do know is how to treat a woman with kindness and respect , 37 years of being with the love of your life does teach you a few things.

I know I will have to scale back and I know there are two that I want to keep seeing for a long time, but I keep putting it off.
Then curiosity kicks in also and there are a few ladies that I have my eye on and wish to see also.

Montreal is a tough city to live in with all these gorgeous women, lol, decisions , decisions.

If here was a Like button I'd would have just clicked Like!


Sarah Starlight
Jun 8, 2018
Laval - Montreal
I'm guessing you rejected someone and they were upset? Sorry, I'm not really getting the point of this thread.

I guess to make the point that we are all different and that some of us all like you in the end only wish to have a good time in good company with someone who will not make us feel uncomfortable. Alots of us are compatible yet dont you also use that inner voice to select!


Sarah Starlight
Jun 8, 2018
Laval - Montreal
yeah, i dont see indies much, if this is their temperament, then i'm glad i've avoided it

All Indys started in parlours and or agency we kind of learn to feel certain typeof people that we are incompatible with. Yet you should not avoid Indys because of my personal selections values as we ares all different.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
I guess to make the point that we are all different and that some of us all like you in the end only wish to have a good time in good company with someone who will not make us feel uncomfortable. Alots of us are compatible yet dont you also use that inner voice to select!

That clears it up, now I really have no idea what this thread is about. Cheers.


Jan 14, 2016
I think to filter your clientele type and to avoid disappointment, just list the profile of men you would like to see in your ads. Simple isn’t it ?
Would that avoid rejections ? I mean, if the dude see your preferences listed, he won’t bother contacting you to start with, thus no rejection.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The OP should post in her ad which clients she would not see, as it looks like she does reject people. Same goes for SP's who do not see a certain skin color, post it, saves time for both parties. Perhaps she will get fewer callers now that unknown restrictions are in place. Weird post, kind of lets the cat out of the bag.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Rejection sucks for a client but you are right that its a right anybody have, both clients and escort. I never been rejected at the door, but once i had an odd situation. I won't mention who it was, but we made arrengement by text for a booking, all was good, until i confirmed i was in the car going to Montreal, then she gave me a very weird reason why she had to cancel. Looked really "wtf" , kind of reason she could had know waking up, even the day before. Anyway i asked a friend to text her to ask for her availabilities that night, and yup she said she was free at our scheduled time.

I can think of 3 things why it happened.

1) I had asked for cof, wich is something she provided, she gave me a $ quote and all. Maybe she didn't wanted to do it that day but then she could had just decline this particular extra...
2) We had met in a party, so she did saw me, in the party our exchange where friendly but i didn't felt a huge chemistry (but she was so hot physically) maybe that played a role
3) Im vocal on the board, maybe she read something she didn't like...

In any case, at that time i was disapointed (the lady i end up seeing instead was great tough) and even right now she is retired or on hietus or whatever, im still sad i couldn't see her when she was working, as she was really high on my list. But thats life i guess...

There is always a double side to being too involved in this hobby. On one side ladies knows im a safe client, i always pay, i always shower toroughly, im always respecting there limits, but on the other side maybe when i point out my political opinions and such it may turn them off. Or if they saw me in a party they may prefer to avoid me because of my look? (Im a heavy guy) who knows...

But i know some groups of peoples have it worst than me, and there is thankfully so many great providers in Montreal that like we says in french "une de perdu 10 de retrouvé"
Although safety is always in the forefront of every SP out there, there are more reasons for rejecting a potential client.

Please remember that we are women (mothers, sisters,daughters,wives etc) first and escorting is our chosen profession. We all set our own standards and boundaries. If we feel the guy on the other end is not treating us according to these standards (ie. Treating us like substandard humans) we will block you from further contact. We are NOT your punching bag!

We also have a multitude of men out there to offer our bodies and time to. Why would we want to give ourselves to someone who has no concern for our feelings or respect for us as a person? There are a lot of predators out there and 12year old punks, puratins and trolls who just want to lash out at us online. No accountability I suppose. Would they do it face to face?? I highly doubt it!

Sorry but I find you very confusing.
In the other thread ( pussy licking) you make a statement that “ after all we are escorts not your lovers you don’t have to please us”
Which I found kind of cold and basically saying give me your money stick it wherever you want see if I care.

Here you are the exact opposite, now you want all the respect and kindness that every woman deserves(which by the way is the way it should be).

I don’t see a difference between civillian or an escort they are the same giving and kind women if you you treat them that way.
They have the same feelings and same dreams as any other woman.

I'm sorry you feel that way Sam. But please don't confuse the two threads and please read my entire comment on the other thread instead of literally taking one sentence out of context. This thread has nothing to do with giving a woman an orgasm since giving a woman an orgasm would actually have to happen if you got passed the initial contact with her. This thread is about why an escort would decline seeing a man in the first place and in this case, pussy licking wouldn't even come into play. But I'm not on this site to argue or defend my thoughts and opinions.

It's interesting that you presented yourself to be respectful, gentle and caring in the other thread about pussy licking yet here you are insulting me because you don't understand my reasons for not seeing a stranger who contacts me via SMS? I tend to stay away from these forums because they always end up in a cock fight. Doesn't matter whether it's Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, East or West. All the same outcome. Enjoy your day Sam and happy hunting. xx


Active Member
Nov 9, 2011
Alot of men are highly mistaken. We are still under the impression that a women in this industry can fake and pretend and get through any situation. Unless she is high on crack that is not the case. Same way you feel when walking into a incall, you are scared and your always wondering . Well its pob pretty scary and uncomf for the ladies as well, You have the right to refuse and choose as you wish. Of course the guy will take it personnal but in the end of the day you dont owe anyone anything


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I'm starting to sound like a broken record in the lounge but I will say it again: If you want to contact a girl and you want that girl to meet with you then be careful. Choose your words wisely. An underlying goal is to make the girl feel comfortable to see you. Yes, they profile. They have to for their safety. Of course this will not help if the perpetrator is a psychopath but sometimes a couple of e-mails is all a girl has to go on.

An escort in the States told me that if she gets an e-mail with bad grammar and ghetto slang, she just deletes it and blocks the sender. She wants professional males over 40. We are easy pickens. Businessmen show up and pay and rarely try to run out without paying and we rarely pull a knife or gun and demand all of the girls least I don't.
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