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White Nationalists March on U of Virginia


Jul 23, 2006
Fake news?.are you watching the TV?..or listening the Trump Tv?.this F.....G real guys .

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Trump has yet to denounce the actions of his basket of deplorables today. Melanie Trump did condemn them earlier today. Nothing from Mike Pence either.

But really, why should Trump denounce the people who voted for him and continue to support him?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Fake news?.are you watching the TV?..or listening the Trump Tv?.this F.....G real guys .

I was being sarcastic. America scares me a lot. We are far from a Ghandi type manifestation here.

Scenes that we are used to see in the news for many years from pakistan, syria, irak are starting to happen right here in the US by american's right. Will they get to their level of hate?

Yes sad.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The cops down in Charlottesville are used to dealing with drunk college kids. This is not what they signed up for. Do you think it's an easy job to police that?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
The Islamic State must be laughing out loud now. Achieving there goal and realizing they will not even have to come to America as white supremacist and the kkk will do the job they want.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Dangerous for police when a lot of these right wing nuts are carrying sidearms.

What is more dangerous is that from the video I watched, student protesters began physically challenging the nationalists and it was like a huge hockey brawl, bare knuckled punches being thrown etc., a huge melee and the cops have to sort of jump in but it's a little different than the hockey ref's job. These guys are really brawling and cops are exposed to all kinds of injuries breaking up these fights.


Jun 14, 2015
Une autre preuve que les USA devraient s'occuper de leurs propres terroristes avant de vouloir faire la police dans les autres pays...

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Dangerous for police when a lot of these right wing nuts are carrying sidearms.

Right wing nuts. Watching the news after the Trump win and seeing the protests, riots, crying students I would be more concerned with the left wimg nuts. These skin head KKK do not represent the right wing, they are their own piece of work.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Right wing nuts. Watching the news after the Trump win and seeing the protests, riots, crying students I would be more concerned with the left wimg nuts. These skin head KKK do not represent the right wing, they are their own piece of work.

STN I hope you are right but my feeling is not good. Trump's win has given a hope for dumb head white supremacist and KKK to express the destruction of establishment as they want, and as Steven Bannon wants first and foremost. How can this be good for america, please tell me?



nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Right wing nuts. Watching the news after the Trump win and seeing the protests, riots, crying students I would be more concerned with the left wimg nuts. These skin head KKK do not represent the right wing, they are their own piece of work.

The KKK and other racist/fascist groups are extreme end of right wing.

It was not a left wing nut that intentionally drove their car into the crowd.

It was not left wing nuts dressing up in military style outfits carrying assault rifles and sidearms.

The left wing students were people who actually lived there, and attend the school.

The right wingers travelled hundreds of miles to deliberately cause trouble. The guy who drove into the crowd and killed someone was from Ohio.

The right wingers are saying they will lynch blacks and put jews in ovens.

The students are not threatening to kill anyone and judge people by their beliefs.

If I had a mob of gun toting neo Nazis invade my town, telling people they were "going in the ovens" and "putting you on a boat" I would be angry too.
You can hear them yelling exactly that on many videos and newsfeeds, so it is not fake news.

All subtle distinctions too difficult for some to appreciate.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
How can this be good for america, please tell me?

The difference when you walk down the street there between a year ago and today is shocking, you can feel it, the way people look at each other. Everyone is more edgy and suspicious.

Last year I saw a cashier at the White House pavilion wearing a headscarf. Nobody cared!
I didn't see her this time. I wonder why, was she there for summer job, was she fired, did she stop wearing it?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Last year I saw a cashier at the White House pavilion wearing a headscarf. Nobody cared!
I didn't see her this time. I wonder why, was she there for summer job, was she fired, did she stop wearing it?

I went to my usual oil change place and again had a different service person, never thought to question why.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I would not take it so lightly STN.

There are some far right group popping right here in Quebec. Quite scary. Between nut lefties or right wing dumbhead I will choose the left. I would rather be obligated to live in a commune and drinking tisane all day then having to teach my children how to use automatic riffle shutgun!


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I would not take it so lightly STN.

There are some far right group popping right here in Quebec. Quite scary. Between nut lefties or right wing dumbhead I will choose the left. I would rather be obligated to live in a commune and drinking tisane all day then having to teach my children how to use automatic riffle shutgun!


Both the far right and far left should be put on an island and have a last man standing, hopefully there would only be one survivor.

It is odd that the major protests are mostly held in left states while the right states or provinces do not really care about most of this. Read right leaning newspapers and you do not see even half of the news left news puts out.
For myself I see good in left and right ideas, I also see bad in both sides. Many from the left see only that their ideas are good and anyone else who disagrees is evil or crazy, if there is something they do not like it should be abolished, laws against doing it. That is my main concern about the left, they can not accept that some other thoughts could even be remotely correct, the fake news usually spews from their mouths.

My proof it the comments I get from members here when I put out a different point of view even though I state I am not a Trump fan, just putting out different views.

Just to add, the far right groups have been in Quebec for decades, they have the largest alt right groups in Canada.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just to give another point of view, it is just something I do.

If the Liberals / Democrats did not demand the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue and change the name of the park this protest would not have happened.
Liberals / Democrats / Socialists have a habit of wanting to ban, get rid of, make illegal things they do not agree with. They can not conceive a thought that others may like it and want it to remain, it is not to their liking so it must be taken away so no one else can enjoy it. The far right Supremacists saw a fight and did not back down, I am guessing that many people in that town or even in the US would like to see that statue stay.
Just sayin.
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