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When GFE becomes too GFE


New Member
Apr 5, 2009
Hi, I'm a first time poster, long time reader.

I've been hobbying for about 1.5 years now, and I wanted to share a situation that happened to me recently with an SP and would like some input. I want to say that I'm really sorry in advance for brining this up as I am, instead of providing a real review for this SP. But for personal reasons I prefer not to identify her.

I had the chance to meet with an SP a couple of months ago who was not very strong on looks, but I repeated with her because she offered a unique experience that other SP's didn't. I've probably met her about 5 or 6 times. I usually pay the full hour. Once we're done we usually lye in bed talking, making jokes, laughing, and doing alot of kissing and cuddling. There is also lots of LFK and DFK during and after sex. Basically, all I would want from a GFE personally.

On my last visit with her, after spending a full hour having sex, and another half hour just fooling around in I was about to leave, she said she was getting attached to me, and hinted she wanted more than me just being her client. This caught me by surprise, and I explained that's not what I was interested in. She then assured me that she just wanted to make sure, and get answer from me, and that I could still visit her and it wouldn't change a thing.

I can understand why she might get the impression that something between us was possible, as I did kind of treat her like a GF, but I was paying her for that I'm a little confused.

I'm not sure if I should keep visiting her...but she is my favourite SP at the moment, the whole experience with her is great.

Advice and thoughts welcomed.
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Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Browny said:
I can understand why she might get the impression that something between us was possible, as I did kind of treat her like a GF, but I was paying her for that I'm a little confused.

I'm not sure if I should keep visiting her...but she is my favourite SP at the moment, the whole experience with her is great.

Advice and thoughts welcomed.

Great job, browny.

Entirely tangential to your question, I've always thought GFE would be much more along the lines of arbitrarily refusing to have sex, and bitching me out for not taking the garbage out 'like I promised'.

Another thought: Do we get to be BFE when in a GFE circumstance?

HG Hunter

May 24, 2005
When she doesn't accept your money, you'll know the relationship has changed and moved to another level.
Until then, enjoy it for what it is and be careful not to get too attached.


Active Member
May 23, 2005
If she's your favorite dont punish yourself by not seeing her

Enjoy yourself, you have 1 life live it!

If she's getting attached thats her problem


Mar 20, 2009
Stay away

Browny said:
Hi, I'm a first time poster, long time reader.

I've been hobbying for about 1.5 years now, and I wanted to share a situation that happened to me recently with an SP and would like some input. I want to say that I'm really sorry in advance for brining this up as I am, instead of providing a real review for this SP. But for personal reasons I prefer not to identify her.

I had the chance to meet with an SP a couple of months ago who was not very strong on looks, but I repeated with her because she offered a unique experience that other SP's didn't. I've probably met her about 5 or 6 times. I usually pay the full hour. Once we're done we usually lye in bed talking, making jokes, laughing, and doing alot of kissing and cuddling. There is also lots of LFK and DFK during and after sex. Basically, all I would want from a GFE personally.

On my last visit with her, after spending a full hour having sex, and another half hour just fooling around in I was about to leave, she said she was getting attached to me, and hinted she wanted more than me just being her client. This caught me by surprise, and I explained that's not what I was interested in. She then assured me that she just wanted to make sure, and get answer from me, and that I could still visit her and it wouldn't change a thing.

I can understand why she might get the impression that something between us was possible, as I did kind of treat her like a GF, but I was paying her for that I'm a little confused.

I'm not sure if I should keep visiting her...but she is my favourite SP at the moment, the whole experience with her is great.

Advice and thoughts welcomed.

Danm it, I hate it when that happens. I've been there buddy and trust me, there are other better sp's out there that will give you what you want and not get you so confused about the whole thing. If I were u, I'd move on to other pastures. Never forget the cold hard truth : SHE IS A WHORE AND U R A JOHN. I'm not saying that to be disrespectfull, it's just easier to keep things in perspective when such language is used.

I will give u another peice of advice, if u want GFE, get a girlfriend. I visit sp's for the PSE experience, not to get affection. Kissing and cuddling may be fun, but it can get u in trouble if u don't keep things in perspective. For me, visiting an sp is about satisying the animal inside of me, not the human being who like all human being needs love and affection. Anyways, hope this helps.

Be cool

Apr 16, 2005
Cruel to be Kind!

I can understand why she might get the impression that something between us was possible, as I did kind of treat her like a GF, but I was paying her for that I'm a little confused.

I'm not sure if I should keep visiting her...but she is my favourite SP at the moment, the whole experience with her is great.

Advice and thoughts welcomed.
Since others are giving their opinions I'll add a thought or two:

Seems to be one of the hazards associated with the hobby but mostly the other way around I would imagine. There is no easy answer to the why. The what is a no brainer! You established a relationship with this girl that went beyond the commercial boundaries of the GFE. It should have been affection and sex. You took it to the next level without realizing the possible consequences. Friends and lovers is the stuff relationships are made of and usually is a good prerequisite for something more serious. It was happening right under your nose and it escaped you. But then none of us are mind readers. I know one very experienced hobbiest who is very good at managing friendships with Sp's while still keeping a distance. But even he gets blindsided the odd time. And this guy is good.

So where to from here? First off, disregard completely the , “She then assured me that she just wanted to make sure, and get answer from me, and that I could still visit her and it wouldn't change a thing.” The girl is in love, period. It is a fait accompli. YVO thought his quip about the garbage was tangential to the question. But in the broader sense soon she will be subtley introducing expectations (rules?) as to how you should be responding to her in word and deed. At that point taking out the garbage will be the least of your worries. I'm afraid that sadly, perhaps this one has to end, if not for your sake then hers.

Perhaps the words to the song make a point, “You gotta be cruel to be kind in the right measure!”:(


Sep 4, 2006
If you genuinely enjoy spending time with her, I would say continue to see her as long as it does not become awkward for you. If you think it will be awkward then stop. I do agree with what was said before though, until she stops accepting your money, her words mean nothing.


New Member
Jul 24, 2006
When it comes to relationships between a man and a woman there are no wrong answers... She is also a human being and just because she is an sp doesn't mean you absolutely have to kick her to the curb.

Browny said:
I'm not sure if I should keep visiting her...but she is my favourite SP at the moment, the whole experience with her is great.

I believe this quote says it all. As long as you like each others company that's all that matters.

If she were a fuck friend would we have this conversation??

Cliff Nobles

New Member
Feb 20, 2008
mazingerz said:
Chanceux :cool: Ce genre de "mésaventure" ne m'est jamais arrivée :D Bah, moi, je dis si vous vous entendez bien, pourquoi ne pas vous voir dans un contexte normal en tant que fuck-friend plutôt que client/escorte? Ça aurait bien des avantages dont celui de ne plus avoir besoin de se cacher. Vous pourriez faire des sorties ensemble aussi.

Je sais, tu ne veux pas que ce soit ta blonde. Mais au moins, ton amante le temps que ça dure, c'est quand même mieux que payer à chaque fois que tu veux fourrer et tu n'es pas obligé de faire ça à une hr et à un jr fixe.

I agree!

Je suis d'accord!


New Member
Apr 5, 2009
mazingerz said:
Chanceux :cool: Ce genre de "mésaventure" ne m'est jamais arrivée :D Bah, moi, je dis si vous vous entendez bien, pourquoi ne pas vous voir dans un contexte normal en tant que fuck-friend plutôt que client/escorte? Ça aurait bien des avantages dont celui de ne plus avoir besoin de se cacher. Vous pourriez faire des sorties ensemble aussi.

Je sais, tu ne veux pas que ce soit ta blonde. Mais au moins, ton amante le temps que ça dure, c'est quand même mieux que payer à chaque fois que tu veux fourrer et tu n'es pas obligé de faire ça à une hr et à un jr fixe.

Je ne voudrais pas être vu avec une SP en publique, même si je suis célibataire je trouve ca risqué. De toute facon, je ne ressens pas le besoin de faire des sorties ou quelque chose comme ca. Ce que je veux c'est payé, ca dure le temps que ca dure et ensuite je passe à autre chose.

Pour ce qui est de transformé la relation client/escorte en fuck friends, je vois pas comment ca peut être possible. Je pense que j'avais le choix, enfaite elle me l'a donné je lui aurais répondu de facon positive et j'aurais montré le même intérêt quand elle a avoué son attachement envers moi, notre relation aurait pu se transformé en chum/blonde et je n'aurais plus a payé pour le sexe. Mais j'ai fait mon choix. Je crois vraiment que c'était une situation blanc ou noire, pas de zone grise (fuck friends).


New Member
Apr 5, 2009
rollingstone said:
If you genuinely enjoy spending time with her, I would say continue to see her as long as it does not become awkward for you. If you think it will be awkward then stop. I do agree with what was said before though, until she stops accepting your money, her words mean nothing.

That's one of the things I'm worried about. I'm not sure what to expect when I go back. If things are as they were before and if it's like nothing ever happened, then that's fine. But I'm worried of the awkwardness, and I'm also worried that I will be worried about every little move I do not wanting to send her the wrong message or signal. However I did make things clear enough that I wasn't interested in anything more.

I know for a fact that she enjoys my company and since I'm also giving her business, I guess things could still work out.

Time will tell.


Mar 26, 2007
I have meet many Sp that i found nicer than many woman I work with or know or even dated....and I honestly , I am willing to date an Sp. The question is when you date her, is she will stop working and lose her income? how will she find an income? if she is willing to work a job for 15 to 20 $ after getting 200 $ an hour ?

Will you stop seeing other SP?
Only time can tell .....and be careful
best of luck
Ps: you are a person with a lot of value, many would have told yes, just to fuck her for were honest and honorable person


Dec 18, 2008
newman1 said:
I have meet many Sp that i found nicer than many woman I work with or know or even dated...

Its normal, sp's will do their best to be or to "look like" the best woman you know in life, they want you to call her again and have a good faithful client...

Unless sh'es ready to accept to hang out and even have sex with him for free, then its all bullshit! Cause be realist, if she is really in love with him or if she want more than the client/sp relation, she will do anything to be with him and for free! ;)
Apr 16, 2005
Please clarify!

On my last visit with her, after spending a full hour having sex, and another half hour just fooling around in I was about to leave, she said she was getting attached to me, and hinted she wanted more than me just being her client. This caught me by surprise, and I explained that's not what I was interested in. She then assured me that she just wanted to make sure, and get answer from me, and that I could still visit her and it wouldn't change a thing.

Now Browny, I think a few of us were under the impression that "more than me just being her client" involved dating and did not involve the fee. D. in the post above makes the comment
Unless sh'es ready to accept to hang out and even have sex with him for free, then its all bullshit! Cause be realist, if she is really in love with him or if she want more than the client/sp relation, she will do anything to be with him and for free!
Perhaps you could clarify this for us.
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