Montreal Escorts

What to see in Montreal


New Member
Feb 5, 2011
Was thinking of heading out to Montreal some time this summer for a bit of a vacation. Obviously, I`ll be doing some hobbying (but that`s another topic altogether).. but I wonder.. what else is there to do in this city when I`m not fucking a beautiful French Canadian female? Not particularly interested in the F1 race (tickets are probably more expensive than my interest in the sport..), but the Jazz festival sounds interesting..

BTW: Is it a bad time to visit, what with the student protests? And with reported higher prices ( this summer?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Nothing to worry about. Just don't diss the students to any of the girls as they are almost universally supporters. Montreal is one year round festival. Yes, there's the jazz festival, then the Just for Laughs, and a zillion more. If you're a cyclist, you should know that Montreal is the most bike friendly city in North America.

The only real problem you'll run into is not wanting to leave.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
There's the new show of the Cirque du Soleil that is very good. Also expensive, but much more interesting then watching cars go round and round. Some very nice dancers worth seeing :eyebrows:. A beautiful story about amazon women and goddess with nice ass.
There's lots of places to visit, the old Montreal and the old port. There's a Star Wars exhibit at the Imax center in the old port.
There's the botanical garden and the biodome if you're into exploring the wonders of nature.
If you like Christian mythology the Notre Dame Basilica is always popular with the tourists. Pretty impressive especially inside, but you have to pay to go in. (They also have a sound and light show).
Don't forget to eat a poutine.

Kansas Frank

I've seen operas and ballets there -- excellent performances. :thumb:

I've been dying to see Cirque du Soleil in Montreal -- bad timing on my part, every time I'm lucky enough to make it to Montreal, no performances. :confused:

If you stay at Le Westin, Notre Dame Basilica is less than two blocks away -- if you need to ask for foregivenss, you can run to the Basilica after your SP leaves and you shower :lol:


Active Member
Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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As I am a native Montreal it's difficult for me to find something interesting to do here.

The "jazz" festival is not really a jazz festival. And with the student demonstrations downtown it's not the time to visit Montreal.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
If you like Christian mythology the Notre Dame Basilica is always popular with the tourists.
St. Joseph's Oratory is, to my mind, even more impressive.

As for the student demonstrations, they're really more of a party. Other than the occasional traffic jam, you probably won't even notice them. I wouldn't let them keep you away.


Oct 8, 2007
I'm not religious but the Notre Dame Basilica was pretty cool. I like the old architecture in Montreal. Mount Royal was alright, lots of hiking and good exercise but definitely isn't Niagara Falls or the Grand Canyon.

How much of a disruption is the protests if you are staying/walking downtown? I guess I will find out Monday.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Damn, this is not easy but I have to agree with Rumps about this...... ouch, that hurt!

Btw, I was engaged in great conversation last night, among other things, ;) with a very sweet girl known to some other merbites and the subject of the protests came up. I simply asked her "are you in the street with your pot and pan?" simple answer, "non" with a roll of the eyes.... oh well Rumps, i guess we cant agree "all" the time. :lol: (man that didnt last long)

Odyssey, check out the rooftop pool and view from Hotel De La Montagne before its gone, great great views both of the city and of some of Mtl's hottest ladies on a hot and humid day/night. Also a must see is the Steak and Eggs at a resto called L'Avenue. (no need to thank me, but you will, trust me)

The only real problem you'll run into is not wanting to leave.
Last edited:


Oct 8, 2007
(Steak and Eggs at a resto called L'Avenue. (no need to thank me, but you will, trust me)

I'm interested, where is this ^^^place located?


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
St. Joseph's Oratory is, to my mind, even more impressive.

It's true, its more impressive from the outside. But churches are like women and you can't really say which one is best until you've been inside. :lol:
Notre-Dame-de-bon-Secours at the old port is also very nice and they have a little museum with pretty young ladies dressed in 18th century costumes.

There's also the Fringe Festival now.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
As I am a native Montreal...The "jazz" festival is not really a jazz festival.

Currently having fun at the F1 GP and will have a ball at the Nascar one in August.

As a native of Montreal it's difficult for me to choose from what I can do in one summer, let alone one night.
I have been to many jazz fest around the world and Montreal is my best. I've seen cool palyin' at 3 feet of my ears and face from so many legends plus I even enjoyed eating and having a drink with some of them.

Being addicted to music, I have been blessed to see huge names in pop, rock, Techno-trance and so many great musicians from around the world since we have a reputation for world music as well.

The OSM is part of a small group of the 10 best symphonic orchestra in the world.
Although I prefer the Concertgebouw orchestra and the accoustic of their great hall.

I met with a number of big names in house and techno music in bars, after enjoying their concert gig since they like the cozy and human side of Montreal. Tiesto, AVB, FC, Max G. Markus, etc..

If you like your bike, you just missed our Bike fest with a night tour of the city.
This year, I don't know why, you could hear pots banging late in the wee small hours like if this town was awake and partying all along.

Beer fest is coming up; it's not Munich for sure but we do indulge a lot.
We have the fireworks (I'm currently working to promote one based on the Madeira type : multiple launching pads)

The Juste pour rire which gave the english community the Just for laugh fest. (guess they weren't used to laugh before we created one).

If you're into dance (not just the pole one), Montreal is a top spot in the world for the quality.
Unbeknownst to all Montreal detractors, Quebecers are known through out the world to compete and often beat the best ones from Latin America and Russia.

We have hundreds of shool dances, world class competitions and festivals like my favorite International tango in July where you don't get just a lap dance sitting on your a... in one of our strip club... but actually get a magnificient french canadian or latin one in your arms doing Milongas and real Argentina tango.

Anyway here's a small list of some of them festivals :

P.S. : The students demonstration are only in a small part of downtown which offers so many things to do that they become just another attraction for me to feel the beat of this town. We are used to some sort of Riot once in a while and frankly, you'd have to be a sissy to be affraid of those. Unless you never traveled in un-boring countries. :eyebrows:

Don't pay too much attention to Protagoras... the man has been spoiled from all the fun he got in South America I guess.
When are we gonna get our own f*kin' Rio kinda festival for god sake !

Ste-Catherine's street should be used from Atwater to the Main to see them girls dancing !
I am also working on that.

Now if you want to go visit some churches, places, the old ports... well, we have so many freakin churches that's coming out of our beh...
It will give you a clue to why we swear using so many religious words.

But I suggest to indulge instead in all sort of foods and frankly the poutine sh!t is such an anglo thing... (meaning out-of-date)
We prefer lots of French cuisine, and Italian, and all sorts of incredible places to eat.

Then you can indulge in what you said before... with the 8 wonder of the world.
Cuze we're the chosen ones who God gave one of his greatest gift of the world : Les Quebecoises ! or French-Canadians if you prefer.

Oh.. I forgot... if you are into history a bit ? well we are in the making of part of it, as of now. (it's a small for now) but it will make the historic books for Quebec and Canada, along the last Referendum in 95' which made so many sh!t in their pants :D, the oka crisis, the crisis of the 70's, etc.

As we say in Quebecois "Que veux tu ?" we are actually making sure that everyones understand that we like to PARTY !!!!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It's already been mentioned here but the Biodome and the Botanical Gardens and I think you can buy one ticket that gets you into both. The Botanical Gardens has an insectarium that has impressive bee and spider exhibits. The Biodome has an impressive Penguin exhibit and if you get lucky you stop by when they are feeding those Penguins which is fun to watch.


Active Member
Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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I received this winter (March) a hobbyist from Boston. As it was his first time to Montreal, I drove him around the city (or a good part of it).

If I remember it correctly the itinerary was the following one.

1) I picked him up at his Hotel on De La Montagne (around 10ham)
2) I turned on De Maisonneuve and I showed him (a part of) Concordia University (I showed him the Building where Fabrikant became famous)
3) As there was a group of student protesters on the corner of De Maisonneuve and Guy, I turned on Saint-Marc in order to reach Sherbrooke Street
4) On Sherbrooke I turned right up to Guy/Côte des Neiges
5) On Côte-des-Neiges I showed him The Montreal General Hospital and parts of the Mont-Royal
6) I drove until Queen Mary (on my way I showed him the Côte-des-Neiges Cemetary)
7) First stop (visit) was the Oratoire Saint-Joseph (I told him the history of that shrine and of Frère André. I showed him the Collège Notre-Dame).
8) At the observatory we went to the observatory in order to glimpse the city (it was a sunny, clear and crisp day). We met a group of Japanese tourists taking pictures; we did the same thing.
9) Back to my car, I showed him (parts of) the University of Montreal
10) I drove back to Côte des Neiges and I turned at Chemin Remembrance/Voie Camilien Houde. Visit of the Mont-Royal park (with some historical comments on the Mont-Royal and the park that was designed by Olmsted)
11) Stop at the observatory along voie Camilien Houde. I told him that I made an exception for him: this is not the place that I visit habitually with a man but with a woman...because it's a good place for necking in the car!!!! Description of the most important buildings that were visible from the observatory.
12) Back to my car, I drove on Park Avenue with some explication of the ethnic dimension of that district. We even saw some Greek flags. He had a close encounter with the essence of Montreal because there was a construction site on Park Avenue...welcome to Montreal!
13) Next destination: Le Marché Jean-Talon and the Little Italy.
14) Stop at Le Marché Jean-Talon and walk in the Little Italy. We had a quick lunch in a place that I like there on the corner of Casgrain and Mozart
15) Back to my car, I drove on Jean-Talon East up to Pie IX. next visit was the jardin Botanique (on his request)
16) Visit of the Botanical garden
17) Around 03hpm, we went back to his Hotel (I drove on Sherbrooke Street because I wanted to show him a part of the Parc Lafontaine).
18) I dropped him at his hotel because he was kind of tired and he wanted to take a shower before our supper (with two other member Merbites)
19) I killed the time in Wandas....
20) We met my two other merbites friends at Les Trois Brasseurs. During the evening we saw students protesters on the street....


Jul 29, 2011
I'm a little surprised no one has suggested a stop at Schwartz's to get some smoked meat.... :hungry:
However, I haven't been there since Celine bought it, so I hope it hasn't changed.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts