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What happens when you SPs want sex??

Cliff Nobles

New Member
Feb 20, 2008

I'm curious to know what do you SPs do when you want sex but no client calls.

I mean not money but a sex rush!

Do you call someone? :D


La Femme

New Member
Jan 6, 2008
My_dingaling said:
trick question. Pro's don't want sex, they want easy money.

Another one of your useless comments. :rolleyes:

Cliff, to answer your question, I think SPs do what any woman would do when she has the urge to have sex: they call a lover or go "hunting".

La Femme

New Member
Jan 6, 2008
thebitchelor said:
i was easier to deal with:D (about the rates)

hehe! Funny. :p

As far as I'm concerned, my rates are not easier to deal with but when my libido hits the roof, I advertise more!! :D


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
many options

Some have boyfriends and/or girlfriends, some have fuckfriends,others go to a bar and pick up a one night stand or advertise on CL....most have vibrators and all have fingers.

La Femme

New Member
Jan 6, 2008
thebitchelor, why not? Because when you start to negotiate your rates, it's a never ending story. People take for granted that they can pay you less than what you ask for and it becomes irritating. But that's just my opinion.

I prefer to stay longer with my dates, offer extras I don't usually offer and other little benefits than dealing my prices.

cloud, yes, fingers and toys can certainly be useful when you need sex but they could never replace the warmth of a man's body. ;)


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
I call a lover. Like most SPs, I DO have a personal life.

Apr 16, 2005
Clients And The Question of Responsiveness

Cliff Nobles said:

I'm curious to know what do you SPs do when you want sex but no client calls.

I mean not money but a sex rush!

Do you call someone? :D

It's funny sometimes how a question can be revealing where a related issue is concerned. Do clients really provide anything else in an encounter, other than the fee? This question or point has been commented on in other threads. Do any of the answers here shed some light on it?;) There almost seems to be contradictions at times. Or is it just me?

La Femme

New Member
Jan 6, 2008
RG, I would be very interested to know what are the contradictions according to you. :)

If I want immediate sexual gratification, I will not automatically think about clients simply because with them, their pleasure comes first, as it should!

With a lover, even though his satisfaction is very important too, mine is at least as important.
Apr 16, 2005
Making beautiful music together!

RG, I would be very interested to know what are the contradictions according to you.
Well we can pussyfoot around this all night but I found that without clarifying, some of the answers could be interpreted in a couple of different ways: Malika stated that when she starts to get a bit randy, she advertises a bit more. To me that might mean that she can really get into it with the customers and her responses to them and what they are doing to her can rock her world. That of course just gets the client going more and he has the GFE that blows his mind. In a couple of other answers the suggestion is that clients are clients but if I want real sex that rocks my world I have fuckfriends, private life, lovers etc. Now, of course, at this stage of the discussion, I suppose some who responded here can still put whatever spin they like to their answers. As I said it's just an impression.

If I want immediate sexual gratification, I will not automatically think about clients simply because with them, their pleasure comes first, as it should!

Now it may be that a significant number of clients are so turned inward that they can get a major trip by just having themselves worked on. But I can't see how anyone can really get the maximum out of the experience if it is totally one sided. Maybe that's why some SP's give at least the impression that they are a part of the equation(e.g. being vocal). Better than nothing but still lacking somewhat. Maybe that's why when you read reviews (or experience it yourself) the girls who are responsive are so highly prized.

With a lover, even though his satisfaction is very important too, mine is at least as important.

As I said above, did you realize that guys cue off your pleasure? And just maybe that is where your lover gets a bit more than the client.

At its worst is the SP who is getting it doggie while enjoying TV, laughing and cracking her gum. I guess if that is okay for some guys then “to each his own.”

How do you see the whole thing?:)
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Apr 16, 2005
thebitchelor said:
La femme said she advertise a bit, i said im easier to deal my i have to admit, when this kind of things happened, the client got a real pse experience (well, in my attitude, not my extra:p )

And I'll bet there are more than a few who cried when you quit SP'ing.:) But does what I am saying make some kind of sense generally?

La Femme

New Member
Jan 6, 2008
RG, not sure I really get your point but I will still respond to some of the things you said.

If I want sex that will rock my world, no, I don't meet a client. Does that mean that sex with clients is boring? Of course not. There is a hundred possibilities between AMAZING sex and boring sex!

With a client, his needs comes first. And it has nothing to do with the guy being self-centered or not. He is paying ME for a service. I have to perform. I still enjoy myself but the level of intimacy is not the same as with someone who I am on the same level with. A client, even the most generous one sexually, will think more of what he wants than what I want. Which is perfectly fine by me since it is part of the deal.

Mind blowing sex happens when the two people involved are 100% there for each other.

I am incognito and I don't advertise my services here, I have no reason to lie so let me tell you this: from all the women I know in this industry, I am one of the few who gets really turned on with clients. But do I reach the same satisfaction as I do with my lovers? Absolutely not.
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Dr Edgar Who

New Member
Nov 29, 2008
La Femme said:
With a client, his needs comes first. And it has nothing to do with the guy being self-centered or not. He is paying ME for a service. I have to perform. I still enjoy myself but the level of intimacy is not the same as with someone who I am on the same level with. A client, even the most generous one sexually, will think more of what he wants than what I want. Which is perfectly fine by me since it is part of the deal.

Something it has taken me time to get used to...

I certainly try to give a woman a "dating" experience, spend time talking, massaging, caressing and daty - trying to be certain she REALLY enjoys it. I mean this is partly because it is so much more enjoyable for me that way.

Unfortunately, it just won't happen with most SPs, even if they are indies and I'm not number 3 on the night. And, on the whole, it generally will only happen with a repeat because, well, I think that just says something about women and sex. It's much more mental than for a man. Sometimes I might rock a girl's world but most of the time I'll only have been a very good client.

Bottom line, I have learned to do my best to make things even-even but, at the end of the day, I"m the one who paid and the girl is walking out the door at the end of the specified time. If she wants to stay longer 'cause she is having a really good time then great (and this does happen once in a while) but I have learned to be a little more selfish. :eek: :p

And, just to clarify, it doesn't mean I don't think the girls have a good time and the talented ones are able to appear to be having an even better time. Careful choice of SPs means I often end up having a very good time and the girls usually do enjoy being with me BUT really amazing and obviously mutually satisfying sex has been fairly rare. Which is normal : that only happens for me when my "primary brain" (or is that secondary?) has gotten seriously engaged and excited, when there's a real connection.
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La Femme

New Member
Jan 6, 2008
Dr Edgar Who said:
Something it has taken me time to get used to...

I certainly try to give a woman a "dating" experience, spend time talking, massaging, caressing and daty - trying to be certain she enjoys it. I mean this is partly because it is so much more enjoyable for me that way.

Unfortunately, it just won't happen with most SPs, even if they are indies and I'm not number 3 on the night. And, on the whole, it generally will only happen with a repeat because, well, I think that just says something about women and sex. It's much more mental than for a man. Sometimes I might rock a girl's world but most of the time I'll only have been a very good client.

Bottom line, I have learned to do my best to make things even-even but, at the end of the day, I"m the one who paid and the girl is walking out the door at the end of the specified time. If she wants to stay longer 'cause she is having a really good time then great (and this does happen once in a while) but I have learned to be a little more selfish. :eek: :p

I can't speak for others but I know I can definitely enjoy myself with a client. That being said, there are exterior factors that make it difficult to completely be in the moment and that is mandatory to have mind blowing sex...

First, you always have to be alert so you can guess what he wants next. You are there for him, not the other way round.

Second, you need to be careful at all times because after all, this is a complete stranger. You need to always think about your safety, even if it's just a tiny little part of your brain who is taking care of this.

Third, you know you have X time and as much as you love receiving DATY, massages (believe me, I do!!) and the likes, you know that before the session is over, your partner wants to have at least one orgasm. So you need some time management skills there! :p

Even if you are enjoying yourself, all of this is in the back of your mind. :)

Dr Edgar Who

New Member
Nov 29, 2008
La Femme said:
I can't speak for others but I know I can definitely enjoy myself with a client. That being said, there are exterior factors that make it difficult to completely be in the moment and that is mandatory to have mind blowing sex...

Even if you are enjoying yourself, all of this is in the back of your mind. :)

Good point, thanks for that. Again, another reason for repeats to be more comfortable and satisfying for you. :)
Apr 16, 2005
La Femme said:
RG, not sure I really get your point but I will still respond to some of the things you said.

If I want sex that will rock my world, no, I don't meet a client. Does that mean that sex with clients is boring? Of course not. There is a hundred possibilities between AMAZING sex and boring sex!

With a client, his needs comes first. And it has nothing to do with the guy being self-centered or not. He is paying ME for a service. I have to perform. I still enjoy myself but the level of intimacy is not the same as with someone who I am on the same level with. A client, even the most generous one sexually, will think more of what he wants than what I want. Which is perfectly fine by me since it is part of the deal.

Mind blowing sex happens when the two people involved are 100% there for each other.

I am incognito and I don't advertise my services here, I have no reason to lie so let me tell you this: from all the women I know in this industry, I am one of the few who gets really turned on with clients. But do I reach the same satisfaction as I do with my lovers? Absolutely not.
Okay! Let's see if I got this right. The client is paying so if you happen to enjoy one thing and the client wants to do something else then he is catered to because he is paying. Okay, good point and I can see where that would happen a lot. And being conscious of that when you are with him means that you must always be sensitive to this and you can't completely relax. So the hundred possibilities thing is more about where clients fall on a scale of 1 to 100 in terms of making you an equal partner even though he is the one paying. Sound about right? I suppose even the most generous client (sexually) can deceive himself into believing that you both are happy with the same experience when clearly you feel it is your duty to be sensitive to his whims.

One thing though. It is a nice thought that a lover ( as opposed to a client) can give a better experience because he is on the same level. But in any relationship, no matter how you slice it, it is all about negotiation and compromise, in bed or out. Everybody has their own idea of what both like whether one is paying for it or not. For me that can be the same for wives or SP's. And I am sure that it is the same for husbands and clients.

From what you are saying I would bet that you are an exceptional SP, very considerate and I would consider myself fortunate indeed to share your time. But your lover is fortunate because I believe you and he are both on the same level not because of the money but because you each chose each other freely. I suspect that what you are really talking about here is not the fact that it is about catering to the customer but more to feeling relaxed with being able to negotiate your own pleasure.
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Apr 16, 2005
hird, you know you have X time and as much as you love receiving DATY, massages (believe me, I do!!) and the likes, you know that before the session is over, your partner wants to have at least one orgasm. So you need some time management skills there!

Even if you are enjoying yourself, all of this is in the back of your mind.

Just a minor point here but this part could (and should at the very least) also apply to your approach to a lover shouldn't it? I realize that time is not an issue with a lover but I am sure the orgasm
Apr 16, 2005

I certainly try to give a woman a "dating" experience, spend time talking, massaging, caressing and daty - trying to be certain she REALLY enjoys it. I mean this is partly because it is so much more enjoyable for me that way.
If you will permit me Doc, it seems you have answered my original question. You do bring more to an encounter than just the fee.

Unfortunately, it just won't happen with most SPs, even if they are indies and I'm not number 3 on the night. And, on the whole, it generally will only happen with a repeat because, well, I think that just says something about women and sex. It's much more mental than for a man. Sometimes I might rock a girl's world but most of the time I'll only have been a very good client.
There are probably a whole host of reasons Doc. Yes it may be as you say about women and sex. But it may also have something to do with the SP herself, her personality, background attitude towards men (Well you get the idea). It maybe connection (chemistry). It maybe because with more familiarity the sex gets better. I am sure there are others.

So this brings us full circle. With experience you have had to bring a touch of selfishness into the mix as distasteful as that may have been. And yes, experiences with SP's are many and varied. Perhaps in the end it is the context that dictates how clients and SP's relate beyond our best efforts to relate on a more profound level.:)

La Femme

New Member
Jan 6, 2008
Regular Guy said:
Okay! Let's see if I got this right. The client is paying so if you happen to enjoy one thing and the client wants to do something else then he is catered to because he is paying. Okay, good point and I can see where that would happen a lot. And being conscious of that when you are with him means that you must always be sensitive to this and you can't completely relax. So the hundred possibilities thing is more about where clients fall on a scale of 1 to 100 in terms of making you an equal partner even though he is the one paying. Sound about right? I suppose even the most generous client (sexually) can deceive himself into believing that you both are happy with the same experience when clearly you feel it is your duty to be sensitive to his whims.

Yes, that is exactly what I meant.

And when I think back, my best encounters have been with clients who treated me as a lover, not as an escort.

Regular Guy said:
One thing though. It is a nice thought that a lover ( as opposed to a client) can give a better experience because he is on the same level. But in any relationship, no matter how you slice it, it is all about negotiation and compromise, in bed or out. Everybody has their own idea of what both like whether one is paying for it or not. For me that can be the same for wives or SP's. And I am sure that it is the same for husbands and clients.

True. But I am super selective with my lovers and make sure to choose men who are truly generous, at ease with themselves and very open-minded. If I get the impression that my partner is not giving 100% of himself, I show him the door or never call him back. ;)

Regular Guy said:
From what you are saying I would bet that you are an exceptional SP, very considerate and I would consider myself fortunate indeed to share your time. But your lover is fortunate because I believe you and he are both on the same level not because of the money but because you each chose each other freely. I suspect that what you are really talking about here is not the fact that it is about catering to the customer but more to feeling relaxed with being able to negotiate your own pleasure.

Thank you for your kind words.

You have an excellent point in that last part of your post.

To answer your next message: yes, of course, my lover's orgasm is essential. But there is no race against time. If it takes 2 hours, it takes 2. If it takes 4 hours, it takes 4. Big difference as far as being able to totally be in the moment. :)
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