Montreal Escorts

What arab populated venue (country, city, area ) is the best value for hobbying ?

What country is best for cost, sheer numbers, and safety for arab women hobbying?

  • Egypt

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jordan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Indonesia (asian country with a arab population)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kuwait

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Iran

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
I am wondering what arab area has the most women available for hobbying for sheer numbers, good price and safety?

Does Indonesia or Singapore have a small arab population of working indies?
Or is it another country I haven't mentioned?

*Dubai is crossed off because I hear its way too expensive and i hear very few if any arab women work their like other nationalities.

*Uk and Toronto arabs are ideal but there prices are sky high!


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
i wouldnt fuck around like that in any middle eastern/muslim dominated country like that,, if caught the way they would deal with u would be less than pleasant to say the least, death would not be something that was off the table 4 u


Jul 31, 2011
I'll give it a shot: how about Montreal?

There are tons of Arab women here, and many of them are gorgeous.

A lot of those other places sound awful hairy.


My second guess (and this is purely a guess) would be Israel.

I have heard that the Israeli brothels (which are supposed to be quite good) are mostly staffed by East European women.


My third guess (and this is also a guess) would be Lebanon. Lebanese girls are knockouts, and the French influence there may have left them more open than in other countries.
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Jun 7, 2007
Keep the political and racial comments, and anything else that does not pertain directly to the question being asked, out of this thread before someone gets banned.

One post edited and two other removed.



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
i wouldnt fuck around like that in any middle eastern/muslim dominated country like that,, if caught the way they would deal with u would be less than pleasant to say the least, death would not be something that was off the table 4 u

Hello cpp433,

My former Turkish Muslim friend described the state run brothels in Turkey many times. Turkey is one of those moderate modern states with a secular government and an extremely dedicated but open-minded Islamic population. I was told they run a very regulated brothel system with strict medical oversight. So, I can't say for certain, but other similarly structured states like Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia might have the same systems. But you right about those conservative Islamic countries. I wouldn't try it if you want to keep your parts and/or your life.

IRAN?????????? :rolleyes: Can you say Death Wish.

Good luck,



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Feb 9, 2004
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>>> Useless quote and it's reply deleted. The quoted post was quoted entirely and is just above. Mod 11.
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Being a more "open" and "modern" Muslim state like Turkey does not mean it's society resembles the U.S. or Canada. To us it would be oppressive in many ways.

Considering brothel women, they are considered unmarriageable de facto social outcasts. Chastity for all other women is sacred despite the more relatively permissive attitudes about dress and some educational and career opportunities more available there. But what DD doesn't understand is all Muslims are not rabid radicals. There are still differences among Muslim nations and peoples that are critical.


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Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
I wouldn't hobby in most Muslim country. It's not a safe thing to do at this moment.
Is this based on any particular knowledge about prostitution in Arab countries or you usual ethnocentric prejudice?
Prostitution is as widespread in Arab countries as anywhere else. While it is officially illegal in most Arab countries, it is de facto tolerated in most of them, even regulated in some parts of them. Of course, you would have to be very prudent in the most fundamentalist countries. But even in these countries, the situation seems to be better than in USA, also viewed in some people's mind as much of a fundamentalist country, at least from a political point of view.

Lublaw, prostitution is totally legal in Turkey. Brothels are state run in that country.


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
Sam interesting point of view about including Israel into the conversation ......

I seen some persian jews from israel, iran & USA & they look stunning! Something about that mix in which both races combined make people uncontrollably stare & drool

In addition Hypo is correct! People from Iran are not Arabs they are Persians!!!!!

And people from morocco are considered berber arabs!

I wonder if anyone knows any freelance clubs in these persian, jewish, and arab countries we are mentioning :)


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Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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I tend to agree with THEHITMAN

The best place is still here I guess. Over the years I've met a lot of escortsin Montreal that were arabs: Just to name a few, there was in the early 2000's a Tunisian girl and a Morocan/Algerian escort (both working for LFMJ). I've also met an Egyptian (in don't remember where she was working), the legendary Sami was described as half Egyptian.

Nowadays several girls that are arabs work in Montreal for well known agencies (Asservissante, for example). Do you homework and you'll find them.

My best Arab escort was in São Paulo. She was a Penelope Cruz look alike, born in Dubai. Her English was perfect becaused she attended an American school in Dubai. She was very hot. Unfortunately she quitted the business (she was working for the defunct Clínica Kin). There's large Arab/Syrian/Lebanese community in São Paulo.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
i remember during that green revelution in iran a year or 2 ago,, all the video on tv id see of different groups id notice there are a lot of hot iranian chicks


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Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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Speaking of Iranians women I can tell you that most of them are really good looking (even smoking hot!)

For two years in a row I have Iranians women in the graduate seminar I teach: two last years and two this year.

They wear Occidental clothes, have beautiful hair and they put on just enough makeup to look sexy without being trashy.
One of them (this year) is especially good looking: I would rate her a 8.5 or even 9.0 on my sexo-meter.

I strictly abide to a golden rule however: I always keep my distance and I never get "friend" with my students.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

BTW Iranians aint Arabs.

Turks aren`t Arabs either.

Totally agree, don`t need the sterotype,...they certainly were not rabid muslim radicals, but their concept of equality for women, all women, not just SP was totally alien to me. Turks treated western women that accompanied their spouses to Incirlik horribly, Most wives of friends I knew refused to go there or would divorce before returning for second tour.

I have a friend that lived and worked in Jordan with Save the Children charity. She was immersed in the culture, speaking and writing arabic. She absolutely loved the people, was treated wonderfully and lived there for ten years. Totally different culture, wow she has no use for the Israelis though. Interesting conversations, not what we hear on the local news.


Someone with a xenophobic hatred of Arabs and Muslims can`t offer anything on this subject because he is so predisposed to stereotypes.

With the usual Islamic prohibitions on alcohol, promiscuity, their severe restrictions on socialization with women, their view of the proper place of women even in the less severe Muslim states, together with typical feelings on Americans I have no doubt that American servicemen and their wives found conditions in Turkey and Arab countries very hard to live with.

Jordan though, is one of those countries that had been determined for a long time to cut out it`s own path and create a unique character. I don`t know much about this country in great detail, but it seems to have achieved a greater blend (greater, but not meaning a large amount) of cosmopolitan acceptance with Islamic religion. Many successful Islamic rulers in history, especially the greatest of them, were the most tolerant for interweaving outside ideas and peoples within their states and empires, while maintaining their own values.

Lublaw, prostitution is totally legal in Turkey. Brothels are state run in that country.

Yeah, but my point was they are treated like slaves or worse. I have no interest in seeing girls indentured to servitude.
Maybe I am naive but most of the girls I see in Montreal seem to be working of their own free will. Sure there are some pimps, but it is not institutional. The way girls change agencys (I can`t keep up) I don`t think it is all that organized
I am just a romantic, I still hope Jessie will come out of retirement - ha ha

Little Hottie come out of retirement? :D :thumb:

This is what weighs most heavily for me when considering so-called hobbying in Islamic countries. Whatever the level of freedom is in Montreal in choosing the escort business, in Islamic countries, as I understand it, a prostitute is branded for life. There is probably no choice but expulsion from the family, and servitude in the brothels or attempt to survive practically alone as a social pariah. It`s close to de facto slavery. Even if that doesn`t bother a client, the fact that a woman is pretty much stuck there gives her no motivation for what we on this board call GFE service. It would seem laughable to even consider this could exist in brothels, though among companions, who surely exist for the wealthy, those conditions and motivations are probably more positive.

But what should also weigh on the Montreal client who wants to believe the ladies there have a choice, as I think many have, is that the Muslim woman in a brothel has nearly always had little other choice but prostitution.

Remember that virginity/chastity must be perfect to be worthy of marriage. Even among Muslims living in the West ( U.S., Canada, Europe, etc. ) any signs of independence or disobedience by Muslim girls can be viewed as tantamount to criminal behavior, and honor killings are committed despite Western laws.


Below is one example of a Muslim women`s testimony of why she became a ``hooker``. It includes a very surprising revelation on first sexual experience for some Muslim males caused by sexual ignorance and repression:

Muslim woman picks life as a hooker over the oppression of islam.

Here is one good reason to make your ``hobbying`` choice in Islamic countries very, very carefully:

Egypt: Mob Attacks Christian Man for Visiting Muslim Brothel

People like Daydreamer who loathe Feminists for many reasons, including the threat to his rights to buy sex, should realize that Muslim Feminists are often the only hope for escaping sexual slavery in their countries.

For me, all of these conditions give me ample reason to reject any hobbying in these countries or anywhere this situation seems to exist.

Happy choices,

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Oct 30, 2003
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You can have good experiences in Morocco, and society there is quite westernized. If you read French, has some threads about it.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Is this based on any particular knowledge about prostitution in Arab countries or you usual ethnocentric prejudice?
Prostitution is as widespread in Arab countries as anywhere else. While it is officially illegal in most Arab countries, it is de facto tolerated in most of them, even regulated in some parts of them. Of course, you would have to be very prudent in the most fundamentalist countries. But even in these countries, the situation seems to be better than in USA, also viewed in some people's mind as much of a fundamentalist country, at least from a political point of view.

Lublaw, prostitution is totally legal in Turkey. Brothels are state run in that country.

my usual ethnocentric prejudice? Is that an insult? gugu.

No, I am going by trend in the Arab world.

Even Turkey, the most secular of Muslim countries, is moving towards fundamentalism and to the right. Egypt, Libya, Tunisia are going towards a more fundamental Islamic government. That's what the Arab Spring seems to be resulting in. Iran uses prostitution to get rid of people they don't want around. Saudi Arabia does not tolerate prostitution among other things less provocative. Turkey may not turn to a religious dictatorship, but the possibility is there. It is possible any where in the Middle East.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Muslim woman picks life as a hooker over the oppression of islam.

Here is one good reason to make your "hobbying" choice in Islamic countries very, very carefully:

Egypt: Mob Attacks Christian Man for Visiting Muslim Brothel

People like Daydreamer who loathe Feminists for many reasons, including the threat to his rights to buy sex, should realize that Muslim Feminists are often the only hope for escaping sexual slavery in their countries.

For me, all of these conditions give me ample reason to reject any hobbying in these countries or anywhere this situation seems to exist.

Happy choices,


Gee Merlot, you are almost as bad as gugu. Why do you use the word loathe? It's kind of strong, don't you think?

Look, what's happening in the Middle East is making it difficult for foreigners to travel there. Muslim Feminists? There is no such thing in the Muslim world. They are executed. They cannot survive in an Islamo-Fascist society.

However, I do agree with your conclusion.
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New Member
Jul 31, 2011

Having been to Morocco I can comment the following;

Many clubs at popular hotels are full of escorts...more than tourists. Morocco is thought of as the jewel of Africa in terms of escorts. These are often exported to other countries. Alot of those escorts are Super hot. Of course everyone there will try to rip you off on everything. If you try to pickup what you think is an escort at a club it may be an undercover cop or her pimp may be nearby spelling not take to your hotel room as hotels will report you and it is as many have said a muslim country.

You can rent an apartment and then bring girls back there for pretty cheap all you want all day all night.

That said 90 % of them have AIDS and on the street the few I saw who were slightly older than the super hotties in the clubs clearly had something and one looked like she didnt' have many years left.

I wasn't much interested in catching aids in Africa and was busy during the trip. My advice Be CAREFUL in Developing countries.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
That said 90 % of them have AIDS and on the street the few I saw who were slightly older than the super hotties in the clubs clearly had something and one looked like she didnt' have many years left.

Where did you get that statistics? Total non-sense. Aids prevalence in Morocco, 0,1% is among the lowest in the world, as a matter of fact 6 times lower than in the USA. A quick search about aid prevalence of aids for prostitutes in Morocco yields a study that says it may be as high as 2,6%. You throw statistics without having the slightest idea of what you are talking about.


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
oh oh i am getting scared now :( !!! Are there any hotels in morocco that are escort friendly in which they don't demand extra and don't put you in jail for bringing a escort to your room? I don't do apartments because of many safety reasons!!! I like Hotels because they check Id's for me and also they make sure I don't get robbed!! Any one have any names of good hotels and good freelance places in morocco?? Or should I go to tunsia or other safe liberal arab country instead for freelance and hotel safety?????
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