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VR porn


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Sep 8, 2003
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With the arrival in store of a whole bunch of virtual reality gear, and given the fact that the porno industry had always been an aggressive adopter of new technology, it is to be expected that we will see a plethora of vr porn sites blossoming. Oculus finder predicts that within the next 10 years we should see vr screens with 8k resolution per eye, which will allow you to see clear pictures without pixels.

So my questions: did you try VR porn? What do you think? Is it really as good as they say? Could it affect your hobby habits?


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
I would like to try, but you can't just try, you would have to buy all the gear. Which is roughly under a grand.I 'm sure it would be fun.
However as a hobbyist, dropping a huge amount of dough for fake sex In one shot, doesn't compare to having a steady flow of hobbying. Can't see VR replacing the already existing sex industry. It could be an alternative for when you can't see an SP.

My geek side tells me it's too early for VR porn. All the gear is first generation


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
I did have the opportunity to try VR, first a roller coaster ride, then a porn. The roller coaster ride was way more fun, lol.
The porn was well done in that you felt like you were in the room with the actors, but still they were actors, not real people, and it had that fake quality to it that I dislike so much in porn.

Having been in real live group sex situations there is absolutely no comparison between VR porn and the real thing with real people, in my opinion.


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Mar 18, 2005
I have always found the fantasies and memories I can imagine in my head to be more stimulating than watching a porn film. Maybe it's my girl brain. ;)

I need a brain transplant :Cry:

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Feb 16, 2011
I have the Samsung Gear VR used with a note 5. There is very little free VR movies available but KinkVR dot com has a bunch.
I can tell you it blows away regular porn. When the resolution is improved it will be just like you are there (if you smoke a doubie,,,).


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Fair comment. As far as self-sufficient activity, I have always found the fantasies and memories I can imagine in my head to be more stimulating than watching a porn film. Maybe it's my girl brain. ;)

I have wasted so much time watching porn and I nearly always walk away disappointed in all but a few instances for the same reasons you mentioned. I love fantasy and role play but about 98% is so contrived and done so poorly. Hollywood can do it but then they don't show anything...maybe that's that's the point? Then you have to use your imagination. The days of higher budget porn were pretty good (like the Taboo movies). My favorite porno in the last year or so was a hot girl walking into a house dressed the way I like. She stops to masturbate and then walks off with the click of her sexy heals...she doesn't say a word and no fakeness. I hate the porn where it starts with out any seduction. If VR porn doesn't fix any of this than I don't care.

Verona Rossi

New Member
Sep 7, 2016
I agree - a feature I enjoy is that you can find videos that are POV from the male perspective as well as the woman's.


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Sep 8, 2003
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I agree - a feature I enjoy is that you can find videos that are POV from the male perspective as well as the woman's.

I believe VR has a way to go, but there is already stuff that will blow your mind. 360 pictures of cities where you can walk anywhere and see all around you, attending a Cirque du Soleil show in 3D sitting right on stage with the other actors, visiting a prehistoric forest and meeting a real-life dinosaurus! Really impressive experiences. There is still much to be improved, but I'm willing to bet quite a lot of money that it's the cinema of the future. However, I think we have not mastered yet the medium, just as when you watch the 1950's tv shows compared to today's.

If porn productions is boring, without seduction, well, up to us to to the right type of porn. I'm getting a 3D VR cam, if anyone is interested in shooting something that is a step into seduction and eroticism, pm me! (I'm serious!)


New Member
May 7, 2016
So far porn is not what makes VR interesting. They'll surely come up with more interesting scenes but even after trying it a few times, I still can't bring myself to get into it. :/ However I have tried other stuff such as meditations on the beach, rollercoasters and some weird music listening VR app with vaporwave sceneries, and it was interesting, but you can tell it's still at its very beginning. They still haven't made things as awesome as they can be but I'm not worried that'll happen. I hope they make a Avatar movie for VR. Now that'll be fun! :D

Verona Rossi

New Member
Sep 7, 2016
Hi Curly,

Yes I watched that Cirque du Soleil show ... very cool! There are so many cool applications and formats already just in the Oculus app.

Let me know when you get that camera - I'm interested in exploring new realms!

Verona Rossi

New Member
Sep 7, 2016
I believe VR has a way to go, .......attending a Cirque du Soleil show
......I'm getting a 3D VR cam, if anyone is interested in shooting something that is a step into seduction and eroticism, pm me! (I'm serious!)

Hi Curly,

Yes I watched that Cirque du Soleil show ... very cool! There are so many cool applications and formats already just in the Oculus app.

Let me know when you get that camera - I'm interested in exploring new realms!


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
VR porn thread... Verona Rossi :yo:

Best Regards


Feb 16, 2011
You can't just get a "3D VR Cam"...the 360 cams are Not VR.
What you need for proper VR is 12 4K gopro's with the appropriate stitching software and high end computer hardware. About 11K in costs, not counting the lighting etc...the models cost too. You can have a lot of fun with 11k...


New Member
May 14, 2016
Eventually full service animatronic androids will be available as depicted in the 1973 film Westworld. No doubt there will be special orders for these made to be like famous figures. Sofia Vergara anyone? :p It should be incredible...for the rich because of the costs. Though maybe some enterprising escort agency will offer them by the hour. Then we can choose between women and simulated women. I wonder which we would choose more often? It should create an interesting price system.

I wouldn't go near the first ones. Wouldn't want some imperfections in them to leave a mark or some permanently damage. OUCH.


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Sep 8, 2003
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You can't just get a "3D VR Cam"...the 360 cams are Not VR.
What you need for proper VR is 12 4K gopro's with the appropriate stitching software and high end computer hardware. About 11K in costs, not counting the lighting etc...the models cost too. You can have a lot of fun with 11k...

There are lots of other 3D VR options besides the Gopro. Many rigs exist if you have already very good camera bodies, which I do. Aside from that, a lot of affordable technologies are emerging to provide a comprehensive solution to the multiple camera and stitching problems. Take a look here: and Also, when shooting porn, you don't need to go full 360.... I don't know anyone who looks behind when the action is in front of them.... I don't intend to invest 11K, don't worry, and I need the technology for other things, but why not have fun with it as well?
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