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using lube


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
been doing this for a long time, and I am still evolving....

For a long time, the thing i sought the most for a best experience is dfk...

But now it is something else, natural lubrication.

I understand the use of lube, but now when the provider reaches directly for the tube of lube before even trying to get naturally wet, it is a turn off for me. Plus the feeling with lube does not compare to natural wetness. It just feels so much better.

I've thought about requesting NOT to use lube and to let us try to go the natural route, but have not had the nerve yet...

You can fake wanting to kiss, but you cannot fake getting wet...or can you? i guess it is like faking getting hard...


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
i appreciate a woman's perspective...I imagine if properly wet, you have all the protection from micro tears you need. I have often noticed though, that as you first enter a woman, she might not be fully wet yet, but after a few strokes she becomes fully lubricated. I can see how those first moments of intercourse could be hard on the vagina if it happens several times in one day.

But I guess what I am referring to in my OP is that sometimes, the provider does not even try to get aroused, or cannot, and relies heavily on the lube to get through the act...The lube seems to also get absorbed very quickly and you end up with a 'stickier' lubrication which just does not feel very good.

Also, when a woman fully lubricates on her own, it is a form of reciprocity that is better than any kind of 'faked' GFE or PFE...


oldtimer user
Jan 3, 2006
I buy JLube, a lube in powder. You need to mix it before use. Or use it diectly on body and add water on it. A TS regular of me use it and do not go back with anithing else. You can just add water and it's ready for a long time. It's based on sugar and the taste is neutral exept sweetness. A another way to use it, mix with water and make some ice cube with it. You insert the freeze inside and you are in front off a girl who is wet and lubricate a lot to drip... and for the lady, feeling are good too!!! MTC


Feb 9, 2018
Lol you can’t just ask a lady to « get wet » . Even when arroused , we cant always get wet . And compared to your getting hard . We can run out of juice literally (lol) i suggest you dont ask for that because most sps will refuse straight up . I hate it so much when a client tells me « you wont need it with ne » huh yeah i will need it . We have to lubricate to protect our lady part from getting irritated ...


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I would say as action begins you blindfold the girl, handcuff her, byte her ear softly and say close to her ear "You are so beautiful I cant' wait to fuck your pussy my little animal..!!".

If she still does not get wet... use lube ;)



Feb 9, 2018
Yeah nah i’d still use lube ahahah. I always use lube . Even if im wet ... you cant just risk getting irritated .
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
Yeah nah i’d still use lube ahahah. I always use lube . Even if im wet ... you cant just risk getting irritated .

You won’t need it with me, lol. Funny thing though with my 14.8 incher, girls usually run out of enough lub with me. So just a suggestion, make sure you have enough!


Aug 5, 2011
Clearly the answer is that the woman would know what's best for her, and we should not take that personally. To reward you all for making it to 14 posts with civility and respect, I'd like to remind you of that fantastic moment in Arrested Development when Lucille is awaiting George in the conjugal visitation trailer.

Lucille: Honey, I wanna cry so bad, but I don't think I can spare the moisture.

Later, after her imprisoned husband arrives at the conjugal trailer:

Lucille (to Michael): I'm so glad I didn't cry.

alternatively (scroll to #16)

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
But I guess what I am referring to in my OP is that sometimes, the provider does not even try to get aroused

But that is not a thing. Women don't have control over that, for the most part. I mean, it is possible to help with mental images, sexy attitude and stuff but... Either you turn us on or you don't. Either you can eat pussy or you can't. The best we can do is tell you what we enjoy. But we don't ''make an effort to get wet'' that's such a manly thing to say. It's your job to give a girl pleasure, not hers. lol.... ''Pfffff she didnt even TRY to be wet'' see how that sounds lol, next time, ask her what she likes.

Lol you can’t just ask a lady to « get wet » .

Yeah not how it works. lol

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Yes body language is a very strong language !!


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Yeah nah i’d still use lube ahahah. I always use lube . Even if im wet ... you cant just risk getting irritated .

You could save the money and not use lube Amanda... as with you I lasted like what, 3 minutes in doggy? Which is probably 90 seconds more then your regular client. Not much time to bruise haha ;)



Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
just to clarify my OP...(again)

Of course I dont expect a woman to naturally auto-lubricate for my benefit. Of course, part of the pleasure of intimacy is giving as well as receiving. Of course attraction and arousal is multi-factorial (actually multi-multi-multi factorial), my ultimate point is the difference between a quality provider and a non-quality provider.

I recently met an established provider who was a bit mechanical in her service. She did not allow daty, and was giving the vibe of 'purely business'...when it came time for the hat, she reached for the lube, slathered a dollop on me and a dollop on herself and hopped on.

When I started this hobby I would not have cared, I just wanted to get laid...:) Now I care, and it is a major turn off.

I also recently have had multiple encounters where the encounter was a dance of give and take, of mutual pleasure and where most importantly, the provider was very wet, not an ounce of lube was needed, and I left feeling like a million bucks :)

Mocha you said it, getting wet is a huge validation of reciprocal arousal, and that is now what I look for the most...not dfk, not bbbj, but reciprocal arousal. And no, my ego does not take a hit if she does not get wet...I understand. You cant please all the people all the time. My qualm is the mechanical reaching for the lube, without giving me a chance :)

But, by the sounds of it, I'm sure glad I never said,''Baby, you wont need any lube'' LOL


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Boston, MA USA
I hate to agree with rosbos but he has a point. If you are looking at lubrication as an indication of arousal you dont understand a woman's physiology. You are hearing the same thing from the women posting in this thread, so you really should listen to what they have to say.

there are pretty big differences from woman to woman about how much wet she gets, how fast she gets wet and how frequently she can get wet. Some women can be super turned on but not very wet. Other women get wet almost immediately. Moreover, the same woman can experience varying levels of wetness from day to day or even throughout the day.

If you switched your focus to making sure that she is as comfortable as possible, you are most likely to be rewarded with the funnest GFE - forget about when she reaches for lube.


Feb 9, 2018
I recently met an established provider who was a bit mechanical in her service. She did not allow daty, and was giving the vibe of 'purely business'...when it came time for the hat, she reached for the lube, slathered a dollop on me and a dollop on herself and hopped on

i can understand the part about no daty being a turn off for you but i dont understand the part where putting the lube on you and then herself is a problem ... i mean how else can she apply it ...
also for the no daty part .... you have to understand that a lot of women are very likely to catch a yeast infection when different people do daty . Its a different Ph interfering with their own Ph . Some women are more prone to catching it than others. And you have to understand that . There is also some girls who dont get turned on by daty . So ... basically you are saying they arent trying to be turned on but maybe it actually is the opposite .

You cant expect SPs to be turned on by all of you , even if you try . Just like you can’t be turned on by just any women .


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
this thread is becoming more about defending my post than anything else.

Hey, all i'm saying, if the provider does not lubricate naturally, be it because of me, or because of her, or because of donald trump, i dont enjoy the experience and I will pass next time.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I don’t see how not getting wet is the line between a quality vs a non quality provider. In my opinion, it’s more of an issue of a quality client vs a non quality client, or completely other reasons. Being wet has nothing to do with a woman’s worth or a provider’s quality lol...... Imagine if escorts said "wow some of these guys use viagra it’s so annoying they don’t even make an effort to be naturally hard I am offended and turned off"


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
2fast2slow I dont think the thread is about defending your post... I was sarcastic in both of my intervention here because for one I am totally with you on this but my take is the difference does not rely on lube at all but on seeing good providers vs bad one...

As GMA said I also remember a girl who had so much lube or jelly or I dont know but really the feeling was exactly the same as fucking a jar of margarine. Good luck at achieving orgasm!


p.s. julia we think alike I think... ;)
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