Montreal Escorts

The Official MERB 2011-2012 NHL Hockey Thread

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Montreal must & should be pissed that it didn't finish 2nd-last.......if so, they'd have the first pick!!

Good job by assistant coach Larry Carriere, by the way.....since the habs have no GM (and really, no coach), the only guy left with a job had to go and represent the habs at the, they'll ask him to clean the washrooms at the Bell Center and he'll happily oblige. What a Mickey Mouse outfit!!!! LOL!!!!


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Wrong thread once again !
This is not the Free-for-all one !

I think someone just forgot to take his pill.

Wasn't this thread supposed to be closed since we should move on to the playoffs ?
Habs and Leafs aren't playing anymore... hello ?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
So telling someone he forgot his pill is posting correctly here? Mod 8 explained this thread would remain open for business as usual.

Wrong thread once again !
This is not the Free-for-all one !

I think someone just forgot to take his pill.

Wasn't this thread supposed to be closed since we should move on to the playoffs ?
Habs and Leafs aren't playing anymore... hello ?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Luongo and Thomas could both be dealt this offseason. Gonna be a interesting summer boys and girls, stay tuned!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
HBO 24/7 will be back with Leafs and Wings

APAfter two seasons that changed the way fans see the National Hockey League and its players, NHL COO John Collins confirmed that there will be a Season 3 for "HBO 24/7: Road To The NHL Winter Classic," featuring the Detroit Red Wings and the Toronto Maple Leafs.

"We're bringing it back," Collins told Puck Daddy exclusively on Tuesday, although he said a formal announcement is forthcoming.

There was no guarantee "24/7" would come back for a third season, after a change at the top at HBO Sports. The Associated Press speculated in January that HBO could "decide to keep the show, and possibly expand it from its four-week run, or move in a different direction."

Collins said there are going to be two significant changes for next season's production, beginning with the fact the NHL will be more involved behind the scenes.

"We're going to work a little more closely with HBO on production. We've been in partnership with them, but now that we have an original productions group here, we're going to work a little more closely with them on the production side," said Collins.

What does that partnership entail?

"I think it's going to be more of a collaboration," he said. "To the fan, they won't see any difference in production whatsoever. We're not going to limit access. We're not going to change any approval rights. There won't be anything different about this."

Keep in mind that Ross Greenburg was the guiding light for the network's sports reality programming. The former HBO Sports president is now set up at his own production company, working with the NHL in its "24/7"-like series "NHL 36" on NBC Sports Network and producing content for NHL Network.

The NHL's original production team working with HBO could mean Greenburg has some influence over one of his most successful creations. It also means that the NHL's production team can learn a bit from their HBO counterparts.

"We've made a significant investment in content on our side. We have our own production crews in-house, and we're going to integrate those crews with the NHL crews and get some practical hands-on experience," said Collins.

The other significant change: The NHL expects to have a Canadian network partner in presenting "24/7" next season.

"We're going to have another partner to announce, who will take the series in Canada," Collins said. "I think this is one of the benefits of having Toronto in the game. They're paying attention to this in ways that, frankly, they haven't previously in the market up there."

No word on which Canadian network, or production company, will join the fun.


Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Marc Bergevin confirmed as Hab GM

Even though i knew he was on the list, i'm somewhat surprised at this. Since last week, i started to think that Patrick Roy would get the nod. I don't know much about Bergevin other than the fact he was always the top court jester on the teams he played with. He was quite a jokster & prankster, i've heard over the years. My guess is that they also wanted a GM that would be very media-friendly, and Bergevin also fits the profile in that regard.

I'm curious who he choice for coach would be. I don't think he's every played with Patrick Roy or has a relationship with him, so it likely will be someone else. Maybe he'll wait (he should!) until the playoffs are over in order to see who'll get fired and/or be made available once the regular season ends. If Claude Julien & Alain Vigneault get the ax, maybe they should get very strong consideration.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
There is still a ton of work left to do before the sale is official. For one thing, the deal will need the blessing of Glendale's city council (and their millions) PLUS the Goldwater Institute will still have its say. I'm betting that there will not be any hockey in Glendale come next October.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Thus the GOOD NEWS for the city of Quebec! (fingers crossed)

There is still a ton of work left to do before the sale is official. For one thing, the deal will need the blessing of Glendale's city council (and their millions) PLUS the Goldwater Institute will still have its say. I'm betting that there will not be any hockey in Glendale come next October.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Justin Schultz not returning to University: Let the rumours begin!

Justin Schultz, the Anaheim Ducks second-round pick and blue-chip defenceman prospect, has officially "de-registered" from the University of Wisconsin.

That triggers a process that will likely make him an unrestricted free agent, perhaps as early as the NHL Draft on June 22.

According to league rules, from the time Anaheim was given notice of the de-registration from school -- believed to be Tuesday of this week -- the Ducks have a 30-day exclusive window where they still own his rights and can either try to sign him or trade him.

Because Schultz has chosen to initiate this process to free agency, there's no logical reason to believe there's any chance of Anaheim signing him now when they could not get it done through most of April and May.

It is believed Anaheim will try to recoup something for Schultz in trade but that option only works if Schultz is prepared to negotiate with the team(s) Anaheim would trade him to.

A trade could lead to Schultz signing with the team of his choice and the Ducks getting something in return. Or Schultz could simply wait for the 30-day window to expire -- presumably on June 21 -- and begin entertaining free-agent offers from any team.

Schultz would not, however, be able to actually sign an NHL contract until July 1.

No reason has been given as to why Schultz has opted to explore this route rather than sign with the team that drafted him in the second round of the 2008 Draft.

Next to New Jersey's Zach Parise and Nashville's Ryan Suter, the soon-to-be 22-year-old from West Kelowna, B.C., may be the most sought after NHL free agent.

Schultz was drafted 43rd overall by Anaheim while playing in the British Columbia Junior Hockey League. He played another year in the BCJHL after he was drafted, which gave him the ability to pursue free-agency if he de-registered from school. He had just completed his junior season at Wisconsin and was one of the premier players in all of U.S. college hockey last season.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Schultz not signing with the Ducks could lead to the firing of Bob Murray and rightfully so. First he let Jake Gardiner go and now Schultz which many say is as good as Gardiner and some experts have said he is better, thats scary, and would mean the end for Murray in Anaheim.

Yikes, not letting just one but TWO blue chippers go within a single year, OUCH! Oh well, maybe the habs could give him a job as assistant to Rick Dudley who signed today as assistant gm with Montreal. "Assistant assistant Bob Murray"? :lol:


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Schultz not signing with the Ducks could lead to the firing of Bob Murray and rightfully so. Oh well, maybe the habs could give him a job as assistant to Rick Dudley who signed today as assistant gm with Montreal. "Assistant assistant Bob Murray"? :lol:

Or maybe he'll take over as GM of the Leafs when Burkie gets canned.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Just been told from a very good source that Patrick Roy will not be the next coach of the habs. The same source has told me that he's been told the job is Bob Hartley's to lose.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
I don't think Roy would be a good choice for any NHL team: too much of a loose cannon. That said, I'd LOVE to see him coach ANY NHL team simply because it would be treat waiting for the fireworks when Roy's team played Tortorella's - the TWO loose cannons could put on quite a show!
Ashley Madison
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