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The Death Penalty to 40 years old Vince Li !! See him I have the link !!

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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Man Beheads Passenger in Canada

Whoa all,


(CNN) -- As horrified travelers watched, a Greyhound Canada bus passenger repeatedly stabbed and then decapitated the young man sitting beside him, who was sleeping with his head leaning against the window, a witness said Thursday.

"There was a bloodcurdling scream. I was just reading my book, and all of a sudden I heard it," said Garnet Caton, who was sitting in front of the two men.

"It was like something between a dog howling and a baby crying, I guess you could say. I don't think it will leave me for a while."
Caton said he shouted at the other passengers, many of whom also were sleeping, to leave. http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.element/img/2.0/mosaic/tabs/video.gif Watch Caton describe what he saw »

"Everybody got off the bus. Me and a trucker that stopped and the Greyhound driver ran up to the door to maybe see if the guy was still.

"And when we all got up, we saw that the guy was cutting off the guy's head. ... When he saw us, he came back to the front of the bus, told the driver to shut the door. He pressed the button and the door shut, but it didn't shut in time, and the guy was able to get his knife out and take a swipe at us," Caton said.

Caton told The Associated Press the attacker didn't sit near the victim when he first got on the bus, about an hour before the attack.

"He sat in the front at first, everything was normal," Caton told the AP. "We went to the next stop, and he got off and had a smoke with another young lady there. When he got on the bus again, he came to the back near where I was sitting. He put his bags in the overhead compartment. He didn't say a word to anybody. He seemed totally normal."

Half an hour later, the attack began, Caton told the AP. "There was no rage or anything. He was like a robot, stabbing the guy."
The incident happened late Wednesday west of Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, but a standoff between the attacker and police lasted into early Thursday.

The bus was traveling along the Trans-Canada Highway from Edmonton, Alberta, to Winnipeg, Manitoba, and was about 45 minutes from its destination when the attack occurred, said Greyhound spokeswoman Abby Wambaugh in Dallas, Texas.

Caton told the AP the victim appeared to be about 19 years old and had gotten on the bus in Edmonton.

Witnesses told Canadian TV that the attacker was wielding a butcher-type knife. They said the trucker who stopped provided wrenches and crowbars to several of the men, who were able to keep the suspect on the bus until police came. After the standoff, police took the man into custody.

Wambaugh declined to comment further, except to "confirm that there was an incident on one of our buses."

"I don't want to compromise the investigation," she told CNN.

The incident occurred on the first of two Greyhound Canada buses that were traveling together, she said. The bus was carrying 37 passengers. As many passengers as possible among those not directly involved in the incident were transferred to the second bus, she said. Others were taken to a hotel in Brandon, where they were met by Greyhound managers and police, Wambaugh said.

Once they are released, Greyhound will take them by bus to Winnipeg, and "we will do whatever is required to help them -- and that includes counseling," she added.


Korbel (name change may be imminent)
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Hello B,

A guy I used to hang around with once showed me a video. He said, "watch this" without telling me what it was. It started immediately with someone sticking a huge knife through someone's neck then sawing his head off as the victim gurgled in blood. I only saw it for half of a second because it was absolutely horrific. I only saw the first insertion, but the sound was on and I was told the rest. I let my buddy have it for showing me that damn thing. It was terrifying to see just an instant. I wish I had never seen it.


Korbel (name change may be imminent)


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
thebitchelor said:
hey pretty K.
this is what i was writing you about

and i rode every month in the stella corporation "for sp by sp" baddest customers and with years ..its always more violents...i stopped to look at the news papers since a while and feel so much better...
Hell B.

Cutting a guys head off without any prior contact or knowledge of him can't possibly be rational. It sure seems like the attackers head was terribly out of wack somehow...psychosis, drugs, whatever. Or else, there was familiarity and the motive was vengeance for something. Who knows?


Korbel (name change may be imminent)
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Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
They are all talking about the victim but nothing has come regarding the guy who did this act of violence.Its one thing to stab a person but to cut the head off.The way he did it was like if he was a robot.
Not only that. After he threw the guy's head out of the bus, he went back inside & did more chopping.



I don't care if the guy who murdered this young man and cut off his head is crazy, insane, retarded, makes no diiference to me this cock sucker should be beheaded himself, put it on pay per view and break out the popcorn and beer so we can cheer it on. Yes i would pay to see it!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
May 8, 2008
Daringly said:

I don't care if the guy who murdered this young man and cut off his head is crazy, insane, retarded, makes no diiference to me this cock sucker should be beheaded himself, put it on pay per view and break out the popcorn and beer so we can cheer it on. Yes i would pay to see it!!!!!!!!!!!

Absolutly ! I concure with you 100% Daringly !! I would pay HEAVY to see
his execution ! The bastard must pay !!!

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Daringly said:
I don't care if the guy who murdered this young man and cut off his head is crazy, insane, retarded, makes no diiference to me this cock sucker should be beheaded himself, put it on pay per view and break out the popcorn and beer so we can cheer it on. Yes i would pay to see it!!!!!!!!!!!
Meanwhile, the taxpayers will be stuck with the tab that it'll cost to keep this creep alive. A friend of mine who works at Kingston Pen told me that it costs something like $80 000 per year for each prisoner, give & take.


Doc Holliday said:
Meanwhile, the taxpayers will be stuck with the tab that it'll cost to keep this creep alive. A friend of mine who works at Kingston Pen told me that it costs something like $80 000 per year for each prisoner, give & take.

In this case here everybody knows he done it, lets save some more money and not even give this prick a trial, sell tickets, behead him and get it over with. Doc this is the way we would handle this in tombstone right and there was nothing a matter with this back then:)
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Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Daringly said:
Doc this is the way we would handle this in tombstone right and there was nothing a matter with this back then:)

Sure, until the Earp brothers showed up & became lawmen. I hated them at first but then became good buddies with them, especially Wyatt, god bless his soul.
Apr 16, 2005
Too far gone

On reading the article and the description of his demeanour prior to the attack it almost seemed to be premeditated. Whether it was based on some interaction prior and elsewhere ( a midway perhaps) or whether this guy was just looking for a likely candidate to flip out on I suppose will come out eventually. In any event this is the kind of brutality we have come to expect of the Taliban. Very disquieting to see it here. There is no question of this guy ever to be allowed to walk among us again for any reason. We need the death penalty back if only to prevent bleeding heart parole boards from putting animals like this back on the street. He is too far gone to be ever allowed to live among us any longer, even in a prison setting. He should be put down, no ifs ands or buts about it.


Regular Guy said:
There is no question of this guy ever to be allowed to walk among us again for any reason. We need the death penalty back if only to prevent bleeding heart parole boards from putting animals like this back on the street. He is too far gone to be ever allowed to live among us any longer, even in a prison setting. He should be put down, no ifs ands or buts about it.

Regular guy,

I agree with you especially the part about the bleeding heart parole boards. It does my heart good to see someone else use the term
bleeding hearts. Sadly we live in a bleeding heart, politically correct society where the media and a large part of the population are concerned only about the person who committed the crime and basically turn their back on the victim and their family members. There will be a lot of bleeding hearts want to send a guy like this sent to therapy and when he is cleared by a doctor let him back out on the streets to do it again. The poor fella wasn't himself he had an off day.

Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
This seems to have struck a passionate cord with everyone. I'm guessing the guy is a looney tune which falls a little lower on my vigilante meter.

Not sure this guy is even in my top ten of people currently in prison I'd like to dust if Canada had the death penalty.

#1 Clifford Olsen
#2 Bernardo
#3 Pickford

Would be my top 3. Following that you have the guy that shot the 4 Mounties etc etc.

Of the people that haven't been convicted yet I'd go with the mother that killed her daughter in New Brunswick last winter and the guy in Quebec that killed his son's girlfriend.

I'm guessing we would all be excused from jury duty in this one.


New Member
May 8, 2008
It was indeed premedidated. Why did he carry this weapon if he did not have an agenda ! Its clear that when he changed seats next the our young Canadian fellow, it was to terminate his life ! He even hate parts of his flesh !!! Now the Police should of shot him while he was walking with the victims head !!! Who would of protest the shot ... No one !


Possum Trot said:
This seems to have struck a passionate cord with everyone. I'm guessing the guy is a looney tune which falls a little lower on my vigilante meter.

Not sure this guy is even in my top ten of people currently in prison I'd like to dust if Canada had the death penalty.

#1 Clifford Olsen
#2 Bernardo
#3 Pickford

Would be my top 3. Following that you have the guy that shot the 4 Mounties etc etc.

Of the people that haven't been convicted yet I'd go with the mother that killed her daughter in New Brunswick last winter and the guy in Quebec that killed his son's girlfriend.

I'm guessing we would all be excused from jury duty in this one.

Rest assured in all of these above cases if there were a death penalty you would not want me on the jury if you were the person on trial:)


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
Visit site
It's easy for me to say from the safety of my abode. However, I find it disappointing that everyone in the bus fled rather than attempting to stop the attack.
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