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Superior and inferior blood.


Sep 24, 2009
This evening I watched a documentary from Japan on blood types. During the course of the video one of the top geneticists affirmed that 'O' was the most inferior and 'barbaric' of the human bloods and in his estimation ab being the most recent, and therefore most advanced and was considered 'superior' in his opinion (often paired with the best haplogroups).

After some googling... It would seem as if the Japanese do believe that blood types not only decide personalities but the best dietary practices for each.

Being AB- I found the documentary ... amusing, but, do you believe in blood? Inferior types and superior types? I mean, genetically?

Personally I have found in my life that people with wider faces/larger jaws tend to be more degenerate and very atavistic... whereas those with oval faces/small jaws tend to be more intelligent and more empathetic...

I wonder if blood means more than we think it means...

Ponce de León

New Member
Feb 9, 2011
The theory needs more study. The theory that people with low foreheads or T shaped faces have been supposedly disproved, but in my experience in life I seem to meet more sociopathic personalities with these traits.
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