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Students who SP...

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
An old one from the, well worth reading:

Students 4 hire

By day, they wear sneakers and jeans and bury their noses in books along with their fellow classmates. By night, they transform into money-making sex machines, lured by quick cash in an industry where typically your body is an assest. But many student escorts are earning money off men who are also looking for a little intelligent conversation. An escort talks about balancing the books with the boys.

By: Karolyn Coorsh

Jenn Angel's first day at her new job was as tentative and nerve-wracking as a first date. In fact, that's exactly what it was.

Four years ago, Angel was living in Kingston, Ont. and attending high school when she decided to earn some fast cash by working for an escort agency. "I had friends who did it. They said the money was good."

Before meeting up with her first client, who was in his thirties, at his hotel room, the then 18-year-old was "nervous as sin."

"[But] it was a really nice dinner in an expensive restaurant and we managed to converse all through dinner. He treated me like an old friend," says Angel, who won't confess whether or not she slept with him on her first night at the job.

Angel, 22, is one of many university and college students paying for their tuition by working in the sex industry. And when sex becomes a commodity, there is money to be made. Most escort services charge between $200-300 an hour, a wage that cash-strapped students will not find working at the local Starbucks.

An aviation management student at Georgian College, Angel divides her time between going to school in Barrie, Ont. and working as an independent escort in Toronto. She charges up to $250 an hour, or $600 for three continuous hours of her company. For international clients, rates are negotiable. And for those looking to catch Angel's full-figured body on camera, the viewing price is a hefty $500.

Agencies and escorts have a you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours' approach to the business. The student escort attacts men solely on the basis of her youthful look, and the agency sets up the appointments.

Tom, owner of Toronto escort agencies Executive Choice and Catchet Ladies, says men prefer students who look young - as young as possible, in many cases.

A buxom 5-foot-10 and 200 lbs, Angel commands attention in a room. Her curly blonde hair flows around her face, dotted with both a nose and tongue piercing.

"Everybody says I have a pretty face and everybody says I have great tits," says Angel, who doesn't know many women who share her G-40 bra size.

Angel has no pretenses about the unorthodox business she is involved in. Nor is she overtly secretive about what she does, except when it may involve hurting others. As an escort, she maintains the utmost respect for her clients. "I'm sorry, but no matter what I say or do, my client's discretion is involved. They pay me to be discreet and not screw it up for them," says Angel, who bears the responsibility of soliciting those clients by herself.

Angel went solo last January because the agency she was working for wasn't giving her enough clients. While soliticing clients independent of an agency gives escorts the ability to be their own boss, the baggage that comes with marketing themselves is often a lot of trouble for students with limited time.

"When you're an independent, you do it all yourself, there's nobody else there. If you don't have the bookings coming in off your ads ... that's your own problem," says Angel, who relies on her Web site to attract clients.

In recent years, the sex industry has created a culture that thrives on the Web. A sex-seeker only has to type in the word ?escort' and the name of the city he lives in and hundreds of Web sites and directories pop up. More than a few offer university students for an intimate evening. Angel, like many others, has no problem calling herself a student in the bio on her Web page.

The actual number of women who work in the sex trade is hard to determine. Women who work temporarily as escorts, such as students, don't necessarily identify themselves as being sex workers, says Maurganne Mooney, an outreach coordinator for Maggie's, a Toronto-based advocacy group for sex workers. "They may go in and out of sex work throughout their education."

Anonymity is another statistical loop-hole in the industry, because not only are women afraid to identify themselves as sex workers for fear of legal issues, but also because of the stigma attached to job.

Angel gets the "heebeegeebees" when she thinks of all the men she has slept with since she started escorting.

But some women reject the idea that sex workers are victims, says Mooney, who has been an escort for almost a year.

"As a pro-sex worker, I could wrap my head around the idea of women making money by having sex empowering." Rather than work exploitive hours and earn minimum wage, Mooney says she can work half an hour and earn over $100.

Considering the amount of time and money that students commit to pay for tuition, attend classes and do homework, Mooney says she understands why many rely on escorting to pay the bills.

Requiring a fraction of the time to earn large quantities of cash, "sex work is the highest paying work available to women," she says.

But while the cash rewards of working in the sex industry may seem appealing, the job also has its drawbacks.

The dangers of escorting come with the territory. Angel once left her house to have a cigarette only to find a past client looking for her outside. He had lost her phone number and vaguely remembered where she was living.

"I freaked out. I told him to get the fuck away from the house. He just left, but it could have been a lot worse."

Strange men aren't the only thing that escorts have to worry about. Corey Green, a sexual health educator at Ryerson's AIDS education project, says the dangers an escort may face are the same for anyone who is sexually active. But earning a living in the sex trade means having more sexual contact with strangers - a precarious combination.

"One of the major risk factors associated with HIV and AIDS or various STDS is frequency," says Green. Another gamble is the chance of physical violence. "Sexual assault is obviously a big possibility in that kind of context."

Although the AIDS education project is aimed at all students, it has a lot of relevance to the sex trade and students who work in it, says to Green. It raises the issue of the need for financial assistance for students who may rely on escorting as a desperate means to make money.

"I think [an escort is] a glamorized prostitute," says Annette Di Marco, a first-year radio and television arts student. "I don't want to sell my body and I don't think anyone else should have to either."

"I don't think it reflects very well later on if someone finds out, if you're going into some profession where you're going to be in the public eye and someone finds out, not everyone is going to take it in a positive way."

Di Marco, who is looking for a job in retail right now but gets financial help from her parents, would never work as an escort if it meant having to sleep with the client. "If I had to be horizontal with them, it's just not happening."

A popular misconception is that every "John" just wants a nice piece of flesh, when some are only looking for a good listening ear and some decent dinner conversation. Angel says her clients sometimes even talk to her about their wives.

"I'm good at what I do. We're sitting here having a conversation, right? I haven't let the conversation drop ... " says Angel.

People are often surprised at Angel's intellectual level. "My favourite quote and I've heard over and over again: 'You're really intelligent, why do you do this?'" Her answer : "Because I'm really intelligent and I'm not stupid enough to give it away."

Angel is also an avid Web-surfer and and maintains her personal Web page. Being computer literate is a necessary tool for her profession.

Angel plans to quit escorting in three years, but she's not sure if she'll end up working in the aviation industry after all.

These days, Angel is single. Relationships can become a tricky problem for escorts. "I can't have a personal relationship. Men don't date women like me."

Angel often finds that men only want a relationship with her because they think "she's a good lay" or because she has money. But the bigger problem is that most men don't want to date someone who has sex for money.

"I can't date someone that has any hang ups about the industry," she says.
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Gentleman Horndog
Jun 10, 2003
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Wow, that article is ancient! I remember reading it when it first appeared. Jenn was a long-time member of TERB, and a very outspoken one at that! She talked about that article there.

She's quite a character. I never saw her as a client, although I know a few guys who did. I did have lunch with her once, though, shortly before she retired from SPing a couple of years ago.

J. Peterman

New Member
Feb 26, 2004
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Bet you there are more students that part time SP than you can ever guess there are. I would suspect that many of them do it "temporarily" and some of them get use to the money.


New Member
Apr 1, 2006
yet another article

Sex pays for school: Advice for students in the sex trade

Amy Chung

The sex trade industry is often portrayed to be a lucrative but shady business, pursued by people from the "wrong side of the tracks."

However, times have changed, and many students are turning to escort agencies and street prostitution as a way to finance their education.

One 22-year-old computer science student turned to escorting as a way to get out of debt.

"It's not what people may think. The money is good and it's pretty fun," he says.

After working in retail part-time, Tommy was dissatisfied with the wages that he was making and finally turned to escorting.

"One day, I was flipping through Now Magazine [an alternative weekly paper in Toronto] and saw these self-advertisements and I thought, 'Hey, I can do this.' What I make in a day now is like one pay cheque I earned in retail."

Valerie Scott, the co-ordinator of Sex Professionals of Canada, a political organisation fighting for the decriminalisation of prostitution, observes the growing trend of student sex workers over the years.

"In the last few years, I have met a lot of student sex workers who escort or prostitute themselves on the street so they can pay for their education," says Scott.

However, there are other reasons why young people turn to the sex trade.

"Some people go into the sex trade because they need to, want to, have to, or they're forced to do it," says Dan Lavoie, an advocate for sex trade workers and editorial assistant at Xtra, a lesbian and gay newspaper.

Lavoie began street prostitution at age 13 and says that as a result, he had to grow up fast. However, he says that he made his decision partly because he needed to do it, but also because of the intrigue of the underworld.

"At one point, I was addicted to drugs, living on and off the streets. Since I didn't have the option like most kids to seek funds from my parents, I turned to street prostitution," says Lavoie.

"Although I have a deep fascination with culture and subculture, I was well aware of what I was getting myself into."

However, Lavoie advises students that it is a choice and that they should look at all options before getting into this business.

With high tuition fees and additional debts that students accrue, part-time minimum wage jobs are often not good enough anymore.

"Over the past few years, I have observed an increase in student sex workers because of the high tuition fees," says Scott.

"These girls can get a job as a bartender or a waitress and, sure, you get tips, but the hours are dramatically decreased when working in prostitution and it gives you more time to study."

If students do look into the escorting industry, Scott suggests that they work independently as opposed to working for an agency because of commission cuts.

"The escort agency used to receive 25 per cent of the commission, but now it has increased to 65 per cent, and this does not include paying your driver. So, if your agreement is $200 for a date, you're going home with $80," says Scott.

She encourages women to work independently, not only because of the drastic commission split, but also for their safety.

"Women may feel that affiliating themselves with an agency would be safer because there's a driver waiting for you, but it's not [safer] because the driver may have to drive another girl after they drop you off."

Another important reason why escorts should be independent is to protect them from a "bad call or date."

"Sometimes, female escorts are victim to bad calls/dates and have been assaulted by their client, and the agencies will not help them because their biggest fear is being placed under investigation by police. Now, you are helpless because the agency will withhold the client contact information from you so you cannot report them," says Scott.

Scott advises sex trade workers to go with their intuition to ward off potential bad clients.

"Trust your gut feelings because that's all you can rely on. Few agencies are good, because they let you speak to the client so you can get a feel of who they are," says Scott.

Although prostitution is legal, soliciting is not. Therefore, Scott advises that people who want to be in this business must be careful about the legal issues.

"Advertise in a publication, call on a landline, and agree to meet your client at a hotel which he rents, because if he doesn't, then you have to cover the tab which [can] then be considered a 'common bawdy house.' If you're caught by police, you may face two years in prison and unlimited fines."

Scott speaks of one woman who came into her office and spoke about how the police stripped her of everything she owned.

"They froze her account and assets. They arrived at her apartment with a moving van and took everything, even the kitchen cabinets," says Scott.

Scott also suggests that sex workers get their money up front, so that everything is settled before anything begins.

"I had a bad date where the guy just refused to pay me, and I took him to small claims court and won. Sometimes, women are not likely to report these instances because they're afraid to be prosecuted and they're outing themselves because the courts [are] public," she says.

"Nothing is inherently dangerous about this business. It's the way we're forced to work that makes it dangerous," Scott insists. "If prostitution was decriminalised, like it is in Australia and South Wales, there would be fewer bad dates occurring, and the escort agencies would be more likely to protect their workers."

"Compared with other jobs, sex work pays quite well for the amount of time you spend. It's a great job for students because you work on your own schedule," says Scott.

According to Scott, most of the clients are normal people and the shady portrayal that sex workers receive is mostly untrue.

Lavoie agrees.

"It's not what the media portrays it to be. They need to stop the negative portrayals," says Lavoie.

Canadian University Press

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Spec said:
"Sometimes, female escorts are victim to bad calls/dates and have been assaulted by their client, and the agencies will not help them because their biggest fear is being placed under investigation by police. Now, you are helpless because the agency will withhold the client contact information from you so you cannot report them," says Scott.

Scott advises sex trade workers to go with their intuition to ward off potential bad clients.

Spec....very interesting article.

Thank god most of the clients are normal but I always wonder about the few that look normal but are crossing the line. I remember one SP who told me a perfectly normal client kept pushing her head down during the BJ after she repeatedly told him to stop. Another SP told me she had a client who kept asking her to lick his anus, which she refused - several times.:eek: It boggles the mind to know that there are clients who like to push the limits like this or swampshit that ask for bareback FS.

There are far worse stories out there. Intuition isn't perfect because it doesn't guarantee your safety. Luckily, these type of clients are the minority but all it takes is one idiot to ruin it for all of us.:mad:



Dec 14, 2004
I've heard some clients will offer 500.00, 1000.00 to go bareback!

It's like paying to play Russian Roulette.

' Here's $500 lend me your gun with only one bullet in it. ' :confused:

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
B1G said:
I've heard some clients will offer 500.00, 1000.00 to go bareback!

It doesn't surprise me. I know a lot of rich people who are stupid beyond belief. Don't ever equate money with intelligence. Any idiot who thinks that he can waive some cash expecting to get bareback sex should be banned for life from all agencies, indies and streetwalkers. We should also throw these idiots in prison with the psychotic inmates: "You want bareback sex you fucker, here you go you bitch!":mad:


Sometimes I like fuller women but at 5'10, 200 lbs, I would feel like I am having sex with an offensive lineman!:D

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New Member
Nov 9, 2003
I thinking of doing my Masters in this area of research, that is student sex workers. (Next year at this time I will be finished my B.A. WooHoo!)

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