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Stood up by an SP feeling like a fool.


Aug 2, 2004
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I needed to let out some steam & wanted to tell my story.
Maybe somebody has gone thru the same BS?
Here is it goes I’ve seen my favorite SP about 4x now thru a well-known agency.
Last time I met with her she gave me her personal cell number to contact her direct because she is planning to quit the business soon. Getting my favorite SP direct cell number made me feel special.
So wow I thought I hit the jack pot. My favorite girl is giving me her direct number.
But what happened afterwards made me feel like crap bringing back old high school memories. You know when you like a girl & she just plain ignores you? :(

Here is my conversation:
ME: Hello XXXX how are you?
I would like to know if u r ok with spending a weekend with me in St.Sauver?
Think about it and let me know.
Her: I want to; it will make me really happy
I’m glad you texted me!
One week after
ME: Hello XXXX
Just reconfirming with you the date is still ok I will book this weekend?
No message from her so I text her again the following week again.
Me: Hello XXXX Did you get my last text message u still interested in spending next weekend together? If you changed your mind I understand but I need to know this way I will make other plans & cancel hotel reservations.
Her: Allo yes I answered but I think my phone got a lot of problems last week…but yes I want! Can I call you after my job around 8?
Me: Yes please do.
Her: Sorry if u didn’t get my text I feel bad, I really want to go…It will be good to get out of the Montreal lol!

Now how much trouble can a person have with a cell phone?
My gut feeling was telling me to cancel the reservation that she was going to be a no show. I should have listened to my gut feeling. I decided to go alone anyway.

What pissed & disappointed me the most was that the 1st text she said yes then 2nd text she sounded soo excited about going for the weekend and then she totally ignored me the whole week.Never received anymore text / phone call from her.
If she did not want to go for the full weekend I rather she be honest with me & say NO then to lead me on like a school girl & never return my text messages stating she changed her mind.
If she would have told me NO I would have been able to cancel the reservations 4 days before the date.
I would expect this reaction from a regular woman not from an SP especially since this is more of a business transaction.
I felt like a jaded High school kid all over again.
It’s been a few weeks now since this happened I’m over it now, but that’s the last time I ever make plans to spend a whole weekend with an SP.
Stupid me I was willing even to spring for a week down south on the beach. She blew her chance.



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
And that is why this girl needs to stay with the agency.

I have been stood up many times. Mostly by indies that broke our agreed to meeting probably because they got a better deal.

I will say that at least Tianna and Maria Star are not like that at all. That is why they can make it as indies.

Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
Happens all the time. Dog ate the homework stories. As for your reservations. It's only money. By the way if she had been promised 5000 a day, maybe it would have worked out.


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
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I hate hearing stories like this.

If she was really interested she would not have kept you hanging like that with no reply.

As much as we like to think our favorite SP is into us just as much as we are into them in the end they don't really care after they leave us.

That's why you never get caught up with any particular SP.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
feel like crap bringing back old high school memories. You know when you like a girl & she just plain ignores you? :(

Hi loverboy
Bad feelings ,but experienced has showed me not to expect to much ,you will not be disappointed then,se others you will make another fav one .

Good Luck




Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Did you talk money during those conversations? If not, she was maybe waiting for you to put the subject on the table.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

You really do not get it. She is stringing you along. She only gave you her direct phone number so that you can continue to book her on the side. Do not feel special about this. Sex workers have been doing this for long time. Think of yourself as a VIP client. When YMMV is high you get special privileges and extras but make no mistake this is all a business relation. Many companies offer special and special rates to their loyal high paying or long time clients. So her tactic is to string you along. She will never say no to you. She wants to keep your hope alive so that you continue to spend on her. If she says no to you might not spend on her. She really does not care if you leave or not. She has nothing to loose by stringing you along and everything to gain. She is not going to suggest it to you but her expectation is that you spend on her. She has no intention to go out with you to St-Sauveur if she did she would have already went. This thing about her phone having problems is just an excuse. Dude. Do yourself a favor and move on. Maybe you are getting too emotionally attached. At the end only you will be hurting.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
The question is was money discussed in the text? If you intented to pay her a couple thousands for the week end, then her loss... would had been easy money. On the other hand if it was "socially" only, then i can understand she didn't want to go, yes in a perfect world she would had say no from the start, but as cloud 500 explain it...

If you intended to pay her and just didn't mention it... you should had.


New Member
Jul 10, 2014
Life to is short to dwell on escorts... Just dish out some money and have sex with another. Take a round with Katie from Nayda or Meagan from GG. Your problems will be solved.

Lily from Montreal

I am always surprised when I read comments saying that this happens ''more with indy''...really?

I would say that an indy that want to stay in the business is the last person who can afford to stood someone up...

On the reverse it happened too many times to keep track that it is the not-so-gentlemen who stood me up (I call them ''lapin'',because of the french expression ''poser un lapin'', if someone knows a english equivalent please tell me?loll

I never stood anyone up and the only reason I ever cancelled a meeting was because I was sick...which is also the best reason for my dates to cancel...


Sep 4, 2006
Never had an Indy stand me up. I myself have cancelled twice on indies but it was weeks in advance. I never had any problems getting responses either.

My no shows were all agency providers. The excuses I have heard were all along the lines of "her cell phone is off...i don't know where she is", "her grandmother died/was sick/etc.." and so on. I would not have been so angry had they just called me as soon as they realized there was a problem and let me know she wasn't coming. At least then I would be able to salvage the evening. In almost all instances I only found out she wasn't coming after I called 20-30 minutes after the appointed time. One agency operator said she was running late when I called, and strung me along for an hour with fake updates until he finally confessed she turned her phone off and was unavailable for the night. I would name names but as far as I know none of them are active anymore, or at least not active on MERB.


Dec 2, 2008

If you get NO response to a text msg, phone call, email, etc.
Or any excuse that it was not received.
Or a real long delay in getting a response.

It is a Red Flag that your RDV is not going to happen. No matter how optimistic you are or the excuse you are given. Live and learn.

But here's a lil old tune for u

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I would not have been so angry had they just called me as soon as they realized there was a problem and let me know she wasn't coming. At least then I would be able to salvage the evening. In almost all instances I only found out she wasn't coming after I called 20-30 minutes after the appointed time. One agency operator said she was running late when I called, and strung me along for an hour with fake updates until he finally confessed she turned her phone off and was unavailable for the night. I would name names but as far as I know none of them are active anymore, or at least not active on MERB.

This i still don't understand why any agency would do that... Do they hope she will finally be reachable and they want to keep you on hold for the booking? Whats the point of lying to your customer. As soon as they realize it would probably not work they should say it, make sure the client do not waste his evening or hell he could even maybe accept a replacement.

This is really making me go nuts that such practice can still be around, there is nothing to gain from any part, agency or clients...

(I call them ''lapin'',because of the french expression ''poser un lapin'', if someone knows a english equivalent please tell me?loll

Lol im not sure there is an english direct equivalent but you can say there are a noshow. This is another thing i don't understand, in all my years i have never canceled a meeting, when i book its because i intend to be there. People are too slack in this business too often, like a client booking because he has a free lunch hour... then eventually realize he won't be able to make it... duh. I know some have a complicated life, much more than me, and can't afford to my there meetings a "fun weekend" like me, but the least they can do is prevent way in advance it will not work.


Aug 2, 2004
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I text her twice asking what she wants for the donation. Never got a response but the way she played me sounding soo excited about going still upset me & sucks.
Next encounter WAM BAM THANK YOU MAMM!!!
I will be totally shellfish.
Thanks for all the feed back.


Dec 15, 2013
its happens .... cheer up. Its like every business transaction sometimes it doesn't go according to plan.

There are a lot of good .... SP and a few/lot bad ones, flipside is they have a life too and problems.

I had movers that didn't show up. Contractors that went missing.


New Member
Sep 16, 2013
something similar happened to me too, the girl gave me her email, but i only get a reply like 5-9 days later. i guess just shouldnt get attached to a sp, but the hard qs is how not to


New Member
Sep 24, 2014
I think a big error on your part was to make reservations and pay for everything before actually confirming all the details including payment, expectations, etc. And im not talking about a simple text confirmation, for a thing like a weekend geteway u need to have clear confirmations very close to the actual date and be 100% sure by the tone of her voice or msg that everything is clear and good to go on that day. This is why u should reserve kind of last minute and not weeks in advance.

A place like saint saveur doesn't need more than same day reservations, they need business and u can find last minute, just do your research.

I would of confirmed everything with sp as far as time slots and expectations, have like 3-4 locations ready to reserve on the same day (call them ahead of time and say if they accept same day reservations, many places up north will because 100% they can't fill in all their spots).

So you confirm with the sp and go pick her up and as u guys are driving to saint saveur, then u make your payment while you are on the road that way she cant flake on you.

And one more thing don't feel bad about doing the protocol that I suggested because after all you aren't taking your GF for a trip but an SP which is business so she wont get mad that you are making final confirmations in the car on the way there, she will be just happy to make $$


Sep 24, 2009
As I said in another post... keep your emotions out of it. If you click, then just have a good time together just like any other person you have a business relationship with.
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