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Stern criticized for comments made about overweight Oscar nominee

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Stern: ‘Precious’ star ‘needs help'

Howard Stern has refused to apologize for his unflattering comments about Oscar-nominated actress Gabourey Sidibe - insisting the portly Precious star "needs help".

The radio host came under fire after he blasted Sidibe on his Sirius radio show on Monday, calling her "the most enormous, fat black chick I've ever seen."

He also claimed she will find it difficult to land any more roles in Hollywood because of her size.

Stern's comments stirred up a swathe of controversy in the U.S., but he's standing by his opinion - insisting Sidibe should not be held up as a role model for overweight people, because obesity is a life-threatening condition.

He says, "The point I was trying to make is that obesity in this country is out of control. What's really sad is that you see people saying it's OK to be like this, you have to love your own body. it's OK to look like that.

"I feel this girl is going to kill herself - you can't eat like this. I did enjoy her performance (in Precious) I have nothing against her, I'm just trying to say she's enormous.

"The girl has got tremendous problems and she needs help. And we got slammed (for saying it)."



New Member
Apr 24, 2005
What kind of world does Howard Stern live in? He's never seen people like that?

When was the last time he was on a subway? The grocery store?

Oh, yeah, he only sees skanky chicks willing to put up with his shit to be on his show. I'll never understand why they do that. :rolleyes:

As for his comments, they were stupid. At best, he's pointing out the obvious.

If he were really serious about addressing health issues ... well, he's not. He said his hateful crap, gets flak for it, and tries to justify it. Pathetic.

At the very least, he could of stuck to his guns, and just said "don't like it? take a hike."

But freedom of speech and all. I would never subscribe to Sirius for his schtick. I don't get why others do.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
To see what he will say next (i dont subscribe to his show either, but listened to him alot years ago, he is a funny guy in a sleazy kind a way, lol)

But freedom of speech and all. I would never subscribe to Sirius for his schtick. I don't get why others do.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
I totally agree with Howard in regards to his comments about the fat black chick (and that's to put it midly). Obesity is a leading cause of premature deaths in North America & it shouldn't be okay for her fans to tell the world that it's okay to be fat & use her as an example. Promoting obesity should definitely be a no-no.
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Mar 28, 2007
I totally agree with Howard in regards to his comments about the fat black chick (and that's to put it midly). Obesity is a leading cause of premature deaths in North America & it shouldn't be okay for her fans to tell the world that it's okay to be fat & use her as an example. Promoting obesity should definitely be a no-no.

Doc, I don't think Howard Stern is too worried about preventing premature deaths by fat people. He is more concerned with saying outrageous things. I think I would rather be stuck watching "The View" (which I hate) than this bozo. I hope his, classless, immoral reign is over soon.


New Member
Feb 23, 2006
I have to agree with Doc. Howard is a very powerful individual. I believe that Obama would like to have the number of contacts that Howard has.
I have been listening to him for years. He brings out the young man that everyone is keeping inside.
If I don't like his topic, it's simple, I turn the channel.

As for the statement about the actress, a lot of it was also coming from Robin who incidently is black

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
As for the statement about the actress, a lot of it was also coming from Robin who incidently is black

His comments had nothing to do with race. He saw a fat actress who was publicly saying that there's nothing wrong with being fat & many were calling her a role model for fat people.....which is totally the wrong thing to do since obesity is one of the leading killers (if not THE leading killer) and leads to all kinds of health problems, including diabetes (trust me, i'm one of them). Someone should get her to shed 100 lbs and then she could call herself a role model.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
They should have a celebrity edition of the biggest loser and perhaps they could get fat boy Rush Limbaugh on it, you couldn't buy this type of entertainment.

True, but his problems not only deal with excess weight, but also with drug addiction. He'd be a perfect candidate to appearl on Dr. Drew's Celebrity Rehab reality show.


New Member
Feb 23, 2006
I agree it has nothing about race. Merely a comment that it wasn't just Howard going off.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Let's not lose sight of the fact that the role played by Sidibe in that movie required someone who looks like a fat pig. That being said, it's not like she put on a ton of weight for the role. I watched the Academy Awards and I was privately thinking the same things Stern said. She's one Big Momma!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Doc, I don't think Howard Stern is too worried about preventing premature deaths by fat people. He is more concerned with saying outrageous things. I think I would rather be stuck watching "The View" (which I hate) than this bozo. I hope his, classless, immoral reign is over soon.

Hello Turbodick,

Classless is his niche. It's a niche that has always been out there one way or another. In one way Stern is a release for those who are up to their eyeballs in political correctness. Everyone needs to just let their hair down and cut loose, so to speak, once in a while. I have listened to him just a few times, and it can be fun and relaxing to not have to be so correct all of the time. But I have to agree he's basically just an asshole. He is making millions on being a no talent arrested puerile adolescent who has no more ambition than to play with his dick and make fun of others as a career. But, obviously there are so many like that. So why blame him and not the dedicated listeners who keep him there? I'm not talking about those who get a kick out of him once in a while. But the every day devotees must be as bad as him because it shows they think the same way.

However, Stern may be a pig, but he is only dealing in tripe. When you look around at the top jocks I find it far more worrying that there are many like Limbaugh who are selling hate, retribution, damnation, social polarization, and coming close to conspiracy. Stern is an awful role model because of the persistence of his adolescent retardation. But the others are truly dangerous.

Stern had better be careful though. There is a line out there that absolutely no one is allowed to cross such as blatant racism. He didn't cross the line this time, but if he used the word black next to one of his insults he skirted that line closely. He'd better not get so full of himself or push so hard for ratings that he crosses that line.


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New Member
Apr 24, 2005
If you just want to pick on that actress because of her girth, make fat jokes, etc. then just admit it.

Don't try to "dress it up" by saying it's about addressing obesity. That's bullshit.

If Stern is such a release from political correctness, then why the hokey attempt at P.C. to C.Y.A.?

This is like the pathetic John Mayer incident, but I don't want to get into that.
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New Member
Feb 23, 2006
Lot of coverage by Howard today as he was away last week.
He made it very clear that it was not about race but was about obesity.
His point was that Hollywood does not hire obese leading ladies.
For the life of me, I cannot think of the last leading lady who was large.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Lot of coverage by Howard today as he was away last week.
He made it very clear that it was not about race but was about obesity.
His point was that Hollywood does not hire obese leading ladies.
For the life of me, I cannot think of the last leading lady who was large.

I also listened to it on the drive back home. He's right: Hollywood doesn't hire fat people unless it's for comedic reasons. I laughed when someone from The View (either that dumb blond Liz Hasslebeck or that stoopid Whoopie Goldberg) started naming fat actors who had 'made it': John Belushi, John Candy, Chris Farley & John Goodman. Robin Quivers correctly stated: "They're all dead except Goodman." Stern then added "True, plus he's having a hard time finding work."

Anyways, it was a hillarious show & Stern was absolutely correct in pointing out the hypocrisy of the whole thing.
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