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Sp world vs real world


Active Member
May 5, 2015
I guess that I'm getting old. After taking a brief look at a lot of agency roster, the independent variety, and without taking into account all independent advertising on other site, I was quite surprise of the number of SP in the Montreal region.

It is quite fun to be able to fulfill any sexual fantasy at anytime but as a society, I find it quite disturbing.

Let's do some approximative maths just for fun. For every woman out there, let's say there's about 5 clients a week. Some of them repeat, some of them do it once in a while. For the fun of it, let's just pretend there's a ratio of 1 sp for 10 clients (I know we cannot scientifically calculate it like this) at an average rate of 250$ per hour, multiple by let's say 40 weeks, that's a lot of money; even without considering the street market, the girls who are abused by pimps, and massage parlors and strip clubs

Although sex sells, I totally understand that you don't necessarily get rich of doing it, I'm only saying that it generates a lot of money, cash money. Without even considering all the money that is involved in hotels, location, clothing, transport, pictures, Web sites, advertising and etc

My problem in that is not the money. It's the people, the people involved as a society. If there is so much offer around us, it's because there's a demand and if there's a demand, it's because there's a need. If woman are offering sex and man are paying for it, I believe that the majority of the people involved like sex. If they like it, why can't they just have it in our regular life situation.

There's always this myth that the girl is not into it and that's why man go to pay for sex. The older I get, they less I buy it. Woman like sex, they might not like to be fucked but they genuinely enjoy sex. So what's the problem, is it the idea that if we enjoy having sex, we need to be finished in a relationship? Is it because it's not well seen that a girl has a fuckfriend? Is it because of porn and people are looking just to fuck?

I'm curious to know your opinions on this


May 24, 2012
The ether
Oh man that is so cynical. The number of girls that are looking for older gents is so small as to be negligible. The vast majority of women 18-30 are dating in their age pool.
Maybe in "hobby-land" where young women will easily date a guy 15 or 25 years older it is common? I don't know many girls outside this biz that date 10 years older than they are.


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
Maybe in "hobby-land" where young women will easily date a guy 15 or 25 years older it is common? I don't know many girls outside this biz that date 10 years older than they are.
Well ... why do you think those girls (let say 20-30) don't date guys 10y older than them?
Simple ... because our so called free thinking and democratic society DON'T think it is "acceptable" not to talk about "morality"

Love has no "age" ...
Plain and simple


May 24, 2012
The ether
Wow, that is quite a leap there. There might even be a pirouette or two thrown in.
I doubt you can easily say that women 20-30 years old do not date older men because it's "unacceptable" and not "moral". You do not have a way of knowing this for a fact.

Why do I think that most women date in their age group? Because it is much easier to establish a connection with someone in your age group, generally speaking.


Jul 10, 2015
Laval, Qc
I've learnt during my life that its best not to confine one's view on the idea of sex. Sexual attraction is not something that is the same for everyone.

I've seen ladies have sexual relations with gentleman, who are least 10 years older. Just as I've seen guys (myself included) with ladies, who also happen to be at least 10 years older.

I know of friends that have been and/or in are variety of relations with others. I've seen individuals in polyamorous relationships, monogamous relationships from all types of backgrounds. There are those who just have fuck friends, without being in a relationships. There's is no one shoe fits all for everybody when it come to sex.

And yes, woman like having sex. However, just because she wants to have sex, while I want to have sex does not necessarily mean that sex will happen. So many factors are involved in our social environments that determine if something may or may not happen.

Which leads to why we, men and women, will seek out sex workers to fulfill that desire to spend time with someone else.


Aug 12, 2011
Well, let me add my 2cents...

Sex is available at a very young age these days. So available that it is consumed as a drug for its 'buzz' value, starting at 10, 11 years of age. This was not true for older people, even people who are now in their late thirties. So there are a lot of people who are left out of this bonanza--if it is a bonanza! People are left out, because of age, looks, IQ (too low or too high!), or whatever reason. Our one dimensional society dominated by neo-capitalist pseudo-values is not kind to those who are 'different'. This is equally true for men and women. What I do not understand is why there are not as many male escorts as there are female escorts.

I like what Melyssa says: we need amour et égalité! I agree that there is no 'égalité' in our society, despite Justin Trudeau's famous: 'because we are in 2015'! Perhaps if there was égalité there would be as many male escorts as female escorts? Perhaps there are more men that assume their sex drive than women, and the women who do, well, they realize that they could make money while enjoying sex--and they do. They are neither better nor worse than other women, just more astute and daring. Does this solve the problem of égalité or does it perpetuate inégalité? I have questions not answers.

But let's talk about l'amour, qui nous manque autant que l'égalité! When sex becomes trivial, we lose the capacity of associating it with love, and we loose it very quickly. Our one dimensional society thrives on this dissociation and on many other dissociations. Pleasure is truly fulfilling only if experienced by the whole person, and a whole person is connected with others, But in a society that thrives on dissociation, healthy pleasure is replaced by all kinds of bulimias (food, drinks, work)!

I do believe that sex is a lot more wonderful if it is 'spiritual' and by this I mean simply 'associated with love': if it is an act of two whole persons who exchange not only body fluids but also some kind of love. Some kind of love, not necessarily love that is monogamous, indissoluble, and rests on a heavily mortgaged house and two cars! I also believe that it is possible in the 'sp world' to recreate such an association, and I try to behave according to my belief. I am fully aware that it is not easy to recreate the link, since it is totally countercultural. It is countercultural not because the 'sp world' is different from 'the real world', but precisely because it is just the same as 'the real world'.

I won't give up. Please, wish me good luck!



Active Member
May 5, 2015
In this busy world where performance, family and other obligations rule, there is very little time for regular dating and.... that regular dating sucks most of the time.

I don't agree with that.. Sorry. We've been leaving in a world of performance for a really long time now. Regular dating can be as simple as booking with an SP, but it could also be really disappointing. The way I see it, we, and i definitly include myselft into that, we can't stand to be rejected, we can't stand to take the chance to meet and flip the coin. I had the pleasure to meet some really nice ladies throught dating, with some that remain friends with no benefit. I've also met girl who clearly wasted my time.

But saying that we don't have time, I don't buy it. I work, i have my son, i workout, i go for drinks, i travel for work and still have time for dating and I know a lot of poeple who have a crazier schedule than I do.

My 2 cents...


Active Member
May 5, 2015
Problem is most young men are unexperienced and extremely selfish (sexually). .

I have to agree with you on that. I've had a lot of girl colleagues who complained about it and girls that i've dated too. It's always surprising and sometimes annoying when a girl gets really surprise that sincerely care about what she's sexually confortable with. Men have a big responsability in that but so do women; at one point, as you can stand for yourselff in eal life, you need to express your desire in the bed. I've been a hand full a women who couldn't even say with words what they wanted, some were shy, some i unfortunately believe didn't even know. That's not 18 yes..not at 29-32 years old..


Active Member
May 5, 2015
80 percent of the straight adult men want to fuck 20 percent of the adult women.

Can't agree more. But why? Because of publicity? Because of porn? Because of social pressure? My best sex episodes have always been with GND type of girl. I've had the opportunity to be with 2 really good looking girls in my life and they were a real nightmare. And sex was horrible. Do you need to live it to get over the dream?


Active Member
May 5, 2015
Perhaps if there was égalité there would be as many male escorts as female escorts? Perhaps there are more men that assume their sex drive than women, and the women who do, well, they realize that they could make money while enjoying sex--and they do. They are neither better nor worse than other women, just more astute and daring. Does this solve the problem of égalité or does it perpetuate inégalité? I have questions not answers.

The reality is that if a woman want to have sex, she's oftenly have more opportunity in real life, at school, at work or just going for a coffee. And yes there's still a problem of egalité, no doubt about that,...


Active Member
May 5, 2015
The only thing I can attest from my experience is that I have met many men busy with tight work schedule and travelling etc... and they could not "date" regular women and start "regular" relationships with their solution is escorts.
Disappointing relationships and sex takes another X% of the demand.

I'm sorry, i didn't mean to be agressive, i apologize. The thing is that why do we think that a relationship is so time consuming? Woman that i know have often great careers, some with way better ones than I do. Why do "not as busy women" can't understand that reality?


Active Member
Jun 24, 2009
Je pense que ce que TinaMtl fait référence, c'est l'engagement.

Là où je ne suis vraiment pas d'accord avec elle, c'est que les femmes sont de nos jours aussi sinon plus occupées que les hommes. Il est à noter que je ne connais aucune femme à la maison personnellement. Mais je connais beaucoup de femmes qui en plus de travailler, font tout ce que maman faisait à l'époque. Ils font régulièrement des études sur le sujet. D'ailleurs, plusieurs dont je suis ne veulent pas de conjoint pour cette raison. De toute façon, elles n'ont plus besoin du maître pourvoyeur.

Mais l'engagement, c'est prenant. Oui un petit message, c'est vite écrit...cependant il faut y penser et nous sommes tellement partout dans tout de nos jours.


Active Member
May 5, 2015
Attraction is just instinctual. I don't buy into the societal pressure bullshit. When you were in the sixth grade and got your first boner in class, it was because you were staring at the girl who later became a cheerleader or track star. We are the way we are. Being a John lets you fuck hot women your whole life - at a price. Some guys think that U.S. a good idea and a good way to do it, a lot of guys don't. But our dicks told us who we are attracted to long before the advertising industry warped our minds..

Don't you think that if there were more curvy women exposed daily to us, we would include them as hot women? Why Mrs Monroe wa an icon as a certain age and nowadays, she would be a simple girl next door. Don't you believe that we are somehow influence? Yes, instintively, we are attracted to a certain type of women (tall, short, big breast, little ass, wide hips. etc) but the 36-24-36 standard, the ideal tall blonde spinner girl, is it really in our DNA to be amazed by it.

And there is no doubt the dating scene is harder for guys than before. The workplace was once a primary hunting ground, in addition to keeping in touch with schoolmates. Now the workplace is largely off limits, people move away from their hometowns more, and the preferred way for women to meet is never ending online emailing and chatting/texting that is time consuming and boring for most guys. Plenty of guys say the hell with that, which is beneficial to the sex work industry.

Okay but guys are not interested in email, chatting, texting. Are they really interested in dating face to face, having a drink, a coffee, going for dinner without knowing if they'll have sex at the end of the night. I doubt it....

I've seen girls willing to have sex on the first night just to have a chance for a second date because her last 5 first dates dumped her because she wouldn't open her legs on the first date. I believe we want immediate result and it doesn't work in real life. ...


Active Member
May 5, 2015
Je pense que ce que TinaMtl fait référence, c'est l'engagement.

Là où je ne suis vraiment pas d'accord avec elle, c'est que les femmes sont de nos jours aussi sinon plus occupée que les hommes. Il est à noter que je ne connais aucune femme à la maison personnellement. Mais je connais beaucoup de femmes qui en plus de travailler, font tout ce que maman faisait à l'époque. Ils font régulièrement des études sur le sujet. D'ailleurs, plusieurs dont je suis ne veulent pas de conjoint pour cette raison. De toute façon, elles n'ont plus besoin du maître pourvoyeur.

Mais l'engagement, c'est prenant. Oui un petit message, c'est vite écrit...cependant il faut y penser et nous sommes tellement partout dans tout de nos jours.

Les femmes ne sont pas nécessairement mieux que les hommes. Le problème que Tina soulève réside plutôt dans la disparité entre les réalité sociales de ceux qui ont une vie professionnelle très active (voyage, longues heures, cocktail, etc) vs ceux qui ont un travail plus routinier (9 à 5). Si la personne n'est pas indépendante, n'a pas un réseau social hors sa vie de couple, le temps est long... et la bouteille se finit vite...


Active Member
Jun 24, 2009
Les femmes ne sont pas nécessairement mieux que les hommes. Le problème que Tina soulève réside plutôt dans la disparité entre les réalité sociales de ceux qui ont une vie professionnelle très active (voyage, longues heures, cocktail, etc) vs ceux qui ont un travail plus routinier (9 à 5). Si la personne n'est pas indépendante, n'a pas un réseau social hors sa vie de couple, le temps est long... et la bouteille se finit vite...

Même la personne qui fait du 9 à 5 à toute sorte d'occupations de nos jours. Nous sommes tellement dans une société où prime l'individu et non pas comme avant la famille. On valorise le succès de l'individu, plus de la famille comme avant. Les nous est maintenant Je. Je ne vois plus aucune distinction pour ma part en ce sens. Enfin, la seule distinction qu'on peut faire est que certains mettent plus d'œufs dans le panier professionnel, alors que d'autres vont mieux équilibrer le tout. Exemple, j'ai des amis sans enfants, mais elles ne sont pas moins occupées que moi pour autant. Idem pour certains de mes clients qui me disent "je ne sais pas comment tu fais pour tout faire" alors qu'eux ont des responsabilités professionnelles plus importantes que moi. Un pdg qui m'a dit ça. Mais il paie pour plusieurs choses que moi je fais, exemple les lunchs ou meme l'aide aux devoirs. Nous sommes à l'ère de l'individualisme, plus de la famille, de l'engagement.

Un aspect un peu sournois avec l'arrivé d'Internet s'est installé aussi.

Un petit peu à la fois, l'Internet à permi de transmettre des activités pour lesquelles on payait a l'époque du personnel aux clients ou aux employés des autres départements que celui de l'administration. Tjrs des petites actions, mais au final, ça nous surcharge.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I may not have expressed myself correctly. Guys from 16-96 pursue women in the 18-30 year old category, which puts them in the drivers seat. Most of their sexual interaction with men much older than them involves commercial sex.

Hello all

I was personally involve with a 13 years old younger partner for 14 years .
The uncle of my ex as a wife 14 years younger
My step father was 14 years older then my step mom
My oldest bro was in a relationship with a 17 years old younger partner
My best friend is 16 years older then his partner
All of those relationship started when the ladies where in there late teens or very early twenties
Many rich guys are in that position also ,the list is long .

I was told when I was way younger that money lots of it = youth
It might be true ..........................

Well ... why do you think those girls (let say 20-30) don't date guys 10y older than them?
Simple ... because our so called free thinking and democratic society DON'T think it is "acceptable" not to talk about "morality"

Love has no "age" ...
Plain and simple




Sexual Deviant
Sep 1, 2014
Montreal, Ottawa
And no, if I saw more fat girls in civilian life (if that is even possible) I would not be more attracted to them, I would see even more escorts in order to remain sane after interacting with them.

Good god, you're a lovely person aren't you?

Don't you think that if there were more curvy women exposed daily to us, we would include them as hot women?
So I can tell you mean well, but...
Beauty is subjective, so just because you guys like spinners, does not mean the rest of the world does too. Throughout the decades, the body type seen as "beautiful" has changed so much, so society presents you with a body type that suits their needs at the time, and then that's what becomes the norm for beauty. Your attraction is what is being spoon fed to you at the time of whatever era you're living in, and it will(and already is beginning to) change again with time, as it always does.

Curvy women are hot, and they are seen as hot all across the world. You are exposed to them every day and they are still super hot, just open your eyes.

As for SP vs real is really not all it's cracked up to be. For many people, being in a comfortable, loving relationship is great, but getting there is sometimes tiresome, draining, and not all that fun. I'm sure plenty of people have the time to put into relationships, I know I sure do.. but do they want to? Nahhh, not always. Some people(myself included), just do not care to put the effort into keeping a relationship going, and would rather skip to the fun, stress-free parts.. which is where us lovely SP's come into play!
It's a win-win situation for many; you get to skip the messy, ugly parts of dating, keep the good, and the provider gets to have a good(not to everyone, decent to others I suppose) job that allows her the pay, freedom and flexibility most professions don't. Woohoo! :)


Active Member
May 5, 2015
Good god, you're a lovely person aren't you?

So I can tell you mean well, but...
Beauty is subjective, so just because you guys like spinners, does not mean the rest of the world does too. Throughout the decades, the body type seen as "beautiful" has changed so much, so society presents you with a body type that suits their needs at the time, and then that's what becomes the norm for beauty. Your attraction is what is being spoon fed to you at the time of whatever era you're living in, and it will(and already is beginning to) change again with time, as it always does.

Curvy women are hot, and they are seen as hot all across the world. You are exposed to them every day and they are still super hot, just open your eyes.

English is not my first language so please, excuse me if I offended you. I didn't mean to insult curvy woman, or any other type of woman. I actually prefer curvy woman. And I'm absolutely not a fan of spinner.

What I meant is that we are obsessed, as a society, with being slim, not healthy, slim. Yes we associate healthy and slim but rarely respect someone who's healthy but curvy. And we'll be able to love people who are slim and unhealthy.

The reality for a man is that there's always going to be a comment about the size of your woman. Who cares? I don't but I have a lot of friends who do and aren't comfortable yet to cross that line and stand for what they really like...

As for SP vs real is really not all it's cracked up to be. For many people, being in a comfortable, loving relationship is great, but getting there is sometimes tiresome, draining, and not all that fun. I'm sure plenty of people have the time to put into relationships, I know I sure do.. but do they want to? Nahhh, not always. Some people(myself included), just do not care to put the effort into keeping a relationship going, and would rather skip to the fun, stress-free parts.. which is where us lovely SP's come into play!
It's a win-win situation for many; you get to skip the messy, ugly parts of dating, keep the good, and the provider gets to have a good(not to everyone, decent to others I suppose) job that allows her the pay, freedom and flexibility most professions don't. Woohoo! :)

I get that but at one point, don't you want more? And again, why is that we always qualify relationship as draining, tiresome? From what i heard from certain SP (small group i'd say), all the work behind being an SP can be quite draining too.

Am i wrong to beleive that the fact that we know where It will bring us is more seductive than the gambling reality of dating?


Sexual Deviant
Sep 1, 2014
Montreal, Ottawa
From what i heard from certain SP (small group i'd say), all the work behind being an SP can be quite draining too.

Am i wrong to beleive that the fact that we know where It will bring us is more seductive than the gambling reality of dating?
Yes it's true that it can be quite draining sometimes..same as any other job that people work in the world. The difference is your job is necessary to provide for yourself; relationships aren't necessary to live day-to-day, so when it's draining and tiresome, why continue? Unless the pros outweigh the cons, it's not worth it.

That's not to say all dating is like that. Many people are lucky to meet people they just match well with, and everything is natural and easy together, and times may be hard sometimes but ya work through it, and that's super! But this "dating game" we play these days to find ourselves a suitable partner is not as fun as it should be, or you would hope it would be at least!
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