Montreal Escorts

Rate The Clients!


Dragonslaying Babe
Jun 20, 2005
Montreal, QC.
(Dear Mods: I am not certain where this should go. If it needs to be moved, by all means, go ahead!)

Yes, ladies...this is your own little thread to VENT IT ALL! Had a bad date or dance, massage session? Had a boring date...or dance? Did you have an awkward massage or BDSM session? Did you fall in love..temporarily?, or permanently!? Did you marry him!?!

This is a thread where you, (the service provider) can tell your stories of amusment, bewilderment, romance, or sexiness with your clients; or any other noteworthy and interactions with our "adoring public" as an SP.


- This is meant as a lighthearted, theraputic and educational thread. This is not a podium for personal grievances or blacklisting. Please remeber the industry's motto: "Discretion Assured!"



Active Member
Jun 27, 2003
Visit site
The clients is like a boss, his always right. :D (joke)

It could be funny, if you reviews us, by our merb username, if you know
of course. :)

We will see who is good or not in bed. lol


Dragonslaying Babe
Jun 20, 2005
Montreal, QC.
Merci Maylee. J'emploie le service de traduction en ligne de poissons d'AltaVista Babel pour interpréter pour moi. S'inquiète ainsi ! Je ne peux pas attendre pour lire certaines de vos histoires ! Heureux vous aimez l'idée.

translation from:

My First Review

I took this man into a booth. He was probably in his early thirties. He seemed a little submissive and was provoking me a bit to be more aggressive with him. I have no problem fulfilling his fantasy and I proceed to do my signature joint-locking and then I remove his belt from his pants. I locked his head between my knees and whipped his bottom all the while telling him he was my bitch and that I would do as I please with him. After about 6 songs of this, I smell something awful. I thought I had let a silent one go. I didn't really think it was possible, since I didn't really feel anything, but ya never know when you are bending over what might happen. He didn't seem bothered as we continued with the dancing. Then I smelled the same odour and realised my customer had a little grin on their face. This time, I realise it certainly wasn't me. I lean over and ask him, "Are you passing gas?". He grins sheepishly and says he is. I ask him why is he doing this during while I dance for him. He hangs his head, but I can still see him grinning a bit. I recognise this body language. I have seen it before - attention seeking provocation. He was looking for discipline. I asked him, "You know I need to punish you for being such a dirty bitch, right?" He says he understands and he is no longer smiling, but anticipating his punishment. I tell him to get on his knees and put his hands behind his back. I whip him much harder than before telling him he is disgusting, he should be locked up in pigpen and made to eat from a trough. After I am done administering his punishment, I turn his belt into a leash around his neck, slapped his face hard a few times and make him promise he will never, ever disrespect me like that again. I make him promise to control his bodily functions and act like a gentleman in my presence. He promised me. I have danced for him since, and he has kept his promise. Mind you, I give him taste of what his punishment was the last time he tried that crap on me, just to remind him of what I will and won't tolerate. If he disrepects my wishes, he knows that the dancing is over. He seems satisfied by that, and so am I. My special nickname for him is Pepe LaPew.

Look: 4/10 (Not a looker)
Body: 6/10 (Okay bod. Slim, easy to dance for)
Attitude: 7.5/10 (Even though this guy did fart during the dance, it is fairly common for subs to be provocative in this manner. He took his punishment well, which gives him points.)
Overall Experience: 7/10 (I had a great time once I established his needs and he understood my terms. I really enjoy performing mild domination in the cabin.)


New Member
May 30, 2005
Aeneas said:
That is hilarious!

Moi qui pansais que tout le monde était beau et fin…

Ce thread risque d’être formateur pour tous les gars qui n’ont pas appris ce qu’était le savoir vivre. En tout cas ça risque d’être drôle. Raison de plus pour garder pour sois son nickname…


Dragonslaying Babe
Jun 20, 2005
Montreal, QC.
Maxima said:
I still do not understand this. Would his money still be good next time eventhough his "not a looker"? Would you repeat if you did not have an overall good experience?
I will let friends know that you are doing reviews of customers on a public board. I am sure they will line up to see you. Who knows, one of them who are regulars at Cleo may even recognize your PePe LaPew.
Of course his money is still good, and as I stated already in my review, I have danced for him since. He may recognize himself, but there is no way I have given enough information for anyone at all to figure out who he is. This thread is meant as a light-hearted spoof of this board. Let's face it, this goes both ways. Just because the women of the sex trade industry are in business, didn't mean they signed up for being reviewed either. HOwever, this is the day in age that we are living in. If you feel threatened by having a litle anonymous review of your before with an SP, then maybe you have issues, Maxima.

Good for the goose, good for the gander.

Anyway, the point is to have fun in this thread. Let's not bring it down with paranoia and threats of killing my business.

Thank you.


Dragonslaying Babe
Jun 20, 2005
Montreal, QC.
Maxima said:
This would also provide LE info/self admittance from Cleo's employees about what happened in a booth. Could that be used to justify a raid? Would Cleo admin want to take that risk?

Please. You think anyone of us is going to say something incriminating about our workplace or ourself? Last I heard, farting in a public place was not a criminal offence. If anything, us SP will be even more discrete than anyone else posting on this board...And NO it cannot be used to justify a raid. Besides, did I say this took place at Cleo's?


New Member
Jul 23, 2005
I guess he doesn't get a smell rating only a look rating? :D


Dragonslaying Babe
Jun 20, 2005
Montreal, QC.
HAHAHA! HockeyFan, you are funny. I am thinking of changing the rating system for this thread. MAybe some other SPs can think up some categories. I was thinking of generosity to counter service ratings.


Dragonslaying Babe
Jun 20, 2005
Montreal, QC.
Maxima said:
Oops. I am sorry. I did not know that what you did with Pepe Lapew in the booth was legal.

My apologies. Hoping that you do more revealing reviews.

It is completely legal. I most likely won't be any more revealling than I have been already.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
How about using "Satisfaction" to replace "service"? This could indicate if the SP was satisfied with the result of the encounter. With contact dances it indicates if the lady enjoyed the experience as much as, or more than, the client. Personally I enjoy trying to give pleasure to the dancer, I think it gives her a welcome change from the average client that is just interested in getting himself off.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
One other possible change: instead of attitude how about personality? I would figure that the average attitude tends to be horny! It would be more interesting to rate the clients personality, maybe before and after. For example: the shy guy who turns into an animal in the booth or the macho guy when in front of his friends who is shy and unsure when in the booth. Or the client that you wish had been more assertive. There is such a wealth of information for us to learn from here! And seeing as Carla is the only lady, or merbite for that matter, to know who I am, she is free to review me also. If she remembers me :p


Feb 28, 2004
Tu piques...

maylee said:
...Après avoir lu une review comme la tienne, c'est dûr de passer après toi. Je pense que je vais m'abstenir, et te laisser la place...

C'est quand la prochaine review?

Maylee ;)
Avoye donc!
Tu piques ma curiosité. Après 3 ans dans un club, tu en connais surement des pas pires
Le Capitaine


Feb 28, 2004

maylee said:
J'en ai vu de toutes les couleurs! Et je continue d'en voir aussi, mais d'une autre façon!

Je sais très bien ce qu'est une journée dans la vie d'une danseuse, c'est pas toujours rose bonbon, mais quand il y a des histoires drôles ça vaut la peine de les raconter...

Mais une drôle comme celle de Magda ça arrive pas tous les jours.

La meilleure c'était une nouvelle fille qui venait d'arriver, et je te jure qu'elle avait l'air d'un gars... Elle était bâtie, musclée, et pas très féminine. De plus, elle était super agressive, on avait toutes peur d'elle. Moi, j'avais la tâche ingrate de les envoyer danser, car je travaillais sur le shift de jour, et il n'y avait pas de doorman, et je faisais le service au bar.

Dans ce temps là, recule environ 14 ans, les filles faisaient le service aux tables aussi, je ne sais pas si ça fonctionne encore de même, je dois dire que je ne me tiens pas vraiment dans ça maintenant. Alors, je suis derrière le bar et je vois la scène. Faut dire que c'était un club de campagne, pas très classe...

Cette fille là, arrive à une table, elle était gelée comme une balle.

Elle dit au gars : Qu'est ce que tu veux, dépêche, j'ai pas toute la nuit!(sympatique personnage)

Le gars dit : T'es ben bête! Je suis sûre que t'es un gars!(pas très sympatique non plus) Je vais prendre une Molson. (Dans ce temps là, la Molson ça faisait mâle)

Elle dit : Correct

Elle revient à la table et dit au gars le prix, le gars paie. Elle lui verse la bière dans son verre. C'est alors qu'elle lui demande :

Penses-tu toujours que je suis un gars?

Le gars dit : Je suis pas sûr.

Elle dit : Tu vas voir que chus pas un gars!

Et dans toute sa splendeur, elle s'est écartillée a tassé sa petite culotte, a sorti son tampon ( on sait tous d'où il venait) et l'a tranquillement laissé tomber dans le verre de bière.

On était toutes scandalisées!

Elle lui demande tout gentiment : Maintenant, tu crois-tu toujours que je suis un gars?

Oufff... On se doûte que le gars n'a rien commandé et est parti sans faire d'histoire.

Ça fait des années, mais je m'en souviens comme si c'était hier.

Pas pire...en effet!
Pourtant, il y en a qui mettent du jus de tomate dans leur bière pourtant... :rolleyes:

Ce n'est plus de même, les filles ne servent pas aux tables. Pas à Mtl et les environs en tout cas.
Le Capitaine


Dragonslaying Babe
Jun 20, 2005
Montreal, QC.
Next up: MR.QUICKIE!

I get off the stage and was immediately approached by a patron that was sitting in gyno-row, (that would be the seating around the stage). He was talking very quickly, but I heard him say he wanted a dance. I told him to wait a second while I got my panties back on, as I am not allowed to do dances in the booth without them. When I am just about done with my panties, he asks me for a dance again. I tell him to hold on, I am almost done. The second I am finished, he starts getting in my face again. I tell him to follow me, which he does, into the booth. I pull the curtain aside and tell him to sit down in the chair. I turn around to draw the curtain closed, which takes about two seconds, and when I turn back around, this guy has his pants and underwear already off and dropped down to his ankles. I had only turned my back for maybe two seconds. Who can remove their clothes that fast? :confused: Anyway, I just shook my head no, and told him he had the wrong idea. I refused to dance for him, even after he promised he would keep his pants on.

Looks: Who can get a good look when you're moving that fast?
Personality: Er...high-strung and anxious
Overall Experience: Short
(Sorry, no numerical ratings. They are all in decimal fractions, in case you are wondering.)
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