Montreal Escorts

Professions / Careers


Jul 10, 2007
Hi to all of you!!

This is my first post on the forum, hope you will be enjoying it.
I was just curious in the first place to know how you guys are able to spend so much money in the escort/strip club market. I am 21, going back to school in law in september most probably and I have a job in the insurance business.
I live Montreal and I got to this site when I was simply looking to escort pictures on the internet, and founnd it really interesting. People seem to help each other out with reviews and stuff. I haven't tried escort services up to now but I have been to a few strip clubs in the Montreal area. If you have any advice to give me, feel free to write. As for my part, I'll do the best describing my experiences on the board!

So to get back tomy initial subject, I'd just like to know what is your profession/career? Do you own a business? Are you an employee?

Pleased to meet all of you!!



New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Welcome to the board Raptor!



Agent Smith - Mr Anderson
May 16, 2007
Yay More youth ! lol

raptor said:
Hi to all of you!!

This is my first post on the forum, hope you will be enjoying it.
I was just curious in the first place to know how you guys are able to spend so much money in the escort/strip club market. I am 21, going back to school in law in september most probably and I have a job in the insurance business.
I live Montreal and I got to this site when I was simply looking to escort pictures on the internet, and founnd it really interesting. People seem to help each other out with reviews and stuff. I haven't tried escort services up to now but I have been to a few strip clubs in the Montreal area. If you have any advice to give me, feel free to write. As for my part, I'll do the best describing my experiences on the board!

So to get back tomy initial subject, I'd just like to know what is your profession/career? Do you own a business? Are you an employee?

Pleased to meet all of you!!

Hello, first off welcome to the board where happy to have you here probably me more then anyone! :p Im glad to have another 'youthful' member like me on the board myself being 23 we apparently are very very rare around here lol. I find myself in a similar scenario as you going back to school in september and wondering how much money iv spent on this hobby! lol. Well first off i think what it all comes down to is how you save or i should say manage your money. Let me explain, most agency escorts will end up making over 80 k a year from their work and im sure dont declare all of it, yet at the end of the year alot of them are poor or broke.

I am just using escorts as a example here, but as always their are exceptions, that i know of Jessy, Ronnie, Elizabeth all seem to be doing pretty damn good for themselves im sure their are tons of others but i can't really say because i dont really know for sure. But this is everywhere it really depends on your lifestyle do you make budgets do you have a expensive lifestyle ex: go out to a club in a limo order 2-3 bottles of crystal get laid and repeat all this over the next week. Their are people that make 35000$ and they manage to get by when someone who ends up making 90k can't why? because they are ruthless in their management and know how to save..

For myself im a Web Designer full time in the summer and part time when i go to school, and i just put limits on how often i see escorts, but usually when i do i take 2 hours minimun and always make sure everything is nice example nice hotel, a gift or something a drink etc. So i prefer quality over quantity. With that said if u think about it 1 hour with a escort once a month comes up to around 200-250$ or less depending. The first hour 160$ + the hotel let say 40$ unless ur staying in a shit hole lol. So as long as you can control urself and see them when u can afford it i guess your should be alright. A good trick is get urself a cookie jar and everytime u got money lying around a 5$ here a 10$ here put it in there in a few weeks u shud have enough money to pay urself a escort.

Zone Alarm
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New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Man, how long have you been an escort? What research have you done to know what we make, and what we spend, and how we declare our income and - well, oh, yea, you just know :rolleyes:

You should avoid jumping to conclusions about what we do and don't make and such, especially considering this thread was about what the GUYS make.

ZoneAlarm said:
Let me explain, most agency escorts will end up making over 80 k a year from their work and im sure dont declare all of it, yet at the end of the year alot of them are poor or broke.

Zone Alarm


Mar 28, 2007
Earning a living...
Used cars - Whiskey - Peat Moss - Nails - Land
Fly Swatters- racing Forms, Bongo Drums
Wars Fought,
Governments Run
Bridges Destroyed
Uprisings Quelled
Revolutions Started

Grannies Gratified

Tigers Tamed
Saloons Emptied
Orgies Organized
Virgins Converted
Computers Verified

One has to be multi-talented these days.
Toronto Escorts