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Privacy Warning


New Member
Dec 16, 2011
I don't give much back to this community. I had a bad experience recently and I want to share. Be careful guys.

I travel on business often, and one of my secret pleasures at home and away is a nice massage. I recently hosted a well reviewed indy lady for an incall massage at my hotel - the massage was 7/10 - not bad, but not worth repeating. Not Montreal quality, but not a disaster (and trust me, I've had a few of those).

In the weeks following the massage I was bombarded with texts offering specials - not great. Then, to my horror, she sent me a friend invite on Facebook. I immediately blocked her.

I couldn't work out how she found me until I checked my Facebook privacy settings. I think she was able to search for my cell phone number.

So lessons to you all - use a hobby phone and double-check your online privacy.

This is enough to ensure that I recommend nobody ever visits the lady again. To avoid causing an issue, I am happy to share her name with mods if requested. And I will share her name with regular posters - only if you travel outside Montreal - tell me the cities you plan to visit and you can even double check the names with me too. Ill tell you if you've chosen badly! Note that this was not Montreal.

Final thought - I think I did the right thing by picking a well reviewed lady with a professional website, but I messed up. She was very professional on the night,and even brought a massage table, candles, towels, etc. Just I had a problem on my hands a few weeks later.

You've been warned. Have fun, but be careful.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
I think you waived privacy if you have a hobby cellphone linked to a real Facebook account. It's not her bad, it's yours. It's a privacy waiver in my book. She likely got a friend suggestion and accepted it. This is what you signed up for by linking a hobby cellphone to a real Facebook account. Sloppy, sloppy, guarding of privacy by you, to be blunt. You can assume Facebook sends a friend suggestion in this situation.

She got a friend suggestion and accepted it. I do not even see a foul here. I see a self inflicted bullet hole on your foot.


Trusted Since 2003
Aug 29, 2003
Facebook and Privacy in the same sentence .. I don't think so.
Come to think of it .. cell phone and privacy..nope


New Member
Dec 16, 2011
Yup. I was stupid and careless.

But I'm not the only only who has made (or will make) this mistake, which is why I wrote the warning. That said, the texting - after I requested her to stop several times - was annoying and is a no-no. And then the friend request to a client... that crosses a line on her part. I've never had that problem before, which makes me want to warn others.

I disagree that I waived privacy. She texted for a couple of months after. I did make a mistake.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
We had this discussion last year, and i was among the peoples whos phone was linked to my FB. I don't have a hobby cell, and i don't think i need one personally, but i do not want ANYBODY to be able to trace back my full profile.

Personally i would find it nice and cute to have a friend request from an SP, its really no biggie for me, but the tough of everybody being able to see my profile is a nono.

So yeah turn off these settings.

It's a privacy waiver in my book. She likely got a friend suggestion and accepted it.

I had SPs showed as a friend sugestion a couple times in the past, either due to having an SP friend of her in my FB or one time somebody completely not related to the hobby. Does not make it right to send a friend request just cause she was sugested... :/

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Yup, already discussed here. Dont link your number to your Facebook. But even then its not 100% sure... A girl could reverse lookup your Phone number and still get your name. Best is to use another number using a fake name (some companies, like chatr, Will let you use any name you want)

P.s if you hosted her its called an outcall


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Facebook is a social networking site. It is about socializing and advertising which is the whole point of Facebook and other social networking sites hence the "Social Networking" if you look up the meaning. You are supposed to be searchable. If one is so concerned with privacy to that extent then it best to not open any account on a social networking site. Fortunately Facebook offers a host of privacy options. Furthermore when Facebook asks you to link your number to your account it also gives you the option to make the number unsearchable to others so then is your fault for not seeing that.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Facebook is a social networking site. It is about socializing and advertising which is the whole point of Facebook and other social networking sites hence the "Social Networking" if you look up the meaning. You are supposed to be searchable. If one is so concerned with privacy to that extent then it best to not open any account on a social networking site. Fortunately Facebook offers a host of privacy options. Furthermore when Facebook asks you to link your number to your account it also gives you the option to make the number unsearchable to others so then is your fault for not seeing that.


However there is no rule against making up a "fake" Facebook account. This is the OP's real mistake. He should have one Facebook account with his real life info and another totally fake Facebook to which the hobby phone is linked. I have actually done this and ended up getting friend requests and acceptances from escorts. I used Facebook messenger to actually communicate with escorts on my fake Facebook. My fake Facebook not only has fictitious biographical information, but it is (by design) comically fictitious. Schools I never attended (and hate), towns I never lived in. Bogus pics, like you would see on bait and switch escorts sites. LOL! With a little imagination all problems can be made to go away.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
It is sugested to have a presence on social media to be able to counter identity theft tough, i read that not long ago, can't remember where.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
If somebody for instance make a facebook profile with your name and photo, its easier to prove to facebook you are really you and having it shut down if you have an account for a while.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Extremely well opined Sam21. Glad to see that not everyone belongs to the "Look at ME! Look at ME!" crowd.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I used to be addicted to Facebook.

Let me say it again for the people at the back : Addicted.

I would spend most of my days on Facebook. But I woke up one day and realized I was done. Done with all the drama, done with the Never ending friendlist full of people I barely even know... Done with all the time loss... I was just done.

Deleted it and never looked back. I do have a Julia Sky account but I don't use it lol. My life is so much better since. Enjoying life through my eyes instead of a Phone lense and a Facebook status. So happy I made the move.

I still love instagram though. LOL But that's different.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Personally i use facebook for so much stuff. Video games groups, news etc. Music bands news and groups. My guild online also have a facebrook wich we share all the important stuff about the game there. I don't think i could make it without FB to me honest these days... lol.


New Member
Dec 5, 2015
Personally i use facebook for so much stuff. Video games groups, news etc. Music bands news and groups. My guild online also have a facebrook wich we share all the important stuff about the game there. I don't think i could make it without FB to me honest these days... lol.

You would make it Mike. Only difference is you would be spending your time surfing BBS and scrolling IRC channels to get 0day Warez and all the info about the latest video game. ;)

And watching photo porn showing up on the screen one line at a time like on and old printer, hiding in the basement constantly looking over your shoulder in fear of your parents coming downstairs. Haha! That feels like milions from now already!

Lana Red

Aug 1, 2013

However there is no rule against making up a "fake" Facebook account..................

If you make a false Facebook account from the same IP address, your friends from your "real" profile will have in their friends suggestions your "fake" profile, that's for sure, since the situation happened to me (So I immediately shut down my Lana Red profile on FB). I am wondering if your friends in your real profile could also receive in their friends suggestions your FB friends sex workers from your second account.

Anyway, if your relatives can't link this fake account to your real identity, you are safe.

As for me, I did not link any phone number to my FB profile.

I am also really reticent to install applications because we have to give too much access to our private information (document, pics, videos), even our camera and microphone. Some applications really use them, not really to spy on you but for marketing purpose, to listen what is your surrounding when you are using their app, for example (and it is still spying in my opinion).

If it was not for Lana Red activities, I am not even sure I would have a cell phone.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
You would make it Mike. Only difference is you would be spending your time surfing BBS and scrolling IRC channels to get 0day Warez and all the info about the latest video game. ;)

And watching photo porn showing up on the screen one line at a time like on and old printer, hiding in the basement constantly looking over your shoulder in fear of your parents coming downstairs. Haha! That feels like milions from now already!

Well i grew up with progress if i can say... When i was VERY young i remember going at the computer "lab" to do old mathematic programs on MS DOS. When i was 12 or so thats when MIRC and the internet really was getting super popular. Chatting online was like THE big thing and i remember going online to grab codes for old Mortal Kombat games, also snap pictures of my favourite WWE divas. Not even sure they where called divas at the time (Sable, Sunny etc) and the Nitro Girls... lets not forget the Nitro Girls lol.

At home we where late on thecnologies, i only got a computer when i was like 17 or so... I used my dreamcast video game consol as a web broser for a long while and i was going at the local library to use the computers. Thanksfully i live in a very small town so often they would be free for the whole afternoon, cause if not we had to let our place afer 1h. I still remember browsing video game website like or and such to get strategy guides and codes lol

When i finally got a computer at home i experienced 56k dial up for a little while so yeah i know its slow.

In the same vein i grew up with video games from the NES and up. I missed the atari but honestly i feel the NES was the best consol to start gaming as a kid.

So yes i didn't always had facebook, but i didn't always had a cellphone either, or a TV in my personal room with dvd player and everything, but its thecnologies im used to now and going back to a world without facebook/youtube and ebay/amazone would be hard. Im too used to do all those things online. Facebook always made the old forums concept obsolete... Honestly beside merb/terb i don't visit much "personal forums" anymore. I go sometimes on out of nostalgia and at times adultdvdtalks (even tough i don't post, i didn't made an account) but honestly just going on a personal forum and being like "damn i need to make an account... arggg" is annoying to me. Im such use to join groups on FB and post in all with the same profile... my own lol. As much as the concept of anonimity could had been nice in the old days (who did not chat on MIRC trying to convince someone that you where something else lol) nowadays i just don't give a shit... Im kinda pass this.

Anyway... going a bit off track but its freaking cool the progress we got with thecnologies, and just as much as the peoples of tomorow (in 100 years or such) will have much much better thecnologies than us, well we didn't knew those thecnologies so we can't miss them. Probably the peoples in the 1920s and such where very happy to do what they where doing not knowing better.

I still remember when i first bough an hockey card off ebay... as a kid i would open tons of packs to try to get one specific card of my favourite player. I remember my grand father buying boxes so i could get my card... With ebay i could just buy it directly lol. I don't collect anymore (still i have all of them stored) but it was pure joy to buy the cards i wanted. It may kill a bit of the fun and essence of collecting when you open packs and such but i prefered that and building my own collection that i wanted.

Thinking about it, the hobby is pretty much the reason i stoped collecting... :eek: Not enough money left to buy this... hell even video games i buy so much less compared to before lol

Lana Red

Aug 1, 2013
Although I may have implied it from my quote, I actually do not have any real Facebook. I can see how from that quote you may have thought that I did........

Ho... You are one of those without a Facebook profile... Suspicious personage ! Haha. Just kidding.
Most of people just give up their privacy because it is now impossible to use any applications without giving access to sensitive information. I was way more stiff before. I did not want to open my GPS tracker for example. But now that I have a car, I find it really convenient to use Ways, so I dropped my guard...

I know, Facebook is terribly convenient for stalkers, but I am using it mostly to share articles or events and that's why I can't help it, I love Facebook because it is a good way to access to information and cultural happenings. When you have the right contacts, the feed can be interesting, even if it is through some much less interesting publications.
I really like the page Futurism among others but sometimes, it makes me feel overwhelmed with all those technologies and science discovers about space that coming out each day.


Sep 24, 2009
I'm single and have no kids... so this does not apply to me I guess.

Add me on facebook ladies! :)
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