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Places to get tested

Red Paul

Active Member
Jun 6, 2003
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Let`s say you`re showing symptoms and want to find out what`s up. What do you do?

If you live in Montreal, you can call Clinique l’actuel at 514-524-1001. It`s located at 1001 de Maisonneuve E., suite 1130. There are other clinics that also specialize in sdi`s, but that`s the one I called and it worked pretty well. (For my illness, see the post here. Note the warning at top: I will not give the name of the girl or agency involved in my infection. Don`t bother asking.)

The lady who answered the phone spoke both French and English. When I said I had symptoms, she asked me to describe them and then said I could get an appointment for the next day. It takes longer if you`re just getting tested to be on the safe side. Not that getting such tests is a bad idea. It`s just that symptoms indicate an emergency.

She told me that the service was free with a Medicare card but that I should bring $20 in case special tests were called for. As it turned out, no such tests were called for and the money never left my pocket. The clinic is also quite fast. I was in and out in less than half an hour.

I showed up 10 minutes before my appointment. The place is crowded, as you might imagine. The front desk is manned by four or five ladies, again bilingual. One of the ladies took my name and contact info and gave me a questionnaire to fill out: name, age, what you`ve been up to sexually, etc. A notice on the questionnaire says all the info is confidential.

The lady had told me that my doctor, Dr. O`Brien, was "prompt." She was right. The doctor called my name after about five minutes in the waiting room, led me to a bare little office, listened to my description of the situation, then gave me a quick pants-down exam and wrote a prescription. Then he told me how to give a urine sample, and pointed me to the men`s room and the drop-off site for the specimen.

The biggest problem was keeping track of the place`s various corridors. The clinic feels like being in a submarine, and everyone talks fast. Speed has its price.

I took my prescription to the in-clinic pharmacy. No line and no charge. One drawback, though: the pharmacist`s English was not good and neither is my French. Like everyone at the clinic, she`s got a lot to do, but you`d better make her slow down for a minute so you can be sure of getting clear instructions. Misunderstand the instructions and the medication may not work.

That being said, I recommend the place. If you think you`ve got something, and you live in Montreal, give them a call.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Quote >>. """""well. (For my illness, see the post here. Note the warning at top: I will not give the name of the girl or agency involved in my infection. Don't bother asking.)"""""

thanks for the info .... And this frustrating quote'!!!!
I think posts about disease accusations .. Without the culprit should be banned !!
It's a waste of time , and a big scare for nothing ..
We know the rules before we hop in .. If you get burned ..! It's really too bad , but by not sharing the spreader ( that we all could be seeing ?, for all we know ).. Your not helping in any wAy ..
I think your actually helping to decrease the business ..?
... Anyways , another big waste of time !

Red Paul

Active Member
Jun 6, 2003
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Quote >>.
I think posts about disease accusations .. Without the culprit should be banned !!

It's not an accusation if no "culprit" is being named.

Whining won't do a thing, sonny. Either use a condom or take your risks like a man and shut up. I'm not going to risk the girl's livelihood just because you won't take responsibility for yourself.

Merbites are always talking about how they "respect the ladies." I'm sure a lot of them do. But you ain't one of them.

And, please God, learn how to work a keyboard. Your post looks like a chimpanzee typed it.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
The bottom line is that you have no proof of who infected you ..
So it remains a simple accusation !
Either your here for pity, or to start trouble ?
Too bad "sonny" ..
I guess you have to "take it like a man,and shut up" lmfao..!
Last edited:


Active Member
Feb 7, 2009
NY state
what is your problem?? he is simply providing useful information on where to go for tests and the procedure. nice to know what to expect when you go to the clinic.

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
Ricky, I suggest you tone it down. There's no way we'll let the name of the SP published here and Red understand perfectly why, not I hope you can do the same.

Whatever Red's motives are, the only person seeing trouble is you so, guess who's suspected to want to start trouble?

There's nothing of a scare, it's plain reality. I see it as a reminder to be careful.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
My bad ... Sorry mod-11 .. And thank you for the info... I should have posted my complaint in the other post you posted.. The one before this


New Member
Dec 31, 2009
Pour information, la clinique l’actuel fonctionne sur RDV pour les nouveaux patients qui n'ont pas de symptomne (test de prévention).

Donc si vous voulez un test de prévention rapidement et donc sans RDV, il existe aussi une clinique au metro papineau 514-525-4555. (1900 Ste Catherine E)
Sep 13, 2004
Blainville QC
I found the address for this place:

Jewish General Hospital
Infectious Diseases and Sexually Transmited Infections Clinic
Pavilion G, 1st floor, G-148, Pavilion G entrance
Monday-Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Phone: 514-340-8230

Anyone ever used this clinic ? How does it work ? Appintment required ? Cost ? Whats the best clinic to get tested at ?


R. Dilallo RRT/Inh.


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
a low to no-wait clinic is Clinique A in the same building as Holder restaurant on McGill Street (not McGill College!)

407 McGill Street Montreal, QC H2Y 2G3
(514) 787-0055

the damage to run all STI tests is approx. 550$.
again, convenience, low-zero wait time, easy to book online. 30mins in and out.
they opened last August (2011) and are related to Clinique médicale l'Actuel.


New Member
Jan 19, 2012
Help please !
Need to be tested for HIV test and i need a quick result
Cant wait no more...

Lost about 3 weeks with Clinique l’actuel (1001 de Maisonneuve E).
Passed the tests 4 weeks ago. Doctor (#1) told to wait about 3weeks for results. 2 weeks ago received unplanned rendez-vous : 1 result was positive. (really unexpected, no symptoms, always trying to avoid the risk..)
Was treated by another medecin from this clinic (doctor #2). Finally came today to get all other results. Rendez-vous with the doctor #1. She told me that the she cant find any other results, so probably they were lost. Than she began (the doctor) to convince me that i did not pass any blood test (vih, syph, hepatite...). After i explained that she personally took a blood specimen from me, she began to talk about the problems with some hospital. I really think that she is inadequate or she just lied me..

Clinique médicale L'Alternative 2034, rue Saint-Hubert
You have wait 2 weeks to get the rendez-vous before u can have quick hiv test

Clinique A - looks like they provide quick tests BUT they are part of L’actuel. I do not want to waste my time again with this terrible service

SPOT 1223 - A, rue Amherst: only for gays. cant be tested there, im hetero.

Does any one knows place to be quckly tested at least for hiv?
My girl (i think today probably ex, i really did her a bad turn) worry very much Can't see it no more .


New Member
Jan 19, 2012
Ok, if nobody takes a speech, i will continue

It was possible to make the rapid test only in the Clinique A (rue McGill 407). Front of the building is under construction, so the entrance is a bit hidden (middle of the building). After i took the lift (10 floor), than its just to the right by the corridor.

Girl in reception said that iam lucky (ah, really ?) because she will have a place for me in 15 minutes. (did not take appointment before as i not wiched go there)
Anyway she promised that they will give me a rapid hiv test, and ill receive a result in 15 minutes.

After 5-7 mins waiting a nurse took me to the surgery. I explained my situation and voila - 4th generation test. She told me that i can really be sure of a result. Another 5-7 mins to wait - and she told me that my test is negative so everything is ok.

Cost: $115 ($40 - dossier and $75 test itself). If i got it ok, rapid test is not covered by quebec provincial plan (yeah, reason to move in ON). Test was really quckly. And at least they do not lose the results. Another tests: they provide all STIB (itss) tests and seems that results are really quckly (in 5-10 days depends of test). Didnt ask about it today, maybe in 2-3 days if will not find something quick for free. Personal speeks perfectly both eng and fr.

sorry if something not clear, eng is not native / fr no more


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
SPOT 1223 - A, rue Amherst: only for gays. cant be tested there, im hetero.

How would they know? Do they make you pass a gay test, hihihi! Sounds weird...

Seriously, if you have the money, clinique A is pretty good and efficient. Any big place has its potential lost tests (Actuel or hospital...).
Many places you pass a 1st screening test for HIV and some low % may be positive, so they need to make you pass a 2nd more precise but a hell of a lot more costly and complex test to confirm or infirm the 1st "positive" test.

PS if you have symptoms of an STD, any emergency department in hospital is OK also. If you are only scared of a bad contact though, they will refer you to one of the specialty clinics. Most Emergency Departments don't do HIV tests, they don't have the access to same day tests. So don't go there for an HIV test...
Most big hospitals have a walk in infectious disease clinic like the one mentionned at the Jewish hospital. They are usually very good and will take in symptomatic or asymptomatic people...


Sep 9, 2011
i have used this clinic before....doctors name is joseph portnoy.....
you need appointment....covered by medicare.....he knows why you are there and he is very proffessional


Oct 30, 2003
Visit site
Jewish General Hospital

The details provided by Wallseye above are pretty much what you need to know, I'll add that times are now 7:30-10:30 am, avoid Mondays as many people show up freaked out after the week-end's drunken hookups (hey, daddy, are you here with your little princess who fucked two guys in the club's toilets when she told you she was just sleeping over at her friend's?), and they're still using the swab.


Oct 20, 2011
clinnique ll'actuel is super fast on weekends. Show up at 7:45 and boom! you are taken care of. Of course this is if you have symptoms only. If you don't have symptoms, you can call and book a appointment for a regular check.
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