Montreal Escorts

Panhandler - Atwater Metro

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
There was an article in Calgary many years back about some lady beggar, some old woman dressed in rags sitting on Calgary sidewalks
A reporter followed her after her " begging " stint.
She walked a few blocks away and hopped into a nice car and drove away. Later the reporter had someone park near the area and they followed the old lady to a nice apartment building and followed her to see what apartment she went into. Later that evening the same lady opened the door nicely dressed and the apartment had all the amenities one would need. Her 2 kids were living with her also. When the reporter mentioned she knew she was the beggar one of her sons asked her to leave. Many scammers out there.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
panhandler interviewed on youtube
came across this which i found interesting,guy leaving quebec cause of the pit bull law
says he works 10 to 10 at 7 sec
says he has a criminal record at 16 sec which i am guessing can get a regular job
comes across as a intelligent person,says keeps to himself has no friends
so he can not even get a friend to register his dog or him
no family as well
says he wants to stay he makes good money doing what he does 44 secounds
says not on crack heroine or alcohol and i actually believe him he is well spoken.
said he smokes couch which i not sure what that reference is to.
says he does not even drink coffee.
says he is going to try panhandling in vancouver.
1.06 mark says hopefully $200 a day till he leaves in 50 days hopes to make $10,000
$200 a day tax free is something,you or me miss something on our incomtax and they throw us in jail
a waitress/server on her feet gets billed like every client gives her %15 which never happens and is unfair reason i tip 20%

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Passed through here today,never thought it could get worse
But it is.gypsy on 1 side with soneone sleeping on the floor next to her.
Other side inebriated agressive crew.walked through to desend then up
To calbot park.the stench of urine spilled beer vomit everything imaginable
Is overwhelming.
Walked to stmatthew suprising no pan handlers or drunks.
Out at place des arts blury end walked towards pda ,motley crew of drunks in the middle
Area.and other end a crew of drunks drinking and smokeing.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
If you think you see bad areas in Montreal you have to check out Hastings in Vancouver. Can not describe it fully. About 3 or 4 blocks of homeless people, mostly drug addicts, you can drive by and see people shooting up, right on the sidewalk, the sidewalks are full of makeshift tents, the speed limit is reduced due to zoned out people just walking across the street.
Vancouver is a haven for panhandlers due to the nice weather all year round compared to the rest of Canada, cheap hard drugs also.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I agree with what you say that once you give someone something, it is a gift which should not have strings attached.
Unfortunately giving them even $1000 would probably in a best case scenario only get them off the streets for a couple of days or so.

You need to fix the underlying problem of why they are on the street in the first place, a few thousand dollars doesn’t go a long way today.
Give them a 1000$ and they will get high as a kite and maybe kill themselves.

I've listened to Dr Drew Pinski about the homeless in California. He said there is a common theme in almost 100% of the homeless cases: Addiction.
As impossibly expensive it is to live out there, Dr Drew points out that illegals come over and are very quickly off the streets.

Do not give them money. When I was a kid working in the city I would give them food. If you want to give money than Do like R The Man and give to shelters and people that can get them off the streets and confront their demons.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Giving to shelters and organisms is a good idea.

on the other hand, and I’ve said this before on another platform - Giving them food isn’t the only option. Because first, you don’t know if they have allergies. Secondly, they most likely ate something already, or are not hungry. Food is the most accessible thing for a homeless person. Everyone gives them food, or it’s super easy to shoplift. Your best bet would be to ask what they actually want/need at that moment. It’s not always food. Sometimes it’s socks, gloves, deodorant, a tooth brush, soap, razors, tampons, to print a resume, to pay for a cab to go see their daughter, a new jacket, a hotel room for the night, etc.

Too many people forget that it’s really not just about food. Homeless people need things that we need too, on a daily basis. We take these things for granted and forget that they’re not readily accessible to everyone. Would *you* live your life with nothing but food?

Adnan Khashoggi

New Member
Apr 15, 2011
There is a mean beggar in Ville D'Anjou. She hangs around in front of the A&W on Jean Talon East near the Brault and Martineau store across the street from the shopping center with the Scores and Super C stores. She has dark skin, I suspect she is a Gypsy. She hobbles around on crutches because she has one leg. I have eaten my lunch in my car at the A&W several times this summer and by the looks of things she does quite well. All her donations she receives are bills. There is a traffic light at the entrance to the shopping center. I have seen her collect 4 or 5 donations per traffic light cycle. She does have only one leg, so she plays the sympathy card to the max. On one occasion she was headed into the A&W and I held the door open for her and she cursed me out. She is really a mean angry person unless you give her money.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ Up 2. Yes, agree with you. In Vancouver I kind of friended an intersection begger ( stands on the median at traffic lights ) on my way to the job site. He was on the street, I gave him usually $5 when I passed by, once a blanket and got him a used bike when he mentioned his got stolen one night. Beggars have their territory in the Vancouver area, I have seen regulars in certain spots chase other beggars away.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Panhandling respectfully not bothering people is one thing.
Yesterday i was on stcatherine st around stdenis.
2 little old ladies 80s petite trying to avoid this relentless begger
So actually got in front of them,he would not take no for a answer.
I yelled at him hey leave them alone and like many ive met ,he felt
Entitled and justified. Got upset and i gave him a good talking to
which i relalize is a waste of time.unfortunae there is many like him
on the street subway entrances,even car to car in your face in the metro.
Rare you see intervention.1 on the metro was actually touching woman and kids.
When i confronted this one ,explaining he was wrong to touch woman and kids.
.his reaction was childlike he didnt seem like a bad person
Seemed possably mentally challenged.could not understand english or french.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
2 police officers, at the metro.Basically ,they felt along the lines i do.
With the cold weather, there is endless panhandlers who drink beer and pan handle at the same time .

As well they smoke cigarettes and dope in the metro.
By the smell they urinate like a stray dog where ever they find a place.
1 officer said it is like snowflakes you kick out a few for breaking the law ,
and a few minutes later there is equally bad or worse replacements.
A female officer was at a loss saying
''they just opened open door by atwater,
yet they chose to drink smoke do everything in the metro.
We need more health professionals to deal with them she said.
The gypsy lady is still at her spot and today she was muttering away in italian i think she is loseing it.

Harcourt Mudd

New Member
Jun 7, 2011
I never give to career beggars if I have seen them in that location previously. I went top a fast food to pick up some lunch and saw an old guy rummaging through the garbage for food. I handed him my food and went back inside to get another order. I give to the needy, not the greedy.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I don’t think you’re in a position to decide who’s needy and who is not though. If you see someone at the same location twice or 100 times doing squidgy for money, it might very well be they they are indeed needy. Few people choose to live the streets especially in winter. There are many reasons why someone is on the streets and it’s not always just a matter of days for them to get out of it. If anything, "career beggars" at least do something for the money. They clean your windows or entertain you with circus stunts or play music. They don’t just sit down or dress down or search in the garbage. How would you know that he was not pretending just so people like you would give him food and money? Maybe he never intended to eat the garbage food in the first place. You don’t know. You can never be certain. It’s not our place to say who’s needy and who isn’t unless you have proof.

Nothing forces anyone to help anyone. I just really don’t like seeing some of you guys use the comfort of your (and I cannot stress this word enough) *HOME* to write here that you "hate seeing homeless people on my way *home*" or that you "decide who’s needy and who is not".


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

Sometimes we need to be reminded of this.
Now you know why I keep saying you are one of the kindest and warmest people I know.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Thanks Fradi. Homelessness has always been one of my biggest battles. I remember being a child and shoplifting sheets at Village des valeurs to give to homeless people. I spent my teenage years giving food, gloves etc to the homeless every weekend of every winter. It’s just natural for me to stand up for them when I read stuff like this. I’ve experienced homelessness as a child and as a young adult and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I was lucky enough to always have a roof over my head - I was what we call a "hidden homeless". And it was hard, it really was, so I can’t even imagine what it feels like to be on the streets because you can’t even afford a hotel or Airbnb every day like I was able to do myself.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
. I remember being a child and shoplifting sheets at Village des valeurs to give to homeless people..
There is no argument with helping the needy.
Thread starter pointed out a proven scam artist who made the papers
and still works 12 hrs a day 7 days a week at atwater metro nice and warm no snow or cold in there..
she gets driven each day to do ''her job''

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Again, my comment was not in regards to her. Stop interacting with me until you can be relevant.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Again, my comment was not in regards to her. Stop interacting with me until you can be relevant.

Hey grow up lose the attitjde and show some respect.
The post which started the thread talked about a scammer.
The world does not revolve around you.your not the only opinion.
You absolutely not only feel you have to get the last word in but insult people.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Julia, you make some good points and you are tugging on my heart strings. I do hope that you are doing something to ensure that you never go back there. An old family friend told me that if I didn't save at least 10% of what I make that I'm a fool. Dave Ramsey says save 15% and invest in mutual funds and find a coach with a low fee that has the heart of a teacher to invest with. I don't know how much an escort needs to save to be comfortable in retirement but it may be a lot more and then you need a plan B to do in your years after the escort part of the job is over. For most, escorting is not a 30 years and a gold watch type of job.

I think that there are a lot of scammers out there. My buddy (bless his departed soul) stopped along the road to give a guy with a "I'll work for food job a 20$ dollar bill." The next day he saw the same guy and inquired at work about making him the shop sweeper. His boss told him to bring the guy in. The guy wouldn't take the job. His scam was too lucrative. There are too many scammers out there and I don't want to fall prey to them. Also, I don't particularly like seeing homeless people on the street. I don't like tent cities and needles and whiskey bottle human feces and raving lunatics accosting old women either. We found recently that all this tolerance in our cities helps to exacerbate the situation. If the answer is detox and more mental institutions and halfway houses than I'm ok with that. I was just in NYC and some huge homeless guy was throwing a plastic Pepsi bottle full of sand down the street and calling out play-by-play as if he was a QB in the NFL. He almost hit a woman and her stroller. He was a raving lunatic. Get him off the street.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Hey grow up lose the attitjde and show some respect.
The post which started the thread talked about a scammer.
The world does not revolve around you.your not the only opinion.
You absolutely not only feel you have to get the last word in but insult people.

I know what the *first post* was about but like... First of all, my comment wasn’t in regards to the original post. The way it works in life is people have conversations and those conversations evolve and don’t always stay only revolving around the first comment that was said in that discussion. My comment had obviously nothing at all to do with this woman. If you wanted to talk about her *again* that’s fine but why did you need to quote my comment? It’s irrelevant and unrelated to her.

Also, I literally didn’t insult you. I told you to stop interacting with me until you could be relevant because it’s not the first time you quote my post and write something totally unrelated to what I said. If you can’t even read what I’m saying there is no point in you interacting with me. Maybe you don’t know what the quote option is supposed to be used for... In which case maybe just stop using it.

Where did I insult you? by the way, I, and a few people who I’ve talked to, don’t think you will stay on this board very long with your attitude. It took you less than 24hrs to start picking at a member, make shilling accusations about people who have an established reputation here, etc. You’re the new guy here, learn and behave.

Hungry: Thank you. I’m working on a project, which I’m not going to talk about here, but I already know what I want to do when I retire :)
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