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MTLC is dead - mort de MTLC

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Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Halloween Mike said:
I think HA have got a false reputation over time. Sure there was some incident back in the time, but overall they are just interested in money from illegal activites such as drug selling.

Im afraid the time there gone(cause they will be back) something worse could take the place. Like they say its better to deal with the devil you know than the devil you don't know. As long as you stay out of there territory and don't bother them, the Hells will not care about you.

But when it comes to montreal street gang and the shit like that, wearing the wrong color in the wrong place can get you kill, even if you didn't knew about them... Thats more of a probleme. If these gang get too strong, it may be one big probleme, so personally i rather have the hells around then theses...

Tell you what. Buy a motorcycle, and then form a club. Develop artwork for a patch on the back of your cut-off jean jacket, and stitch it on, and then ride around without getting advance permission from the HAs.

I double dare you.

Friend of mine made a trip down to Oakland to obtain permission to fly colors for his club.

But, maybe you are right, maybe the HAs do have a bad rep due to some incident back in time. Which incident would that be? The time they tried to kill two prison guards? Any of the other murders they did? How long ago is 'back in time', exactly?

Yeah, maybe the poor Hell Angels are just misunderstood. Anyone want to talk about how Mom Boucher used to stroll around the neighbourhood doing his shopping, and all the shop keepers were so terrified none dared to actually charge him?

Anyone want to talk about how the HAs are the only group totally and completely left alone in prison, and how nobody, and I do mean nobody messes with them? How nobody dares to even sit at the same table in the common rooms as an HA.
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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Halloween Mike said:
...As for agencies, its legal to call one and get an SP right? I mean if it would be illegal, you wouldn't see advertisement in the papers, or website on the internet so open...
I don't think it's that simple. Yes, it's legal to run an agency that supplies women to perform the service of "escorting" or "companionship" or "personal accompaniment" (wink, wink, nudge nudge, know what I mean, eh?)

However, is it legal for an agency to provide women for the purpose of prostitution? Based on a strict interpretation of the law, I think not. Keeping in mind that the act of prostitution is perfectly legal in Canada, "procurement" or pimping is not legal. So why don't the police shut down all the escort agencies?

Well, as has been noted many times before, there is the letter of the law and then there is how the law is applied. In the case of escort agencies, there is a long tradition in Montreal of tolerating them and mostly leaving them alone while going after what the police and society consider to be greater evils--streetwalking, underage prostitution, forced prostitution, etc.

However, when an agency steps out of line, the police can apply the law more strictly, as they did in this case. As far as I know, MTLC has not been accused yet of using underage girls, putting girls on the street or distributing drugs. But the police seem to feel that they were too close to the Hells Angels and, based on his own words, one of the owners seems to have been rather proud of this fact.

As I said before, there is zero tolerance for the Hells Angels in Montreal these days. Arguing that they are just a friendly bunch of guys who like to ride around on Harleys and drink beer doesn't fly. So apparently, the police decided to apply the law strictly in their case and shut them down on the basis of laws against pimping. So add "obvious ties to the Hells" to the list of things that will get an agency in trouble and cause the police to apply the procurement law to them in a strict manner.

Another factor mentioned in this case was a complaint or complaints from residents. Hard to know what that means, but it could be that they were running the business out of an apartment and they disturbed the neighbors. Hey, if the Hells Angels were running an escort agency in the apartment next to mine, I wouldn't really like that either.

Could the police shut down the 200 or so other agencies operating in the Montreal area? If they chose to, probably yes. Will they do so? I doubt it, unless there has been some sudden huge shift in public opinion towards the escort business.

Should agencies be worried? Well, only they can know whether they should worry. Those that have any ties to organized crime or that allow drugs to be part of their business or that violate any of the other taboos listed above should worry. Those that follow the informal rules of running an agency probably have no cause for concern. And most importantly, I don't see any cause for customers to be concerned. This is not the first time that an agency has stepped out of line and been shut down and it won't be the last either.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

YouVantOption said:
Tell you what. Buy a motorcycle, and then form a club. Develop artwork for a patch on the back of your cut-off jean jacket, and stitch it on, and then ride around without getting advance permission from the HAs.

I double dare you.

Friend of mine made a trip down to Oakland to obtain permission to fly colors for his club.

But, maybe you are right, maybe the HAs do have a bad rep due to some incident back in time. Which incident would that be? The time they tried to kill two prison guards? Any of the other murders they did? How long ago is 'back in time', exactly?

Yeah, maybe the poor Hell Angels are just misunderstood. Anyone want to talk about how Mom Boucher used to stroll around the neighbourhood doing his shopping, and all the shop keepers were so terrified none dared to actually charge him?

Anyone want to talk about how the HAs are the only group totally and completely left alone in prison, and how nobody, and I do mean nobody messes with them? How nobody dares to even sit at the same table in the common rooms as an HA.

The bikers pay and tip very well. Part of their personna.

Other than services and essentials there is little else to buy in Mom Boucher's former neighbourhood. Oops ....there is a well known hobby arts and craft store but not his niche.

Check your PM.


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
eastender said:
The bikers pay and tip very well. Part of their personna.

Other than services and essentials there is little else to buy in Mom Boucher's former neighbourhood. Oops ....there is a well known hobby arts and craft store but not his niche.

Check your PM.

WTV. Why waste your time here when you could be writing your next book "In Defense of the Hell's Angels"? I'm certain it would be a best seller.


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
HAs been done wrong, victim of their own success

I guess all this stuff, and all the references are just, you know, propaganda by the Liberal media.

Maybe ordering the murders of prison guards Diane Lavigne & Pierre Rondeau was all in good fun, or maybe they somehow involved themselves in the Hell Angels' business which according to so many here is the only way to run afoul of these criminals? I mean, apart from merely doing their jobs, going to work, etc.


Mar 26, 2004
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MarathonMan said:
- don't deal with agencies having connexions with HA & street gangs

May be a silly question but I'm serious... is there a way of knowing or guessing which agencies these are?

... could one be PMed the details of suspected agencies?


Registered Loser
Sep 5, 2006
Captain, you're too funny

CaptRenault said:
Good when I call an agency, I just say:

"By the way, you're not affiliated in any way with the Hells Angels, street gangs, the mafia, Al-Qaeda, Hizzbollah, Hamas, the Triads, or the Yakuza, are you?"

And if they say no, then I'm OK, right?


Dee said:
May be a silly question but I'm serious... is there a way of knowing or guessing which agencies these are?

... could one be PMed the details of suspected agencies?

If you're too embarrassed to follow the Captain's advice, just browse their website and click on "About Us".


Mar 26, 2007
i guess , it would be difficult is any agency would be connected to hizbollah...then u would see all the sps veiled..and u can only marry them....:)


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Dee, there's nothing illegal in Canada with calling an escort from the privacy of your own place, hotel room even your car if your windows aren't open. As long as it's not done in private, where others can't ear you and identify what you're doing, there's no grounds for any cops to even ask you your name.

Whatever you're doing with an SP, as long as she's of legal age and willingly agree to do it with you, it's the equivalent, on a legal standpoint, of you taking your mother-in-law out for coffee. Also remember, cops aren't allowed do like in USA and send you a female cop instead of a real SP in order to bust you.

Even with SW, usually the charges against both SW and john will be sollicitation. There's no such charges as "hiring a prostitute" or "being a prostitute". The girl might see stuff added if she was on probation or was advised by a judge to stay away from the area but it usually won't go farther.

Prostitution and hiring a prostitute is totally legal in Canada. What's illegal is public sollicitation and pimping.
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Thanks for the clarification of the legal part of it, i didn't know they couldn't do like USA and send a female cop, got to admit that was a worry i always had even tought i asked only for girls with reviews... But we never now what cop could do, but as you point out there metoo4, risk seem between 0 and 1% of having probleme if you stay to the "good" agencies...

To come back to the Hells, i did say there was some incident back in the time alright, for me the 90s are back in the time, just to make it straight, there was a war going on with the rock machines and every war make citizen casualities, i don't want to look bad, in no way im saying i agree with that, but can we say they are such monster compare to the USA military that kill near 100 people in a raid to maybe, hit some talibans...Just because its a "country war" is no way better in my view... I do agree Boucher's way of leading the group was too agressive and i never liked the guy. But things have change, and believe me not long ago before the raid, the Hells where not the "i don't like your face, ill kill you" type. One of my friend could have get his ass severly damange by a Hells, he was really pissing him off, but the dude decided to let us handle our friend and gave us a warning to take him out, wich we did. Thats what im saying when i say you have to severly piss them off to get into trouble. Of course they do take tributes of other bars and such, im not saying its ok, but as long as people pay, there fine.

I don't want to look like im defending them alright, i am an honest person, i wish there would be a punisher cleaning the street, but we are not in a cartoon, and what i was trying to say is that if the hells murder somebody, usually there is a reason behind it.

Tell you what. Buy a motorcycle, and then form a club. Develop artwork for a patch on the back of your cut-off jean jacket, and stitch it on, and then ride around without getting advance permission from the HAs.

I double dare you.

Friend of mine made a trip down to Oakland to obtain permission to fly colors for his club.

I guess they see it as a threat that some other gang could take there activites, i don't think they give a shit if you want to ride motorcycles in group. I think behind identified to the hells is just a way of saying "im not going into your territories or else"

As for Richmond didn't leave long enought there to know about them, and i was a teen. As for Windsor there is not really Hells presence, there is "sellers" for the hells, peoples i know trought friend that do drugs(i don't) As for legens i supose im too young to know about them. But right now im in sherbrooke and everything on the wellington or near was run by the hells including the strip club. But during my whole year here, and many strip club visit i saw 1 time only a real member with jacket and all of the hells in the bar.

Just to be clear i don't like them, i don't support them, and i wish there would be no criminality, but as long as drugs will be illegal, like i say i rather have a non-visible presence of the hells in sherbrooke, then the flooding of street gangs like its starting to be in montreal.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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EagerBeaver said:
This is the key sentence in the article, which also states that outcall agencies in Montreal are traditionally not bothered by LE unless there are complaints from residents.

I doubt the complaint came from someone staying at a hotel - likely a resident staying at a hotel would not complain to police but rather to hotel security. If the complaint came from someone at a private residence, this was likely due to indiscreet behavior by the MTLC staff and/or their clients at the said residence.

It sounds like this agency had a hang out place somewhere in Downtown Montreal and many girls walked in and out of it. The residents living near by took noticed and complained. Maybe they saw some Hells Angels who had bikes walk in and out. The cops then got involved.


Jul 6, 2005
incall was probably the problem

Daydreamer is probably right. The fact that they had a busy incall place, and were so large, was probably what got them targeted. I can't see an agency getting targeted for a telephone booking and sending an adult to a room.
I never did get to use Geisha, preferring the comfort of my own room.
I hope the girls all find decent agencies to work for. Marie eve now seems to run a class act at Montreal Gems .Devilish's market share just grew by leaps and bounds.


Jun 20, 2009
incall? WTF ???

ok, here is the time for better information for you guys...

Since the guys there never hide their profound sympathy for the hells angels, they were infiltrated by the RCMP, the SQ and Revenue Canada Agency.

They knew it, they didn't care because they had nothing to hide; their fiscality was a mess but there was absolutely no desire to commit fraud, they spent 50 000$ on accountant last year to clear that up and it was just not finished yet.

The LE tried everything to frame them with propositions concerning control of the market, breaking the legs of competion bosses, they even gave them orders by phone telling them they were full patches and that they had to obey, absolutely nothing worked because those guys did not want more power, neither more money or autority, they just wanted to propose a new business model that was not a threat to anyone in reality. They were and still are real business people with strong principles and values, and it's this and nothing else that gave them the respect of the HA.

All those LE finally came to the conclusion that there was nothing to catch there and that it was time to go after more serious business. These guys even gain the respect of very unusual people because of the seriousness of the way they were operating and the exceptionnal quality of people that were found there... and read this...

Imagine that a top level politician has is bodyguard testing the girls of this agency for him (an agency supposedly run by the hells angels... and this bodygard is a policeman...) and when they pass the security test, they can go in this high level politician's room when he resides in montreal...

Here what was not supposed to happen... or when the left hand does not speak to the right hand...

An owner of some big agencies who says he has major connexions as well as in the SPVM that in all the branches of the organized crime decides to make some things happen... He feels threatened and he really is in fact; is business model artificialy boosted does not stand a chance in a long run against MTLC and they know everything about is way of doing is business. He can be brought down at anytime and he does not appreciate to live with this level of anxiety.

The SPVM are pleased to protect innocent citizens and decides to capitalize in the links MTLC has with criminal bikers to make their bust. They send undercover people and are amazed at the level of organisation they see, not to mention 40 000$ worth of photographic material and 160 000$ worth of servers, computers, phones and other material. Their imagination goes wild, they have something big and because of the HA links, criminal activity doesn't matter since it has the appearance of it... For them it's enough, they saw suspicious people around the office (that did not disturb anybody by the way and there was never any incall anywhere...) and they decided to strike in the same fashion as they would do when they find drugs and minors in a agency, without proper info, without a job well done.

100 cops for two guys... shit! did they find guns? drugs? dynamite??? no. They never wanted to believe the safe was empty and was not used for two years. The 6000$ in cash was the staff's pay! Nothing, but a legitimate business with exceptionnal people that they brought down acting out of bad information and a profound ignorance of how MTLC operated.

Now... They want to talk to the girls who saw this politician, don't know why... :)) Maybe they want to buy their silence? They are not able to find their phone numbers cause they say they cannot find anything in the computers. (I understand, finding a phone number in 40 terabytes on 80 hard drives is like finding one person in all north america by feet...)

They sent numerous undercovers to one of the alleged owners of MTLC to push him into committing grave criminal offenses, look at how they did their thing...

The guy decides to go on a social meeting on nuns island. Absolutely nothing involving any suspicious activity at all. He has not finish parking is car that a beautiful girl has her eyes directly in his. The problem is... these situations never happen to him in reality, even if he has a nice car... but he is not suspicious, it's just... special. The girl shows no fear at all, spend three hours with him at this place and after the meeting she offers herself to go for a ride with him. And with her innocent face and voice, she ask questions... "you must be rich with all the money you did..." "I don't understand guys who call these girls, why they do this according to you?" "I would never do this, I can't conceive of a girl doing this..." bla bla bla... and at the end of the ride: "do you know of good places where I could dance???" euuhh... what??? A girl that was an english teacher in colombia (south america), who just arrived in montreal, she don't have any money and she wants to access this universe trough me??? No thanks, good bye and don't use the phone number I gave you previously...

Anyways... The charges are in one case 5 accounts of: making directly or indirectly a living out of the fruit (product) of prostitution. (because in the bust the cops interrogated 5 girls who said they worked there and gave the dates of when they began to work.

But read the law with the jurist in mind... The law was made to punish pimps and parasites, not to make the sex industry illegal. The fruit of prostitution is the money the girl made out of prostitution of herself, so for a GFE girl at 180$, the product of prostitution is 110$ because the rest is legitimate money to operate a business. If nobody can take a share of the advertised price, even the government is commiting a criminal offense if they collect for revenu canada...

anyways, I had a lot more to say but I was disconnected and lost 4 paragraphs of text, don't have the energy to write it down again.

Next comparution date, 7 of july at the palais the justice where they should put more aggravating charges against MTLC (terrorism?) (exporting girls to rich countries?)

All this bullshitt makes me sick, but there will be a fight till the end whatever they try to put on us to bring us down.

This bust was illegal, point at the line.
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Jun 20, 2009

oops, the real name, phone number an adress of the girl who supposedly sold sexual services repeatedly to a high level politician and to his police bodygard is in the hands of a couple of montreal's newspapers... shit!

oops, somebody I wont name called mtlc's lawyer trying to set a deal... too late.

If you got screwed for 1000$, would you accept has a settlement the deal of being screwed for 500$???

It seems a smart ass thought of an easy promotion in his carreer by taking a hit at an 'easy prey'... and now it's begining to look like a very serious nightmare. MTLC got clean as it was by identifying, investigating in and kicking out smart ass like that who were keeping the level of this business so low.

And good information with good analysis of it was our top priority.
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