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More reviews from new members: is there a reason to worry about shills?


Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
I know this is unrelated to this thread and is unrelated to any review, but I just wanted to comment that it seems like there are tons and tons of suspicious posts lately. I'm not specifying anyone or any specific reviews, but it seems there are a lot of amazing reviews coming from new users and I've only noticed this in the past few months. I basically only trust older members now. maybe it's gotten to the point where people are getting paid full time to post, as with some sports forums.

also, I notice from reading the threads that people like attacking others, and it often seems unnecessary. I noticed one poster calling another poster Mr. Negative, when he was being negative himself. Kind of ironic.

Mod 11

Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
MtlNewbie, I moved this post to the lounge and created the title myself.

There is nobody on MERB who is paid to write reviews. There are also nobody writing bogus reviews for free, for the sake of MERB's moderators of administrators. Never been, never will. If you look at the suspension thread, you'll see we don't hesitate to suspend advertisers either if they don't follow the rules, same as any other members.

The Mods uses various methods to detect shills. Every new member who post a review gets checked. Of course, we are not 100% full proof but we are pretty good at it.

The Mods at MERB will not act on hearsay or vague suspicion. We have strict guidelines and we need things to line-up before we ban someone for shilling. Respecting these rules mean we might officially "miss" some shills, even if we have strong suspicions. In these cases, we are confident the members can make the decision themselves as of the validity of the review.

It does happen some newbies post only on a specific girl or agency. For us, that's not a proof so, we won't necessarily ban the member, even if it's a suspicious behavior. It could be the member is really happy with the service of that girl or agency and won't go elsewhere. Usually in these cases, other members will also do the same type of reviews about the girl or agency so, there's no point for looking for shill anymore.

Then you have newbies posting absolute opposite reviews than what other posters do. Or those newbies who post glowing reviews about girls never reviewed and never come back, or only come back to defend that girl or agency. Or the same with very bad reviews.

Whatever the case, members can make their own judgment, in private, in front of their keyboard. In the worst case, the best thing is to check with the girl themselves.
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New Member
May 23, 2005
The mods seem to do a good job of sniffing out the shills, MTLNewb. And everyone has to start somewhere. Everyone on this board had a first post at one time.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello everyone,

Mod 11 did a fine job explaining our position on shills and I see no reason to cover the same points. I would however like to add a few things.

MERB, like any other review board, depends on new members and their reviews and comments to remain a vital and valuable source of information for everyone, members and lurkers alike. If new members are always treated like shills, they will not come back and will not share information that could benefit everyone who reads MERB. Identifying shills is the job of the moderators and if any member has any doubts or suspicions they should be communicated to a moderator who will address them promptly.

I would also like to tell every member of MERB to consider the source of the information you are using to base your suspicions on. There are a number of people who are banned from MERB who will do anything, and post anything in an attempt to damage the reputation of MERB and it's moderators. They post where they are very much aware that we cannot reply to their posts and they know that we do not encourage cross board fighting. Therefore there is no way for us to address their accusations directly without violating our own rules. I will not mention their handles as they cannot reply here and I see no point in giving them even more attention which is the only thing that they seek.

There is one member however who is not banned here and will be addressed. His handle is Bensonnobalia and he is possibly the most spineless member of any board. He is very much aware that MERB moderators are more than willing to discuss any of our decisions with any member at any time. Whether by PM, email or directly on the board, we have never refused to discuss any member's concerns and there are a number of members who can confirm that fact. Even with that being the case, Benson runs to another board to make unfounded accusations and post unadulterated lies about MERB and it's moderators. He does not have the balls to confront us directly. He does that because he knows that we will not permit unsubstantiated accusations to be posted here and he would have to provide proof to back up his claims. He is welcome to come here and post his accusations as well as his proof of such at any time. I doubt that he will take me up on my challenge as his accusations are pure bullshit and he is a coward but I am more than willing to discuss the subject with him here on MERB if he can grow a set.

Once more, MERB moderators are volunteers. We are not paid. We do not receive any compensation or kickbacks or freebies or anything else from advertisers. All advertisers are required to follow the same rules and are subject to suspension for breaking them. We do not permit shill posts or duplicate handles and both will be exposed and banned when discovered. All of our decisions regarding shills, duplicate handles, rule violations and any other subject that concerns the MERB community are posted on the board for all members and advertisers to see. We have nothing to hide and are always available to address member concerns.

We take our job seriously and we are proud to moderate the only real review board on the Montreal hobby scene.

Thank you,

Mod 8


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello everyone,

There is one member however who is not banned here and will be addressed. His handle is Bensonnobalia and he is possibly the most spineless member of any board.

Thank you,

Mod 8

Hello Mod8,

Benson has admitted essentially that he has nothing to base his shill accusations on except his baseless habitual suspicions often motivated by his resentments against the mods here, and his obvious need for attention. The facts that he does it from elsewhere instead of facing those he accuses makes his posts all the more worthless.

I know this is unrelated to this thread and is unrelated to any review, but I just wanted to comment that it seems like there are tons and tons of suspicious posts lately.

Hello MtlNewbie,

When I first posted I was full of the excitement of being with a beautiful woman. Like any guy having sex with such ladies I was elated and bursting to brag about it. So it's no surprise that newbies seem effusively positive.

The mods seem to do a good job of sniffing out the shills, MTLNewb. And everyone has to start somewhere. Everyone on this board had a first post at one time.

Yes Bumfie,

I wouldn't be surprised if some got away with it for a short time, but generally the mods do a very good job here and eventually catch offenders.


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Mar 20, 2008
Hello everyone,

Mod 11 did a fine job explaining our position on shills and I see no reason to cover the same points. I would however like to add a few things.

MERB, like any other review board, depends on new members and their reviews and comments to remain a vital and valuable source of information for everyone, members and lurkers alike. If new members are always treated like shills, they will not come back and will not share information that could benefit everyone who reads MERB. Identifying shills is the job of the moderators and if any member has any doubts or suspicions they should be communicated to a moderator who will address them promptly.

I would also like to tell every member of MERB to consider the source of the information you are using to base your suspicions on. There are a number of people who are banned from MERB who will do anything, and post anything in an attempt to damage the reputation of MERB and it's moderators. They post where they are very much aware that we cannot reply to their posts and they know that we do not encourage cross board fighting. Therefore there is no way for us to address their accusations directly without violating our own rules. I will not mention their handles as they cannot reply here and I see no point in giving them even more attention which is the only thing that they seek.

There is one member however who is not banned here and will be addressed. His handle is Bensonnobalia and he is possibly the most spineless member of any board. He is very much aware that MERB moderators are more than willing to discuss any of our decisions with any member at any time. Whether by PM, email or directly on the board, we have never refused to discuss any member's concerns and there are a number of members who can confirm that fact. Even with that being the case, Benson runs to another board to make unfounded accusations and post unadulterated lies about MERB and it's moderators. He does not have the balls to confront us directly. He does that because he knows that we will not permit unsubstantiated accusations to be posted here and he would have to provide proof to back up his claims. He is welcome to come here and post his accusations as well as his proof of such at any time. I doubt that he will take me up on my challenge as his accusations are pure bullshit and he is a coward but I am more than willing to discuss the subject with him here on MERB if he can grow a set.

Once more, MERB moderators are volunteers. We are not paid. We do not receive any compensation or kickbacks or freebies or anything else from advertisers. All advertisers are required to follow the same rules and are subject to suspension for breaking them. We do not permit shill posts or duplicate handles and both will be exposed and banned when discovered. All of our decisions regarding shills, duplicate handles, rule violations and any other subject that concerns the MERB community are posted on the board for all members and advertisers to see. We have nothing to hide and are always available to address member concerns.

We take our job seriously and we are proud to moderate the only real review board on the Montreal hobby scene.

Thank you,

Mod 8

No need for personal attacks.

As you know full well, I'd much prefer to post here.

But it is hard to debate seriously when the MODs not only allow personal attacks on those who question the agencies that advertise here, but also make them themselves.


During the two years that I have been posting here, I have had threads deleted on the following subjects:

(1) A top MERB advertiser, whose girls don't shower after their appointments.

(2) A (then) top MERB advertiser of whom one of their star girls was working with large herpes sores (camouflaged by extensive lipstick).

(3) A top MERB advertiser who (twice) during confirmation phone calls inadvertently booked me meetings, causing me to pay for hotel rooms, only to have girls not show up (totally rendering useless the concept of confirming an appointment before booking a room).

(4) A thread that pointed out false descriptions of SPs by MERB advertisers.


Listen, I appreciate very much the job that MERB Mods are doing.

And I understand that you need to protect your advertisers.

However until MERB can allow a more open debate, then critics who want to improve the hobby, will always have to find other ways to express themselves.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello Benson,

We do not protect our advertisers as you like to put it. We will remove any post containing unsubstantiated accusations directed at anyone, whether they are an advertiser or not. If you make a claim that a SP has a STD, you better be able to prove it. If you cannot prove it, the post will be removed. I have searched your deleted posts and find no post referring to any such incident, nor did I find a thread referring to no shows. Your thread regarding web site descriptions was removed as it contained speculation, not first hand knowledge. If you wish to comment on a SP's appearance or age I suggest you do so in the context of a review, not in a witch hunt thread. Posting other member's suspicions is not your business to do. MERB is not the escort agency better business bureau. We do not have any control over what is posted on their websites. If you wish to post such information in a review of a SP that you have first hand knowledge of, be my guest. But other than that, there is no place for such threads here on MERB. We deal in facts, not speculation and assumptions.

On merc you made an accusation that MERB moderators allow agencies to shill and even write shill posts for agencies. This is a serious allegation and a cowardly act which I will not let go without challenge. I request that you defend this statement and back it up with proof. Your statements here are directly opposite to what you post on the other board. If you think that i will allow you to continue to disrespect this board and it's moderators you are sorely mistaken.



Mar 20, 2008
Hello Benson,

We do not protect our advertisers as you like to put it. We will remove any post containing unsubstantiated accusations directed at anyone, whether they are an advertiser or not. If you make a claim that a SP has a STD, you better be able to prove it. If you cannot prove it, the post will be removed. I have searched your deleted posts and find no post referring to any such incident, nor did I find a thread referring to no shows. Your thread regarding web site descriptions was removed as it contained speculation, not first hand knowledge. If you wish to comment on a SP's appearance or age I suggest you do so in the context of a review, not in a witch hunt thread. Posting other member's suspicions is not your business to do. MERB is not the escort agency better business bureau. We do not have any control over what is posted on their websites. If you wish to post such information in a review of a SP that you have first hand knowledge of, be my guest. But other than that, there is no place for such threads here on MERB. We deal in facts, not speculation and assumptions.

On merc you made an accusation that MERB moderators allow agencies to shill and even write shill posts for agencies. This is a serious allegation and a cowardly act which I will not let go without challenge. I request that you defend this statement and back it up with proof. Your statements here are directly opposite to what you post on the other board. If you think that i will allow you to continue to disrespect this board and it's moderators you are sorely mistaken.


Listen, you are completely mischaracterizing my remarks.

As for the deleted threads, the ones I mentioned are just the start.

There were many many more.

I'll let MERB readers decide who to believe.

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CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Listen, you are completely mischaracterizing my remarks.

As for the deleted threads, the ones I mentioned are just the start.

There were many many more.

I'll let MERB readers decide who to believe.



I sympathize with your dilemma here. My advice learn to take your shots and post within the guidelines, or go post on the other board. Perception has more place here than reality. The ends do justify the means in this space. It's more about now, than about how.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
In short, the Groenland shill thread seems to be there mostly there to target shills by non-advertisers. From what I understand, the advertisers are allowed to have shill handles, and from what I am told, one of the Green Mods actually writes the shills himself.

On the Green Board money talks and bullsh%t walks (or gets kicked out).

By now it is pretty clear that Groenland is not some hobby board, operated by hobbyists, in order to make the hobby a better experence.

Groenland is an advertiser sponsored business.

That's why they allow shills about their clients.

And that's why they ban shills about non-advertisers.

(They have this highly public thread that reveals supposedly calls out shills, and then they go and write shills of their own. For shear hypocricy I take my hat off to them).

Tell me Benson how I am 'mischaracterizing' these remarks? Should I copy and paste all your bullshit and lies that you have posted elsewhere or are they also simply misunderstandings?

Once again you attempt to hide behind the 'from what I am told' comment. Are you such an innocent that you believe everything you are told? Justify the above quotes, disclose the source of this bullshit you are so eager to believe or I will save you from ever having to complain that one of your posts has been removed again as I will ban you permanently. Your only contributions to this board are your constant complaints and criticisms. You share no information and only take. You are right about one thing, on MERB 'bullshit walks'. In fact, it flies as we throw it off the board.

If there is a hypocrite here, Benson, it is yourself as you try to defend your comments.



Mar 20, 2008
Tell me Benson how I am 'mischaracterizing' these remarks?

Tell me Benson how I am 'mischaracterizing' these remarks?
On merc you made an accusation that MERB moderators allow agencies to shill and even write shill posts for agencies.

I did not write that Merb MODs use duplicate handles to write shill reviews.

Another poster on merc made that comment.

Should I copy and paste all your bullshit and lies that you have posted elsewhere or are they also simply misunderstandings?

Once again you attempt to hide behind the 'from what I am told' comment. Are you such an innocent that you believe everything you are told? Justify the above quotes, disclose the source of this bullshit you are so eager to believe or I will save you from ever having to complain that one of your posts has been removed again as I will ban you permanently. Your only contributions to this board are your constant complaints and criticisms. You share no information and only take. You are right about one thing, on MERB 'bullshit walks'. In fact, it flies as we throw it off the board.

If there is a hypocrite here, Benson, it is yourself as you try to defend your comments.


MODs delivering personal attacks against posters, and allowing other to do so too, is why some of us have been forced to post elsewhere.

The fact that a poster suspects MERB of quietly tolerating agency shills is not a crime, it is an opinion.

I'll let the readers judge for themselves,
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Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
from what I am told, one of the Green Mods actually writes the shills himself.
Benson, do I have to increase the size even larger? Do you deny writing this comment? You are accusing Mods of writing shill posts. Explain it, or prove it, or retract it or be banned.



Mar 20, 2008
Benson, do I have to increase the size even larger? Do you deny writing this comment? You are accusing Mods of writing shill posts. Explain it, or prove it, or retract it or be banned.


Listen Metoo,

There is a big difference between accusing someone, and reporting what another poster has said publically.

But until you stop delivering personal attacks against your posters, you have no right to tell them what gossip to report or not on other forums.




New Member
Jan 8, 2010
I've never written a review, and probably never will because I tend to overthink things and would probably spend too long writing about minuta, but has anyone considered the possibility that some of these glowing reviews from people who haven't been here long seem so glowing since the reviewers are so new to the hobby they don't have enough experience with the professional ladies to know what would be considered good or bad services by the SPs.

Also they may have a boring and/or minimal sex life so everything that SPs do seems exciting and terrific.


New Member
Jan 12, 2009

"MERB moderators are volunteers."

If moderators are not paid, who is making money? This board is a profit-making venture, right?

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
I find this an interesting thread.. Because I recently started contributing my reviews to the board..
Even though I'm a new member, I've been coming to merb for years .. And always enjoyed reading on the experiences of others ...
Of course , I was accused myself of shilling ..
And Ever since..I really make sure that before I post a review.., that the girl doesn't have a million ads , with a million pictures ...
And I even wrote a reply to the boards accusations ..,
... But all in all, I love sharing my reviews .. And even if some people are hesitant..
I say nothing but the raw facts.. And put as much sincerity, and detail into my reviews as my words allow ...
So if anybody finds it odd .. That all of a sudden .. I'm sharing so much ,?
Just be thankful, And remember.. That I've been writing reviews of all the girls I've met .. As a hobby
ever since I found another guys reviews that I really appreciated..
So it's just returning the favour .. And I love digging for new treasures !
So I always jump at the new indy's !
As for the reply on my shilling accusations ;
here's the paste ...

I would Like the mods ? To please erase what they wrote above !!!
"this member tried to shill post for his agency "???? .. I don't have an agency .. And quite frankly I wish I did .. Maybe I'd save on 'sp fees every month !
"trying to bring down the competition "?? .... Lol,, i Find this part quite amusing ?

I don't appreciate these allegations !and I find it insulting , that someone can just say whatever they like !!,without any logical explination ..!especially when it's the authority of the board !

I will not mention this again ! I wrote a review for a girl called "Brooke" a while back
without having seen all her ads !, and I eventually found out .. That she had many ads , with a bunch of pictures that weren't hers !!, that's regardless .. Because the review was honest ,?-and even though I erased it.. I stand by every word that was in it !!
Ok Shame on me .. I messed up !, so from then on .. I made sure that any girl I mentioned .. Had a legitimate ad, and didn't falsly portray there looks !.. Because I love this board .. And even though I'm new..
I've been visiting the board for years !
But to say I'm shilling for an agency is alreAdy bad enough ..
And even worse to say I'm writing something for "my " agency ?? It's way too 'out there'
I didn't even know what the word 'shill' was , and now that I do .. I find whoever*
suspended me .. And wrote that about me .. Very insulting !
So for your information .. No I don't have an agency !, never did, never will !
Do I have anything to do with any 'sp (other than being a paying customer )"? .. No , not at all , never did, never will
... So where does this ludacris claim come from ?

Because other than seeing many providers for years .. And having a really bad sex addiction... I just plainly enjoy writing about my experiences... Ever since I saw a guy called 'robins' reviews.. I've been doing the same , so I can remember all the times good and bad .. It's a sad fact that when you go through as many girls as I do .. Each year ,? You tend to forget some details ,!
So I kindly ask the Mod's ... And apologize if someone, somehow got the wrong impression... Can it be known , and clear ?! That what you wrote about me .. Just isn't true !
So I can contribute to the board , without any chips on my shoulder .. About somebodys mistake..
And also .. So I can feel comfortable about sharing many, many more of my old reviews .. That are in my files !

I wrote several messages to the board , and tried my best to clear this "insane" joke up ??*
I even stopped visiting the blue board, when I realized how much I love the green one !

So tell me ? What does a man with many stories to tell .. Who was faLsely accused .. Do to clear his name?

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
danielrich, yes MERB is a profit making venture owned by Fred Zed but the moderators are volunteers. We do not concern ourselves with the financial aspects of MERB.

Ricky bonds, I will look into your situation and discuss it with the moderator who handed out your suspension. We have no desire to damage any member's reputation.


Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Your absolutely right !.. All I have is my word , and my balls..
And the way I've been banging .. These days , my balls are pretty sore ! Lol!
But I'll take it all in with a grain of salt..
And if someone doesn't agree with a review.. Their entitled to do so..all I could do is agree to disagree


New Member
May 23, 2005
If moderators are not paid, who is making money? This board is a profit-making venture, right?

Frankly, i don't care one whit who is making money or how much. The board provides a service that has had great value to me, and provides it for free. I don't care if the owner makes a trillion dollars a year.
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