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Mod Appreciation


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
I think that every now and then we need a post to say thank you to the mods for their efforts in an unpaid, thankless and dreary task.

This is that post. So, thanks to Mod 11 who has been by far the best of the mods for many years. Thanks also to newer Mods 10 and 12, who have less history and less experience, but who also do good work. These 3 individuals deserve a lot of the credit for making MERB successful and for doing a fine job that many people are incapable of (as proven by some of the other people who have - to their credit - tried to do the job to the best of their abilities, but have not shown the talent exemplified by 11, 10 and 12).

Bravo for a job well done!
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Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
I'd like to stand up & give a standing ovation to all the active mods:

Mod 8, Mod 10, Mod 11 & Mod 12.

Oh yeah, i almost forgot: Mod 13. :D

You folks have done an incredible job (in my opinion) moderating this board over the past month or so. I've often complained in the past about the degree of moderation on this board by some moderators, but i must tip my hat to you people tonight for all having performed admirably over the month of October.

May you remain motivated to continue performing this thankless job to the best of your abilities, may you continue to have good judgement, but especially.....a very happy Halloween to all of you. :thumb:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
>>> EDITED BY MOD 11: Section removed.
All the Mods do a wonderful job considering they work for free, but there must be perks, why else do it? Maybe Fred has a Christmas party for all the mods and hires the "entertainment" :eyebrows:
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New Member
Nov 6, 2009
Western USA
Me too. Thanks Mods, whomever you are. :thumb: :nod:
Iggy, have a feeling Fred's so tight, Mods have to buy their own "presents". ;) :lol:


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
>>> EDITED BY MOD 11: Section removed.

Let me join in the fun. Thanks to the mods for all you do...every day.
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Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
I've been there, done that. It is hard basically because reconciliation, the real good way to do it, is a time consuming job. There are quarrels between providers, between members, between providers and members and, of course, ways to see things that are sometimes different between mods. They all do a great job and would a GT with them be possible, I'm quite sure they could leave their wallet at home.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Wow, the Loch Ness of the web? Thanks for making this a happy place and for keeping us in the green :))). La modération a bien meilleur goût.


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
La modération a bien meilleur goût.
Pas pire, pas pire...

Trêve de plaisanteries, j'apprécie l'esprit de ce fil de discussion et je joins mes remerciements aux autres membres. Ça doit pas toujours être facile.


Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
You are so nice!:)

Thank you all for your appreciation! It is always appreciated! :thumb:

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Mod 9

Oct 29, 2008
>All the Mods do a wonderful job considering they work for free, but there must be perks, why else do it? Maybe Fred has a Christmas party for all the mods and hires the "entertainment"
Speaking of Christmas party, Fred wanted to throw an ultimate one two years ago. We all went and expected entertainment with fist choice strippers. Only to learned once we are there that he sent each Mod a different bar.
In comical justification was to avoid Mod fights. Poor me, I spent my pocket money on all those strippers and can’t review.
Mods fight a lot, that’s how we appear civil to your point of view. It gets bloody and very personal between us. That’s the reason for early retirement and the increase in number of Mods. We have a high burn out rate and have no help line. When we are on vacation, we have to report on the return date with PMs awaiting.
That said, we are successful because of the members here (except for a few that we won’t name). Also we eliminated a lot of annoying and time consuming members and we are happy that they enjoy their time elsewhere.
The board has changed persona reflecting the industry. We have survived and maintained the no. 1 spot. Many copy cat sites have appeared but nothing close to our traffic rate and active members. Members have tried elsewhere but do return back. We are quoted by ads, newspapers and prostitution reports as the source for the local sex industry.
We are a review site and do try to maintain a wall between advertising content and reviews through moderation. It is a tedious task to search for shills and investigation but we do try to be a credible review site.
It is easy to bash our competitors but will not do it here. Believe me we will love to prove what’s out there but we will not and let our members decide for themselves.
Thank you to the civilized members because there are a lot more underlying problems than you actually see.
As for our perks, we only get to exchange adult pictures between us and get to be called a Mod. Fred only gives us shit once a while and all board change requests we send are ignored.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
I always say that being a moderator is a thankless job but today those members who have posted here have proved that to be untrue. We are not perfect but we do our best to help make this the best review board possible. There are of course some drawbacks, such as receiving Mod 9's adult self portraits that he insists on sending around to us disguised as Christmas cards every year, but we manage to struggle by.

Unlike M9, I would be pleased to bash on our competitors if we actually had any. But such is life.

The worst thing about being a moderator is not being able to ban other moderators. Yes, we have all tried to do that at one time or another without success.

Here is a graphic of what it is like to be a moderator:

To be serious for a moment, it has been said many times in the past and it is as true today as it was the day MERB began: MERB is what the members make it. From what I have seen in my years as a moderator here, we have grown into a fine community and that is a tribute to our members. We have our ups and downs, but we usually find ways to work out whatever problems come along. Thank you all for your thanks and support, it is very much appreciated.

Oh, could someone pass Mr. Cairo a wetnap to clean his nose and some Listerine? :D


Lily from Montreal

Hum, when Mod9 said you guys eliminated some annoying customers, you ARE speaking metaphorically? loll

Only drawback with Merb is that it is addictive, it is like a soap: Today on Merb see '' who says what'',or '' I cannot believe XYZ said this? ''and even sometime,'' I wonder how long before daddy, I mean Mod, will intervene and send the brat to the corner, I mean ban the idiot...''
Thanks for a very distracting board and yes your are right unique...

Mod 10

New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Where he said customers?

I only see "annoying and time consuming members"?

Anyway, i am just getting up so maybe i am still blind, if he really mentionned "custemors", I think M9 was referring the board's members (customers), i don't think he meant the same kind of customers as you are working with. :lol:

Just sayin'.

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