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Marijuana- Investment or smoke screen


Nov 22, 2007
I am not much of a stock trader in fact I have a financial advisor to manage my money, however two months ago, I got caught up in reading about stock investments in Cannabis based companies. I invested some "play" money in 4 companies three on Vancouver exchange and one on TSE. I was prepared to lose half my capital as a worst case scenario should I have made a mistake. However in the two months I have owned the group, I have doubled my money and the stocks keep going up based on recreational use to be presented as part of Canada's Liberal policy (in additional to full acceptance of medical marijuana which currently exists), The addition of 4 states that approved recreational use in the US (in addition to existing states) plus the acceptance of medical marijuana in over half of the US.

The stock prices are been lifted by the potential of these companies and not their earnings which are slim to none. I had expected to see a long-term rise in their values not the "Green Rush" mentality that seems to exist.

Looking for others who have any comments on this issue.

Stocks are
Canopy Growth Company
Mettrum Health
Aurora Cannabis


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I am not much of a stock trader in fact I have a financial advisor to manage my money, however two months ago, I got caught up in reading about stock investments in Cannabis based companies. I invested some "play" money in 4 companies three on Vancouver exchange and one on TSE. I was prepared to lose half my capital as a worst case scenario should I have made a mistake. However in the two months I have owned the group, I have doubled my money and the stocks keep going up based on recreational use to be presented as part of Canada's Liberal policy (in additional to full acceptance of medical marijuana which currently exists), The addition of 4 states that approved recreational use in the US (in addition to existing states) plus the acceptance of medical marijuana in over half of the US.

The stock prices are been lifted by the potential of these companies and not their earnings which are slim to none. I had expected to see a long-term rise in their values not the "Green Rush" mentality that seems to exist.

Looking for others who have any comments on this issue.

Stocks are
Canopy Growth Company
Mettrum Health
Aurora Cannabis

Just heard yesterday that inssurance company will soon categorized as "non smoker" those who use cannabis for therapeutic reason. This is huge change that will lift up cannabis producer (I think!). My portfolio is ultra-conservative with nothing in healthcare/technology so I will pass out on these opportunities. But I think you are on a right track ;)



Active Member
Oct 25, 2010
Jeff Sessions Could Reverse Years Of Progress On Marijuana Policy

I'm not much an expert, so take it only as a not-so-educated guess: whatever happens, what started will not be stopped. It might take a step back for a short while under Republicans, but the golden days of marijuana prohibition are coming to an end anyway. And if the Liberals here legalize in 2017, I don't see the Conservatives campaigning on reversing it in 2019.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
I don't know if Sessions would interfere with State legislation on this issue, this would open up a huge federalism question under the 10th amendment of the U.S. Constitution, among other things. By what legal authority does he interfere in a matter of State regulation? That is a guaranteed instant lawsuit on constitutional grounds if he fucks around with any of the States that have legislated on this issue of medical marijuana. The State Attorneys General will be compelled to fight for their citizens who are using these treatments for medical purposes. It could become an ugly legal fight and Sessions will probably realize this.

I know someone who announced he planned to open a medical marijuana business, in the recently legalized State of Oregon. Cliff Robinson, whom I knew when he was a basketball star at the University of Connecticut, went on to a borderline Hall of Fame NBA career with the Portland Trail Blazers, and now wants to open a weed business in Portland called "Uncle Spliffy", which is a play on Cliff's nickname when he was at UConn, "Uncle Cliffy". ESPN profiled this fledgling business here:

He is a nice guy with an affable demeanor who smoked lots of weed in his heyday.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I read a couple of weeks ago that some grow-op had a 330% stock increase last year, forgot the name though. Not a fan of government pot, far too expensive.


Nov 22, 2007
I haven't found many US public companies worthy of purchasing. Those I have seen are penny stocks with no real creditability

I expect big pharma or big tobacco to get involved but much later on.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Stocks are
Canopy Growth Company
Mettrum Health
Aurora Cannabis

I don`t know if these stocks would be called investments by Warren Buffet because they move like roller coasters. Some of them have moved up by over 300% in the past year..... but can also drop 20% in a they are not for the long term investor or the faint of heart. Great for day trading though.


New Member
Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case
some possibly useful investment commentary regarding the transfer from the current black market to the white market

... Want to discover an early opportunity? Do your due diligence. You will have to find a firm that is situated in the proper climate with strong and appropriate regulatory connections, a reliable funding mechanism and relationships with some of the biggest industry leaders – or those who are positioned to become global leaders. That way, the company has a chance to participate in the inevitable roll-up, becoming part of an even larger enterprise or emerging on its own with international corporate backing.

Stay away from rushing in, for example, to existing Canadian producers who currently have the entire production-distribution-retailing profit chain under their roofs, so to speak. That is not tomorrow's model. Tomorrow's model will have legal barriers separating producers, distributors and retailers. And each of those segments of the market will be taxed. This will leave the current producers' sales projections paling in comparison to what investors are seeing – or being promoted on – today.

Regulatory democracy has its own rules and its own way of unfolding. Most of us haven't seen a business that promises such massive profitability as the whitening cannabis industry. But as investors, speculators or operators, we need to be realistic about its evolution and learn from history...


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Just_Jay;1015432Stocks are Canopy Growth Company Organigram Mettrum Health Aurora Cannabis[/QUOTE said:
These stocks are highly speculative and move together like a roller coaster.
Smart money says that you should buy on rumour and sell on good news......also when the small investor starts being interested then sell and run for higher ground.
If you would have bought them 3 months ago and sold last week then you would have tripled or quadrupled your money.
If you bought last week and kept till to-day then you are down 20 to 30%.
As I said highly speculative....may double by Christmas or drop 50% by New Years


Nov 22, 2007
These stocks are highly speculative and move together like a roller coaster.
As I said highly speculative....may double by Christmas or drop 50% by New Years

There is no doubt that these are speculative stocks. I stated earlier that I am using "play" money and can't get hurt regardless of the outcome.

I do believe as an industry that it will flourish in the longer run. Besides I am enjoying the roller coaster ride.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
. Besides I am enjoying the roller coaster ride.

Your group is down about 20% to-day....that is in half a day.
There is no ceiling and the bottom is 0.
At some point on your roller coaster ride you may end up barfing.
Even if its play money, a loss like that could wipe out a month or two out of your hobbying budget.

Mr. Atoz

May 27, 2011
If the provinces allow grow your own ( limited from 6-12 plants depending in jurisdiction ) the weed industry will be screwed.


Nov 22, 2007
If the provinces allow grow your own ( limited from 6-12 plants depending in jurisdiction ) the weed industry will be screwed.

Currently for medical purposes, one is allows to grow I think 2 plants or designate another person to act on their behalf. I don't think allowing people to grow their own for personal use will make a dent into the mass commercial market. But I respect your opinion


New Member
May 14, 2016

Excess has a way of making us pay a price no matter what we indulge in. In this case legalization has begun to expose the consequences of treating marijuana use like a cup of coffee, and the severe results arrive much faster than being addicted to smoking packs of cigarettes (not that I'm suggesting going near them)...according to this report.

NEW YORK -- For more than two years, Lance Crowder was having severe abdominal pain and vomiting, and no local doctor could figure out why. Finally, an emergency room physician in Indianapolis had an idea.

“The first question he asked was if I was taking hot showers to find relief. When he asked me that question, I basically fell into tears because I knew he had an answer,” Crowder said.

The answer was cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, or CHS. It’s caused by heavy, long-term use of various forms of marijuana. For unclear reasons, the nausea and vomiting are relieved by hot showers or baths.

“They’ll often present to the emergency department three, four, five different times before we can sort this out,” said Dr. Kennon Heard, an emergency room physician in Aurora, Colorado.

CHS can lead to dehydration and kidney failure, but usually resolves within days of stopping drug use. That’s what happened with Crowder, who has been off all forms of marijuana for seven months.

Good luck


Nov 22, 2007
I am bringing back an old thread for further discussion.

I starting investing in weed about a year ago.
I have bought and sold and added additional funds through that period.
Even with the 15% decline of the last two days and a retracement of 5% today I have easily doubled my money.
Yes it is a roller coaster.
Any others invest in weed?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Any others invest in weed?

I bought Aurora at just over $2 and now it sits at $7, I bought Canopy at just under $5 and it now sits at $18.
Aurora could hit $20 and Canopy $30.
I bought the shares from selling P&G which I had for many years from the advice from a friend, almost never did.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Almost panicked and sold half my Aurora when it dropped to $8 but it is back above $11 now, same as Canopy ( weed ), was at $45 a month ago, down to $24 a few days ago and now at $29 and going up. Hindsight is the best foresight.
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