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info request RE: Late Night Outcall agency


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Apr 3, 2003
New York City, USA
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I will be visiting this weekend and have a good idea of where to play and who to spend my time with. My question is: I am an adult and know that things happen and ladies have to cancel for good reasons. I am looking for advice on an agency that is reliable and can deliver a young lady after midnight. Does anyone have any info on the best place to call for a last minute appointment when it's late and you don't want to wait 2 or three hours??. I will of course, be making several appointments via e-mail in advance ( I already have 2)..but I want to see who the group feels is the best chance for a rapid response.

Thanks in advance



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Jun 7, 2003
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after midnight

"after midnight" really isn't very late in terms of the montreal agencies. Many don't even open until 6 pm or so, and are open until 4 am. I would take some numbers of some agencies which have been reviewed as reliable. Asservisante and fantasme, come to mind. The ones with the most girls are more likely to have some available. Check the spreadsheet for the best information, avoiding any agencies with warnings such as "confirm fee when calling." Take down a few numbers, so you'll have a back up if the first agency you call is particularly busy that night.


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Apr 3, 2003
New York City, USA
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Thanks Chowhound. I have perused the sheet and have a few possibilites...but I was hoping for some direct experience Re: how fast they respond and if they provide what they promise.

Jim B


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May 1, 2003
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IMHO, the later it gets, the more likely you are to get "whatever"... or more likely to get whoever is left. Advance planning always gets you better service!

However, Montreal is a late night town, and it wouldn't be out of line for anescort to be leaving her last visit when the sun is coming up. I am certain they all get a little bump in traffic about 3:15 am, if you know what I mean!



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Jun 7, 2003
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I guess the reason I didn't want to be too specific is because you can't guarantee any agency will have someone available for immediate/short notice service. As the Manabouttown states, things can get busy late. (Bars close at 3 am). The main thing you need to avoid is an agency that tells you "no problem" then doesn't perform as promised. Any of the agencies with good reviews will be happy to provide after midnight, but if noone is currently available, you want to be informed when you make the call. The best agencies may be the most popular. So I think you need to have a few options, all of which will be honest with you, so don't include the agencies known for mercenary practices among those options. You don't want an agency to call you an hour later only to tell you that the girl they promised decided to extend her prior appoinment, so they are sending you her grandmother instead.
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