Montreal Escorts

Incendie du vieux Montréal causé par un client insatisfait?


"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023


Sep 27, 2023
I am shocked and speechless by the fact that a Pimp is responsible for this tragic incident. I am at a loss for words and wish to express my sincerest condolences and sympathy to the victims affected by this unfortunate event.
Don’t assume it was the pimp
Reports was the client was dissatisfied with the service the Pimp arranged and set the fire
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"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
Don’t assume it was the pimp
Reports was the client was dissatisfied with the service the Pimp arranged and set the fire

The main person responsible for the fire seems to be the pimp. Im pretty sure that this terrible event can be linked to a post on Leo List.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
The main person responsible for the fire seems to be the pimp. Im pretty sure that this terrible event can be linked to a post on Leo List.
« L’homme aurait mis le feu à l’une des unités de l’immeuble historique de la place d’Youville, car il était insatisfait des services sexuels offerts par l’entremise d’un proxénète, a-t-on pu apprendre de sources très bien informées. »

Peu importe si le pimp est responsable, ou non, du conflit, celui qui a volontairement allumé l’incendie, par pur esprit de vengeance, c’est le client. Ce gars là devrait être accusé d’homicides, 7 personnes sont décédées, dont certaines brûlées vives. Je ne sais pas par quel cheminement tordu tu peux en arriver à conclure autre chose. Prenez note ici que, je ne défend personne et je ne sympathise nullement avec les proxénètes.


"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
It would be useful to read the whole article.

It would be useful to read the whole article.
Your statement is correct buddy, although I did come across a rumor suggesting that a pimp and the client were responsible for the entire situation. Regrettably, in order to access the complete article, I must become a registered member of Journal de Montréal, which I strongly dislike due dissemination of fabricated news under government control.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
Your statement is correct buddy, although I did come across a rumor suggesting that a pimp and the client were responsible for the entire situation. Regrettably, in order to access the complete article, I must become a registered member of Journal de Montréal, which I strongly dislike due dissemination of fabricated news under government control.
Ditto. Wish someone would post it. I didn’t have access to the whole article.


Active Member
Feb 2, 2019
L’incendie criminel qui a coûté la vie à sept personnes en mars dernier dans un immeuble du Vieux-Montréal serait survenu à la suite d’un conflit entre un proxénète et un client. Mais l’enquête bat sérieusement de l’aile en raison de bavures policières.

Notre Bureau d’enquête a appris qu’en septembre, la division des crimes majeurs du Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) a arrêté et relâché un homme qu’elle considère comme l’auteur de l’incendie le plus meurtrier des 48 dernières années à Montréal.

L’homme aurait mis le feu à l’une des unités de l’immeuble historique de la place d’Youville, car il était insatisfait des services sexuels offerts par l’entremise d’un proxénète, a-t-on pu apprendre de sources très bien informées.

Au sein du SPVM, plusieurs s’attendaient à ce que des accusations soient déposées rapidement, mais le dossier se serait compliqué d’une façon importante.

«Ça ne va vraiment pas bien. Le diable est aux vaches aux crimes majeurs», nous a précisé l’une de nos sources policières sous le couvert de l’anonymat, car elle n’est pas autorisée à parler aux médias.

Selon nos informations, l’enquêteur qui avait initialement été mandaté pour faire la lumière sur le drame aurait obtenu d’une façon contraire à la procédure des éléments de preuve incriminants.

Il a notamment saisi et fouillé un téléphone cellulaire sans mandat de perquisition, a-t-on pu apprendre.

Appelée à commenter, une procureure qui n’est pas affectée à ce dossier ne comprend pas qu’une telle erreur ait pu être commise.

«C’est inacceptable. Il aurait dû savoir que ça prenait un mandat. Encore plus pour un crime d’une telle gravité», a précisé la procureure qui a demandé à ce que son identité soit protégée.

La police a aussi commis une autre bourde, selon nos informations. Elle a arrêté le suspect à sa résidence, mais sans être munie d’un mandat d’entrée, ce qui est la norme appropriée dans de telles circonstances.

Le choix de l’enquêteur pour se pencher sur ce crime complexe aurait aussi soulevé plusieurs interrogations au sein de la police de Montréal. Cet enquêteur ne faisait pas partie des plus expérimentés aux crimes majeurs, nous ont confié nos sources.

L’ancien inspecteur du SPVM André Durocher observe un certain manque de profondeur au sein de cette unité d’enquête névralgique de la police de Montréal.

«Les départs à la retraite diminuent l’expérience aux enquêtes», explique-t-il.

Selon lui, «les enquêteurs souhaitent de moins en moins travailler aux crimes majeurs, car la charge de travail y est très exigeante».
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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Why do you want to read it if you think its fabricated news?
Because it is being brought to our attention... and as a stand against news wanting people to subscribe to it, hence bill-c18, and why news isn't allowed to be shared on social media platforms. I wouldn't want to subscribe to them just for the purpose of seeing this 1 and only article. They don't deserve the numbers or effort to subscribe for providing a very rare piece of news actually worth hearing about, when I personally don't care about the majority of what they have to say. (apparently we didn't miss much by not subscribing, the headline says more than the article does.)

Though to add to the topic at hand... Why would someone feel they are allowed to set fire to a place, just for bad service? If this girl truly does have a pimp, then likely she doesn't even want to be any part of the equation and is forced to deal with there demands of both pimp and client... of course she won't give great service. No woman would be good under these kinds of situations. I can only imagine what kind of service someone willing to set a place on fire might be demanding to justify that kind of response. I feel bad for the girl who would have had to be in the middle of this issue.
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Though to add to the topic at hand... Why would someone feel they are allowed to set fire to a place, just for bad service? If this girl truly does have a pimp, then likely she doesn't even want to be any part of the equation and is forced to deal with there demands of both pimp and client... of course she won't give great service. No woman would be good under these kinds of situations. I can only imagine what kind of service someone willing to set a place on fire might be demanding to justify that kind of response. I feel bad for the girl who would have had to be in the middle of this issue.
Ça n’a rien à voir avec le titre du thread!


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
It has nothing to do with the title of the thread!
How does it have nothing to do with the thread? What lengths would you go to for being dissatisfied with the service of a girl? Do you realize just how toxic some clients can be to the working girls? There is a reason, and a need for screening. The whole point in the title is this guy was dissatisfied with what the pimp promised, not what the girl agreed to. If the client is the type to stoop to such retaliation, I can just imagine what kind of person he was for her to deal with, and it is awful the police botched so bad on the investigation. But what I read from this article, he wasn't denied service, or suffered the plight that some poor clients go threw at the hands of pimps, but he received the service, and was unsatisfied with it.
Excuse me my confusion on how that doesn't follow the line of the thread???

Fire in old Montreal caused by a dissatisfied customer?​

I have to translate all the French writing to English to read it so I may be missing something in translation, but no where in this article or thread title does it mention he was stiffed or didn't receive service, but that he was dissatisfied with it. And setting a place on fire was how he chose to show his dissatisfaction?

Or am I mistaken in who set the fire. It is also possible. Seeing as the who on either side isn't clear.

from another place i am understanding circumstances correctly.

On Wednesday, Le Journal de Montréal reported the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal arrested and then released their main suspect in the arson case — a man who the outlet reported set the fire over dissatisfaction with sexual services offered through a pimp.
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
dont certaines brûlées vives.
Pas un gros recomfort je sais, et sa reste 7 personnes morte pour rien, mais bref en general dans un incendie si les gens sont pris et brule dedans, ils sont generalement deja mort a cause des vapeurs nocive. Tres rare que qqu va bruler vif dans un incendie. The more you know i guess.

Mais faut vraiment etre un fou pour faire un truc comme ca. Surtout en fesant des victimes collaterales comme ca.
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Pas un gros recomfort je sais, et sa reste 7 personnes morte pour rien, mais bref en general dans un incendie si les gens sont pris et brule dedans, ils sont generalement deja mort a cause des vapeurs nocive. Tres rare que qqu va bruler vif dans un incendie. The more you know i guess.

Mais faut vraiment etre un fou pour faire un truc comme ca. Surtout en fesant des victimes collaterales comme ca.
C’est exact, la plupart vont mourir asphyxiés avant de brûler, ou bien se brûler les poumons par la chaleur intense. Je ne crois pas qu’un être vivant, humain ou autre, puisse se consumer entièrement avant de mourir. La plupart des gens comprennent bien ce que signifie l’expression « brûler vif »!Ça demeure quand même une fin horrible.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Shit le gars est en cavale depuis 2019, et il fait appel à des services d’escortes!!! C’est pas rassurant tout ça :oops:


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
so this guys on the loose but they identified him on security camera footage?
hes been on the loose since 2019 but has not been located? then went on to kill 7 people? incredible
he probably did not set out to kill 7 people in a fire, was probably thinking "ill jusy burn the place down". But being a psycho, does not care about the possible consequences of his actions.


Active Member
Feb 2, 2019
so this guys on the loose but they identified him on security camera footage?
hes been on the loose since 2019 but has not been located? then went on to kill 7 people? incredible
he probably did not set out to kill 7 people in a fire, was probably thinking "ill jusy burn the place down". But being a psycho, does not care about the possible consequences of his actions.
I think he is back in jail for an unrelated crime
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