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I just read your Post

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Thank you for your kind words and support. Tried answering your PM but your box is full so I answer here instead.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just me but never warn someone, go for the finish.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I read your post here and on Twitter. I'm sorry you have to put up with this bullshit. No one should have to. If you were in the same room I'd hug you. Does this sound weird? I know we have had our differences from time to time in the past but I wish you well. Here's to a prosperous and happy 2020.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I'm sorry you have to put up with this bullshit. No one should have to. If you were in the same room I'd hug you. Does this sound weird?

it does not....fuck man, now I wanna hug the BOTH of u. Does that sound weird?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Well I for one will be hugging her.

She is one of the sweetest kindest people I know, she is a friend and this should not happen to anyone, least of all to her.
I don’t know why assholes like this exist.
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C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Ya for what ever reason you don't seem to like me,thats ok thats life,
i think its a age difference thing ,to be honest my own daughter who i ve helped every way has even been ruder, if thats possable,
I have interacted in pms with you and you have not always been warm. i will accept blame on my bluntness and narrow sited opinions i expressed.
That being said i feel bad for you , no one needs to be threatened, for any reason on a message board.
I agree with sol tee nuts,go for the finish
if you have the abality to finish a person like this,spare the next girl who will have to deal with a asshole like that
it could be someone. you care about a friend

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I read your post here and on Twitter. I'm sorry you have to put up with this bullshit. No one should have to. If you were in the same room I'd hug you. Does this sound weird? I know we have had our differences from time to time in the past but I wish you well. Here's to a prosperous and happy 2020.

Aw, Hungry. Thank you. We did have our differences but I don’t dislike you, and I would happily accept the hug. In fact, I’m going to send you a PM now about something lol.

Thank you everyone. Let’s make a group hug!!

C.B Brown I don’t always like your unsolicited advice and the way you spam the board but it takes a lot more than this for me to actually dislike someone, don’t worry. In fact, my stalker is one of the very very few people I can say I truly dislike on here. There are some people I find annoying or bizarre or with whose views I disagree but to actually dislike someone as a person is another thing entirely. Even people with idiotic ideas can be good people deep down lol. I try to see the good in people even those who annoy me. Nobody is inherently a bad person imho


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
Nobody is inherently a bad person imho

You are right. psychopaths are good persons... It’s just that hey don’t know...

I’m curious about why this mentally disordered mind picked you as the center of his obsession. If you answer me, this would probably put more fuel in his fire...

Anyway, Je te souhaite que ça se termine bien.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I wish I knew, but I honestly don’t think I did anything to anyone that warrants that much hate and energy. I have opinions and I disagree with some people on certain subjects, but that isn’t a reason to harass and threaten someone for months/a year+. I’ve never been violent to any client or harassed anyone as far as I know lol!!

Funny you bring up the word psychopath. That’s exactly it. Psychopathy is a mental illness. And I think the vast majority of shitty people are just ill/hurt/suffering one way or another and I try to remind myself this when dealing with assholes. I feel bad for these people being the way they are. We’re only human after all and this is a fucked up world we live in.

But regardless of all this, there still comes a point when enough is enough and you can’t excuse everything.


Active Member
Mar 6, 2019
Sorry you have to go through that Julia. I do not know you, but this is ridiculous. I hope it stops soon. Please keep us updated if you do not mind!
I know you do not know what you did, but I really want to know what triggered all this. Nothing can excuse it, but to do all that either it was something major or something very minor that the person took it to heart. Again, this is no excuse, I am just curious as to what triggered all this hatred. It takes effort to be an ass, I know.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Trust me I would like to know too. I’m very capable of admitting when I did something wrong and I wish this guy was able to have a real conversation like the adults we are. I asked him many times to just talk to me like a normal person and we could sort this out if I did anything to him. Alas, he always ignores me when I reply to his texts. It must be something minor because I would remember if I did something really bad to anyone. It could be as simple as me refusing to see him, or an agency I’ve refused to work with, or someone I called stupid or rude once for asking a stupid question or saying something rude... Who knows.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
I don’t understand why you would respect this guy by not saying who he is. He doesn’t deserve your niceness. Every time some jerk does something like this, the victim keeps his identity private. He doesn’t deserve it!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Julia, you got a new stalker. I am going to stalk all your posts on social media. I am going to make hearts on your twitter feed and I am going to tell you how your posts made me smile and laugh or entertained etc. I am going to spout off how I like your selfies or how your post helped to enlighten me etc. etc. I am going to offer encouragement and show empathy. I am going to be one of your guardian angels. Together we can beat this guy! 2020 is going to be a great year for us!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

She has many stalkers like you intend to be, me included, she is one of the most entertaining people on Twitter out there.
Someone with a kind heart , always ready to lend support and a wicked sense of humour to go along with it.
The only thing better is knowing her in person.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I don’t understand why you would respect this guy by not saying who he is. He doesn’t deserve your niceness. Every time some jerk does something like this, the victim keeps his identity private. He doesn’t deserve it!!

I don’t know who he is. You obviously did not read the post properly. If I knew who he is I would have named him
months ago.


New Member
Jan 23, 2013
Wow! Some people have way too many time on their hands... I can't imagine (and kinda don't wanna) the amount of bullshit you girls have to put up with almost everyday! Still, you continue to do your job!! You are truly a warrior and an amazing person. I like everything I read from you, your wits and your strong personality. I just found your knew Twitter account...I was waiting for the old one to be unsuspended lol.
I never met with an indy companion before, but you'll definitively be my first choice. Honestly I'm kind of afraid I'll want to sell my body (like an actual kidney) just to spend more and more time with you... but eh! you'll probably hear from me soon enough.

I hope he text you again so you can ruin his life like he deserve!


Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
I read your post here and on Twitter. I'm sorry you have to put up with this bullshit. No one should have to. If you were in the same room I'd hug you. Does this sound weird? I know we have had our differences from time to time in the past but I wish you well. Here's to a prosperous and happy 2020.


I like you.
This is bullshit!
How can he do this? What an idiot!
A hug and a kiss!



Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
It's Joe Goldberg; an evil version.

Jokes aside, we have many disgruntled blacklisted clients too.
Some of them are known members here.
Screen and prioritize your best regulars and don't bother wasting a second on others.
I hope you find him but don't let him ruin your focus and don't give him the satisfaction of you responding.

+1. Well said.

I think talking to him directly (via email or posts) is at least kinda what he wants.
Better to ignore him. And take energy OUT of the interaction. Instead of continuing to hit the ping pong ball back to him.
You are hoping he just fades away.

Not sure I'd recommend this in many relationship problems, but I think I do in this one.
My 2 cents from afar.
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