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How much does the agency usually get?

Red Paul

Active Member
Jun 6, 2003
Visit site
I always assumed that the escort got 50% and the agency got 50%. But a girl tells me that her agency takes just $60 out of her $220/hour. Is that unusual? Typical? I have no idea.

If anybody has any info, please go ahead and share it. But I think it's best not to post the names of girls or agencies in this thread. The girl's agency was well known and reputable, and I'll leave it at that.


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Boston, MA USA
yes I have been told $60. You can tell from the agencies that advertise for girls on here and say they will get 140 - 160.

However, I am not sure that the agency share is the same if it is a 2 or 3 hour session. I think it might be lower, but I am not certain.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Yeah 60$ split between the owner/driver/booker, but often its the same person lol

Also if i remember correctly girls also "tip" there drivers, can't remember if its at the end of the night or at each call, but thats independant from the agency fee.
Aug 25, 2008
A well known Indy/agency girl told me $80/hr for the room so 140 out of 220 seems right. She got more per hr so the girls who have a higher rate get more for themselves. So yes, it's a lot more fore them when they are indy.
Oct 5, 2017
I’ve asked 4 different SPs, all from xo and euphoria and they all told me 60$ goes to the agency per hour and they keep the rest and whatever tips or extras they receive they keep as well. Which means on average, they keep 160-200$ per call including tips and extras. They give a small tip to the driver as well. From what I was told, the cut remains the same for outcalls and incalls except they give an extra 10$ at the end of their day for keeping the incall locations clean.


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
this week i did an outcall from a well known agency. 2 hours. I had the donation counted and laid on the table well ahead of the encounter, so I didnt pull it from my wallet or anything.

In the end, the girl counted and said to me i paid the bare minimum, (took me sec. to catch up... she nudged me for not leaving a tip) She said these agencies take HALF. I said F nooooo. I said 40-60. She said $75! (hey, not my prob, and I only did 1 SOG across the 2 hours, attempted that is, i couldn't finish and my 2hrs was up... it was a easy 2hrs for her, but again, how my 2hr session was to be was regardless of the donation, as I already placed on the table. BJ was only about 3 minutes btw out of the whole 2 hrs.

Has it gone up to $75?

The situation bothered me so I'm still thinking of it, even thought of complaining to the agency.
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Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
60 incall. More for outcall agency
Still. Not your problem if she pays more
Your post dabbles in tipping. No tipping either. Will pay for extras if they are done


Active Member
Jul 7, 2013
She said these agencies take HALF. I said F nooooo. I said 40-60. She said $75!

You are probably making perfect sense but I'm just not understanding this correctly. Do you mind elaborating on this? The girl said that she agency pockets half of the total 2 hour donation? How can half only be $75? Even if it's for 1 hour, if the agency pockets $75, does this mean that this reputable agency charges $150/h?

I guess my question is: Half of what?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I heard by girl that some outcall agency keeps more then xo or euphoria. Never understood the logic behind this.

In any case its a lot of money for few hours of working. I never repeated with a girl that complained about money.


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
You are probably making perfect sense but I'm just not understanding this correctly. Do you mind elaborating on this? The girl said that she agency pockets half of the total 2 hour donation? How can half only be $75? Even if it's for 1 hour, if the agency pockets $75, does this mean that this reputable agency charges $150/h?

I guess my question is: Half of what?

LBA... Her context was they take half of EACH hour. So if it was 440 for 2hours, then yep 'they' take 220 of it.
FULL BS, we all know that. So when I said no, it's 40-60, that is when she came back with and said 75 (per hour). I thought that was pretty clear in my write up.

Again, the 75 came out of her after I called her about about her claim of HALF. Say it's 220/hr, half is 110, then she said it's 75...

Hey, it could be, but we know its more than likely be 60.
110-75 = $35 of BS that the agency doesn't take man... or $70 she claims they take from her but wants me to coin up for the agency cut, cmon.

Even 75, if that was half, it would have been $150 per hour. WE ALL KNOW its not been $150/hr for quite a few years. So maybe clear to you but not clear to me, how there's confusion, but I hope it's clearer now.

I'd have gladly tipped btw,.... IF I sought extras... like even if she for ex. hand massaged me for 15 min. Even if I had say, pounded her for 45min straight, I would have still tipped. (that would be a dream and i can't, btw but that's another discussion and I don't mean stay power, more of phyiscal exhaustion). Wasn't the first time I'd seen her either, so I was peeved and really thought if complaining back to the agency but ehh what for, i'ts a rough job for the girls but it's cash for both middleman and the asset.. I let it go.


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
I heard by girl that some outcall agency keeps more then xo or euphoria. Never understood the logic behind this.

In any case its a lot of money for few hours of working. I never repeated with a girl that complained about money.

mine was dual capability agency.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
I guess my question is: Half of what?

Half of $150 is $75, according to my calculator that I bought in the year 2012.

I started hobbying in Montreal when the prevailing rate was $160/h (Eleganza was $180/h); that was years ago and never saw any advertisement on Merb for $150/hour even then. Maybe that's where such misinformed urban legends originated -- remember that Prince song 1999 -- "I'm going to party like it's 1999. . . . " I doubt reputable agencies were taking 50% cut even in 2012.

The consensus among the SP's (from the top agencies) whom I and other Merbites I know have spoken with say they give $60 to the Agency ($220/h to $250/h), which provides an incall that is furnished and stocked with necessities, or the Agency drive them to their outcalls (costs of operating and driving a car). The ladies keep the tips and other extras they offer to their Clients. (Back when the rate was $160/hour, the ladies were telling me they gave the agency $30 to $40.)

Running an Agency is more work than most people realize. The work that the ladies do are much harder than most people give them credit for. Hence, I write reviews about my rendezvous as much to show my gratitude to the ladies and the agencies as it is to contribute to Merb's "experience knowledge library."


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
60 incall. More for outcall agency
Still. Not your problem if she pays more
Your post dabbles in tipping. No tipping either. Will pay for extras if they are done

my post actually dabbles with both concepts. as I said my experience was this week.

I had some time to think about it and I searched the forums both both types of threads.

After reading both threads and deciding to speak of my experience to hear you gents thoughts, I put it onto this one.

My thoughts dabble with what do agencies take currently, and very well possible some girls have to pay the agency a 'bit' more.. just don't tell me half, agencies do not take half.

It was a lie, a squeeze, not cool I'd been better if I was asked for a tip straight up. To which then if I was peeved enough to share, I'd write it in the old tipping thread.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2013
Even 75, if that was half, it would have been $150 per hour. WE ALL KNOW its not been $150/hr for quite a few years. So maybe clear to you but not clear to me, how there's confusion, but I hope it's clearer now.

That's exactly what I was thinking. I guess that I was more confused due to the girl's straight up lies. She basically admitted within seconds that she straight up lied to your faceby saying that agency takes half and then changing it to $75 when you called her out. Not very classy on her part.

Thanks for clarifying.

Sir William

May 22, 2019
A $220 heure outcall:

Escorte de $140 à $160
Chauffeur de $20 à rarement $30
Booker de $10 à $20
Propriétaire rarement $10 à $40
"Protection" généralement une journée par semaine

Ceux qui l'ont le plus pire ce sont les chauffeurs. Maximum de deux escortes pour être à l'heure. Entretien et essence du véhicule. C'est pour cela que les rendez-vous hors du centre ville sont plus chers. Les chauffeurs qui ont 3 et 4 escortes sont constamment de 20 a 45 minutes en retard.

Les propriétaires d'agences prennent les appels et rendez-vous le matin pour sauver de payer le booker et transfèrent les lignes ou donnent le téléphone à un chauffeur une fois que toutes les escortes ont les rendez vous de pris. Le chauffeur s'arrange avec les troubles après.

Pour une heure de 50 minutes les escortes sont payés entre $2.33 à $3.20 la minute et les VIP $3.40 à $3.80 plus extras pour jouer aux fesses et elles en veulent toujours plus. Un neurochirurgien qui à étudié intense est moins payé.

Je ne fait jamais d'extras, un vrai service GFE me convient et je ne donne jamais de pourboires. Je considère que c'est trop payé pour souvent un service juste adéquat et même souvent pas GFE complet. Je donne toujours un pourboire pour le chauffeur de $10 à $20 si il a été ponctuel. J'avise par texto l'agence du pourboire pour qu'il le recoive et non que l'escorte le garde pour elle.

On s'en va vers le $230 à $240 de l'heure. Je boycotte présentement les agences ou l'agence :) à $230. C'est beaucoup trop payé pour jouer aux fesses souvent pas trop bien avec des attitudes bordeline ou de princesses qui cherchent juste à faire des extras.

Le salaire moyen d'un ménage Québecois est de $59 822 par année avec un taux d'imposition de 40% il reste $35 893.20 donc $690.25 net par semaine. On est maintenant au tier de nos revevus d'une semaine pour 50 minutes de fesses! On travaille en moyenne 14 heures ou 840 minutes pour 50 minutes de foufounes! Un peu de perspective !!!! La preuve que les hommes ont tendance à ne pas penser correct quand ils ont envie de baiser!

Si les hobbyistes ne mettent pas leur pied par terre dans deux ans on va être à $300. Encouragez les agences qui ne vous soutirrent pas le plus qu'ils peuvent, évitez de prendre des rendez-vous avec des escortes qui changent d'agence et évitez les escortes de $240 à $260.

Ce sont les hobbyistes qui dictent les prix. Une escorte à $260 qui fait un ou deux appels ne restera pas à $260 longtemps ;)
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