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How do you prepare? What rituals do you have?


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
What is your routine on a booking day ?

Greetings all

Well in my case I prebook and make it a day or night of pleasures !:D
I confirm my booking on the morning of the day it happens .
Sometimes when its a HDH they do confirm it the day before
I always leave early to avoid traffic,That is for incalls
For outcalls I have already agreed of hotel with the booker I confirm the room one hour ahead
I am already cleanly showered before I leave home and shaved ,by I do take another shower or bath in presence of SP !
I really hate the rush ,in time :yield:
By I love the rush of adrenaline ;)
Whatever your routines are it might be good suggestions for others ???????
And of course a big bag of tricks :D complementary fun for the ladies ;)
Everything fully charged :lol:




New Member
Jun 21, 2003
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My game day routine usually consist of booking in the afternoon depending on the agency for an evening encounter.

Getting a good pre game meal in the afternoon.

Tidying up the place as to make a good impression so the girl does not think I'm a slob.

An hour and a half before the date I'll do my 3 S's (shit, shower, shave)

60 min before game time I am usually ready to go all fresh and dressed just relaxing

30 min mark is where the anticipation starts, put on some music, will she be early, on time, or late. I might have a drink to ease the tension a bit.

Then she finally!!!


Nov 2, 2013
Moi j'ai une routine environ 1h30 avant le rendez-vous.
Préparation des 'surfaces' ou il pourrait y avoir de l'action, (coussin etc.) toujours au moins 2 endroits.
1h00 avant le date c'est le cooldown avant l'action, je mets une musique relaxe et je boie au moins 2 verres de vin avant l'arrivée de l'heureuse élue.
15-20 min avant l'arrivée je regarde quelques vidéos ''inspirant'' pour me mettre dans le mood.
2-3 min avant l'heure je vais boire mon vin dans la pièce avant car j'aime voir la fille arrivé en auto et avoir un aperçu de son allure, l'excitation commence là.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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My routine is that I arrive at the Chabrol one hour before my appointment, I confirm my room number with the agency, turn on the porn channel, take a bath and relax for a bit, about 10 minutes before the expected arrival the anticipation starts, I will light up the good shit, I might also have a small drink to ease the tension, by the time the sp arrives I am all ready to go, it's a routine that I have done a million times.

TD Bank

New Member
Oct 27, 2011
Arriving one hour is too much unless it is downtown and there is a distance to park and travel. Even places that are 2 min. walk up to the door, I arrive 10-15 min. before.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
I usually book 4-5 days in advance, so far always on the weekends and during the day, because of arrangements I have to make. I like the anticipation that builds by booking in advance as well.

Almost always Incall, all but one of my encounters has been an Incall .
Not that I don't enjoy outcall, I actually preferred it, just takes a lot more planning because of my personal situation + If I do an outcall I would prefer to do one for over 2-3 hours and at night. Next time I spoil myself I'll be booking an outcall ;)

Ok this is going to sound weird but i will avoid drinking coffee at least 2-3 days before meeting someone, just to avoid any bad breath and of course I avoid certain foods like garlic, indian fod, etc.. a few days before as well.

I obviously Shower & Groom right before I leave to meet the wonderful lady I have booked with.

I'll leave close to an hour before, just because it usually takes me about 25-30 minutes to get where I'm going and just in case something comes up I have some sort of buffer. I hate being late!

On my drive down I'm popping mints or chewing gum or doing both.

Once I get there, usually early, Ill text her about 5 minutes before to let her know I have arrived.

Then that semi-nervous feeling you get when you get the text saying "I'm ready".

Once I'm there I always refresh even though I've already showered, mouthwash for good measure and then I'm all fresh & pretty for my encounter :thumb:

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Usually my booking was done the day before, so i take the bus around 12 in my town, then i switch in sherbrooke for the MTL bus or a ride with somebody planned on a facebook group. If i take the bus i put the earphones and i usually start by Def Leppard Rock of Ages, put me in a better mood for the travel, if i take a ride i just socialize with people, times pass by faster that way too. Then i just confirm when i arrive in MTL, send room number, make sure everything is good so far. If there is a cancellation or something, i connect to merb and check the ads of every agency and see who is working that day that interest me the most.

Once booking is confirmed, i usually have some time to relax, i browse my facebook, merb, somtimes i go eat, sometimes not, depending on the time of the booking. 1 hour or 2 before the booking, unless its a girl i saw multiple times, i check her reviews, her profile pics, i get eager to see her, try to picture in my mind how cool is it gonna be. Lately its often girls i saw previously at parties so i know her look but i never know how the meeting is gonna be.

If i plan on getting a bottle of wine i go get it, as the usual rooms i use have no fridge, and i always forget that small cooler thing i SHOULD bring with me lol.

30 to 20 mins before the actual meeting, i go in the shower, clean up, brush my teeth, do all the usual shower stuff. Usually im done and there is around 15 to 10 minutes left...this is when the big nervosiy start rising up, again if its a girl i never saw, if its a repeat girl usually im more at ease, those 10 mins may seem to last 1h... But at least these days with the good agencies and more of them doing incall/outcall, i wait way less than before, the agencies i use seem to be mostly on time or at most 5-10 mins late, so its not too much of a torture wait. I remember the old days waiting 20, 30, 45 mins !!! eventually sometimes returning in the shower quickly... Glad those days are gone...

Once the meeting is over, usually i text a friend, plan something, if possible i go hang out with him, if not i will usually either go downtown a bit, eat if it wasn't done before the meeting, maybe shop a bit if its on a friday night and shops are still open. Then i will grab some beer, watch myself a movie on my laptop with it, sometimes i do my review the same day, sometimes its later...

This is aproximatively how a meeting day is for me... the waiting time is like a double edge sword, it should be fun because your anxious of meeting the girl you hand picked, the one that really was in your mind that day, but since there is always a cancellation possibility, your always nervous it may not happen as planned. Of course if your a mtl guy, you can always put it back to the next day, or if you got lots of cash, you can book another and see her the next day or whatever. To me its a 2 months or so saving cash and i usually have only one shot... a trip to MTL can cost up to 450$ for a 1H booking if i include transport, hotel, food, beer an goodies and so its a one shot for a while... Of course once again these days there seem to be less of that, quality agencies tend to make sure unless heavy circonstances there girls don't call day off... but sometimes... that do happen. So thats why i try to pick a day where 2 or 3 of my top choices are working at the same time... so the plan B is not really a B but more like an A instead of an A+ lol

Because if you go with a plan B as a "better than wasting the room" mentality, the poor girl show up already with an underserved strike against her, and unless she is REALLY awesome, it may affect the whole day, even if she was cool and nice and did everything she could to give you a good time. At least thats like that for me. I will leave MTL still with my top choice in my mind and thinking how cool it could had beem... and how i will have to wait 2 months or so for having another try...


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
hey homies,

When you have a much anticipated rendezvous, what kind of preparations do you do? Do you have a ritual?

I think this thread is a good idea since it could help others enjoy their meetings more.

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
After everything is all said and done i ask them if they know what lithium, Olanzapine (Zyprexa), Quetiapine (Seroquel), Risperidone (Risperdal), Ariprazole (Abilify), Ziprasidone (Geodon), Clozapine (Clozaril) are...
If they seem familiar i avoid like the plague, i've learned my lesson.
(The problem isn't them taking the meds, its when they skip doses or periodically stop medicating ;) )


Born to Pleasure Women!
Jul 30, 2005
I stop Jerking off for a few days before hand.
I do yoga to limber up.
I meditate.
I eat pineapples for a few days ahead of time.
I get a list of items that the booker tells me that the girl likes.
I make sure my bag of toys is clean.
I shower and shave at least the night before. (I also shower with the SP on the day of)


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Day before shave the boys, 6 hrs before the encounter cialis, morning of no caffeine, shower and shave before I drive, big fatty on the way, breath mints.


Apr 22, 2015
STN, can you explain the caffeine abstinence?
I basically do the rest same as you but don't dare shave the boys the day before because I often nick myself, so I do it 3 days earlier.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
STN, can you explain the caffeine abstinence?

For me ( caffeine perks me right up :whoo: ) my heart rate jumps up and sometimes have difficulity getting full erections if I drink coffee, three cups and it may not even happen, stay away from coffee and no worries at all.
I recall Doc mentioning the same thing when someone talked about redbull or x for sex....


Jun 9, 2015
1. I book my girl 4-5 days in advance.
2. I don't masturbate for at least 2 days.
3. I eat nothing after 6pm in the days leading to an appointment.
4. I take two showers 90 minutes before the appointment; 1 about 35 minutes, then I get out of shower, then I wait a short while before getting back in the shower for a quick one, like 10 minutes. No idea why I do that.
5. I always listen to Easy lover by Phil Collins/Phil Bailey while I'm on my way to the brothel. NO IDEA WHY!??



Aug 4, 2015
- Also abstain for a couple days.
- used to have a 'Muscle Milk' a couple hours before but it leaves a chalky taste in my mouth that no amount of toothbrushing seems to take away, so I don't think I'll do that anymore.
- instead, a protein/fruit-heavy smoothie - fills the stomach but not too much, hydration, lots of vitamins. I think its more psychological than anything!
- caffeine doesn't seem to bother my libido, so might sip on a red bull during the hour before
- if I have quite a few hours before, a 20-30 min run. I find exercise helps the libido too (tho I usually don't need help if I've done my homework and everything's on-track!)
- something I haven't seen anyone else do- about 20-30min before leaving (before my shower), I'll pump out some quick pushups. This pumps up the muscles a little bit (feeble as they are....) and at least gets me FEELING all big & buff!! haha! And most SPs are kind enough to not comment that I'm a skinny dude :)
- after my piddly pectoral-pumping routine, jump in the shower for a thorough scrub of the body, followed by a hard scrub of the teeth. I'll usually shave my face that morning so its clean but no risk of cuts/scrapes. Put on a very little deoderant but not TOO much.
- if an incall, aim to get there 15min early. This gives me time to find parking, traffic, etc. I'll usually text 5min before to ask if I can come up early and EVERY time, the SP says "No! Wait!" haha, I make sure they know its all in fun so they're not annoyed :)
- chew minty gum along the way there.

Speaking of garlic/onions, I had NO idea of such things when I was a 20-something dude. I went out to dinner with a girl I was interested in and we had fooled around on the previous date so I was hoping for the same :) Had a caesar salad, because, well, I like caesar salad!! We get back to her place and I think things are going to go just like before; I couldn't understand why she only gave me a few close-lipped pecks and seemed more interested in watching the movie... Afterwards, she was kind enough to realize how clueless I was told me I had a choice: caesar salad OR her, never both! Lesson learned!


Apr 22, 2015
Thanks STN! While I believe it's very probable that the caffeine can affect my performance, on days of forced fasting I usually feel dim-witted and know that it's directly related to my lack of caffeine so I don't think I can abstain, but what I will try is to have a lot less coffee and absolutely none many hours before the RDV.
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