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How are most Eastern European women?


Apr 4, 2021
Hey guys,

I've been learning about the world. I watched a bunch of YouTube, and this was their take.

It seems East Asian women(South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Thailand) tend to be primarily conservative and looking for a husband. However, a "concentrated group/minority" is part of the "sex industry." The whole maid cafe, escorts, SB's..etc.

Meanwhile, Latinas(mainly Colombia, Brazil, and possibly Argentina) tend to be more "free-spirited." For instance, many will have an OF, IG and post their bikini or naked pics online. They appear to be more down for "casual fun." It seems like a large group is down for casual fun while there's a "sex industry" as well.

Where would Eastern Europeans, including Russian, fit in?

Many PUA guys think Polish women are great; however, my experience has been the opposite. Most Polish women seem to be out there to find a "long-term relationship." Sure she's down to date you; however, she also quite conservative. Let's not forget a lot of the PUA crew is quite conservative. I date a Polish woman briefly, and she seemed primarily conservative she mostly wanted to date only me, which bothered me.

Russians, on the other hand, seem the opposite. I dated a Russian woman, and she was down for threesomes with another woman. Although she was also a dancer so, it might be a slightly skewed sample. I felt my values align much more with Russians than with Poles.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Hey guys,

I've been learning about the world. I watched a bunch of YouTube, and this was their take.

It seems East Asian women(South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Thailand) tend to be primarily conservative and looking for a husband. However, a "concentrated group/minority" is part of the "sex industry." The whole maid cafe, escorts, SB's..etc.

Meanwhile, Latinas(mainly Colombia, Brazil, and possibly Argentina) tend to be more "free-spirited." For instance, many will have an OF, IG and post their bikini or naked pics online. They appear to be more down for "casual fun." It seems like a large group is down for casual fun while there's a "sex industry" as well.

Where would Eastern Europeans, including Russian, fit in?

Many PUA guys think Polish women are great; however, my experience has been the opposite. Most Polish women seem to be out there to find a "long-term relationship." Sure she's down to date you; however, she also quite conservative. Let's not forget a lot of the PUA crew is quite conservative. I date a Polish woman briefly, and she seemed primarily conservative she mostly wanted to date only me, which bothered me.

Russians, on the other hand, seem the opposite. I dated a Russian woman, and she was down for threesomes with another woman. Although she was also a dancer so, it might be a slightly skewed sample. I felt my values align much more with Russians than with Poles.
When I saw "Many PUA guys" I stopped reading. LOL.


Ruler of the Frozen Tundra
Feb 11, 2005
Ruler of the Frozen Tundra
Hey guys,

I've been learning about the world. I watched a bunch of YouTube, and this was their take.

It seems East Asian women(South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Thailand) tend to be primarily conservative and looking for a husband. However, a "concentrated group/minority" is part of the "sex industry." The whole maid cafe, escorts, SB's..etc.

Meanwhile, Latinas(mainly Colombia, Brazil, and possibly Argentina) tend to be more "free-spirited." For instance, many will have an OF, IG and post their bikini or naked pics online. They appear to be more down for "casual fun." It seems like a large group is down for casual fun while there's a "sex industry" as well.

Where would Eastern Europeans, including Russian, fit in?

Many PUA guys think Polish women are great; however, my experience has been the opposite. Most Polish women seem to be out there to find a "long-term relationship." Sure she's down to date you; however, she also quite conservative. Let's not forget a lot of the PUA crew is quite conservative. I date a Polish woman briefly, and she seemed primarily conservative she mostly wanted to date only me, which bothered me.

Russians, on the other hand, seem the opposite. I dated a Russian woman, and she was down for threesomes with another woman. Although she was also a dancer so, it might be a slightly skewed sample. I felt my values align much more with Russians than with Poles.
Sorry man, I need some crayons....what are "PUA guys "?



Apr 4, 2021
Guys, I am trying to build bridges between the two communities. Some PUA guys are mysogists or scammers..etc. But others are like us(hobbyists/mongers) mostly guys who will go to different countries to try and hook up with the local women.

Some PUA guys are actually scared or think we live some "Hollywood lifestyle." They told me, "Wow, so you hang out with escorts, hookers and strippers. aren't you scared?" I was like, "No dude, its chill, haha"


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Sep 8, 2003
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Whatever guys in here think about PUA or hobbyist, is out of topic... Your question is valid and I will try to answer from my own humble experience. I've traveled to 20 countries in Americas, Europe and Africa, but I must admit I've never been to Asia so I cannot compare with experience there.

I guess in terms of your definition of "traditional", I would say that most eastern European woman are traditional. My experience over there is in Hungary, Czech Republic, Romania, Ukraine and Russia. I've spent quite a bit of time in the latter two, made a few civilian girlfriends and mongered as well. Most girls there, including the professionals, wanted to marry, have children, have a house and a good life with me. I have no doubt that it was NOT because I am such a handsome man! This is their society's model. I only met one girl, a gorgeous blonde, who wanted to keep her freedom because she was a musician and wanted to be free to have her carreer.

Of course, like in any country, the younger crowd is into party. Sex, drugs and rock and roll goes on there as anywhere in the world. However as they get into their mid-twenties, my experience is that they tend to want the traditional relationship. Girls feel old at 25 there! I found eastern European women generally very classy and pretty (I could have had a really stunning bride!), but as they get older they tend to become a bit bossy and rigid.

Your comment about some of the Russians girls in Canada being dangerous is very true. I have a good friend who got scammed, married a (very pretty!) Russian girl whom he met her online three months before. She eventually accused him of assault and domestic violence to avoid being deported to her country. He avoided being detained but was on probation for over a year until the judicial process was over. Of course, she didn't have an ounce of proof and her story was full of contradiction. It ended up that her parents were under threat by the Russian Mafia and that she needed to send out a certain amount of money to save them. But the damage to this guy's life was done and his divorce costed him an arm and a leg... Careful guys! That being said, I have a lot of Russian friends in Canada and they are obviously not all like this. But beware of Tinder etc.... if it's too good to be true, you know what they say!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
So.... you're asking us to stereotype women based on their race?

This is one of those threads that make me not want to interact with hobbyists lol
Actually there are many cultural differences between Eastern European women and women in the US and there are differences between French Canadian and other Canadian women.
This is not stereotyping it is just facts as they were brought up in a different culture under different social and economical conditions.
I would expect these kind of comments from feminists not from a hobbyist.
Are you also going to say that a Muslim woman in Iran acts the same way with men as someone born and raised in Montreal.
The Eastern European women of today are very different from the ones that lived under the iron curtain 30 years ago.


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Sep 8, 2003
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So.... you're asking us to stereotype women based on their race?

This is one of those threads that make me not want to interact with hobbyists lol

Being born somewhere is not a race. As far of race, most of them are Caucasian there.

Now, as Fradi is saying, a group of people born and raised together often share common values and adopt behaviors that will make them congruent to those values in order to fit in the group. Eastern Europe has its own set of values.

True, Fradi, the Eastern European women of today are different from the ones that lived 30 years ago. But don't forget that these women who lived under the iron curtain are the mothers of today's young women. Those young women may have rejected some of the values of their parents (for e.g. they love the market economy!). But as far as social traditions, you'd be surprised to see that a lot of them still persist. No right or wrong, it's just a fact.

Now I'm not claiming to know every Eastern European women. But what was asked was generalities. And I answered generalities.

You can definitely see the traits of a group while you're from outside. The fish in the water does not know it's in the water, but when you look at them from the outside, you realize they swim in it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

I would agree with most of what you are saying.
What I meant by they are different today is not their values, but their way of life.
They no longer live under communism, they are free to work and travel wherever they want, they have a future to look forward to.
Like here religion is playing less and less of a part in their lives, there are fewer marriages, and many live together like French Canadian women.
Like you I have travelled to Russia, Check Republic, Poland, Hungary, many times, I was born there and have been back there, I still speak my mother tongue as well as English.
I know Eastern European women quite well, I was married to one for over 35 years and have a few from different countries in my family that I am close to, not to mention a large family back there on my side as well as my wife’s.
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Apr 4, 2021
That is like horses and zebras. Not really alike once you look closely.

Johns are efficient people. They are wealthy enough to buy sex, but not usually so wealthy as to be indifferent towards life. They would never go to a foreign country without a game plan to purchase sex there. A few younger Johns might mix and match if time permits, and try some pick-ups and some direct purchasing. But honestly, as good jobs have become more demanding, and as the cell phone has become a work device, most Johns perceive that less time exists for pick-ups. And as more and more relationships develop online, there are fewer pick-up opportunities, and most of them begin online and take time to cultivate.

Pick-up artists fall into three categories.

1. Full of shit guys who are either lying or living in the past.

2. Genuinely rich guys who enjoy amusing themselves with the intricacies of human interaction. They are essentially buying sex with a combination of personality and allure. There is often an element of promising something in the future that will not likely be delivered.

3. Poor guys who have a lot of time on their hands and are faking being #2, above. It is often difficult for a woman in a poorer, foreign country to distinguish between #2 and #3.

There is in fact a lot of disdain between johns and pick-up artists. It was evident in Tucker Max’s books. He hated Johns. In fairness, most of us would like more hot young women to sell tail at a reasonable price. The pick-up artist wants it given to him in return for his actions. Both think the other side destroys the landscape.
That's something I notice from them as well. It seems to be related to some of them having a "working man" point of view. I imagine it is as being a blue collar worker who gets mad young women go for wealthy guys and not for them.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
The only good news for young guys is that the highest paying jobs outside of sex work require manual labor that girls turn their noses up at.
Not exactly true, you must be as old as me to make such assomptions! Lol

Today, for college students, if they are in the tech field, which most of them are, the demand for tekkies, even for part time non-graduate is extremely high and these jobs are more than well paid, much more than any blue collar job, at least here in Canada.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

I am sure there is a lot of truce to what you are saying, but probably no where near as drastic as you are making it out.
I am not going by my own experience as I never had problems attracting women in my youth and still don’t if I stick to my age bracket, but that was a long time ago.
I have watched my kids grow up have attended quite a few weddings of their friends University graduations etc…
Some were university graduates some tradesmen and some had positions in the hospitality industry with not very high income salaries.
I would say 90% of them were either married or shacked up with women that I don’t think any of us would turn away with about 30-40% being easily top notch escort quality. Perhaps in Montreal it is still easier to attract women than in the US although I watched my nephews and their friends who all live in the US and they didn’t seem to have any issues either.

Bringing over a mail order brides from another country I will agree with you is a ticket for disaster.
I have seen guys go to their homeland or other Eastern European countries and marry women and bring them to Canada, I know at least ten of them and only one worked out. Most don’t even last 2 years.

Btw there are far fewer Eastern European women willing to relocate to North America now than 30 years ago.
Life in these Eastern European countries has improved and more are very well educated and can move about and work all over Europe, and their male counterparts can provide a better life for them also than before.
15 years ago you went on a cruise ship and 30-40% of the staff were from Eastern European Countries, now you are lucky to find a dozen. The amount the cruise ships pay their staff is still attractive to people from the Philippines and India but they earn much more in these Eastern European countries.
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Apr 4, 2021
@Patron @Everyone

This discussion is fascinating. I have realize there are within the "Manosphere" there are all these different communities and they don't see to mix with each other, its not just PUA's and Hobbyists but more "tribes." It seems all the tribes have their own ideologies.

For instance, there are guys who call themselves, "Passport Bros." Who say things like, "Why pay a dating coach when you can move to Brazil and laid right away, moving abroad means playing the game on easy mode!" Theses "mentors" specialize in helping guys from US, Canada and the UK to relocate in places like Brazil, Colombia and even Ukraine to find dates or even get married, depending on their clients needs. Some of them even throw parties, with the ladies I heard they were throwing a party in Thailand. I do agree that they do advocate relocating as opposed to bringing your wife to the Western countries.


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Nov 2, 2009
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Now only if I knew this when I was younger. Realized this in my late 20s. LOL. PUAs are a lost cause ha ha. They spend $100 just to earn a buck with their actions. Doh!

Anyways.... I had my experience with Eastern European and Russian chics. Many of them are family oriented and once they hit around 27 they start to think about stability, settling down and having kids. The ones that came to the U.S. in their twenties seem to carry this mind set and attitude. They are very straight forward and let you know upfront which is a very appealing quality. Yet it can be off putting if the guy is not ready to do the same.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
I understand and agree with your point, moving out to a less developped country is not the best move financialy. But I'm sure there might be some exceptions from some business point of view.
My experiences we're quite different since I didnt moved out permanently.

I've worked abroad a few times, since my employers sent me oversea for their own needs, let me tell you, they had to come up with a major deal to get me to accept. So I had the best of 2 worlds, cheap local services plus a salary that was, when I add all the extras for lodging, car and food, more than twice what they we're paying me here! Most of the time I could live off with just my expenses account, restaurants bars and girls! :D
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Apr 4, 2021
This is very interesting. The fundamental premise of getting sex while traveling is that the same job pays more in the U.S. than in other nations. And that includes sex work. New York City guys flock over the border to get a $240 Canadian sex worker ($200 after the currency adjustment) instead of paying $400-$600 in NYC. Same principle is true for guys who fly to South America or Europe. The sex work prices are even lower, but the differential is less prevalent if the airplane ticket isn’t free, although the desire for a vacation can override that. A few retired guys move to those places permanently.

But you rarely meet a John in his working years with any interest in moving abroad, because like the foreign sex worker, he would earn correspondingly less, if he can find work at all. His $100,000 U.S. salary shrinks to $5,000 and the supposedly different Brazilian Girl laughs uproariously at him while the American Girl smiles and says she knew that Brazilian Girl was from her same tribe.

Just what the fuck do these consultants say about this.

Or is the extreme Work From Home Covid over (whoops scratch that) reaction supposed to be so strong that U.S. employers are expected to continue to continue to pay a $100,000 salary to a guy moving to Brazil and logging on to work in between shagging his newfound love and/or seeing inexpensive Brazilian sex workers.
Great questions. The narrative is, 'Well you are a high value guy and you deserve a lot much more in life.
Option 1: Stay in your comfortable western country job and eventually marry a average woman who is likely a feminist and you run a high risk of getting divorce and losing half your money.
Option 2: Follow our teachings, get a location independent job move to Brazil/Colombia/Ukraine/Phillipines and work from your laptop. Meanwhile, you have multiple GF's who cater to you and you can easily find a wife if that's what you want. With women who have way lower standards so even if you become their SD you only spend on a fake Gucci bag or a cheap meal.

What they are selling these guys is the "action plan' and "action steps" to make this happened. They also sell it with "I was a nerd/dork" then I moved and became "Rockstar"


Apr 4, 2021
Help us with these supposed location independent jobs, and how much they pay, because I am skeptical.

There's a bunch of ways I've heard; I'm only giving a few; I could send you the links of some recommended sources:
At the same time, there's a difference between "Getting a location independent job" and "getting a high-paying location independent job." There's a group of guys who want to both location indecent and high paying while there's another who only care about having the freedom to move.

Location-independent and high paying
1-They talk to their company and agree to work remotely, only meeting once a year at the office in their Western City. For instance, this guy said that he worked as a website developer/software engineer; he talked to his boss, who told him to be sure. I'm not sure if he gets paid less than people at the office; however, he made videos living in South East Asian and Mexico, where living costs are way lower.
2-They don't relocate permanently at first but keep traveling multiple times to the same spot. Eventually, they started to develop connections with the high-status guys in the area and begin to form a business together. It seems that in other countries, making connections with people makes it easier to start businesses. If you speak English, it's easier to make connections.
3-You start your own online business in the West, and as it grows, you start to relocate. Although the cost of living over there is cheaper hence it is more accessible overall.

Location Independent
1-Work as an English teacher in the city/country you want to live in.
2-Buy property, reduce your cost of living and then moving there and start working. For instance, this guy threw events after he bought his house in Medellin.


Apr 4, 2021
Thanks. And then they are able to supplement this income by acting as a consultant and coach for other guys who want to do the same thing.

It wouldn’t be for me, and I am not sure it would quite qualify as “high paying” by the standards of most guys here, honestly. But if it works for them, great.

I have seen people have real success, as I would view it, in two situations. One is having bilingual or multilingual skills along with either people, sales, or IT skills that a company really needs in Third World locations. Those guys give up a lot to go overseas, but they are well compensated and likely very attractive to the multitude of women there. They have the added benefit of likely returning to the U.S. or Canada someday, which adds to the appeal for some foreign women.

Or guys who have made a shitload of money in North America, are too young to fully retire, and are going on a life adventure. There was an investment banker in NYC who became a big time model photographer in Argentina. It was a nice story.

What you are describing above is indeed an adventure. Not sure how much companies are going to pay for a certain someone to do a job overseas that could be done by anyone overseas. Maybe they just hire someone from India that is the cheapest of them all. Sure an existing employment connection works, but that only lasts so long fighters are problems. It will have some happy and some unhappy endings. I suspect being able to spread around some bullshit would be an important part of the process.
I think it's because most of the guys who do that effectively cut ties with the Western countries. Hence, with the same salary they have in the Western countries, which would put them in a middle-class position, they can be upper-middle-class or even upper-class somewhere else. They are less focused on trying to be "big shots" in their home country than "big shots" in the third world country.

They are not trying to be "big" in the West and then move. But instead, just cut ties with the West and have many buy a house/apartment in Medellin and another in Warsaw(it is just an example, but you get the idea). Even if they make the same amount of money in the long run, they will have a higher quality of life. For instance, this YouTuber who bought a big house in Monterey when had he lived in LA would have lived in a small apartment. Then only come to the US or Canada to visit family or friends every once in a while.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I had considered moving back to the country I was born in Eastern Europe, but realized while I speak the language and have family both on my side and my wife’s it was not for me.
Financially yes it would be well worth my while as the cost of living is probably 30-50% less than in Montreal.
That however would mean giving up on seeing my children and grandchildren every week , plus on quite a few visits back to the homeland I realized I don’t really belong there anymore, Montreal is my home.
There are still far too many lingering customs from communism that I would not be able to cope with and while finding women would be far easier as someone with $$ does still have an easier time in Eastern Europe than here, that is not what I am looking for at this stage of my life.
I am perfectly happy seeing a fabulous ATF regularly and some other ladies when I feel like it.
I can afford to do that here also so why bother when I can go on vacations there as many times as I want.
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General TAO

Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Good evening wolves,

Please allow me to get back to OP's original question: how to find promiscuous women and have consistently high smash rates overseas.

Well, as a PUA, one thing you absolutely need to know about Eastern Europe is this: guys over there have god-tier game.

The only way you can level the playing field is through intense peacocking. Talking from experience, a few bracelets and rings is not gonna cut it man, you need to get all the way out there with your outfit. Im thinking long matrix style leather jacket, wear an eccentric hat like a tricorn and maybe a MJ style glove with some kind of bling-bling on it. Depending on how though you naturally look you might also wanna throw in an eye-patch or some rub-on tattoos to avoid getting pestered by wannabe though guys trying to AMOG you while you are running game in clubs at night.

Learn a few magic tricks before leaving of course cause women love this and if you don't speak their language its pretty much the best way to build rapport. This goes without saying but its pretty easy to escalate from a card trick to a close once you have established yourself as top-shelf reproductive material through proper peacocking, its simple biology really.

That's it, with these few hacks you will be playing on "easy-mode" and the hardest part will be not to catch anything incurable while you're over there.

Now if you enjoyed my tips i can also teach you how to make tons of money for very little work while you're at it. Best part with my method is that you won't even need any marketable skills or work ethic to be successful. DM for info and pricing. Don't tell this to anyone but im currently running a promotion for the next 12 hours, prices will go up significantly after that!

Good luck!

Gentleman Tao
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