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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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A big !!!Happy Birthday!!! to the EPIC PARTY PLANNER, the person whose drive and dogged determination brought GT's(which have become very popular and successful) back to life, I am proud to call you a good friend which will last forever.:nod:

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Have a good one.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Happy Birthday my friend

I will twist one up for you :thumb:

Best Regards



Aug 12, 2011
Happy Birthday, Iggy!

You do a lot for our community, and I appreciate it more and more each time I see you!



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Happy Birthday Iggy


Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
Some may get the wrong impression, but I know you pretty well and know you are a great guy. I don't let people in too easily, but the fact that I consider you one of my best friends, says a lot about your character.

Happy Birthday my friend!


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Happy Birthday, lggy. Sounds like another party in the planning.


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
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happy birthday iggy :cool:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Joe.T, Thanks for the warm greetings bro (even tho you started the thread a few hours early as today is actually my bday lol) you are a super great friend indeed and some of the crazy stuff we have gotten ourselves involved in over the years will last a lifetime in my head and I am 100% sure many many more crazy things will take place before all is said and done. You are a true friend and thanks for being one of my best.

Somebodymtl, Sol Tee Nutz, Special Agent Moody, marc7, Thank you all so much, very nice of you and I look forward to seeing you all again very soon, you are all gentlemen and hoping we get more time to chat next time we meet up, thanks again guys.

Tianna, what can I say? Lol, we seem to have a way of getting ourselves into trouble A LOT (but sexy trouble is never a bad thing, is it) :) Since the night we met at a party to the days and crazy nights since, you have become a dear friend that not only can we talk about the hobby but about personal things as well and that is nice as well as very refreshing and you are appreciated more than you probably know, thanks for being YOU.

Smuler, I am sure you twisted one up already and that one is long gone lol...I thank you for your friendship and one of these days we will go to Tijuana together and I much appreciate the offer to go. You are a great person and friend, see you next month mon ami.

Delta123, bro anytime I am in QC you can be sure I will always let you know so we can meet and catch up on the great fun we have had, and especially to check out some of the beautiful QC girls that you guys have up there, Just wow, and I would love to live where you do, so many beautiful girls where you live and for reasons explained before, that place, that region, that city will always have a very special place in my heart. Thanks for the well wishes mon ami.

Orgone, I am truly touched by your comment and kindheartedness. Not only do you have a great voice but a gentle heart as well. Thank You again and see you next month.

Reverdy, I had never seen that video of Steel Panther before and I was LOL for real! Awesome and trust me you will be one of the first to hear about my upcoming Bday celebration next week. You are a great person and tremendous friend (one of my best) and you deserve all that life has to offer, see you in a few weeks and we need to get to a Leafs game this season. Again, thanks for being my friend and for the great bday wishes.

Cloudsurf Mon Ami! We have been to some amazing parties together and shared some valuable info over the years and your taste in women is top notch and you have never failed me once and frankly I do not ever see that happening. You are a awesome person!

Hungry101, first off i do not think there is a hornier guy on the planet although ManApart and Delta might give you a run for your money but you my friend are one crazy horny son of a gun! It is always a pleasure to see you and you just seem to have this "lust" (literally) for life, especially when in Montreal. You are a breath of fresh air to be around but one thing I have learnt is to talk to you before there are many ladies around because once the GoodGirls show up at the parties, hungry101 goes full deer in the headlights mode and trying to talk to you once this happens, well...ain't gonna happen lol and for good reasons! Merci mon ami for the bday wishes and hoping to see you next month. (make it happen brother!)

ManApart...James that was a nice thing to say about me bro and trust me the feeling is 110% mutual. So many do not know just how big a heart you have but without going into details let me tell everyone this guy is the real deal, a true gentleman, straight shooter and one of the kindest persons I have ever known, bar none. We have had some awesome times and I am positive there are many more to come. You have reasons to act larger than life yet you are so humble, don't ever change my friend.

Panthere, little story here...On a late late night planning some of the invitation list to one of the GT's, we talked for the first time on the phone and your excitement blew me away. It had been a long day business wise and I was dead tired and was in a little lull lately getting new guests and our conversation was simply awesome and to this day gets me excited to push forward with any party plans when things are going slow. You should be a motivational speaker! You are a gentle giant with a big heart, and although we do not always see eye to eye on everything, i respect you and consider you my friend. I am proud I helped to pop your rock and roll concert cherry as well!

calvind, thanks for the well wishes and I am working on what we have pm'd about, will get back to you soon.

Cobra1, always my pleasure to meet and talk with you at the gt's. Thanks for the bday wishes and chats we have had on the phone and in person, you to are a terrific guy!

daydreamer41, one of these days we need to meet up when you are in Mtl, Thanks for fighting the good fight in the sports and political threads on here. Thanks for the precise info on the girls you have given me as well.

sharkman, your kindness is off the charts. You are a true gentleman and it shows each and every time our paths have crossed and it is a pleasure to know you and merci beacoup for the well wishes, much appreciated.

Halloween Mike, thanks bro and thanks for helping out at the parties to keep the ladies safe. You are another one of those guys with one of the biggest hearts I have ever seen and that is so refreshing to see especially in the "hobby" Stay true, stay real and get your butt back to Montreal more ofton Mon Ami!

Mtlguy78, Merci my friend and sorry to have missed you at the last 2 parties. You are a super nice guy. When am i getting a ride in that Spectacular Machine you are driving these days? Thanks for all the tips you provide on the girls of Mtl.

Thanks also for the pm's, emails and texts from others (especially the ladies, you know who you are) I am touched and feel very fortunate to have you all in my life whether just passing through it or forever, it does not matter today, you were kind enuf to take the time out of YOUR lives to enrich mine and that feels wonderful.

Merci Beaucoup to you all. :smile:
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