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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I just watched The Chestnut Man on Netflix. Very good murder mystery which interweaves a cold case on a missing girl with a serial killer of women who are "bad mothers." This Danish production uses a similar dynamic to the Tunnel: pairing a male detective who is reassigned from Interpol (for reasons that are never made clear), and paired with a female detective working the homicide division in Copenhagen. The pair are assigned to investigate the serial killings and slowly develop a good working chemistry although it is not quite the same chemistry that develops between the older British male detective paired with the young female French detective in the Tunnel. Although I thoroughly enjoyed both of these Europroductions (which I am generally not a fan of), the one thing the Chestnut Man has over The Tunnel is an extremely creepy ambience. I love movies and shows that perfect an atmosphere of creepiness and this show does do that magnificently.

The Chestnut Man is just 6 episodes and really a miniseries, so it can be binged in 2 or 3 nights, unlike The Tunnel, which is 3 seasons.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Ultraman on Netflix.

Industry on HBO.

Also just saw the first episodes of Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones prequel. Both shows are good but I was more engaged in Lord of the Rings. I will probably get into Game of Thrones down the road like its predecessor.
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Merb reviewer
Dec 27, 2020
Production budget was $30 million per episode and spending that kind of money it better be Wow, and it was.
I heard the new Lord of the Rings show on Prime has a even bigger budget than Stranger Things.

Apparently most expensive show ever to be made.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Watching Stranger Things Season 4 Part 1 right now.

That season doesn't disappoint. Easily the best season of that series so far.

Both Eddie and Vecna are amazing additions to the show.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Great show. I gotta eventually watch the spin-off show "1883" one of these days. Heard really good things about that as well.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I heard the new Lord of the Rings show on Prime has a even bigger budget than Stranger Things.

Apparently most expensive show ever to be made.
Correct, $58.1 million per episode for LOR vs. $30 million for Stranger Things - the 2 most expensive TV shows of all time:
I read another article on the production costs and lengthy, movie like run times of Season 4 of Stranger Things. The Duffer Brothers said they had to do an analysis on why the production costs and runtimes were so high. They concluded that: (1) their writing style had evolved since season 1 to become more descriptive and (2) the subplot with Hopper in Russia added to the lengthy storylines and production costs. They say season 5 will be a return to the simplicity of the episode structure of season 1, with similar episode lengths and a focus on the original cast characters.

So basically what the Duffers are saying is they are not going to be having the same production costs on season 5.

I did think the viewers got their money's worth from the increased production costs of season 4 of ST. Whether season 1 of LOR gets a similar return of investment and viewer satisfaction from their expenditure of $58.1 million per episode is for you guys to decide. I haven't see LOR yet.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Hum...i watched first episode LOR.....way way toooo much for not my thing......BUT have enjoyed a lot HOUSE OF THE DRAGON last night. :)
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
I will probably get into House of Dragon maybe a few seasons in. Just like Game of Thrones as I didn’t get into it until around Season 6.

LOL. I didn't get into the Game of Thrones until I saw a few clips of King Joffrey on youtuve and I hated his guts. Then saw the Purple Wedding and that became the first point that sparked my interest. The second was getting acquainted with Tyrion and his brilliance and quick witty comebacks.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Hum...i watched first episode LOR.....way way toooo much for me. :)
Yeah but did you enjoy the films/books before that?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Lost in Space.

Very well made. Only four seasons but you are at the edge of your seat in every episode. Does not disappoint at all.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Film actors used to look down on TV series. TV for years was referred to as the "boob tube." (boob as in for stupid people.) But shows like Breaking Bad changed this narrative.
Actually, the show that really changed the TV narrative was The Sopranos (1999)...nine years before Breaking Bad (2008).

And it's still arguably the best TV series ever. I love Breaking Bad as well...but can't beat the GOAT, imho.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Actually, the show that really changed the TV narrative was The Sopranos (1999)...nine years before Breaking Bad (2008).

And it's still arguably the best TV series ever. I love Breaking Bad as well...but can't beat the GOAT, imho.
I`d go back even further to Star Trek .
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Actually, the show that really changed the TV narrative was The Sopranos (1999)...nine years before Breaking Bad (2008).

And it's still arguably the best TV series ever. I love Breaking Bad as well...but can't beat the GOAT, imho.
Others have mentioned Mad Men, and The Wire as the best TV series of all time. I think those 2 shows certainly belong in any objective top 10.

If this question was asked back in around 1980, many people felt that "All In The Family" was the best TV show of all time through that date. I would say that either that show or "MASH" were the top shows of the 1970s.

For the 1960s, in addition to "Star Trek", which was an iconic show, I would mention 2 others: The Fugitive, and The Prisoner. The final episode of The Fugitive in 1967 was the most watched episode in the history of television for a very long time. The Prisoner only lasted 1 season/17 episodes, but it's a truly brilliant show and the final episode was among the most discussed final episodes of all time. Batman was the first TV show to combine live action and animation and was quite creative, though it was campy and not taken seriously by TV critics at the time, but is now considered creative for its era.

The Cosby Show was probably the most successful TV show of the 1980s, but nobody will say that now because of the demonization of Bill Cosby for his various alleged criminal behaviors which came to light years later.

For the 1990s, Seinfeld and X Files.

For the time period 2000-2022/21st century, I go with Mad Men, The Wire, Breaking Bad, and Better Call Saul. Regarding the Sopranos, as I never got HBO, I never watched it, but it is my father's favorite TV show of all time, and he has seen all the ones I mentioned, so it has to be on the short list. I did see the Netflix Sopranos spin-off "Lillehammer", all 3 seasons, and I enjoyed it.
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Merb reviewer
Dec 27, 2020
I will probably get into House of Dragon maybe a few seasons in. Just like Game of Thrones as I didn’t get into it until around Season 6.

LOL. I didn't get into the Game of Thrones until I saw a few clips of King Joffrey on youtuve and I hated his guts. Then saw the Purple Wedding and that became the first point that sparked my interest. The second was getting acquainted with Tyrion and his brilliance and quick witty comebacks.
I couldnt get into Game of Thrones. I have so many complaints about the show. Like..

I can't stand how there's so many dislikable characters on the show. There's noone to root for, which killed my interest in the show.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
I couldnt get into Game of Thrones. I have so many complaints about the show. Like..

I can't stand how there's so many dislikable characters on the show. There's noone to root for, which killed my interest in the show.
Yeah I wasn't much of a fan of the show for a good while and I just couldn't get into it for a few years because it was so darn complicated and people I know who got into it had to take notes. I am like WTF? Not my kind of show.

Then I discovered this on youtube. I am like okay this is some deep stuff and I could learn a thing on two surprisingly. That was how I truly got into it. 3 Psychological Tricks To Get What You Want - YouTube

Then comes Season 8 and I am like talk about ruining something great.


Merb reviewer
Dec 27, 2020
Yeah I wasn't much of a fan of the show for a good while and I just couldn't get into it for a few years because it was so darn complicated and people I know who got into it had to take notes. I am like WTF? Not my kind of show.

Then I discovered this on youtube. I am like okay this is some deep stuff and I could learn a thing on two surprisingly. That was how I truly got into it. 3 Psychological Tricks To Get What You Want - YouTube

Then comes Season 8 and I am like talk about ruining something great. 2nd complaint of Game of Thrones is that many characters in the show use modern cursing words like fuck, shit, etc and this is supposed to be a medieval fantasy show.

I doubt curse words like that existed in those times. That issue bothered me with the show.
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